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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 500x500, lembas_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13988724 No.13988724 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've been reading alot of Tolkien recently. The idea of Lembas bread is pretty intriguing to me, the Elves claimed that one bite could satisfy a man for a day. Now obviously that is unrealistic, but I've been trying to think of how make something similar, something very calorie dense that has a long shelf life. I do a fair amount of backpacking/hiking/camping and thought something like this would be neat to try.

Similar things that come to mind are ships biscuits, pemmican, and Nordic nut loaf.

Any ideas?

>> No.13988728


>> No.13988748

Make protein bars with oatmeal and molasses

>> No.13988769

Honestly I always thought of Lembas bread as being like those shortbread cookies but with an even higher butter content to give them extra calories, maybe pressed to keep them extra dense. I know that the name is an homage to Melba toast but that stuff is neither dense nor filling.

>> No.13988809

Not a bad idea

Yeah, most of the recipes for "lembas bread" online are basically short bread made really to imitate how they look in the movies and actually taste good

>> No.13988836

So I'm thinking potential ingredients; beans, nuts and seeds, dried fruit/veg, dried meat, honey, molasses, animal/ vegetable fat, corn meal/ whole wheat flour

>> No.13988902

Thats pemmican

>> No.13988933

pemmican. dried meat mixed with animal fat, and fruit that contains vitamin c and various antioxidants. dried orange or kiwi pieces, blueberries. add some flax for fiber. thats all we need anyway: protein, a bit of fat, and vitamins and fiber. if you need a carb rush, just eat some kendalls mint cake.

>> No.13990616

I bet you could make a hard take with a meal supplement powder like Huel and be pretty close..

It already has a recipe for huel pancakes

>> No.13990651

Where do hobbits get ti leaves?

>> No.13990668

look up the shortbread they used to eat around the civil war times

>> No.13990675

For something like Lembas bread that's calorie dense and good to take on a trip It's gotta be something akin to a sweet and spiced baked good, likely with nuts and fruits baked into.

>> No.13990676

hard tack, yea

>> No.13990691
File: 73 KB, 680x409, rugbrød-med-surdej-og-kerner_1532179797033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modify this and you got it.
Ryebread or rugbrød in danish (then you can translate recipes)

>> No.13990765
File: 94 KB, 512x341, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already figured out and it's called Nutraloaf

>> No.13990772

They're going hiking, not to prison.

>> No.13990833

I feel like it would be like a mix of a bunch of things and then dried or baked into a dense bread or short-cookie thing.

Like multiple ground up seeds, or even just whole seeds. Multiple dried fruits and nuts. Probably has some kind of protein-like substance in it like beans or bean paste, but could probably just use a few scoops of protein powder. And maybe blended up with dates to make it sticky and dense and so it all combines together.

I don't know how good that would taste though. Might not be so great. So maybe I'd just do like a short-bread cookie (but way less sugar so it isn't that sweet) with blended up dates/fruits and seeds as well as some nuts like almonds or pistachios and add in some flavorless protein powder. And if it's supposed to be healthy (not sure if it is) you could try and find flavorless multi-vitamin powder and add that as well.

Also thinking about it, those japanese snacks remind me of lembas a little bit. CalorieMate blocks.

>> No.13991197

Maybe pemmican mixed with oats and dried cranberries

>> No.13991210
File: 148 KB, 250x186, 8669759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat things in bar form

>> No.13991230

Reminds me of those vietnamese banana leaf sticky rice cakes. Basically a big handful of rice with something in the middle as filler, wrapped tightly in a banana leaf and cooked on coals or steamed or whatever. The idea is to get a little parcel wrapped in a fresh leaf. Some carbs and whatever filling you like. Banana, fruit, pork, fish etc. Makes a nice portable all-natural meal that you can make anywhere for cheap. I forget the name. Bahn tet?

>> No.13991238

Buy caloriemates.

>> No.13991309

Is a hard take kind of like of like what Jack Nicolson was talking about in A Few Good Men?

>> No.13991340
File: 83 KB, 600x894, Irish-Soda-Bread-title-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like soda bread to be honest

Made my own soda bread. Was pretty nice

>> No.13991341


>> No.13991551

I love that shit

>> No.13992099

If it was made out of uranium it could power a man for a 100 years

>> No.13992211


>> No.13992807

Probably a lot of dairy and meat mixed into it, maybe organ product as well, in addition to nuts and fruit. I can believe it’s possible to make a bread that could sate one’s appetite for a day with a single bite, it would just have be time consuming and expensive to make.

