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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13967635 No.13967635 [Reply] [Original]

tell me about the ins and outs of filipino food. how does it compare to japanese or korean?

>> No.13967641

What you never had a Jollibees before? Get the fuck out nigger

>> No.13967892

filipino food is the absolute dog trash tier food of all asian food. Every other South asian country makes better food than flip. Everyone just talks about muh jolliebees but korean fried chicken is 10x better.

>> No.13967990


>> No.13968003

Sinigang is pretty good. Its a tamarind based soup with veggies and meat over rice.
Adobo is a classic, and lumpia is pretty bomb.
I like it because i grew up on it but korean and jap food is significantly better imho

>> No.13968007

Korea is the America of Asia.
Japan is the UK of Asia.
Phillipines is the Puerto Rico of Asia.

>> No.13968008

I've gone out with many filipino girls
I always ask about the food and they never have anything to say about it

their feet are always top tier though

>> No.13968017

>Japan is the UK of Asia
full of brown people that hate the culture of the country that welcomed them?

>> No.13968047

it goes in my mouth and comes out my ass

>> No.13968059

>tfw your the most powerful race in the world but you only get exported out cuz your a literal slave
Fuck off flip

>> No.13968063

Jollibee is shit
Thats cause most americflips are cultural bastards

>> No.13968064




>> No.13968098


I guess they aren't so powerful after all.

>> No.13968110

So japan are a bunch of cucks that openly celebrate trans gendered people and refugees that frequently stab and rape?

>> No.13968117

bistek isn't bland fuck you

and how the fuck is spaghetti with ketchup bland? I didn't say it was good but that's anything but bland

>> No.13968182

based baneposter

>> No.13968605

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13969344


We made a thread about this here...

I don't know much about Filipino meals but deserts are so many. In fact in Asia, the Philippines has the most prolific dessert tradition since it's an the confluence of Indo-Pacific and Hispano-American and European cuisin.


>> No.13969348

Hell no. The Filipino dessert tradition is THE MOST DEVELOPED IN ASIA.

Better than Japan's.


>> No.13969358

get raped /pol/-fag

>> No.13969360
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Since you numskulls don't appreciate Filipino cuisine I will just Pic-Spam Filipino desserts here (The most developed dessert tradition in Asia)

Since obviously, most of you won't read our thread I posted.

>> No.13969362
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>> No.13969366
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>> No.13969368

based schizo

>> No.13969369

this reminds me of american recipes from the 50's-

>> No.13969370
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>> No.13969379

trash compared to most other asian cuisines

>> No.13969386
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There's also exotic but ancient recipes too. There is prodigious use of Ube (Sweet Purple Yam), Coconut Meat and Milk, Flan, Mangoes and Dragon Fruit too.

>> No.13969390


Did you just fucking ingnored the 7 page thread I linked too? Azns especially East Asians don't have rich dessert tradition because they are isolated shitholes whereas the Philippines has a very rich dessert tradition due to the Hispanic and American tradition. Which is UTTERLY ABSENT in other Asian cuisines.

>> No.13969391

>Phillipines is the Puerto Rico of Asia.
Wtf are you trying to say. Say to my face faggot. PR food is better than your local cuisine.

>> No.13969395

>Phillipines is the Puerto Rico of Asia.
Someone has yet to graduate from the Hotpockets.

>> No.13969400

Calm your ass down, Kung flu boy of asia.

>> No.13969406

disgusting slop

>> No.13969425

The Philippines gives you wild flavors you never tasted before, like Cassava Cakes, Ube Ice Cream, Dragon Fruit Tarts, Coconut Cream Silvanas, Avocado Guyabana shakes, Calamansi cocktail, Jackfruit mixed with Mangoes.

Only a Poltard would ignore this rich tradition and claim that Filipinos have the worst cuisin in Asia when they haven't even tasted any of the flavors I said.

>> No.13969428

Honestly their bread is pretty good. You cant find Filipino restaurants, but you can find bakeries.
Its usually sweet Spanish style bread but distinctly different. Spanish cheese bread and putok were good, I dont live next to the bakery anymore so my memory is fuzzy.

