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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 330 KB, 664x409, 410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13968840 No.13968840 [Reply] [Original]

Place called Jet's Pizza just opened up in my town, they do Detroit style pizza. Gotta say i like the semi focaccia is a great vehicle for pizza. what do you guys think about Detroit pizza?

>> No.13968844

I find it much more visually appetizing than other deep dish pizzas

>> No.13968852
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It's good, Jet's is a good chain. I bet in like 20-30 years from now they'll be a much bigger chain and their quality will go down immensely as they get bought buy Yum brands or some other kingpin fast food company, and we'll be able to look back on the days when Jet's made a fine product

I recommend trying the Turbo Stix with ranch. Their ranch is really good.

>> No.13968862
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Things that /ck/ memes that are actually good:
>secret aardvark
>japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers
>sous vide immersion circulators
>angry grandma sauce
>taco bell
>michelin starred restaurants
>anchovy pizza

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually terrible, and only posted ironically:
>monster energy drinks
>chili without beans
>not tipping
>detroit style pizza
>crispy fried eggs

>> No.13968864

do you if there sandwiches and wings are good?

>> No.13968867

i hate crispy eggs, and i unironically like detroit style

>> No.13968878

>square pan pizza
hard pass

>> No.13968881

The sandwiches are decent, MUCH better option than Subway, which is a low bar but still. That's now that they've gone back to regular sub sandwiches though, for a while they were offering this weird "Jetzee" thing using pizza crust as the bread to get out of ordering in sub rolls, that didn't work and if your location still has those I'd say skip it and get a "Deli Boat" instead.

The chicken is fine, it's just your average frozen wings you would get at any restaurant, baked and covered in sauce (they use Franks and Sweet Baby Rays)

I used to work there years ago so I can answer any questions.

>> No.13968883

im glad you make your culinary choices based on geography and pan shape. you are literally a baby

>> No.13968887

Of course, it weeds out the crap right away without having to waste your time.

>> No.13968888

why do you hate food that makes you feel at home, and happy?

>> No.13968893

>flyover slop
>"at home and happy"
Just no.

>> No.13968894

Shape is good, but crust cant beat thin crispy California style.

Better than New Yorks floppy shit tho. That's like Chucky cheese shit.

>> No.13968896

i like most forms of pizza,

>> No.13968901

>calls it "deep dish pizza"
>it's actually 90% bread with a normal amount of pizza toppings
They can't keep getting away with this.

>> No.13968902
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8 Corner is great, big slices and all have a crispy corner. Spicy Pepperoni is better than regular Pepperoni, if you like a little kick.

>> No.13968906

why is it slop? is your jew york deli food not slop? are you just a sad asshole on the internet who is desperately trying to find someone more pathetic than yourself?

>> No.13968910
File: 1.58 MB, 1600x4492, jetssstupidgrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had it
>only has seen images
>pretends to know what they're talking about and makes false arguments against said thing

There is more sauce and cheese on a Jet's pie, they offer round pizza anyway, though it's not as good, but still better than the Big Three by several leagues.

The deep dish is much more popular, but you can order a regular round crust to satiate your autism as well. Your argument literally doesn't matter even if it were true, because there is the option for both.

>> No.13968912

Detroit style is half a notch above a frozen Tombstone pie. Crust is not supposed to be 2 inches thick and burnt on both sides while soggy in the middle.

>> No.13968916

and its not, its got an evenly crispy crust

>> No.13968927

I'm not even the person you were talking to. The typical "flyover feast"consists of some type of carbs+cheesy/meaty grease sandwich or pizza type item, canned soup + canned vegetables + egg noodles + ground beef baked in a casserole dish, some type of novelty salad that isn't really a salad but rather more carbs and fat stirred together with mayo, some baked fruit garbage and then """local""" macro lager to wash it all down with.

