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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 575 KB, 1236x1641, 1587690802460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13976914 No.13976914 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best food to eat in bed?

>> No.13976917

slimy boipussi

>> No.13976924

crab legs and watermelon

>> No.13976929

nothing you neaderthal

>> No.13976935

I've been eating literally all of my meals in bed for the past month.

>> No.13976936
File: 76 KB, 640x512, Knaeckebroed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crispbread and spaghettio's straight out the can

>> No.13976953

>eating knäckebröd in bed
enjoy sharp breadcrumbs everywhere when you're trying to sleep

>> No.13976963

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13976966
File: 19 KB, 653x194, Screenshot_2020-04-23 ck - Food Cooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Been eating a lot of tinned stuff like Spam and smoked oysters in bed lately.
>implying anyone has reached this point really cares anymore

>> No.13977005
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when I eat laying down I get a tummy ache

>> No.13977010

a case of White Castle sliders with a large bag of their onion chips

>> No.13977018

do americans really

>> No.13977031

I have seen a lot of gore and other fun stuff in my lifetime but this has to be one of the most disgusting images I have ever seen. I fucking hate spaghetti and women and the thought of a woman eating spaghetti in my bed literally made me wretch.

>> No.13977035

I'm sorry to hear that friendo

>> No.13977037


>> No.13977040
File: 853 KB, 762x988, AB09E491-5999-477B-96F2-F4998D1F3F77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have seen a lot of gore and other fun stuff in my lifetime but this has to be one of the most disgusting images I have ever seen. I fucking hate spaghetti and women and the thought of a woman eating spaghetti in my bed literally made me wretch.

>> No.13977055

A bullet.

>> No.13977056

Someone should make a movie or short or something about an anon who's so backwards and fucked up he can browse beheadings and pedo shit with no problem but can't handle women or spaghetti. Him getting ptsd from walking down the suburban street seeing females and italian restaurants. The end can be him finally finding freedom and relief when he moves to some isis shit hole with daily beheading and child rape is just another part of the daily routine.

>> No.13977057

That pic made me the horniest I've ever been

>> No.13977069


>> No.13977072

got a moderate giggle from me dog

>> No.13977077

Wahabism is legit based tho

>> No.13977082

The spaghetti itself isn't the issue, it's that it's clearly prepared in the American dish just called "spaghetti" which is basically a disgustingly sweet spaghetti bolognese. I hate it, and I hate the idea of eating in bed, and I hate that disgusting looking woman.

>> No.13977123

This picture enrages me.

>> No.13977316

chowder. no crumbs

>> No.13977321


>> No.13977325

This really needs the bottom clear portion to be clear over Pepe too

>> No.13977333

Why is this crack head looking bitch so ugly?

>> No.13977340
File: 7 KB, 247x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Light colored Sheets


>> No.13977341

Steamed clams and corn on the cob.

>> No.13977349
File: 212 KB, 1108x831, gummo-bathtub-scene-1108x0-c-default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13977360

This is really unsettling for some reason. 100 times creepier than any eyes bleeding spooky ghost.

>> No.13977362

I'm gonna nominate cheese souffle, it holds it's shape and doesn't leave residue. It come's in one big solid chunk that you can spoon away at, it's also delicious and filling as well as healthy. You really can't go wrong with a cheese souffle in any situation, but especially in bed.

>> No.13977372

ice cream, hands down

>> No.13977380
File: 12 KB, 315x400, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13977386


>> No.13977408

We will meet you soon in syria brother, enshallah.

>> No.13977431

>I was seeing this girl.
>After a while we were out and kinda tipsy, she invited me back to stay at hers and told me her house was empty.
> On the walk home I mentioned I'd been drinking and skipped dinner, so we stopped at a bakery and I got a lamb pie. She got a cookie or some shit.
>we were talking and i got distracted and didn't eat.
>went back to hers and had sex
>after she rolled over and grabbed my pie off the bedside table
>She broke up with me like a month later as soon as I started to feel attached
>goddam pie stealing bitch, didn't even give good head.

>> No.13977437

nothing, you eat nothing in bed because its gross.

>> No.13977441
File: 93 KB, 607x743, 74e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, druid.

>> No.13977444


>> No.13977460

>the American dish just called spaghetti
What? Maybe it’s just cause my grandparents are from Italy, but I’ve never had some sweet pasta dish like you’re talking about just called “spaghetti”

>> No.13977462

yeah, try canned spaghetti some time. It's pretty fucking gross.

>> No.13977463

It is and his name is Apu

>> No.13977466

Have you viewed the whole scene, or movie? It's called Gummo

>> No.13977640

Go ask any Am*rican boomer to make you some spaghetti. He/she will overcook ground beef in a pan then add it to some simmering jarred sauce along with a cup of sugar and maybe some worchestershire if he/she is feeling particularly braindead. It's disgusting and being forced to eat it made me think that I just didn't like pasta as a child because I thought all pasta was that disgusting.

>> No.13977643

I can't relax, I'm a Druid, do you have any idea how many trees got knocked over today, you fucking people

>> No.13977678

Maybe you should try killing yourself

>> No.13977838
File: 96 KB, 800x840, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god she is so beautiful.

>> No.13977842
File: 131 KB, 850x724, 1574576277044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of loser doesn't eat noodles with chopsticks?

