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File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Antidepressant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13973698 No.13973698 [Reply] [Original]

Why are mental health issues and depression so common among cooks and chefs
Babish is just the latest guy to come out with his use of antidepressant medication. Bourdain even killed himself over it.
Is there a connection?

>> No.13973707

if you're depressioned, your functional IQ is low
depressed people can't think to get jobs like programmming or engineering
sooner or later the food industry becomes appealing to them

>> No.13973712

good bait

>> No.13973717

Bourdain fried his brain through years of coke and heroin. When you fuck up your dopamine and serotonin receptors like he did, you'll be dealing with depression for the rest of your life as a guarantee.

Just don't ever touch that shit in the first place.

>> No.13973734

>comparing a bald jewtube manlet that just follows the most basic techniques and recipes to a professional and world renowned chef
Really tickles my pickle

>> No.13973748

A lot of chefs have got a lot of shit for being chefs. it used to be one of the most lowest ranking non physical labor job on the social totem pole. And that just sticks with some people, they feel alienated from a lot of other people due to their work environment (if you're an actual cook in a kitchen)

>> No.13973842

Because you need to be mentally ill to deliberately become a professional chef.
Source: am one

>> No.13973853

because cooking is a woman's job, and only wives, concubines, and prostitutes should cook for people they provide services to, everything else is just awkward power relationships

>> No.13973855

A lot of people in general are depressed.

>> No.13973887
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t. ticking time bomb permavirgin STEM in denial with 3 waifu pillows, thousands of rape videos on a hard drive because it's the only way he can get off, and severe undiagnosed anger and depression

enjoy getting guantanamoed after getting talked into helping with a fake terrorist plot by an undercover agent

>> No.13973929

Because historically most chefs and cooks have come from lower-class backgrounds and been chain-smoking, raging alcoholics who constantly abuse drugs to cope with long hours, tons of work and not a lot of pay. When I first started working as a line cook, basically anyone with experience told me "want some advice? RUN." A lot of that's changing, thankfully.

Babish isn't a cook though. If anything, most stuff is pointing to him being a scrawny brooklyn manlet going through a mid-life crisis. Chances are, his videos are getting less and less views which is messing with his head. That happens all the time with youtubers.

>> No.13973951

The other people replying to you have too low a functional IQ to understand what is meant by functional IQ, lol.

>> No.13973958

Babish should've never shown his face. He's less cool now that I know he has a soy head.

>> No.13973964

Bourdain was a good guy please don't put him along the soiranks

>> No.13973966

you're not supposed to drink while on antidepressants. hmm nah I'll just ignore that part drinknig is part of my (numale) identity.

>> No.13973972

Being a chef (an actual chef, not a youtube home cook) you deal with a lot of shit
I was a grill chef in the busiest restaurant in the northwest for 5 years.
16 hour shifts were common
I did 60+ hour weeks
Longest I ever did was 20 hours

It was a regular thing for me to come into the changing room in the morning and having the others showing what they were planning to do when their shift was over, I saw plenty bags of green or speed waved infront of me, chefs were going to the off license during lunch to get a couple bottles for after.

They do it to manage the stress
You either do lots of drugs, alcohol or smoking.
Anti depressants are an everyperson drug. He doesn't do it because he's a chef, becuase he isn't a chef.
He does it because he is unhappy with his life, his family haven't been doing well and he is unsure with things.

He proved he isn't a chef when he tried to do service and failed.
Not hating on him but antidepressant are a housewife tier drug to deal with a midlife crisis, not something you do to cope with a hard place and a rock shoved up your ass.

>> No.13973975
File: 743 KB, 2220x1080, babish is a manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy is also probably about 5'5" and likes to try to make his voice sound deeper to sound manlier - like a kid trying to buy tickets to an R-rated movie

>> No.13973986

He is so thin and narrow. Height is a secondary problem - he should lift asap

>> No.13974000
File: 1.71 MB, 1366x706, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shit he does in his home studio does miracles for him

>antidepressant are a housewife tier drug to deal with a midlife crisis

Apparently he got divorced right as his stuff went from "fun thing to do in free time" to "fulltime job." Probably explains why when you look into him, he gives off the same vibes as the divorced suburban dad who buys a motorcycle and hangs out at nightclubs.

