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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13963560 No.13963560 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ like fish?

>> No.13963562
File: 127 KB, 750x541, 07683d253498aa0217987e738e5bcf55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? I'm not a third worlder or a self hating lib so I don't need to eat smelly spiny slimy "diversity food"
Give it to me still mooing

>> No.13963572

>I'm not a third worlder
But America is a third world none white culture-less shithole, I don't see your point.

>> No.13963586

Name your cunt or fuck off.

>> No.13963589

Steak, whiskey, cigar and a gun? This screams of insecurity. If somebody needs external status symbols to ascertain his own gender, that someone is an anyone.

>> No.13963592

Seething Amerimutt, the truth hurts, doesn't it? I hope your orange buffoon of a president destroys your shithole of a country completely.

>> No.13963595

holy cringe

>> No.13963607

Euroshitter detected

>> No.13963676


>> No.13963820

Yes I like seafood, but what kind of barbarian leaves the head on the fish??

>> No.13963852
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Reminds me of a story of some American girl who ordered a whole fish at a restaurant and ran away crying haha. You Americans really are snowflakes.

>> No.13963885

The irony that it’s an American fish on that plate.

>> No.13963891

third worlders and people who have no idea how to cook a fish aside from gutting it

>> No.13963916

Yikes my dude. Try living in a real country for a change. Maybe it'll fix your ignorance

>> No.13963922

>third worlders
Funny way to spell Americans

>> No.13964228

Yeah, most fish, but Pike is not something I'd pick over other options. Also, most grass-eaters are so-so at best ( some obvious exceptions).

>> No.13964234
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>> No.13964236

The cheeks have the best flesh in the entire fish, usually. There is a reason fish head soups are popular in so many parts of the world (although the heads can look a little gruesome).

>> No.13964242

I love it but I've never cooked it before outside of things like shrimp, or crabs/lobster. Is there a good starter fish I can learn to cook with?

>> No.13964961

Yes, but not shellfish. That shit is gross.

>> No.13964974

Holy overcompensating manlet Batman.

>> No.13965011
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I learned to fish from my great grandfather. We mostly catch rainbow trout because that's what was mostly there. We'd take it back to the ranch and gut it, clean it up all right in the giant sink that emptied out into the orchard. Those plants always grew best where it spilled out fish blood and guts.
Then my great grandma would cook 'em up. Sometimes the heads were left of and sometimes not.

I do not like fish though. Some, I can stand, depending on how they're prepared. Cioppino is the bomb. Most, I feel like I'm just drinking aquarium water.

>> No.13965028

>Most, I feel like I'm just drinking aquarium water.

Most, I feel like I'm just drinking aquarium water.


>> No.13965047
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Mostly, no.
Fish & chips are nice. I think those are cod, right? Cod is good grilled, baked or fried.
Shrimp in Asian dishes are tasty to me
I've had some good shark vera cruz .

The worst I've ever had was at some Peruvian themed restaurant near San Francisco. I had to catch a flight so I didn't have time to send it back. So overcooked. It was a mix that had octopus in it and it was like eating one of those old rubber toys from the 1980s -- the whacky-wall-walker.

>> No.13965069

Looks like a last meal lmao

>> No.13965078

Most fish to me stink and people who don't clean out their aquariums end up with that godawful stench of fish poop in their house.
So when I try some new fish that I haven't before it tastes like that smell.

There's some good ones out there but I won't know what I don't like unless I try it.

>> No.13966358

there's lots of delicious oil in the head that comes out when it's cooked

>> No.13966784


>>daddy hat UwU
>>I'm a big stwong man just wike daddy

>> No.13967997
File: 66 KB, 240x228, 1587447401356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone likes fish!

>> No.13968021

Seethe libtards

>> No.13968037

From your picture and comment, it looks as though you are suffering from Little Dick Complex.