>> No.13992837
File: 65 KB, 825x1035, Groucho_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too enjoy bicarbonate of soda

>> No.13992935

2,000 calories packed into one bite would be denser than gold.

>> No.13992940

Melt-in-your-mouth it is

>> No.13992951
File: 30 KB, 653x141, Screenshot 2020-04-27 at 11.00.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to add some petrol for the calorie boost. Maybe swap out any other wet ingredient for it

>> No.13992971

A gallon of olive oil is also about 31,000 calories.

>> No.13992978

if you drink that you'd just immediately shit it out right?

>> No.13992982

Remember that they were talking about elves, who ate very little to begin with.

>> No.13992986

Sort of like a kendal mint cake with more breadiness to it?

>> No.13992990
File: 18 KB, 632x177, brave_TPQ7LykIoV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13993002

Id say something like a "power bar" but a home made version packed with nutrients instead of corn syrup and bullshit (do they even make those anymore? Used to eat them daily but just realized I haven't even seen one in years)

>> No.13993005

Most likely. You definitely wouldn't be able to utilize/obtain all 31k calories.

>> No.13993009

this looks like the best option, if one gram has that much in it surely you could just lick it once a day?
No need for cooking or anything

>> No.13993013

put suet into something like parkin or pemmican with extra oats

>> No.13993018
File: 8 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitamin balls

>> No.13993019

You would digest several thousand calories before you started shitting oil.

>> No.13993025

>Vitamin balls
is this actually a thing?
i've been looking for food alternatives that will help me not have to rely on "traditional" food

>> No.13993028

why are you trying to avoid "traditional" food

>> No.13993034

because food tastes good so i'd rather eat one small something per day that will give me nutrition and suppress my appetite

>> No.13993043

You can diet and still eat nice food

>> No.13993048

Just eat eggs and orange juice.

>> No.13993052

the problem i'm trying to solve is not one that can be solved by simply dieting

>> No.13993056

Are you trying to get rid of a body by eating it

>> No.13993103

Grind up multivitamins, mix with honey, butter, and protein powder. Yum.

>> No.13993113

Shit in a bucket and drink it a second time third time and so on. Voila.

>> No.13993144

Look into churchhella

>> No.13993896

just write to tolkiens children and ask for the secret family recipe

>> No.13993953
File: 552 KB, 1200x1639, 1585085641474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13993965


>> No.13994075

My sister and her husband hiked the Appalachian Trail a couple years ago, they really appreciated jerky because it lasted a long time, it was lightweight, and had good protien. I'm not sure you would want anything too calorie dense in the form of bread though

>> No.13994234

Tolkien based lembas on hardtack. An unlevened bread more akin to eating a dr shoals shoe insert than bread. Make hardtack and add some bodybuilding protein powder and some crushed up oats and shit and wala!

>> No.13994264

No, he didn't. Cram is based on hardtack. Lembas is a version that tastes good.

>> No.13994280

I wonder how long graham crackers or digestive biscuits keep. I know matzoh keeps forever if you keep it dry, because I bought a bunch (on post-passover sale) for emergency rations about a decade ago.

>> No.13994448

Look up pemmican if you really want to see a in real life equivalent to Lembas Bread.

>> No.13994470


>> No.13994506
File: 2.50 MB, 4160x3120, Orc Ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this thread.

>> No.13994515
File: 3.14 MB, 4160x3120, Half Orc Ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which would you prefer. orc or half orc ration?

>> No.13994523
File: 2.58 MB, 3000x2250, Elven Ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lembas bread is just cinnamon swirl bread

>> No.13994531
File: 3.62 MB, 4160x3120, Dwarf Ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13994533
File: 2.02 MB, 4160x3120, Gray Dwarf Ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder if you can't ID that large brown lump then you don't belong on /ck/ :)

>> No.13994551

Look like meat's still on the menu, boys.

>> No.13994574

I'm assuming different races have different nutrition and caloric needs, but speaking as a human, I'd probably prefer the elf or dwarf ration. Those look to me like they strike the best compromise between being nutritionally varied while still being high in protein and fiber

>> No.13994689

This makes absolutely no sense at all. Is this some kind of deep depression thing ?

>> No.13994852

they have nigger toes in middle earth?

