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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13978572 No.13978572 [Reply] [Original]

Post pasta dishes you cooked recentky, share recipes, etc.
Pic related, Spaghetti alla puttanesca

>> No.13978575
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>> No.13978582
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The anchovies melted in the sauce

>> No.13978728

looks like a Sicilian recipe, nice anon.

>> No.13978736

are those fucking olives

because olives are trash

>> No.13978840

Olives, capers, anchovies, parsley, red chili, garlic and pecorino, classic puttanesca recipe

>> No.13978853

Making a seafood orzo dish tonight, wish me luck

>> No.13978881

Good luck anon, post result if you can

>> No.13978882
File: 75 KB, 986x400, ricetta-trofie-con-patate-e-fagiolini-al-pesto-986x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I don't have photos of this as I ate it immediately but yesterday I ate trofie, potatoes and runner beans with pesto genovese. This is one of the most popular ways to eat them and in my view it's the best as it's not particularly stodgy and grain-heavy. It makes it more of a meal in a satisfying way.

You're meant to boil the veg and the pasta in the same water but not at the same time, so I would start with the veg and then throw in the pasta. For the sauce, try to make your own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFv5ZmztvSI or if you have store-bought try to get the ones that are in a fridge not in a jar on the shelves. An important thing is to add some oil and some cooking water to your drained pasta/veg just before you mix in the pesto so that you create a beautiful creamy sauce that has sticks to your pasta/veg. This photo shows a good result in terms of sheen/thickness etc.

>> No.13979123
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As far as Puttenesca goes, don't fucking drown the thing in Parmesan. I prefer to use Anchovy Paste over filet because when you slices the olives it tends to stick to them and add a layer of flavor to every olive you're cooking before you add in the tomatoes. Also slice your olives you Savage.
Pic related

>> No.13979217


Every time I make fresh pasta it's so good I have to make a cheesy butter sauce for it instead of tomato. Red sauces are just so overbearing and obscure all the flavor I worked for in the pasta. Plus it lets me caramelize a garlic wedge which tastes amazing in it. Parmegano Reggiano on top and it's like a bowl of gold.

Meat sauces are awesome and all but I think I'll be relegating those to store bought pastas.

Sometimes I make ramen instead of Italian noodles, suggestions for use? Fresh ramen gets mushy in broth unfortunately which I was sad to see.

BTW where are all the pasta makers getting their flour now that Italy is fucked and you can't buy Capitol 00 anymore?

>> No.13979222

*Caputo, Jesus Christ

>> No.13979734

In general Double 00 just means how coarse it is grounded, so even though the flour isn't Italian it can still be as fine as Double 00.

>> No.13979756
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twice baked potatoes and bacon cheese shrimp and steaks

>> No.13979765
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>> No.13979768

Oh good heavens....may I come over too?

>> No.13979772

That looks quite good.

>> No.13979821
File: 262 KB, 896x647, Hot out of the oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13979825
File: 151 KB, 863x646, al Bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13980125 [DELETED] 

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

>> No.13980190

was this shitpost supposed to be on the Adam Ragusea post? do you need directions?

>> No.13980785
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>> No.13981248

Yeah any suggestions? I haven't found any at the local grocery or online

>> No.13982206

Pastry flour seems to resemble it the closest.

>> No.13982237

Guys I made some fresh pasta yesterday but my dumbfuck brother moved them around before they were fully dried and most of them broke. Anyone got a good recipe idea for varying pieces of pasta ranging from spaghetti to vermicelli?

>> No.13982483

based, whore pasta is one of my favourite dishes. Also ignore the autists, nothing wrong with the cheese on top

>> No.13982487
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>that giant lump of unchopped garlic

>> No.13982493

Why aren't you plebs using bronze die pasta?
Fucking idiots.

>> No.13982622
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 183B2AC2-9D06-427B-B0E3-C01681E61DBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my lasagner

>> No.13982634

Looks delicious.

>> No.13982638

This looks like the most flyover thing ever. Although I really want it now. Well done Anon.

>> No.13982639

>ugly furniture
>burnt cheese

>> No.13982656

Especially in fishy, salty and briney pasta's I like to go sicilian style and use breadcrumbs instead of cheese on top, basically poor mans parmesan. Just toast some breadcrumbs in a pan with some olive oil with some salt & pepper, maybe a little garlic untill nicely browned and toasty.

>> No.13982796

Looks very refreshing and light.
Usually I'd have some hard cheese on top and would add a small amount of parsley on the plate when serving.

Looks good.

>> No.13982895

I would go the extra mile and use a Friselle as a breadcrumb topping. The heat from the black pepper would mesh well with the red pepper flake already present

>> No.13983072

Thanks anons
I'm OP and I did use bronze extruded pasta
I do it when I make pasta with sardines, but I like pecorino on puttanesca

>> No.13983076
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>I did use bronze extruded pasta

>> No.13983917
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>> No.13983922

You're a bitch

>> No.13984081

>judging /ck/ for liking something many others like
>tastelet behavior
post your own recipes fag.

>> No.13984090

looks tasty what's in it?

>> No.13984125

trying the original bolognese recipe tomorrow, gonna have to use white wine because no red wine at home.


>> No.13984307

you can't just substitute red wine for white, they're completely different flavors

>> No.13984527

Lasagner, ricotta cheese garlic mixture, Rao’s sauce with ground beef, bagged mozzarella cheese
I highly recommend using Rao’s sauce if you’re ever going to make Italian food, it’s one of my favorite brand of sauces

>> No.13984626

>Using canned sauce