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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13995968 No.13995968 [Reply] [Original]

If you bring me food that has shit on it that is not on the image or in the description on the menu, FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR RESTAURANT. I do not want 5 tons of fucking whipped creme and fucking chocolate syrup and entire fucking fruit hat piled onto something I DID NOT ORDER IN THAT FASHION.

Why the FUCK do restaurants do this shit? It pisses me off to no end. I swear to fuck the next time it happens I'm not leaving a fucking tip and I'm telling them that is the fucking reason. And I will continue to do so until they fucking straighten that shit up. This is a waste of food because I am NOT going to fucking eat that shit.


>> No.13995974

>ever tipping

>> No.13995979

I always tip 20% and if you don't, you are a fucking kike.

>> No.13996019

>going back even though you hate the food

Don't do this, it's a waste of time and money. Just leave a yelp review and find a better place to order from.

>> No.13996073

Who said I went back? EVERY fucking American restaurant seems to do this.

>> No.13996230

I have never noticed this. Maybe dont eat at cheesecake factory or whatever and your shit wont suck.

>> No.13996273

Okay retard.

>> No.13996315

Ordered a burger with cole slaw at some trendy diner once. The cole slaw had fucking peanuts in it that it didnt mention on the menu. I'm deathly allergic to peanuts.

First of all who the fuck puts peanuts in coleslaw. Second of all why does a restaurant put a food that can send people to a hospital on something it doesnt normally go on without mentioning it on the menu.

I tell them I'm allergic if I go to a Thai, African or Chinese restaurant but if I go to an American restaurant and order a cheeseburger how am I supposed to know they might put peanuts on my coleslaw.

Fuckig hipster gentrified garbage.

>> No.13996330

Enjoy eating c*m.

>> No.13996331

If you're deathly allergic to anything and don't mention it when ordering, you deserve what you get.

>> No.13996342

Peanuts in coleslaw is based, mention it next time retard. Maybe you can wear a sign if you don’t want to mention it.

>> No.13996352

Imagine asking if there are peanuts in your food when you order a cheeseburger. They gey annoyed enough when you ask at a thai restaurant.

>> No.13996353

Ayo dis nigga would die to mr peanut lol

>> No.13996360

No, not really. Most places are better than that. Try picking a new one with a menu you like and see the difference, because it's not that common for restaurants to be as shitty as the one you described.

>> No.13996376


>> No.13996380

Yeah people with allergies are annoying. You don't ask if there are peanuts, though, you say you are deathly allergic to them.

>> No.13996385

Just...unreal. Americans are like dysfunctional robots at this point. No thought processes, but plenty of totally inexplicable fuck ups that you wonder how they ever occured.

>> No.13996401

Nigger, I'm to the point I won't go to fucking restaurants anymore. And I've eaten in restaurants from California to fucking Ohio. All American restaurants suck fucking asshole. Even the "good" expensive ones only have about one item they can make well, and it's typically a desert. I'm to the point that when I go to a restaurant I'm half a fucking second from sitting down to demanding I be allowed back in that fucking kitchen to make the fucking food myself since nobody ever seems to make even BASIC SHIT fucking right. American restaurants are a fucking CRIME against the culinary arts.

>> No.13996417

Then he looked down, took a rip off his vape, made an angry sigh before he threw his fedora down on the table.


>> No.13996428

just cook at home, then, I guess.

>> No.13996449

That's what I do. I literally won't even go to most restaurants, because I already know they're going to be dogshit. Even the tiny number of restaurants I knew of that were good have all gone downhill.

>> No.13996466

Yea me too
But so what?

>> No.13996495

Americans can't cook and that's morally wrong. That's what.

>> No.13996662

So either ask how it's served before ordering it like a functional human being or send it back and don't ask for a replacement because some cunt waitress will fuck with it out of spite.

>> No.13996680

>Wow, why are you not asking how a food item that is literally pictured in the fucking menu will arrive at your table?
>Axchually, if you don't anticipate a birthday cake when you order a pancake, that's YOUR fault
Kill yourself.

