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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13971099 No.13971099 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to make a cake. Why is all the flour gone? Who would be sick enough to take it all?

>> No.13971128

Because all the bread and pasta is gone so they want to make their own

>> No.13971129

I bought it all, I'm sorry bro.

>> No.13971147

Because every dumb fucking woman on the planet thinks their gonna be a baker under quarantine because some dumb cunt on Facebook had some "omg homemade amazing bread!!" shit, but they won't and thill end up throwing it all away anyway

>> No.13971155

millennial can't cook.

>> No.13971161
File: 45 KB, 500x400, Adobe_20200325_203808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sitting on like 80lbs of various types of flour.
a/s/l and I'll see what I can do for ya.

>> No.13971186

Because it's cheap and doesn't spoil they can grab several bags of it and think that makes them safe forever. They are going to find out that bakind is hard when you can't manage a three ingridient recioe and that flour is going to sit there for years

>> No.13971198

It's very easy to use up flour even without baking.

>> No.13971204
File: 99 KB, 465x622, 1385166569931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No pasta
>No beans
>No rice
>No flour
>No sugar
>No stock
>No toilet paper
>No bleach to drink

>> No.13971215
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>their shitty country has logistics problems

>> No.13971259

Why cat sad?

>> No.13971308
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>No pasta, beans, flour, sugar, stock, tp, noodles, whatever
>dont give a shit
>No rice


>> No.13971313


>> No.13971447

That's the one thing no one around here is buying. They're in for some disappointing rice, at least.

>> No.13971591

>tfw celiac
>hate life
>covid happens
>regular bread and flour disappear
>gluten free shit still on the shelves
sometimes i'm glad that shit is barely edible

>> No.13971700

>implying it’s boomers and not zoom zooms doing their first LARP as housewives

>> No.13971801
File: 34 KB, 366x399, 1582829329805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of flour here, but no fucking yeast
I used to bake every weekend but now I have to eat shitty factory made bread
Probably gonna start my own sourdough soon

>> No.13971824
File: 41 KB, 836x905, 1583320694143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeast is every fucking where

just cultivate some

>> No.13971830
File: 254 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20200421_101220878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but no fucking yeast
So many normies didn't prep.
I could use some more because some nigger bought like every box at Aldi, but I got plenty for a month or two at least. It's around though.

>> No.13971832

>Probably gonna start my own sourdough soon
Don't do it. It's wasteful.

>> No.13971834

What's a good cake recipe? I just recently got some cake flour and I'm looking for suggestions. I also have some cacao powder for some chocolate cake recipes.

>> No.13971842

>Don't do it. It's wasteful.
In what way? It's better than nothing at least

>> No.13971858
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200422_203207899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute best chocolate cake is the Hershey recipe on the side of their box of cocoa. Don't overcook it and dry it out though. Better a little undercooked than overcooked.

I gotcha senpai.

>> No.13971874

Thanks for the recipe m8. I'm surprised the recipe doesn't have more butter in it.

>> No.13971876

It ain't the boomers OP. It's all the instagram twitter thots that want to bake a thousand different Tasty© (((recipes)))

>> No.13971882

Who's the slut?

>> No.13971889

I don't know what I hate more: people who think everyone is controlled by the internet, or people who are controlled by the internet.

>> No.13971899

Kat, and she isn't a slut

>> No.13971931

Where has all the flour gone
Long time passing
Where has all the flour gone
Long time ago
Where has all the flour gone
Boomers bought the bags, every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn...

>> No.13971938

You're right. Who would want to have sex with a creepy cat girl that lives in garbage?

>> No.13971940

Just buy canned flour, Normies don't know that it actually exists.

>> No.13971997

american baking recipes tend to use vegetable oil rather then butter, chemically its a more pure fat and its cheaper but use it at the cost of less butter flavour if thats your thing. also note that butter is only like 3/4 fat, so if you use it use more then the specified amount of vegetable oil so it has the same amount of fat. apart from that they are essentially interchangeable, never tried to make pastry with oil though

>> No.13972023

Oil makes for a more moist cake.
As far as the frosting, too much butter makes for a runny product. You want it stiff enough to stay on the cake at room temperature.

>> No.13972029

your waifu is a slut, millions of basement dwelling subhumans think of her every night

>> No.13972032

Do they have whole wheat? I still have a couple bags left from a regular trip I did in January.

Stores have been doing that zero-inventory shit a long time, and millennials had been spending more at restaurants than at grocery stores, which run on different supply chains.

>> No.13972039

I have 9kg of bread flour, 11kg all-purpose, 500gr corn flour, 1kg whole wheat. Am i a filthy hoarder?