>> No.13974007

Doesn't he have a new gf and a personal trainer?
I remember him showing some blonde chick in one of his recent videos

>> No.13974043

Yeah I think I remember him showing off some girlfriend who felt very "trophy wife"-y

>> No.13974045

Plus, Babish's gimmick is running out. You can tell from his latest videos that he's struggling to think of fun/cool/eye-catching /tv/ recipes. He did all the most famous and complex ones already. He should just do a special where he makes like 50 more of bob's burgers instead of stupid shit like beef broth and ice cream sandwiches.

>> No.13974067

What's great is the increase of videos making dishes from shows/movies he clearly does not watch nor has any understanding of. They always come across as very "how do you do fellow kids?"

>> No.13974211

You have to be suffering from real depression for a chance at cognitive symptoms, not this "I take SSRIs waaaah" dysthymia bullshit that everyone and their mother claims to have.

t. doctor with a master's in pharm

>> No.13974221

>Chances are, his videos are getting less and less views which is messing with his head. That happens all the time with youtubers.
Probably this, fuck this redditor

>> No.13974248

nah, he's living in new york. it's one of the most unnatural habitats for humans to live in.

>> No.13974250

Doctors are monkeys with degrees and should stick to their routine. Their understanding of these phenomena is laughably naive and mechanistic.

>> No.13974295

>actually using mechanistic argumentation for biological processes as a negative
lol, fuck out of here with your teleological bullshit

>> No.13974659

>Facing Cancer: Being With Babish

I haven't watched his channel in a long time, but what the fuck is he doing. Trying to turn into a TV personality?

>> No.13974689

He knows there's only two things he can do now
Cook every single dish in existence by stealing recipes from Chef John and Americas Test Kitchen and then fade into obscurity
Or try to work himself from an ecelb into an actual celebrity by forcing his way into more and more shows further and further away from cooking.
He choose the second route

>> No.13974701


And probably the best route. He's a third rate cook, can copy well but incapable of creating. People seem to enjoy his persona too so why not.

>> No.13974724

Yeah I remember that
>"guys, meet Jess. Jess is my *girlfriend*"

>> No.13974866


She will definitely dump him soon

>> No.13975129

Because this job is shit and you have to be a moron to do it. You get paid fuck all, and you're socially isolated. This will effect your happiness directly with worse interpersonal relationships and being poor also sucks. Beyond this the job rewards aggression and autistic obsession with pointless things, the job will encourage you develop parts of your personality that will cause you to fail in other important aspects of life.
t. depressed chef.
probably not the sole or complete reason but can play a factor. I dropped out of a eng double degree at a decent uni due to depression and started cooking.

>> No.13975152
File: 212 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2018_06_08_at_1.27.22_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he a kiddie diddler?

>> No.13975176

IIRC, Babish's mom died in the middle of his childhood so he's probably been holding onto that grief for a good long while.

>> No.13975216

>You get paid fuck all, and you're socially isolated.
>Beyond this the job rewards aggression and autistic obsession with pointless things, the job will encourage you develop parts of your personality that will cause you to fail in other important aspects of life.
h-haha, thank god only chefs do this...

>> No.13975233

I'm not entirely sure what the point of the second half of this post is. If they're actually getting prescribed SSRIs surely the people's claims of having it is not some malingering attention grab.

>> No.13975245

Yeah and you have a whole lot of room to talk don't you retard?

>> No.13975254

depression is easy sympathy bait/reddit faggot audience appeal since everyone there wants to be mentally ill and special but not in a way that matters

>> No.13975258

>Programming or engineering

All of my keks, I'd rather off myself than become a betafag

>> No.13975274
File: 177 KB, 874x624, simple routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is tied to excess estrogen
Fat tissue promotes the conversion of testosterone into estrogen by way of aromatese.

