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13947222 No.13947222 [Reply] [Original]

>start raising chickens
>neighbour snitches on me
>city workers come and take my chickens
Its not fair bros, it's my property what harm is some chickens

>> No.13947226

They make noise. Nice trips though dude, chin up.

>> No.13947229

Some ordinances are specific like that. Farm animals have been redefined to exclude chickens for a while...double-check that.
You have no business having a rooster in the yard bothering people at all hours, however, I've even seen it in Miami.

>> No.13947233

I would. They make noise and spread diseases. Move to the country if you want to raise animals.

>> No.13947269

Snitches get stitches, anon. You know what to do.

>> No.13947280

Now make their life living hell

>> No.13947289

Yes my plan is now to get 5 Rottweiler puppies which is legal here.

>> No.13947310

keyboard gangsta's right here

>> No.13947317

You ain't doing shit. Like you could afford 5 dogs let alone enough courage to confront your neighbour.

>> No.13947319

You should have shot those STASI pigs instead of rolling over like a bitch.

>> No.13947372

Same shit happened in my neighborhood. Its the faggot whose daughter is a whore drug dealer and people call the cops on them for obvious drug related activity in the street. Ambulance is there every couple months for when she OD's.

Township law says 0.5 acres gets you 1 livestock unit. A chicken is 0.1 horse/cow is 2, etc. My neighbors property is .48 acres. NOPE, THAT MEANS 0 CHICKENS. They didn't even make any noise, it was 4 silkies. We all get along well and welcome the chickens picking bugs out of our lawns. They went all over. But not that one faggot who doesn't even live on the same side of the street. They were never even in his lawn. There are only 20 houses here and we're surrounded by horse farms and corn. Not like some tight suburb. its semi-rural.

>> No.13947379

ha ha

>> No.13947387

shut up nigga

>> No.13947403

>city workers took his chickens
What a fucking cucks you should've just slaughtered them.

>> No.13947409

They probably took those chickens to slaughter anyway

>> No.13947421

That's when you start pissing in a plate, freezing it, and sliding it through his mailbox or windows every night.

>> No.13947438

>Yes my plan is now to get 5 Rottweiler puppies which is legal here.
Say goodbye to your homeowners insurance. Rottweilerrs are an excluded breed by most of the Insurance carrier due to liability for bites. Oh, they're sweet, I know, but these rates and rules are calculated by cold hard facts, aka statistics.
So not only will you not afford the $2k per actually quite expensive dog lately, but the million dollar rider, each, to own one, is going to put this idea out of your spite-plan, likely.
Since you have shitty neighbor reporters, your best bet is an animal that doesn't bark.

>> No.13947441

arm your chickens with spurs

try to remove them they might

>> No.13947450

Wait americans actually pay for dogs?

>> No.13947452

Here's hoping asparagus are in season over there...

>> No.13947456

Fuck bros I dread living in a suburban neighborhood, when I was a kid my parents would always get passive-aggressive boomer women visiting the house to lecture them about the mailbox not being the right shade of white or the shrubs not being trimmed the right way.
Seems dystopian, as long as rednecks aren’t keeping broken cars in their front yard why does anyone give a shit?

>> No.13947467

>Mfw I was that white trash family with 5 broken down cars and a few broken snow mobiles sitting on the property
It's a mechanic thing. Every mechanic I know has excess vehicles from parting out, and flipping vehicles.
My dad grandpa and brother all do it, it's an eye soar but im all about doing what you want on your property kek.

>> No.13947478

HOA's are facism

Get the fuck off my property

>> No.13947665

Thats capitalism comrade. The people around you voluntarily made an agreement theres an HOA. Dont like it then you dont like capitalism

>> No.13947705
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>collective authoritarianism
>dont like it then you dont like capitalism

>> No.13947712

Peanut butter in his backyard, under his porch and by his shed.

Mice and rats might start appearing.
>Guess the chickens were eating them before

>> No.13947724

You would have been able to argue de minimus in front of a tribunal or small claims.

>> No.13947726

Im sorry I think I missed your point. What exactly about the HOA voluntarily making an agreement to protect their property values is not capitalist?

>> No.13947733

And what exactly makes capitalism not compatible with authoritarianism? Magical libertarian faery dust?
>Inb4 its the freest system its right in the name FREE market

>> No.13947735

imagine the smell...

