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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 249 KB, 900x600, Poverty-philly-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13970037 No.13970037 [Reply] [Original]

What state or city objectively has the worst food or eating experience? My vote is for philly or baltimore

>> No.13970045

anywhere with librels and nonwhites :D

>> No.13970053

Cheese steaks, fresh seafood, crab chips. I like Baltimore desu. Okay both cities are absolute shit but the heroin is good and cheap.

>> No.13970105
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Red: Literally chain garbage and fast food only. You will be shot and killed if you don't pick the lettuce off your McBurger.
Pink: Horrible. Chains and fast food, but you won't be killed if you leave the lettuce on. But you'll be tagged as an unamerican traitor and people will clutch their purses and purse their lips if they see you.
Purple: Bad. A few independent restaurants but they mostly serve tater tots, chicken tenders, overboiled spaghetti, and lemonade from concentrate. "Fancy" joints limited to chain steak houses serving mushy prime rib and mashed potatoes from a mix. The local "food celebrity" writes a weekly column describing exotic new trends like limes and avocados, complete with pictures for everyone to gasp at and go "wwohooooaaa weird foods, WEIRD foods lol"
Light blue: Still hell on earth, but one or two ok restaurants in the hipster neighborhoods where they still ride fixies and think sriracha is new and fashionable. Sushi restaurants exist but the last one was firebombed by a MAGA cultist who lost his job over it, sure, but was immediately lifted into millionaire status by a GoFundMe organized by Richard Spencer
Medium blue: Getting almost tolerable. Average restaurant is not a chain restaurant. Even the chains are at least edible. But if you're vegan or if you like fish or spicy food you're making a bold, provocative statement that will lead to arguments and seething resentment. Ordering wine is pushing your luck and people have been known to use "gay panic defense" to rationalize the resulting homicide.
Dark blue: Basically safe as long as you stick to major cities. Venture beyond the passenger rail network and it starts to resemble purple.

>> No.13970119

>worst food
Based on what? Philly is basically just a smaller NYC with less Jews and more crime. Baltimore has some of the best seafood on the East coast. OP is likely a butthurt flyoverfag who’s sick of people from the east coast shitting on his slop and trying to find a scapegoat to shift the shitting to.

>> No.13970144

Imagine putting this much effort into such a poor analysis. I’d pick it apart, but it’s almost all wrong and that would take more effort than simply calling you a retard and moving on. Right about most of the red parts though.

>> No.13970185

Cincinnati, Ohio is the worst culinary city in the entire US
their signature dish is revolting slop chili over overcooked spaghetti noodles and topped with processed cheese food product (now melts!) and everyone involved in making the """food""" is addicted to heroin and didn't graduate middle school

>> No.13970188

Dilate Pacquito
>only kiked cities have good food
Absolute brainlet, soy injected post.
Fresh food doesn't come from the city, cocksucker.

>> No.13970190

I can’t speak for Baltimore but there’s no heroin here, it’s all fent nowadays

>> No.13970201

Some good straight dope in the blocks around 5th and Allegheny

>> No.13970203

Ohio. And it's not even close.

>> No.13970209

>all these /pol/ddit buzzwords crammed into one post
Wow, imagine being such a newfag, pseudo-political ragetard. If you think the factory farmed beef you get at WalMart is better than what you can get in a city on the coast is better just because you live in Flyoverville Indiana, you deserve to eat the slop you’re used to.

>> No.13970210

>Louisiana has worse food than North Dakota
Based, fuck Cajuns, fuck Creoles, and especially fuck Crawfish

>> No.13970212

Tantalum doesn't come from South Korea or Taiwan either. And yet the DRC doesn't really have a thriving high tech industry does it now.

Also, high quality foods do not grow in Nebraska. That's all GMO soybeans and biofuels. Human food comes from places like the Hudson Valley and Sonoma County.

>> No.13970216

I’ll take your word for it, I’ve just noticed that’s a complaint my friends who partake in that vice have.

>> No.13970230

I've spent a lot of time there and I can confirm this. The only Japanese restaurant in the state is run by filipinos and if you order something as straightforward as steak or a pork chop it's extruded deep fried formed patties with a fake "bone shape" added even though it's boneless. Also most restaurants are drive-thru. The only sit down restaurant in the state requires reservations a week in advance and their claim to fame is a jello dessert with spray whip on top.