This excess production of estrogen can be mitigated by watching weight by use of diet and cardio and performing complex exercises such as squats and deadlifts.

Simple as. Depressed people are just irresponsible and uncreative (both of which are symptoms of being unintelligent).

>> No.13975301

Bourdain was murdered by the cabal.


>> No.13975310

shitty diets and shitty lives

>> No.13975346

Its too early to say that, we have literally no idea of their relation cuz all we see is staged videos

>> No.13975373

It would be nice if this were true. But unfortunately it isn't.

>> No.13975418

I still enjoy babish's vids and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.13975468

common thing for a jew, he is legitimately a soi boi kike

>> No.13975481

me on the left

>> No.13975650

It turns out being a homosexual redditor is actually very depressing.

>> No.13975736

ssri's literally do nothing

there's no genuine evidence they work, beyond placebo

>> No.13975877

I disagree - I'm not on a prescription for them, but a relative who is on them gave me some when I was going through a rough time (horrible idea in hindsight). I remember that while I didn't feel sad, I didn't really feel anything at all, like my emotions went numb. Guess it's better than feeling perpetually sad, but kinda scary.

>> No.13975901

>molly is all placebo
>l i t t e r a l l y
yeah checks out

>> No.13976296

don't group Bourdain with this faggot

>> No.13976316

>You get paid fuck all
All while having to listen to servers (who are usually paid 2-3x what you get) whine whenever someone doesn't tip them enough

>> No.13976422
File: 8 KB, 233x216, 1570374383302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ssri's literally do nothing

>there's no genuine evidence they work, beyond placebo

>> No.13976426

fags gonna fag

>> No.13976446

>Basil Hayden

>> No.13976468

>kickstarted the faggy bourbon craze


>> No.13976704

>Binging With Babish
>Bing Bing Yahoo

>> No.13976708

>Bourdain even killed himself over it.

Bourdain killed himself because he was a child molester and his girlfriend was blackmailing him over it, she forced him to pay her his entire meager savings so she could in turn pay off a person she molested as a child, who then outed her anyway.

>> No.13976715

>world renowned chef

lol are you fucking retarded

>> No.13976885

Long shifts
Shit pay
Insalubrious environment

Alcohol abuse, drugs, sex, being surrounded by oddballs, creeps, criminals or idiots.

Being seen or respected by the family/friends/society as a useless hobo.

Personally, I think this shit is only for those who don't care about all this shit above. I don't want a family or need social contact, if I have something to eat, drink some beer, sleep and pay the bills I'm all set. Basically I'm a neet, but I do have a job and was trained into this.

>> No.13976976

Is there even such a thing as 'normal' anymore? Seems everyone's got some sort of mental issues but me. It kinda makes me feel like I'm the weirdo for being well-adjusted and happy.

>> No.13976995
File: 938 KB, 442x542, rotw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chan
>well-adjusted and happy
I don't believe you

>> No.13977008

Okay. : )

>> No.13977024

>to come out with his use of antidepressant medication
Why do people "come out" about this?
I can come up with a handful people in my close vicinity who are or have been using SSRIs, myself included.
I don't make a secret of it but I don't let it define who I am either

>> No.13977042

It's a lot like being gay: they have to 'come out' and base their entire personalities around those relatively minor aspects of their lives because that's the most interesting thing about them and if they'd spend just a little bit of time on introspection, they'd realise there's nothing else there.

>> No.13977071

The Industry (tm) is trash, that's why

>> No.13977194

>non physical labor job

Have you ever worked in a professional kitchen? Every aspect of the job is in itself physically and mentally demanding/taxing.

>> No.13977224

not him but
>Have you ever worked in a professional kitchen
yes, for 10 years.
>Every aspect of the job is physically taxing
Ah, thats why so many chefs are obese, or 45kg asians, or 16yr old apprentices. You have to stand up for ages, and sometimes lift heavy things, sometimes. Its not physically demanding, its just a shit job.