>> No.13977854

who is this OP? she purty

>> No.13977856

I literally just watched this movie for the first time today and this scene was more uncomfortable than any horror movie could hope to be

>> No.13977934


Reverse image search next time

>> No.13977941


>Food in bed
Ask me how I know you're fat and have crumbs all over your sheets

>> No.13977947

Here's your (You)

sub-20 BMI because I eat high carb like every thin population

>> No.13977951
File: 284 KB, 994x708, 1579927479874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your stomach fat FUCK
No civilized man eats in bed. Have fun in Muttmerica.

>> No.13977973

I never said I eat in bed. I posted about a movie. I often eat on my futon sofa in front of my desk. Is that twink you?

>> No.13977974

I could kill your dog in a single punch to the forehead. Literally turn your wifes brain inside out with a blow

>> No.13977976


>> No.13977979

>Too scared as fuck to even reply
Lmao id fuck you up you little kid

>> No.13977985

yes, please, daddy

>> No.13978007

Eliot roggers look alike

Las abomination

>> No.13978022

Elliot was a yum-yum but also a dum-dum

>> No.13978146

>eating in bed

>> No.13978384

You are an enormous faggot.

>> No.13978385

You look like a bottom.

>> No.13978468
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1587549204328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of the one that has a squished face? I want to know so I can find more.

>> No.13978487
File: 420 KB, 1920x1280, 1565337556381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 'za

>> No.13978497

>mutt calling people a mutt

>> No.13978500

Stop doing that.

>> No.13978507

I've been doing it for years. It's literally the comfiest. And why would I change, to appeal to some idiotic cultural custom? I'll eat laying down if I want

>> No.13978509

because I said so

>> No.13978567
File: 131 KB, 600x800, 1566832959828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does not look cute at all

>> No.13978576

it's supposed to look vulgar and provocative

>> No.13978720

none, gtfo from bed and eat on a table like a normal person!

>> No.13978745

>1 giant slice
>tiny box

>> No.13978761

it's a metaphor

>> No.13978797


This is only ever hot if you imagine she has a hard science undergraduate or something, and is a respectable enough person that trying to be sexy by eating pizza in bed is a joke to her as well.

>> No.13978804
File: 917 KB, 1920x1080, Lexi-Belle-1920x1080-029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a metaphor

>> No.13978835
File: 100 KB, 418x536, 1461433234557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13978844

idk that sounds even more cringe than if she was just an air-headed thot
undergrads are cringe in general

>> No.13978854


If she had more than an undergraduate, she'd look older. Obviously she would still be in school working on something more impressive than just an undergrad.

If she's just an airheaded thot than she's just some greasy dumb slab of ass who fails to be appalled by her own indecency. Don't even want to touch that.

>> No.13978862

eating in bed just seems unnatural. it is grossly wrong behavior that points to an unfit mind.

>> No.13978871
File: 61 KB, 386x382, odi profanum vulgus et arceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a literal pleb

>> No.13978886

case in point

>> No.13978887
File: 462 KB, 768x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub sandwiches

>> No.13979036

>you dont

anyone who actually eats meals in bed needs to do some serious re thinking

>> No.13979147


>> No.13979231

It's not noodles you fucktard, that's called spaghetti

>> No.13979249

>>tiny box
I'm guessing her box ain't too tiny anymore.

>> No.13979254
File: 37 KB, 400x267, HomerSandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13979260

anyone else wanna suckle on the skin tag under the arm pit in op's picture?

>> No.13979269

>Wahabism is legit based tho
Fuck off kike nobody's buying what you're selling.

>> No.13979274
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1577253140565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13979288

That butthole is a bit too close to that food for my comfort.
I'd probably have to slap that cunt.

>> No.13979294

nature valley granola bars

>> No.13979313

hide thread

>> No.13979343


if done it before
occasionally youll get a lil juice from it

>> No.13979365

spaghetti comes in noodles

>> No.13979367

would suck

>> No.13979379

rekshi berru, lol. Japs have such a neanderthal sounding language.

>> No.13979829

peanut butter (with a spoon)

>> No.13979851

Who the hell eats spaghetti with chop sticks

>> No.13979872

pussy a la queen. served hot with special sauce.

>> No.13979982

I do

>> No.13980445

/fit/ pls go

>> No.13980460


>> No.13980550


>> No.13980757

What kind of subhuman insect are you that you would disrespect the awe and grander that is spaghetti, with your filthy soulless sticks. I bet you pierce the meatballs with your sticks, like Tyron pierces your boipussy. You make me sick.

>> No.13980774

Remember when you could trace the Facebook account a photo was downloaded from by the number in the filename? Good times. So much doxxing.

>> No.13981116 [DELETED] 

God damn I would love to have her jam that fork in my arsehole and beat me up.

>> No.13981124

clever of him to cover his adams apple with spaghetti
but the hands give it away

>> No.13981258
File: 36 KB, 430x322, 4809056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Designed for your hands, so no problem with needing a flat surface.
>Eat it in a paper wrapper so no spill.
>self contained meal, no need for fries or anything but burger and water.

>> No.13981849

I wonder how fucked in the head you have to be to think about interracial porn at every moment

>> No.13981853

macaulay culkin has a better hairline

>> No.13982715

>i know you eat in bed
>ask me how i know you have food residue in your bed
anon can not into smart