>> No.13969499

Filipinos have shit food culture, doesn't mean they have a bad cuisine. As usual you gotta travel there to get the best of it, with regional/local ingredients/dishes, and the hard part:finding a good cook. The Philippines has a shit ton of variety of fresh produce, from mountain rice to abalone, the sea is teeming with various fish, algea and seafood, tons of different kinds of exotic fruit. It's mostly fried and overcooked by filipinos. But if you find someone who can cook and has kept culinary tradition instead of eating from cans and sachets, there are some pretty good dishes. Kilaw is the original ceviche before it crossed the pacific, the best ones adapt the aromatics to the different kind of fish, bicolano cuisine has some nice spice, vigan longganisa is good if it isn't sweet, filipino muslim cuisine has it's own take on indonesian influence, or old ways of cooking like wild chicken braised in a bamboo shoot(on a wood fire) with wild ginger/galangal/lemongrass, shallots and young coconut juice.

>> No.13969552


Actually its good that Filipino cuisine despite being well developed has a bad rap, it will be our little secret.

Much like the Filipino word "Tiyangge " or Tianquiztli in original Aztec means a large open air market complex but in Filipino means your local store attached to a person's home.

There is intimacy here that shouldn't be just paraded around.

>> No.13969563

Don't pretend much of the country doesn't eat garbage with broken palates that crave sugar and fat/salt bombs. Thank the americans I guess.
Filipino's don't have much a sense of refinement, it translates to their attitude to food too.

>> No.13969580


Most Filipinos are poor so of course there won't be a sense of refinement. But among the elite you can get a taste of the exotic and delicious.

Hopefully it improves once the Philippines develops are rediscovers its very rich culinary history, until then people will just shit on us and us cultured people will just quietly pass the secrets along until a more oppurtune time arrives.

>> No.13969603

Even your super wealthy have no refinement. Just chase after bling, the op meme is very apt.
Good luck preserving anything when your cultured people post on 4chan about the intimacy of your home grocery.

>> No.13969605

Dog I dislike nouveau riche flips like you. It's the poor people that keep the culinary traditions, you think all the varities of vinegars, the rice/coconut wine, the smoked salt, the rice/fruit varietals, the knowledge of wild ingredients, the cooking techniques, survive because of the obnoxious/colonial mentality elite?

>> No.13969633


Pourquoi si coincé, mec?


We have epic romances where Caliphas stepped down from power and gave up wealth to live humbly.
Pengiran Seri Lela died in August–September 1578, probably from the same illness that had afflicted his Spanish allies, although there was suspicion he could have been poisoned by the ruling Sultan. Seri Lela's daughter, Putri, a princess of Brunei who even though had a claim to the throne decided to leave with the Spanish group and abandon her crown and riches and went on to marry a Christian Tagalog. (Tagalogs were from Manila and the Sultanate of Brunei had enslaved them when Sultan Bolkiah conquered their state, they grew weary of subjugation and joined the Spanish.) The Christian Tagalog in question, a hidalgo (Knight) who proved his valor in combat, was named Agustín de Legazpi of Tondo. Putri, the imperial princess, bravely defied the Quranic punishment of stoning Muslim women who marry Non-Muslims to death and they fell deeply in love, they had children in the Philippines and lived a simple life in Manila.


Thank you for your truth bombs anyway, it is better that a wise man berates me than to have a fool compliment me.

Anyway, 4chan is just my Corona-cope afterwards I'll get back to normal life.

>> No.13969644


I'm not nouveau riche, and its important to remember that nobility in word and action is far more important than material wealth.

La noblesse oblige.

I got ahead of myself sorry.

But it's also the creativity and the personal touche that one puts into it, afterall cuisine is dynamic.

>> No.13969668

>I don’t have an argument so I fall back on sad, tired tropes promoted by the Infowars cuck because I can’t think for myself
t.hardcorerepublican but not a moron orangeman dicksucker

>> No.13969683
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>> No.13969711
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If you read Aristotle you would know that there are six types of governments.

And "Democracy" is actually the corruption of Polity. Also the word "Republic" comes from the Latin "Res Pvblica" meaning "For the Public".

In the etymological sense alone in their original Greek and Latin rootwords; Republicanism aims for the greater good whereas Democracy
is the corruption of a Republic.

>> No.13969737
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This is why in the Chinese Caste System Merchants occupy the lowest strata and scholars, the top.

