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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13957222 No.13957222 [Reply] [Original]

Why do American biscuits look like scones?

>> No.13957258

it's really none of your bicuits

>> No.13957275

Mind your own biscuits and everything will be gravy.

>> No.13957284

Because languages have regional variations called dialects.

>> No.13957301

Why do foreign scones look like biscuits?

>> No.13957369


>> No.13957605

who cares
biscuits and gravy is literally the best food

>> No.13957635

Why do British people look like pale troglodytes?

>> No.13957722

whats a scone

>> No.13958130

yet another /int/sect thread

>> No.13958264

because they are, just different words for different things.
the weird thing is that they cover theirs with jizz-looking white """"""gravy"""""" instead of jam, cream or butter.

>> No.13958292

>has never had homemade sausage gravy
>can’t stop thinking of jizz
fucking foreigners are so gay.

>> No.13958415

As a Canadian I stand in awe of the American biscuit. They're simply incredible. I don't know why they haven't caught on in Canada but oh my god if you get them from the motherland you get weak in the knees. Even biscuits from low tier everyday fast food places like McDonald's made me gasp in ecstasy. It's absurd. They're perfectly soft, with that crisp buttery crust, pillowy white heavenly interior... Fuck I truly hate that I was born outside of America for this alone

>> No.13958543

They both rely on baking powder for leavening.
Americans wanted a fluffy biscuit to sop fat with, and Brits wanted a fluffy scone to serve with cream tea, so they used the same technology and got similar results.

>> No.13958547

>british people call cookies "skans"

>> No.13958566

>dO AmErIcAnS rEaLlY

>> No.13958672


>> No.13958680

imagine being this homosexual

>> No.13958688

you can buy american biscuits in canada doyoy

>> No.13958717

americans are stupid, they call scones biscuits

only americans make really gay puns about scones

more gay american "wit"

only americans call scones buiscits

why do americans call scones buiscits?

only americans agree with wrong statments

only americans care about calling scones buiscits

do americans really think british people look like pale troglodytes?

a scone is food. americans call them busicuits while being wrong about it. thats americans for you

only americans get butthurt about calling scones busicits

only americnas call scones buiscitus

only americans think of cum and gravey

only americans state they are canadian

only americans want to suck up fat

do americans really think scones is spelled skans? do americans really calling scones buisciuts? do americans really call buisiucts cookies?

only americans get upset when told they are american

only americans go to reddit

hes american, what did you expect?

only americans buy scones in canada

>> No.13958729

4 (you)

>> No.13958745

imagine wasting so much time writing such lukewarm bait

>> No.13958752

do americans really not know how to format a post properly? do americans really not know how to express the message they want to express using the text of thier native language?

only americans with thier obese fingers thinks it takes both time and effort to type a few words. only americans are as lazy as you

>> No.13958765

Only americans spend every post complaining about americans

>> No.13958767

do americans really "spend" when they post?

>> No.13958770
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>> No.13958776

only americans cant conceptualize that what people do when they get spoken or in this case typed at, they reply

>> No.13958782
File: 97 KB, 1024x945, 1584920809783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ needs to wordfilter american to something already

>> No.13958788

only americans filter words after being reminded they are american

>> No.13958894

Time is money, europoor.

>> No.13958932

Only (you) can help prevent forest fires.

>> No.13959031
File: 8 KB, 480x360, dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only americans cant conceptualize that what people do when they get spoken or in this case typed at, they reply

>> No.13959038


>> No.13959067

No, scones in most dialects of American English (proper english) is sk-/oʊ/-ns. They're a hard sweet biscuit that dunks well in coffee or tea.
The English seem to pronounce it as if it rhymes with prawn.

>> No.13959095

only americans think time is money

only americans care about fires in forests

do americans not able to type good?

op is american, of course i blew him the fuck out

only americans dont know what a scone is

>> No.13959101
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(You) for a (You)

>> No.13959116

are americans really that desperate for attention?

>> No.13959161

>English seem to pronounce it as if it rhymes with prawn
there's a big debate over whether it should rhyme with cone or con, but never has anyone said scone such that it rhymes with prawn

>> No.13959197

thanks for the @ :)

>> No.13959241
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