>> No.13996682

Also, why the fuck would I wait half a god damned hour for a single food item, then have it come out fucking wrong? Are you insane?

>> No.13996721

>eating a places that have pictures on the menu
lmaoing at ur life rite now

I don't know, why did you? I ask the server about dishes I'm interested in, if he doesn't know he finds someone who does and brings them over, usually some sort of back-of-house manager because front-of-house is hired for looks and not brains.
Usually after having a nice conversation about their menu we end up getting drinks or dessert free too, because being a functional human being is fun like that.

>> No.13996732

Kill yourself and see yourself out of this thread while doing so.

>> No.13996745

If you don't want adult advice don't ask questions on an 18+ Minnesotan Cheesepacking BBS

>> No.13996750

I'm just letting you know I didn't read your post. At all.

>> No.13996777

Found your issue, you didn't read the menu.

>> No.13996785

Didn't read that one either.

>> No.13996942
File: 56 KB, 720x547, signs of fetal alcohol syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you won't read this one either, little guy.

>> No.13996948

i never go to the same place twice

>> No.13996972

I do, actually.

>> No.13997003


many burger places use peanut oil to deep fry things, which gets all over the kitchen over the course of a day. you should absolutely always ask if you are "deathly" allergic to peanuts

>> No.13997150


>> No.13997311

Any establishment with pictures of the dish in the menu is trash, prove me wrong

>> No.13997663

One time I didnt tip because the service was terrible and then when I went to leave my gf saidnshe was gunna go to the bathroom and meet me at the truck and I SAW THAT DUMB SLUT WHORE LEAVE A TIP AFTER I TOLD HER I DIDNT WANT TO, STUPID CUNT

>> No.13997683

The concept of "tipping" was invented by kikes who owned restaurants as an excuse to pay their employees a wage below minimum wage. You've been kiked, son.

>> No.13997859
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Hey there big man.
Why don't you just whipe it off like an adult?

t. Manchild has a temper tantrum when they put a yucky in his food

>> No.13998098

Got a good laugh out of this thankyou, based OP, fuck em tell em how it is

>> No.13998102

That's only if you come again, and if I don't tip then I'm never coming back anyway

>> No.13998127
File: 70 KB, 624x630, 1587937742857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your pallette sucks dick i wouldnt send anything out the window if it didnt taste good and the reason you're alone is because youve publicly humiliated every person with enough low self esteem to give you a chance on the first date.

>> No.13998140

You're the fucking kike. Pay your employees a decent wage.

>> No.13998321
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Peanuts_In_Shell_Roasted__60139.1514119923.600.600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itchy itchy

>> No.13998332

Very relatable OP. I have this awesome little Mexican spot in my town, and since the coronavirus shit, they’ve moved from their building to a taco truck, and I had to track them down and get some. I always order the same thing, pollo fuego taco (shredded spicy chicken with a chipotle sauce and tiny bits of bacon and corn and Mexican crumble cheese with beer queso on a soft corn tortilla) and last time when I got it it had NO bacon, NO crumble cheese, barely any corn, and worst of all it had a shit ton of LETTUCE and jalapeños. I was devastated

>> No.13998391

Damn, I had an online thing for this girl. She was pretty good at disguising her face with filters and angles. After meeting her in person, I couldn't help but notice her jawline and nose were weird as fuck IRL. Noped out of a relationship but stayed friends for a bit.

Ended up finding out she was mentally unstable - starting slapfights and melting down over dumb shit constantly. Her mom was a wino, so it all adds up.

Sorry for the blogpost but damn, learn something new everyday.

>> No.13998474

It always amazes me how white trash like you can get good gfs.

>> No.13998489

lol incel

I’m sorry but if a waiter/waitress is actively doing a bad job they are NOT entitled to a gratuity at MY expense. That’s pretty reasonable I think. What’s not reasonable is my little slut whore disobeying and subverting me, and so she must be punished accordingly.

>> No.13998675

>not tipping
>women are property
Whatever you say you backwoods toothless fuck

>> No.13998692

that must have been so hard for you. I'm sorry anon.