>> No.13970243

St. Louis

not objective at all. Also wrong

>> No.13970244

Yeah, fent has become a major product because it’s cheaper, stronger and surprisingly a lot of places don’t feel like paying extra money to test for it on drug screens. If you move away from the usual blocks in Kensington, a bit into Fairhill there’s still many blocks that sell regular dope for the people who didn’t fall for the fentanyl meme. Also some great Rican food in some of the bodegas there, to keep this post somewhat food relevant. I haven’t used for about 2 months but I used to grab a couple $1 homemade empanadas on my runs

>> No.13970258

>he doesn't like pol
Homosexual, detected. I'm a SF Bay native, not a self proclaimed homosexual transplant from Indiana(where you obviously fled from to escape the gay bashings). I can cook you under the table, cocksucker. And I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire disease riddled pozzed petri dish of an asshole. I get my meat from the butcher, and grow my own veggies and herbs. Your "culture" consists of ordering a meal from a college student that is then cooked by a wetback, and delivered to your table full of Bernie felating homosexual communist losers that still can't figure out that your vote hasn't mattered in your entire suburban sheltered existence. The Jew owns both parties and AIPAC decides who sits in the Oval Office and Congress and on the Supreme Court. The only thing they ever agree upon openly is how many billions of dollars and boatloads of free weapons we need to send Israel. You're the definition of an NPC, with absolutely no idea how the world works or who rules over you and creates your reality. Now go buy your unique individual special self at Hot Topic, queer, they're probably having a pandemic sale.

>> No.13970270

>Human food comes from places like the Hudson Valley and Sonoma County it comes from the flea market which imported it from Mexico you cringe niggerfaggot. GMOs are illegal in Mexico and I don't have to buy them from Jeff Bezos at a markup. The Capitol Flea market in San Jose has a better produce section than any market in any city on the west coast. Everything from gook specialties to spic and Indian shit. But the Chad grows/imports his own.

>> No.13970276
File: 122 KB, 500x281, rndcCmF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do flyovers actually think the Hudson Valley is in California?

>> No.13970279
File: 10 KB, 221x228, polmagapedenpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homosexual, detected. I'm a SF Bay native, not a self proclaimed homosexual transplant from Indiana(where you obviously fled from to escape the gay bashings). I can cook you under the table, cocksucker. And I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire disease riddled pozzed petri dish of an asshole. I get my meat from the butcher, and grow my own veggies and herbs. Your "culture" consists of ordering a meal from a college student that is then cooked by a wetback, and delivered to your table full of Bernie felating homosexual communist losers that still can't figure out that your vote hasn't mattered in your entire suburban sheltered existence. The Jew owns both parties and AIPAC decides who sits in the Oval Office and Congress and on the Supreme Court. The only thing they ever agree upon openly is how many billions of dollars and boatloads of free weapons we need to send Israel. You're the definition of an NPC, with absolutely no idea how the world works or who rules over you and creates your reality. Now go buy your unique individual special self at Hot Topic, queer, they're probably having a pandemic sale.

>> No.13970280

Ah did not know that. Good for you for being two months clean tho.
Also this ain’t New York, they’re called papi stores not bodegas. And the proper order is the $2 hoagie a 75 cent Days orange mango soda and two loosies.

>> No.13970287

Not sure about all flyovers, but this retard
sure seems to be full of retarded spoutings.

>> No.13970295

Anywhere that's poor and degenerating without a unique culinary history. Rich cities will always have good food to cater to people who can afford it. Trendy cities have a huge turnover rate for new restaurants with culinary students and enthusiasts setting up shop. They're bad at business, but their food is good.
OP is spot on with Baltimore and Philly. I'd also add Detroit and most of Ohio. Surprisingly, Chicago has great food if you stick to downtown and the northside. You'd also be assed to find any good food in flyover states, simply because there's no reason for good cooks to set up shop where there's no business.
Best cities and states for food (that i've actually been to) are probably Charleston, Nashville, and New England.