>> No.13968929

Buddy's pizza is better and more iconically "detroit style" but don't forget that everything detroit is just grifters, the city is full of grifters, and the city itself is a grifter. Detroit is never coming back they're just trying to suck anyone and anything into it's inescapable black hole

>> No.13968934

guess what, people enjoy carbs, meat, and cheese. people like you who enjoy parsley sprigs covered in a tranny cum glaze

>> No.13968938

*unlike people like you rather

>> No.13968942

its fucking shit

it looks like what my dad would make those weird square fucking pizzas

Nah bruh fuck that plus the bread should be like thin

>> No.13968944

>it looks bad so it is bad

>> No.13968946

you seem to know an awful lot about tranny cum glaze I wonder why

>> No.13968948

>michelin starred restaurants
ask me how i know your american

>> No.13968952

i dont wanna go to a restaurant or anything like that to feel at home and happy what kinda faggotry is this

>> No.13968953

your dad sent me a recipe, and a personal batch!

>> No.13968956

wow that looks shit

>> No.13968958

so it's true, you do like men and cum. wouldn't expect anything less from a closet homosexual from the midwest.

>> No.13968960

im not a homo, im from the south, everyone knows New Yorkers such as yourself invented homosexuality

>> No.13968961

Here you go anons, I fixed his list.
Things that /ck/ memes that are actually good:
>secret aardvark
>japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers
>sous vide immersion circulators
>angry grandma sauce
>taco bell
>michelin starred restaurants
>detroit style pizza
>crispy fried eggs
>monster energy drinks
>chili without beans

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually terrible, and only posted ironically:
>not tipping
>anchovy pizza

>> No.13968966

>I'm from the south
even worse than being a pillow biter. my condolences Cletus.

>> No.13968970

Jets is fucking great. I miss it ever since I moved.

>> No.13968972

No shit. But us non-flyovers actually eat other stuff as well instead of living solely on a diet of burgers and slop.
>muh trannies
Why do you think of trannies every time somebody criticizes your poor diet of poverty food?

>> No.13968975

Larry david tell you that one, i assume not because he is actually funny. it was probably a bum pissing on your grocery bags on the bus.

>> No.13968979

You can't "fix" pasta, bro. That list has been unchanged for years,

>> No.13968987

not everyone that lives outside of JYC eats garbage, not everything is your fantasy world

>> No.13968999

I know. I don't live in NYC. However, I don't live in the midwest either, and people in the midwest do in fact eat garbage.

>> No.13969056

some people do, lots of people don't

>> No.13969126
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A man's pizza, not for faggots

>> No.13969131
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A queer's pizza, for limp dicked trannies

>> No.13969136


>> No.13969165

Detroiter here. Jet's isn't really the best example of Detroit-style pizza, but you could do worse. Kinda surprised to see it popping up all over the country though.

I much prefer Buddy's or Cloverleaf, but was surprised by Via 313 when I visited some friends in Texas. I have noticed that most Detroit-style pizzerias outside Metro Detroit tend to be weird hipster-traps which is odd considering the people most defensive and fixated on Detroit pizzas in Detroit are boomers.

>> No.13969189



>> No.13969254

>even worse than being a pillow biter. my condolences Cletus.
Bay Area native here.
You people are cancer of the planet. Soy swilling kike slaves that hop on every new Jewish trend that comes down the consumer pike. It's no wonder that every city on the west coast and in the Northeast are pozzed as fuck and full of brown subhuman communist trash that only exist to mow your lawns and maintain your home. You are lazy, worthless people that have never worked a day in your lives and suck the lifeblood of this country dry while jewing your way through life. You're not cultured. You're not individuals. You are sheep with no agency. NPC plugs that wouldn't last 48 hours after societal collapse. Which makes you subhuman. Society has to be maintained for you, because you contribute nothing to it. Your children are fags and sluts, and don't know and never will know what working hard is. They are all pussies that worship the BBC and emulate nigger culture because they have non of their own. Aside from the trained chefs none of you can actually cook, especially your insufferable women. You have destroyed what made this country great and replaced it with shitskins because you're too soft and weak to do your own work. And you get your culture from a Jewish owned vending machine. I can't wait for the day you wake up to a spic with a knife at your throat once you're down to 30% of the population so we Americans can move in and neutralize your mistakes and run them beyond the Panama Canal.

>> No.13969255

Looks like vomit.

>> No.13969280

Metro-Detroiter here, Jet's is fucking BASED, order some.