>> No.13972040

I'm nearing the end of my two pounds of yeast from costco :(

This shit wouldn't happen if people had already been feeding themselves properly

>> No.13972043
File: 245 KB, 1640x2030, aokcd6ox0fu41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss having bread flour as well, anon. I was making some sexy focaccia. Thank goodness I stocked up on AP flour a week before the happening, but bread is what I wanna make right now and bread flour is fucking gone.. What do you even do with AP flour except cookies?

>> No.13972044

No, that's a normal amount for a skinny person to have on hand. Try not to eat too much white, especially enriched. This is a bad time to need an emergency appendectomy.

>> No.13972046

Noted. Has there been much study to how the quality of the oil effects the cake? For instance, I have vegetable oil, but if its been used in frying before, is it rancid enough that it imparts its impurities in the cake? If its a heavily flavored cake like Chocolate it might mask the flavor, but for something lighter I imagine it would be tougher.

>> No.13972056

You can use AP for baking still. Don't be too snooty to not think its viable.

>> No.13972072
File: 548 KB, 500x628, 1507719472978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For instance, I have vegetable oil, but if its been used in frying before, is it rancid enough that it imparts its impurities in the cake?
use clean oil lad

>> No.13972077

I never fry with vegetable oil. I bake with it only. I wouldn't use that oil unless there was no other option.

For frying I use peanut or corn oil. Then I strain it through a small sieve with a coffee filter and reuse it.

>> No.13972078

It's not snooty, it's just uneducated. I thought bread flour was the only flour you can use for bread because of the high protein content. Can I just substitute the same amount of AP for bread flour in my favorite Ragusea shilled fridgebread recipe?

>> No.13972100

Breadbros, how long does the process take in total? Most sourdough recipes require multiple steps with hours between them. Is there any recipe without the dead space in between?

>> No.13972118

just use yeast

>> No.13972132

A little hard to cook when you don't have ingredients available you boomer nigger.

>> No.13972164

I want my loaf tasty

>> No.13972172

then wait for it bitch

>> No.13972179

just make stuff with your discard lol

>> No.13972185
File: 121 KB, 1024x747, 1587520062044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A little hard to cook when you don't have ingredients available you boomer nigger.
Get a load of this fucking normie!
>not stockpiling in January and February before the Boomer hordes bought all the supplies.

>> No.13972187

I made a focaccia with some AP, turned out fine. It probably would be better with bread flour though. try and source some vital wheat gluten and add that to up the protein content of your flour.

>> No.13972195

i just sold my switch for $900

>> No.13972212

My 8 year old nephew has a switch. Friend of yours?

>> No.13972215

yeah he's my little bottom bitch

>> No.13972351

Most grocery stores are limiting how much they put out so retards dont buy all of it at once.

>> No.13972651

Depends on the flour and the recipe. I normally use king arthur all-purpose for my bread which is not a "bread flour" but still relatively high protein. I ordered some more and it got substituted with gold medal flour which is apparently lower protein, I haven't tried it yet but I guess I'll find out soon whether it works.

>> No.13972675

Forkish memed me into making an 80% hydration dough and it's a sloppy fucking mess. It's a few hours into bulk ferment and when I fold it it loosens back up almost immediately, how fucked is my bread? I know a lot of people don't like his book, what's another recipe I could try to see if less wet doughs work better for me?

>> No.13972721

Man I wish I didnt have inflammation from eating wheat.
Making bread/pizza/cakes is so easy and tasty

>> No.13972738

Eat rice white nigger.

>> No.13973588

>not five years ago, fully aware that shit worse than this is inevitable

>> No.13973663

How long can your stash last you?

>> No.13973682

try your local bakery if they're still open, they gave me a big jar of dry yeast the other day for pretty cheap.

>> No.13973706

Or use a can of swill beer instead of water. The 'za has never been tastier.

>> No.13973742

Because she's a cuck

>> No.13973749

>Stock on sale here
Feels good.

>> No.13973773
File: 100 KB, 500x520, laughingsecreta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing how to make their own food

>> No.13973775

A bakery using dried yeast? Disgusting.

>> No.13973822

I had sex with her and now I have herpes, how do you explain that?

>> No.13973885

Wanna know what’s sad? I live on a Indian reservation in Canada, and the store owners have started putting the bakers yeast under lock and key due to all the locals making ‘home brew’
(P.S. the local government shut down the closest alcohol seller, which explains the switch to ‘home brew’)

>> No.13974164

can i start a yeast culture using the yeast from a dry yeast pack? what about a 4year old yeast that has beeen through hot/cold cycles?

>> No.13974199

Its yeast thats hard to find