>> No.13970297
File: 853 KB, 762x988, AC1704C1-BFDF-4297-9980-24816AC80CB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homosexual, detected. I'm a SF Bay native, not a self proclaimed homosexual transplant from Indiana(where you obviously fled from to escape the gay bashings). I can cook you under the table, cocksucker. And I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire disease riddled pozzed petri dish of an asshole. I get my meat from the butcher, and grow my own veggies and herbs. Your "culture" consists of ordering a meal from a college student that is then cooked by a wetback, and delivered to your table full of Bernie felating homosexual communist losers that still can't figure out that your vote hasn't mattered in your entire suburban sheltered existence. The Jew owns both parties and AIPAC decides who sits in the Oval Office and Congress and on the Supreme Court. The only thing they ever agree upon openly is how many billions of dollars and boatloads of free weapons we need to send Israel. You're the definition of an NPC, with absolutely no idea how the world works or who rules over you and creates your reality. Now go buy your unique individual special self at Hot Topic, queer, they're probably having a pandemic sale.

>> No.13970305
File: 219 KB, 879x755, poldditfaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homosexual, detected. I'm a SF Bay native, not a self proclaimed homosexual transplant from Indiana(where you obviously fled from to escape the gay bashings). I can cook you under the table, cocksucker. And I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire disease riddled pozzed petri dish of an asshole. I get my meat from the butcher, and grow my own veggies and herbs. Your "culture" consists of ordering a meal from a college student that is then cooked by a wetback, and delivered to your table full of Bernie felating homosexual communist losers that still can't figure out that your vote hasn't mattered in your entire suburban sheltered existence. The Jew owns both parties and AIPAC decides who sits in the Oval Office and Congress and on the Supreme Court. The only thing they ever agree upon openly is how many billions of dollars and boatloads of free weapons we need to send Israel. You're the definition of an NPC, with absolutely no idea how the world works or who rules over you and creates your reality. Now go buy your unique individual special self at Hot Topic, queer, they're probably having a pandemic sale.

>> No.13970307
File: 1.45 MB, 1407x1551, 1586687521837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't refute the truth when called out
Pay your student loan, commie.

>> No.13970318

I don't need to refute anything. I never gave you any indication of my political beliefs, yet like an absolute retard you made a general assessment that is completely inacurate. I'm not going to waste my time "debating" you because I didn't come to debate politics. My post was simply pointing out that faggots like you who drag politics into cooking threads are cancer, no matter what side you're on and your replies just prove it further. Get fucked. Go eat your walmart slop.

>> No.13970330

Its perfectly legal to purposely give people HIV and there are literally DESIGNATED shitting streets in San Fagcisco
don't pretend like you aren't part of the problem, Calicuck

>> No.13970342

>don't pretend like you aren't part of the problem, Calicuck
I left in 2011, because of the fags, spics, street shitters, and their Jewish masters(Feinstein/Boxer).

>> No.13970347

>t.Socialist Homosexual with a BA in Women's Studies
Pay debts.

>> No.13970348

Once a califag always a califag. Kys libcuck.

>> No.13970350

>Red: Literally chain garbage and fast food only
red contains all of the soul food in the nation. all of the bbq, creole, cajun. you're retarded.

>> No.13970355
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x2560, polthisisme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay debts.

>> No.13970365

Not to mention some of the best steaks in the country are served in Nevada.

>> No.13971623


Don't forget Chaps Pit Beef. God-tier. Plus there's a strip club right next door.

>> No.13971630


There's tons of great food in Colorado, in Denver at least.

>> No.13971679

>What state or city objectively has the worst food or eating experience? My vote is for philly or baltimore
The question is objectively dumb. Cities and states differ in income mix.

Only in extreme abject poverty will you find a lack of fine dining and choices. So, let's say West Virginia, as a state is the shithole bottom of every statistics iist, no matter the topic, from unemployment to school dropout rate to meth addiction to polluted this or that.

I'm going to say the Northern Virginia/metro DC and parts of Maryland absolutely contain amazing dining and anyone who lives there has as many choices as NY, though NYers have fun in a tri-state kind of way.

S. Florida is pretty terrific too, from W.Palm to Miami, the whole 3 counties. It's home to restaurants of the highest caliber in both experience and food, ethnic, but missing only of the Asian element that DC does well.