>> No.13969288

I prefer Buddy's as well, but I'm not sure what's surprising you about Jet's popping up. It's an equally successful chain that is making a bigger push for expansion. Buddy's simply isn't interested in leaving MI.

>> No.13969434

I’m a Michigan native, I lived in nyc for four years. Fuck Detroit pizza. Ny pizza is way better.

>> No.13969445

What's wrong with instapots? Aren't they just pressure cookers?

>> No.13969520

There's one near me and it's my favorite pizza period. Only downside is it is really shitty reheated in microwave

>> No.13969634


>> No.13969657

NYCer here, I lived in the five boroughs all over every which way, ask the brothers and the jews about me, they'll let ya know I'm an Italian man you don't wanna mess with.

Now, I gotta tell ya, once I stayed with my cousin Johnny in Detroit, I tried that pizza and it immediately became my favorite American style of pizza. The NYC pizza is alright but it just doesn't compare, it's just meant for eatin' and walkin', Detroit style is a real pizza you can sit down and enjoy with your familia casual dinner style.

>> No.13969775


>> No.13969821

I can hear the accent from this

>> No.13969828

it's awesome and easy as fuck to make at home, highly recommend investing in a lloydpans dot come detroit pizza pan

>> No.13969950

says the fatty

>> No.13970033

I fucking love detroit style pizza, it’s my favorite kind of pizza. I always ask for mine well done so the edges get super super crispy, I want that shit to sound like I’m crushing glass when I bite through it. Fuck they are so good. If anyone on /ck/ is interested in making there own this place sells lots of different sized one's https://detroitstylepizza.com/product/6x6x2-sicilian-style-pstk-welded-pizza-pan/.. The only thing I do with mine that is different than traditional is I put the pepperoni on top and the sauce underneath.

>> No.13970100

this thread is astounding.

op just cook your pizza in a skillet and be forever impressed with yourself

>> No.13970107

yeah minnesota

>> No.13971006

You mean African American hole. /pol/ or /b/ are that way.

>> No.13971077

not funny, didn't laugh

>> No.13971102


>> No.13971113

you know those brownie liners that turn every brownie in the pan into a 4crust brownie?
they should do that with detrout style deep dish.
the crunchy cheese is the only reason anyone buys it.

>> No.13971137

>detroit isnever coming back
ask me how i know you've never stepped foot into detroit in the last ten years

>> No.13971141


>> No.13971146

Its good shit. I miss jets so much

>> No.13971503

Images certainly make it look a lot like Little Caesers, which would make the previous poster correct: deep dish form factor but it's mostly bread. Still delicious but not at all like what most people think of as deep dish, which is the Shitcago pizza.

Got a cross section to prove him wrong? We don't have Jet's around here so I have no clue.

>> No.13971836

detroit is epic

>> No.13971854

>anchovy pizza
Go back to r*ddit you fucking nigger

>> No.13971872

redifags out!

>> No.13971887

>Be Canadian visiting Chicagoland.
>Miss out on deep dish all week.
>Doing work in Schaumburg, Illinois.
>Finish for the day, headed to the airport.
>Notice a Jet's Pizza in the plaza.
>"I've never heard of this place."
>Order a personal cheese.
>Is Lent so I ask for anchovies.
>Girl finds some.
>Get half cheese half anchovies.
>It's the gooiest pizza I've ever tasted.
>Thick crispy crust.
>Great flavor sauce.
>Nearly choke to death on the melty cheese.
>Anchovies are so oily I could grease a motor.
>So rich I nearly crash my car.
>One of the best pizzas I've ever had.

>> No.13971943
File: 72 KB, 1136x639, jrooootccceee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>midwest anon visiting friends in Detroit
>have to change shirt to solid black because gangs keep chasing me
>make it to friends apartment
>shit looks like a WMD went off
>units missing whole sections of wall
>walk in to friends
>they pull heat then see its me
>drive me around
>OD citizens on literally every block
>find pizza place with tons of people inside
>finally feel safe eating muh dee troit style pizza
>watch a guy get mowed down by a beat up honda accord then shot 40 times in the street
>inside is like a bar where no one even notices
>youngster carries out OD crackhead from the bathroom and midget tosses him on the sidewalk
>rapscallions with bandanas bust in and point their guns
>everyone mildly inconvenienced while handing over wallets
>guy sneezes and gets shot in the stomach
>tells everyone "my bad"
>cops show up
>they arrest 2 randos and the cashier
>robbers casually walk out and split their loot
>leave traumatized
>bum slaps my walking slice out of hand

>> No.13972047

Appropriating a food from another country and naming it as your own. Sad. No culture. No indigenous meals of your own. Laughable. Hysterical. Dumbericans.