>> No.13995597

i just don't want to be burdened by my body's need of sustenance
i also can't ever be bribed with food if i never have to eat
>deep depression
i don't remember what not being depressed is like

>> No.13995632
File: 2.14 MB, 1469x2061, Cram[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: recipes for cram

>> No.13995670
File: 140 KB, 960x458, mcdonalds-Sausage-Biscuit-with-Egg-Regular-Size-Biscuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13995696

Looks like blood sausage to me

>> No.13995700

Looks like blood sausage to me

>> No.13995714 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 1600x1200, F5FCBBDE-31E2-45A4-9282-CE6F0A472F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you European? Good.

Europe has a huge influx of African migrants who came in by boat through the Mediterranean Sea and then travel through the continent to reach places like France, Germany and Sweden above all.

The first logical step would be to start from Italy (Malta would be even better but it’s not well connected to mainland Europe), this is where you would build a factory for what we’re going to do.

The idea is simple: refugees in, edible food out.

Refugees are taken into custody in concentration camps near our factory, there they receive medical attention and are fed, the women who are expecting can comfortably give birth to their children.

Now we move to phase 2.

The adults are separated from the children and they’re put into stables where they receive food and impregnate every other woman until they give birth in a long cycle, then when new fresh refugees came in they’re moved to the actual factory.

The male children are bred like cattle until they’re big enough to be moved in the factory with the adults as well as part of the female ones, because some of them are kept to become future mothers.

And here’s the phase 3.

The well fed and sane refugees are now processed by sophisticated machines that turn their bodies into an edible paste with a high protein content and eventually make bars and cookies out of it.

These products will be packed and shipped to Africa to keep the refugee-biscuits cycle in motion, we will actually profit from it because we will make Bono and the United Nations pay for them because it’s a sustainable and eco friendly food who helps the underprivileged.

I hope this has been helpful OP.

>> No.13995718
File: 282 KB, 1600x1200, DDBAFF89-DC5F-45DA-A807-97B2C8A5067B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you European? Good.

Europe has a huge influx of African migrants who came in by boat through the Mediterranean Sea and then travel through the continent to reach places like France, Germany and Sweden above all.

The first logical step would be to start from Italy (Malta would be even better but it’s not well connected to mainland Europe), this is where you would build a factory for what we’re going to do.

The idea is simple: refugees in, edible food out.

Refugees are taken into custody in concentration camps near our factory, there they receive medical attention and are fed, the women who are expecting can comfortably give birth to their children.

Now we move to phase 2.

The adults are separated from the children and they’re put into stables where they receive food and impregnate every other woman until they give birth in a long cycle, then when new fresh refugees came in they’re moved to the actual factory.

The male children are bred like cattle until they’re big enough to be moved in the factory with the adults as well as part of the female ones, because some of them are kept to become future mothers.

And here’s the phase 3.

The well fed and sane refugees are now processed by sophisticated machines that turn their bodies into an edible paste with a high protein content and eventually make bars and cookies out of it.

These products will be packed and shipped to Africa to keep the refugee-biscuits cycle in motion, we will actually profit from it because we will make Bono and the United Nations pay for them because it’s a sustainable and eco friendly food who helps the underprivileged.

I hope that this was helpful OP.

>> No.13995775

*jazz music stops*

>> No.13995799
File: 59 KB, 1242x755, ubulkinbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calorie dense you say?

>> No.13995802

a modest proposal

>> No.13995819
File: 97 KB, 720x683, Popi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13995832
File: 336 KB, 600x761, A3E993BD-038A-40CC-A81B-DC6929F4D4C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-But think of the holocaust

Something like that would overshadow the *other* tragedy

>> No.13995834

Well, we're talking about the craft of elves, spending thousands of years getting good at making shit. It's not really the same thing as our idea of technology (there's probably a handful of particular elves who have this skill from doing a shitload of nothing but baking for millenia) but maybe it's plausible? Some kind of hyper-compact polymer which unfolds/reacts in the gut into digestible proteins/carbohydrates/whatever?


>> No.13995842

it doesn't rhyme with soylent green.

>> No.13995855

Are you talking about the kidney in this one >>13994533? or something from this one >>13994531?
Either way, what blood pudding are you seeing?

>> No.13995864

I think I see barley and oats in there.
I mean, fitting, if we're going with the whole "Dwarves = Scottish/Celtic/Vikings" trope.

>> No.13996373

It's wallah, bro

>> No.13996420

shit man I'm sorry to read that. hopefully you find some food that you like and that will make you feel better.

>> No.13996432

Something like pemmican probably comes close. Has to be very fat rich. Take a big bite, and you're done for the day.