>> No.13977260

Allow me to respond
The chefs do not perform the same jobs that the grunts,or chef de parties/commis perform. You being in the industry for the same amount of time as myself should know,so do not ne disingenuous. The people lugging around the kitchen with giant rondeaus filled with stock or puree or cassoulet are the people in the trenches;the cooks, the chef de Parties. The sous chefs and the executive chef are doing more precision jobs, like canopies or charcuterie and administrative jobs like scheduling or inventory/management. They're not the ones hauling in and processing hundreds of pounds of seafood or vegetables because in order for them to get to that spot in the brigade they're in,they already did it for years.That being said,there are obese fucks or tiny people in professional kitchens,and they're typically permanently doomed to garde manger,prep work or they're pastry chefs.
This of course is my experience in general,I'm aware that it's different here and there but in general this is how it works because it makes the most sense.


>> No.13977302

Inmost cases IMO depression is not permanent and comes from life changes one did not expect from their own actions. More than likely he fucked someone over in life and is dealing with it the way we've been trained. This is all projection though, and since he is a newly found celebrity to an extent he probably cheated on his lady but stayed with her.

>> No.13977307
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>> No.13977332

They're victim-bragging. You get social cred for being a victim, so if you don't have real problems you have to get real loud with your stupid bullshit so people don't forget about how much of a victim you pretend to be.

>> No.13977750

Exactly my point, modern psychiatry is bullshit.

Lack of evidence for modern reuptake inhibitor antidepressants is one of my favorite rants.

Actually they're on par with active placebo, which is at first glance an oxymoron but worth a Google if you haven't seen it before.

>> No.13977757

Damaged people cope. Some with sex, some with gambling, alcohol or drugs. Some cope with food.

Someone who gains all their pleasure through food is mentally unbalanced

>> No.13977763

just got out of a relationship with a female equivalent to a STEMcel, can confirm they have no idea how to manage emotions and often are severely anxious/depressed and don't do anything about it

>> No.13977768

unless you're taking xanax that's really not how these drugs work smoothbrain lol

>> No.13977786

Cope, go take your good goy pills before you hang yourself

>> No.13977788

checks out

>> No.13977803

big incel vibes ITT

>> No.13977843

Babish has no soul you can tell just by looking at him

He is hipster trash

>> No.13977867




>> No.13977996

I just realized Babish looks like an average Zoy, I thought he was one of the muscular shaved head bald men turns out hes the one of the cope type.

>> No.13977997

rant away but that doesn't address the question

>> No.13978285

>I thought he was one of the muscular shaved head bald men
Nah, but he likes to try to make it look like that though

>> No.13978294

>babbling soiboy
>a chef
This is a bait

>> No.13978326
File: 54 KB, 750x422, Chefs-and-industry-professionals-react-to-Marco-Pierre-White-s-sexist-comments_wrbm_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this profession attract bottom tier sociopathic "people"?

>> No.13978427


or maybe people take anti depressants, because their brain doesn't let them feel happyness, regardless of what they do.

>> No.13979223

Most people are depressed
People working in the good industry deal with notoriously shitty conditions/hours/pay
The above things make depression worse
It's science

People like Babish are just attention whores. Yeah you've got depression cool beans kiddo so do most adult humans take your pills and fuck off to pretend you're a professional chef cause you made a YouTube video about pancakes.

>> No.13979369

bourdain was killed for trying to report a child rape of a celebrety.

>> No.13979377
File: 97 KB, 450x216, Master Chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no what you are refering to is called being a woman, more importantly women are a whole 10 iq points below men on average in mechanical IQ so not only was that woman outside her place but she was also completely divorced from any company of the same sex who could understand anything about her.

>> No.13979384

as soon as babish wanes in popularity it probably wont last.

>> No.13979393

How is this food and or cooking related? Fuck off.

>> No.13979455

What does zoloft count as?

>> No.13979460
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Which cabal? The "leftist" cabal or the "rightist" cabal?

>> No.13979624

Depression is an issue with your brain chemistry/hormones.
It's not nurtured disorder