>> No.13972147

They do it's called the 8 corner

>> No.13972160

where was detroit style pizza made before Detroit?

>> No.13972171

Stop culturally appropriating my electricity and personal computer you fucking subhuman.

>> No.13972189

I haven't been near your personal computer. No doubt I would find hung black men and trap porn on there.

>> No.13972194

>two small pizzas in a large box is the same thing as crust on every edge of every slice

>> No.13972199

I'm a faggot and I love Detroit-style pizza

>> No.13972205

>projecting this hard
Enjoy the next war for ZOG we drag your flyover country into. <:^)

>> No.13972211

So you just curl up the edges of the bread base and claim the whole dish as your own? Dumbericans are so stoopid. This is why the rest of the world laughs at you. A nation of foreigners and thieves.

>> No.13972216

Not denying the black men and traps on your computer. Laughable.

>> No.13972221

>Not denying the black men and traps on your computer. Laughable.
How much time do you spend thinking of anonymous men with their dicks out looking at black men, Sven?

>> No.13972227

sorry Mr. 30% unemployment rate, hopefully you get unfucked by the krauts and you can get out of the house one day.

>> No.13972239

Detroit style? wtf is that? do they use motor oil and water from Flint?

>> No.13972243

Not as much as you. You were the one who didn't deny it was on their computer.

>> No.13972253

Truth hurts don't it.

>> No.13972258

And made by blacks.

>> No.13972278

>not a single soul disputed alcoholism
Uhhh hello? Based department?

>> No.13972302

while its perfectly edible, a proper pie is still superior. Also, square cut is shit.

>> No.13972312

>alchoholism is actually good

pickle your brain and wrap yourself around a tree, faggot.

>> No.13972335

Buddy's is shit. Benito's is the best Detroit style chain.

>> No.13972363

Pie? An omelette is round and flat too?

>> No.13972663

Make your own pizza fatty faggot

>> No.13972856


>> No.13973038

>got to try jets
>missed out on shitty Chicago deep dish
You have a guardian angel of flavor looking out for you

>> No.13973101

we can all agree that quad cities style is the worst

>> No.13973129

this is the best part of Detroit

>> No.13973234

It was called a pan pizza, so everywhere.

>> No.13973751

Looks like Buddy’s. Good stuff

>> No.13973754

Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based

>> No.13974496

Jets Pizza is god tier best pizza chain in michigan

>> No.13974839

New York pizza can be good, but most is absolute trash. Just like most other kinds of pizza.

>> No.13974929
File: 970 KB, 3264x1916, DSC01261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Caessars is basically the low tier of this kind of peetzer, it's the cheapest lowest quality option you can get. That's not to bash Little Caesar, but it's just the fact of the matter, it's why they can sell large pizzas for five bucks a pop.

Jet's Pizza is very saucy, they use ample sauce and their sauce is actually very flavorful, I've eaten it where people order extra sauce and it's just too much. Another thing to note is that while the crust is indeed thick, it is also not as dense as you imagine...it's not like a hunk of banana bread, the outside is crispy/crunchy and the inside is airy and fluffy. When the dough is raw and laid out, it's no thicker than an average round pizza, but because of the yeast levels, it rises up quite a lot.

>> No.13975156

Yeah. I'm thinking you're BASED.

>> No.13975645

jets is cheap oily/greasy and ghetto. buddy's detroit style is far higher tier...but more expensive

>> No.13975649

sooo oily it leaves a slick feeling in your mouth..and doesn't reheat for shit. jets is trash t b h

>> No.13975657

>Detroit is never coming back they're just trying to suck anyone and anything into it's inescapable black hole

truth. look at the "hudson's skyscraper" kek. shit is never getting built. nothing in detroit gets built ever...except hockey arenas paid by taxpayers

>> No.13975982

jewish lies

>> No.13977504

>and doesn't reheat for shit
Maybe if you're a retarded piece of shit who actually microwaves pizza instead of using a toaster oven.