>> No.13969755
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Learning French or summarizing a popular story doesn't make you refined. If you can't recognize that these displays show how petty and uncultured you are, then theres no hope for you. Its exactly what a nouveau riche would consider high class.
The type of person to revive their culture wouldn't engage in this pissing match. Maybe you are all that sophisticated, but you should work on your personality.

t. grandfather died in jail for raping little girls and rest of my family are trailer trash who married their cousins.

>> No.13969764

>if you look at what the meaning of these two words mean

who asked

>> No.13969918


Dude this is 4chan we're here to be real about ourselves in an Anonymous manner and post stuff you wouldn't say publicly and not be pretentious. If your words are what you truly believe though then I truly applaud you.

>> No.13969929

>Dude this is 4chan we're here to be real about ourselves in an Anonymous manner and post stuff you wouldn't say publicly and not be pretentious. If your words are what you truly believe though then I truly applaud you.
Topkek, newfag.

>> No.13969930

by a migrant ?

>> No.13969935


Words no matter how small have subliminal effects on one's mindset.

Repvblican is simply Latin for "Towards the Public" and Aristotle considered Democratia a corruption of Polity.

It may not mean much for you but to the Romance speaking Americans: Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese which has a language based on Latin as well as the Greek Americans, there's already some cue words in there that might subconsciously make them vote such and such.

>> No.13969938

somebody didn’t read Plato’s Republic...democracy is pure, not corrupt; corrupt democracy is ochlocracy

hey, but thanks for your input...pretty sure you’re on the wrong board

>> No.13969952

I used to fuck my side chick in the bathroom of a Filipino restaurant every Wednesday.

Whenever I smell vinegar now I get hard.

Anyway adobo is amazing. Tocilog is amazing. Halo halo is weird.

>> No.13969982

Absolutely disgusting. Footfags are the most disgusting and depraved of all the fetishists. While feet seem relatively tame compared to things like vore or scat, footfags are overly vocal about their fetish and act like because they want to lick toes dipped in dog shit, everybody else does. Every friend circle has that one footfag “friend” (more like some guy you put up with as to avoid drama) who always feels the need to bring up his fetish at every available opportunity.
Friend1: Hey man have you seen Mikes new girl?
Friend2: Yeah, she’s pretty hot.
Footfag: Hell yeah, I’d love to suck on her sweaty toes!
Every fucking time. Footfags are some sort of demon that thrives on the discomfort of those around them and constantly feel the need to make everybody else feel awkward by saying weird shit about their fetish in order to grow stronger. While arguably licking a foot (in most cases) isn’t as disgusting as eating literal shit, footfags make their fetish disgusting by simply being footfags about it. I’m sure most people have piss and scatfag friends but unlike the footfag friends, you probably don’t know who they are because like normal people they realize that fetishes are weird and you shouldn’t tell your friends about them. I’d say they’re on par with furries, but even furries make an attempt to hide the fetish portion of their lives and act like they just enjoy dressing up as animals and hanging out. Footfags embellish the disgusting sexual nature of it and won’t hesitate to announce to the world that they’d be happier with a foot in their mouth. I wish I had a gun and a bullet for every footfag.

>> No.13970158

Aristotle also believed everything was made of fire, water, earth, and air. Do you agree with that?

You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are.

And besides, what makes you think modern American republicans embody any of the values of Aristotle's polity?

>> No.13970349

Yes but replace brown with Chinese

>> No.13970352

One of my best friends is a pinoy and one of his goto meals is white rice and ketchup. Take from that what you will.

>> No.13970364

Is this by that Laughing Uncle Sam artist?

>> No.13970367

Um hello, based department??

>> No.13970748

>ins and outs of filipino food
Food goes in, poop comes out.

>> No.13970873
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>Japan is the UK of Asia.
You mean like how a lot of their cuisine comes from foreign countries but they claim ownership over it? Funny thing is it's not really the Japanese doing this but western liberals who call dumplings gyoza and twice-cooked-pork hoikoro regardless of which cuisine the dish actually came from (i.e. calling Chinese style dumplings gyoza)
You can tell that these views are prevalent where you literally see Chinese-style packaging with the word Gyoza written on it. I don't blame them for selling these, it's just an unfortunate matter of fact that most consumers are retarded.

