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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 696x390, fuckginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13999305 No.13999305 [Reply] [Original]


Fucking hate the stuff, if any dish has it I refuse to use it. If something has it in it I'll not eat it.


>> No.13999324

I am angry.

>> No.13999341

I have a friend who isn't a big fan of garlic, onions, or ginger. Couldn't understand why people cooked with them. Then I lived with them for a bit and I put those 3 things in everything I cooked. Never complained unless it was straight up raw.

>> No.13999382

Celery. If a dish has celery it's literally the only thing I will taste in it.

>> No.13999390

Used be indifferent to ginger, then I started to hate it and eventually love it.
Stuff I don’t use:
Extremely spicy peppers. Regular spicy’s enough for me.
Any fish or seafood or fragrant seaweed like nori. Yuck.
Tempeh. It just sucks. The texture and smell are both disgusting.

>> No.13999413

>Any fish or seafood or fragrant seaweed like nori. Yuck.
wait what you dont eat any kind of seafood?

>> No.13999417

Good. Fuck ginger.>
Onions are garlic are heavenly. >
Celery is lovely. This is ginger for me.
Extreme spice is a good one. Waste of a dish.

>> No.13999426

None. Tried different kinds in the past and decided it’s enough for this lifetime.

>> No.13999456

I'm pretty open minded to using different things in different recipes, not sure that I've run into a spice that I just actually will not use. Maybe star anise is a close one for me, but I still use it rarely.

You should try ginger infused in soy sauce. This is a great dip I make for beef sashimi or fish sashimi (just thinly slices raw filet)

8 parts soy sauce 1 part fish sauce (like 6 ounces all together)
1 shallot fine diced
Finely grated ginger (like 5g - 10g)

Ler it sit for like 10 minutes then eat raw fish/raw steak dipped in it, it's fucking baller. I found the smaller the chop/grate of ginger the better it tastes, you have to get it really small, large pieces of ginger do taste bad.

>> No.13999470

>this post
how do you fuck up so badly?
sage for off topic

>> No.13999546

If they made a candle that smells exactly like fresh ginger, I'd buy it. Mincing fresh ginger puts out the best smell.

>> No.13999565


>> No.13999577

fresh onions or fresh garlic.

>> No.13999704

Watercrest.I just can't stand the taste.

>> No.13999711

What ancestery?

>> No.13999722


>> No.13999842
File: 184 KB, 1953x1098, https___s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com_psh-ex-ftnikkei-3937bb4_images_2_5_8_8_19478852-2-eng-GB_Cropped-1550817975コショウしかけ)黒コショウは辛みと香りが強く、肉料理などに使う20190222132732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black pepper. A little is fine, but I fucking hate it when food is doused in that shit. Fuck you savages with shitty palettes.

>> No.13999849
File: 134 KB, 1300x859, OP......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough day in grade school little guy?

>> No.13999853

Lol every fat girl I've met says this

>> No.13999886

Cilantro. I'm one of those to whom it tastes like soap.
I can manage if a dish has just a little bit of it but I'd never use it myself. I just replace it with parsley if a recipe calls for it.

>> No.13999951

sorry to hear bro

>> No.13999983
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>> No.13999990

It’s okay.

>> No.14000063

Pickle them

>> No.14000197

So OP has a child's palate just like your roommate.

>> No.14000210

celery is only good in stews. raw celery is absolute dogshit

>> No.14000220

What's a child's palate?

Not liking ginger means you have the palate of a child? How does that one work, anon?

>> No.14000264

Sugar; Being American i hate reading recipes for shit like stir fries, bread, or casseroles where the writer includes fucking sugar.

>> No.14000301
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 18DB6B77-370F-4FBA-B7B6-0B55352A27A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14000330

If it tastes like soap to me then it does. I would love for it to taste delicious but it doesn't. What am I to do about that?

>> No.14000336

Nigger it doesn’t it taste like soap you just subconsciously wish for the sweet respite of mercury poisoning

>> No.14000342

>mercury poisoning
What are you even talking about?

>> No.14000496
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, 1586787410556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kosher salt

>> No.14000563

Its not the fact you don't like ginger, it you making a thread about it like a faggot, faggot.

>> No.14000576

I'm not op. I'm the one who doesn't like cilantro.

>> No.14000607

I hate the taste of raw tomato but at the same time I put ketchup in everything. Why is that?

>> No.14000661

>tfw mom put literal chunks of ginger in every fucking thing she made
I understand, anon

>> No.14000706

Pork. I find all pork meat disgusting. Yes, also bacon.
The taste and smell remind me of death and decay.
And no, I'm not a Muslim or a jew.

>> No.14000707

Ketchup has a ton of sugar and vinegar and salt, raw tomatoes are acidic and usually bland, but not always.

>> No.14000729
File: 35 KB, 410x303, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die in a fire

>> No.14000836

tomato and ketchup taste entirely differently

>> No.14000866

>usually bland
Is this a meme or an actual truth in burgerland? Even storebought tomatoes here are very sweet.

>> No.14001076

In America, modern tomatoes are pretty bland. We never vine ripen anything anymore, and we have bred + modified for size/calories over flavor. I have been living in Germany for 4 years now, and I have noticed the produce is much smaller but also much more packed with flavor. The garlic/onions/tomatoes here especially (bell peppers also) are just so much more flavorful than in America.
Tl;Dr America grows for size, calories, yield, not flavor.

Side note, I also actually watched a documentary on the decline of the tomato in America, and my take away was that tomatoes get most of their flavor on the vibe, in the sun, turning ripe. It's not how America produces its tomato crop anymore so American tomatoes are particularly bland, and many modern American kids have an aversion to raw tomatoes. I was one included.

>> No.14001081

On the vine*

>> No.14001096

That's sad. No wonder people eat factory made slop in the US if vegetables are like that.

>> No.14001103

We don't breed for size/calories so much as ease of transport. Vine ripened tomatoes bruise easily. Hardy varieties taste like shit.

>> No.14001109

Americas #2 export is food. #1 is pop culture. Our farming system has definitely changed to get more/bigger/calories but it's for a good cause at least.

>> No.14001114

I can tell you first hand the produce in America is giant compared to Europe. And that usually means a lot of water weight and diluted flavor.

>> No.14001149
File: 36 KB, 654x639, 1581907769513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody anagram ginger for me?

>> No.14001209

>a friend
Fuck off dumblr. If you lived with the guy you're bound to know wether it was a guy or a girl.

>> No.14001896

>He hates ginger

Okay baby.

>> No.14002066

I absolutely refuse to eat anything with olives. I don't know how anyone eats that shit

>> No.14002205


>> No.14002226
File: 166 KB, 1240x775, Dawn-Wells-mary-ann-gilligans-island-ftr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ginger bad
I've always been a Mary Ann guy myself.

>> No.14002231

>anagram ginger
African American

>> No.14002259

Limiting your options and expeeiences is robbing yourself.
Inflexible palates are as palates.

>> No.14002283

do you know how I know you're geh?

>> No.14002299

The truth. Celery is literally the worst tasting, worst textured food ever.

One of the few things I truly hate.

>> No.14002308

I like the way she looks underage, but technically isn't so I'm not actually a pedo.

>> No.14002317

what about red beans and rice

>> No.14002325

you should try out corriander seed. cilantro tastes like soap to me but ground corriander is pretty nice

>> No.14002395

I do love the taste of coriander seeds, really nice and kinda fruity.

>> No.14002423

>culinary opinion disregarded
I wish there was a way to shadow ban people like you.

>> No.14002483

Good more for me. Fuck off OP