>> No.13978102

They're good but at jets I prefer their NY style with turbo crust and jalapenos

>> No.13978115

>NY Style
>Looks nothing like any pizza I've ever had, lower quality than even fucking Elios.
So I should never even entertain the idea of eating jet pizza, right?

>> No.13978127

Sbarro and this quality of pizza is the shit you find at shitty theme parks like Adventure Land.
Calling it "nystyleslice" is like calling every rifle with a pistol grip an assault style rifle.
Is it really that hard to find a representable picture? I could have a totally skewed view on the matter since there's literally thousands of pizza places available nearby.

>> No.13978129

>Implying Detroit pizza is a pan pizza
Pizza Hut is a personal pan pizza. If the pan ain't greased with motor oil then it ain't an authentic Detroit pizza.

>> No.13978142

That looks so good it's just not enough. Im underweight and need 3 times the pizza.

>> No.13978167
File: 127 KB, 1080x810, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it the other day, best pizza I've ever made

>> No.13978186

Got a kik for pizza recipes and more

>> No.13978196

You faggots convince me. I'm falling for this meme and ordering jet's next time.

>> No.13978200

For me it's saint Louis pizza

>> No.13979471

Nice toppings, though I'd add a bit on red onion personally

>> No.13979515

>Not knowing the third best traditional (ie. two topping + cheese and sauce) pizza in the world is from Windsor, Ontario.
Wonder how Chicago feels losing to canned no-name brand white mushrooms and shredded pepperoni.

>> No.13979521

Anyone who is alcoholic who thinks it's fun isnt a real alcoholic for the record. I was drinking 3/4 of a gallon of bourbon daily and I wanted to fucking kill myself. 49 days sober and desperate to stay that way. Give it up bros, one day at a time.

>> No.13979535

Looks good tbqh.

>> No.13979537

>rule of 3
>detroit pizza
>detroit pizza
>detroit peeeza!
Get the fuck off my board shill jew

>> No.13979607

Sucks you're a sad brain who couldn't drink functionally.
This ain't your cults clubhouse though so you and the other friends of Bill feel free to find somewhere else to preach.

>> No.13979621

Drinking is for fat slobs.

>> No.13979704
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>> No.13980415

So is your life lol

>> No.13981832
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>> No.13981901
File: 14 KB, 213x236, jets33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate tripfags more than Moot did.
Jet's is good but pricey (for pizza).

>> No.13981910
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you make it sound like a bad thing

>> No.13981957

imagine being this retarded

>> No.13981962
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>> No.13982016
File: 117 KB, 1022x1024, AlienatingandpointlessIfilltheviodwithfireasscokeandcollegeagewaitstaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcoholism is fucking awesome until it's gone on long enough for you to realize it.

>> No.13982106


>> No.13982198
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, Undiagnosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK Jets and FUCK Michigan in general.

>> No.13982364

Only style I enjoy desu.
//Swede that moved to the US.

>> No.13982894

Underrated. I prefer a thinner crust, but sometimes a thicker square pizza is really nice. Better than 'go 'za.

>> No.13982955

It is. My life is now 100x better since I became non alcohol. :)

>> No.13982968

lol quitter

>> No.13983647
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>> No.13984057

>culinary choices based on geography are bad
>ordering "fresh" seafood 800 miles inland
>ordering Mexican food in a flyover
Look man I would try this Detroit Pizza thing but you sound retarded with that argument.

>> No.13984082

Nirchis master race

>> No.13985605
File: 13 KB, 259x194, jets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks will say Buddy's and Shields are the real Detroit style pizza.
However Jet's is tasty though expensive. Never thought of it as "Detroit Style" and I've lived here my whole life. But I order Jet's when I have a coupon.

>> No.13985628


>> No.13986749

Lived in Detroit proper for a buncha years. Loved Jet's Pizza.

>> No.13986762


>> No.13986769

>Detroit>St. Louis>New York=Chicago

all are fairly good

>> No.13986781

St Louis pizza is so gross, the other types you listed are great