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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13992363 No.13992363 [Reply] [Original]

>you can eat whatever you want in moderation

>> No.13992366

post frogs in moderation

>> No.13992377

You can eat my poop in moderation

>> No.13992380

It's such BS diet advice too...like yeah, let me eat 1/8th of this pint of ice cream...so satisfying. Sometimes it's better to just abstain entirely from unhealthy food desu

>> No.13992392

You can eat a whole pint of ice cream, just don't do it more than once a week. That's still moderation

>> No.13992395

No dumb retard moderation means eating as much ice cream as you want but only once in a while. Its not that hard to understand, generally eat healthy but every once in a while it won't kill you to eat as much of something as you like.

>> No.13992406

You can though. I've maintained between 150-155 for the past year doing strictly OMAD, no limitations to meals save for CICO. OP is just a coping infinifat.

>> No.13992408

cheat meals are for weak-willed, mouth-gaping soibois. if you cant escape the processed food jew then you'll never make it.

>> No.13992415

I can hear you wheezing from here, tubby. Nobody on this board is trying to "make it". Go back.

>> No.13992428

And why would someone who isn't a landwhale want to indulge like that except for a birthday or something? You guys need to be the Aurelius pill and practice stoicism for God's sake. All of this gluttony is going to destroy our civilization, seriously

>> No.13992459

>complaint is against eating 1/8 of a pint at a time
>you can actually eat as much as you want once in a while

Was it autism?

>> No.13992464
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>he doesn't do omad, thus completely removing the need for moderation

>> No.13992466

No one said it would be easy, but it’s true.

>> No.13992477

Breh how about you moderate your internet usage, you sound like a drone

>> No.13992493
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The idea is to maintain a healthy diet with some enjoyment here and there for the remainder of your being. If your concern is losing weight quickly, then you may as well kill yourself before the cycle repeats.

>> No.13992500

This is true though. The only reason you would take issue with that statement is if you're a fatty who deludes themself into thinking they "dont eat that much"

>> No.13992635

my cheat meals are usually quality local restaurants where i can't track the calorie count because i can't ask them the exact weight of every ingredient they used in my dish

>> No.13992641

>not making your own ice cream from the best ingredients
>not tempering your own chocolate
> not creating your own nutrition bars
> not stockpiling healthy oils like virgin olive, ghee, and coconut oil
>not buying your own suet to make soap
>not using your good olive oil to make mayo at home
> not bringing your own condiments into restaurants

Level up """""chad"""""

>> No.13992706

one meal a day is a form of moderation