>> No.13968222

someone vomited on your plate

>> No.13968228

No. I've tried it a bunch of times. As a kid and as an adult. Even tried it recently as an adult who wanted to be able to like it because I keep getting told how good it is when it's fresh and cooked just right.

I still fucking hate it. It's the only food where I hate the whole group, anything with a briny or fishy taste, and can't even put it in my mouth without wanting to gag. There are vegetables I dislike like peas where I'm perfectly capable of eating them if there wasn't a choice, but fish I cannot handle. I would rather starve.

>> No.13968304
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>doesnt eat fish to own the libs

With that 5yr old palet I doubt you even cook your steak properly, probably well made steak with ketchup or some shit

>> No.13968340

>americans are so divorced from their food that a whole fish freaks them out

the greater issue is that that fish doesnt appear to be gutted, like wtf??

>> No.13968353

I know its bait but can someone explain what is with conservatives OBSESSION with daddy this daddy that and muh father figures? I love my dad too but damn son you'd think all these chumps grew up fatherless

>> No.13968365

You really going to eat that whole gun?

>> No.13968366

Men are naturally disagreable, when two men grow in a household the bigger one represses and disciplines the smaller one, many fatherless households tend to generate emotionally weak and naive men, most of them end up making another fatherless child or fail at being a man completely, this because the mother cant discipline someone stronger.

Fathers harden up kids and make strong, self controlled, well intentioned men

>> No.13968370

I used to, but now I don't

>> No.13968383

>Micropenis: The Post

>> No.13968391

Hmm sounds gay desu. Don't get me wrong I think having a father figure to look up to is vital for a growing boy but once you're an adult its kind of cringe to keep obsessing over it

>> No.13968404

not really, this world needs more fathers, most families are made by weak men that leave their children behind, breeding more weak men.

My dad was a weak piece of shit desu not gonna hide it, Im passionate about this because I never got to have the life lessons I needed so I learnt the hard way, my dad put sex over fatherhood, he cheated on my mom and left me to live by myself on a ghetto, learnt the hard way but not the proper.

>> No.13968435

Fair, sorry your dad was a shithead Anon

>> No.13968492

Sure. Once when I was in eetaly I misordered and got some raw shrimp scampi. It was pretty good tho no cap

>> No.13968495
File: 80 KB, 678x678, pan-seared-Perch-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah. Perch is my favorite.

>> No.13968560
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I like fish, eating mondays leftlovers for lunch today.

>> No.13968689

Fish stinks and tastes like ass. Sushi is the worst. I'm convinced only weebs or people trying to be trendy eat it.

Only exceptions : haddock, wild salmon,walleye, smoked trout, bbqd tuna, arctic char

>> No.13968695

>not incorporating sardines in your diet
((they)) fear the power of the deenz

>> No.13968729
File: 604 KB, 708x417, Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 12.16.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even come up with your own picture for your caricature? Fucking pathetic.

Like all those art thots that gets tattoos because they think it makes them unique and special.

>> No.13968733

>Fish stinks
Stop buying old fish.

>> No.13968765

I live on the ocean, as in I see it from my window. I get fish right off the boat, it's as fresh as possible. It's still gross and smells

>> No.13968774

i'm a little more hip hop and country, she's a little more rock and roll, if you mix in a little bit of whiskey, we sound like a radio, radio.

>> No.13968778

The projections wew lad

>> No.13968842

I always hear people saying this. Fish only smells or tastes fishy when it's not fresh. But I've had fish that was caught right in front of my face and it still tastes fishy. I'm sure it's less than when it's a day old or whatever but that taste is still there and it fills my whole sense of smell and taste until I want to vomit.

>> No.13968943

Ever since I moved out of my parents' house almost all the meat I cook is fish or other seafood. I've always loved fish and my mom never made it, so now I'm splurging.

>> No.13969070

Its crazy man its to the point where I have family members that are disturbed by bone in meat because it reminds them it came from an animal