>> No.13970889


>> No.13970904

bane isn't racist

>> No.13971110

Im filipino and i think jollibee is fucking gross. Meme filipino food like adobo, pancit, lumpia, is usually alright.

>> No.13971197

Fast food spaghetti says enough

>> No.13971222

calm down boi
you know damn well that Flips are only used for cheap labour and for their hookers.

>> No.13971251

>You mean like how a lot of their cuisine comes from foreign countries but they claim ownership over it?
also the "stiff upper lip" attitude and obsession with "not wanting to make a fuss"

>> No.13971309
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Married a Flip and she can't cook worth shit. Last Christmas I visited her family and her mom asked me to make some weird salad of macaroni, cream cheese, green beans, onions, ketchup and some weird sauce. I'm surprised she didn't ask me to piss in it. Pancit, lumpia and lechon are good but most dishes are just random shit with some vinegar.

>> No.13972591

>Married a Flip
Why would you do that to yourself anon

>> No.13972599

Once had salt n vinigga flip pork rinds that were absolutely god tier, cant find them anywhere now

>> No.13973377
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>*dabs on u*

>> No.13973395

i'm pinoy but i actually don't like most pinoy food. i acknowledge that this is a me problem, i'm just a picky eater and would prefer to eat easy to eat food than food you have to pick apart with your hands or overly sour food like tamarind soup

>> No.13973399

for me it's the single slice of bacon wrapped drumstick

>> No.13973439
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>> No.13973526

>philipinos are the most powerful race in the world
What do you think about this, John Moses Browning, designer of the M1911 pistol?

>> No.13973602

more soft soles for me

>> No.13973608


>> No.13973873

this is icecream you fuck

>> No.13974012


>> No.13974016

it seems to be more of a sundae

>> No.13974036

My mother is a Filipina of Spanish decent (yes, a real one) and I gotta say some Filipino food is alright. Crispy pata, tocino, adobo chicken
Most of it is garbage tho, thats why it's never really taken off in popularity unlike other cuisines is the SEA region eg. Thai

>> No.13974073
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Food is garbage. 0 creativity. You have three kinds. Boiled, fried, and oozing with sarsa (thick sauce). Too much cholesterol. No control on spices and flavors. Fishes are cooked whole and not filleted, yes even when frying like pic related.
There is no technique. Just saute onions and garlic, throw in your ingredients, add water, that's basically 90% of pinoy dishes.

>> No.13974078

Forgot to talk about the smell. It's terrible. Bagoong is basically fart sauce I'm not even fucking exaggerating.
The taste is either salty or sour. And for that they only use salt, bagoong, patis (fish sauce) and vinegar.

>> No.13974081
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so damn poor and their fkn god can't do anything to help,
sucked in to the religious idiots

>> No.13974101
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check out the fat philo amongst the poorest children feeding them the shit that she likes to fill her fat belly before she washes it down with a few bottles of coke and demands her jewish knight jesus fills her up inside while she bathes happily in complete ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.13974231

>Hopefully it improves once the Philippines develops are rediscovers its very rich culinary history, until then people will just shit on us and us cultured people will just quietly pass the secrets along until a more oppurtune time arrives.

Colonial mentality will make sure that won't happen anytime soon

>> No.13974246

education is key,
religion and superstition should be ditched
promote birth control and sex education
best of luck

>> No.13974263

The best dishes to me are sisig, pork blood stew (forget what it's called), nilaga, lumpia Shanghai, pancit palabok, and lechon. It is very nice and I like that it

>> No.13974282
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are you just that fucking mentally challenged to be unable to eat non-fillet fish
Tilapia fillet oh my wowie just how fucking hard is it?

>> No.13974291

holy kek these mindless platitudes are the same the world over. i'll be damned

>> No.13974302


platitudes are inane because most people don't care about the stupid people of philo.
stupid people will always be stupid,
may they all go to their stupid heaven and eat pagpag forever off the feet of the holy crap religion.

>> No.13975069


Why don't you believe in God? If everyone where irelligiouos, we will end up like the Communist Chinese and Soviet Union who's extremely Materialist Marxian ideology denied God and thus their nations are nihilistic dystopian hellholes.

>> No.13975518

I've never tried it but always wondered what's the deal with pinikpikan.