>> No.13948580

>My neighbors property is .48 acres. NOPE, THAT MEANS 0 CHICKENS.
what? if 0.5 acre holds 1 unit and a chicken is 0.1 unit, then 0.5 acres means 10 chickens. so your neighbour's more than entitled to at least 9 chickens no?

>> No.13948586
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The government has done you wrong. There is only one way to make this right.

>> No.13948605

I believe it can be inferred that the allowance starts at 0.5 acres, and is not scalable to smaller properties.

>> No.13948611

>anti rotti homeowner insurance
lmao what faggot state are you in?

>> No.13948673

That's really shitty, sorry about your chickens OP. A few of my neighbors have chickens (including roosters) and I have no problem with em.

>> No.13948714

The chickens or the city workers?

>> No.13948825

por que no los dos

>> No.13948830

This. Get a bunch of beagles instead. The don't bark but they howl like hell at all hours

>> No.13948854

How many digits does your street address have? If 3 digits its inner city, no livestock. If 4 its usually outer city\suburban zone, regulations vary. 5 digits its considered rural, livestock allowed

>> No.13948855

Because you’re not allowed to buy the house without signing the HOA agreement. It should be illegal

>> No.13948861
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father ted?

>> No.13948875

Are quail ok

>> No.13948883
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Fuhrer Ted.

>> No.13948886

A little girl in the town my father lives in got ate up alive by a group of rotties. The hillbilly that owned him had a daughter and she invited her friend over for dinner. The friend was alone in the back yard and had a hotdog or something and they more or less turned her into hamburger. It was a horrible story. All of them were euthanized, the hillbilly got chased out of town with a few shotguns and rottweilers are now banned from the town.

Bad ending.

>> No.13948906

Claim they are therapy chickens and sue the city under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

>> No.13948928
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Check laws about quail. They are ok in some areas.

>> No.13949331


Ah yes, quail. For when you fancy having 14 eggs for breakfast.

>> No.13949339
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what a fuckers

>> No.13949357

They don't want you to have your own food.

>> No.13949367


>Taking money out of the pockets of these poor poor farmers

you disgusting monster

>> No.13949393

Don't buy the house then.

>> No.13949446

Can you get me her number?

>> No.13949502

>animal ordinance banning chickens has probably been around since before OP was born
>OP doesn't make a simple phone call to check
>OP buys chickens
>OP gets chickens taken away
>OP is shocked
Fuck people are stupid.

>> No.13949583

OP, but more chickens and keep it under tighter wraps this time. Your faggot neighbor can eat shit unless your chickens are sqwaking all day long.

>> No.13949585

Not true at all
source: am mailman

>> No.13949586

Setup a loudspeaker on a timer somewhere on your neighbors property that goes off at random intervals during the night, that or start leaving flaming bags of shit on his doorstep.

>> No.13949588

They don't make any disrupting noise. Nobody is bothered by clucking and some scratching. It's not like running a jackhammer twenty more seven fucking idiot.

>> No.13949598

unironically jews. people will say a myriad of other things but its jews that created those laws that prevent you from being self sustaining.

>> No.13949602
File: 49 KB, 800x450, 2BE03ABE-2CDF-457B-B853-D890B2EFE2DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statistics can be applied to dog breeds so they can deny you insurance coverage.
>can’t be applied to niggers though because that’s racist and shit.
Clown world

>> No.13949623

Have you tried not cucking yourself in the city?

>> No.13949624

They're also applied to men for car insurance, and that's not sexist at all apparently.

>> No.13949634

laugh while you can, unchecked kikes will ruin your small towns one day too.

>> No.13949868

So youre saying we should take away the right of free association and shouldnt be able to refuse service to anyone? Interesting

>> No.13949874

How do you explain the presence of such laws in entirely white towns? Or southern ones where they hated jews? How is everything so simple for you people? Im almost envious

>> No.13949883

Stay cucked retard.

>> No.13949884

Is this the personal freedom I hear merifats bragging about so much?

>> No.13949890
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>> No.13951478

Get quails. You can keep them in a cage and claim they're pets.

>> No.13951965
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 05400283-6328-4F19-A2A1-12AD3631D5BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>image search chicken fucker
>see actual images of chickens being fucked hi-def .jpg

>> No.13952062

I'm sorry anon.
I know that feel