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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.41 MB, 1334x750, AdamRaghead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13933868 No.13933868 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the ultimate cope video for a mediocre home chef? Those knife skills are shit regardless if you're in a home or professional environment. Also his deadlift sucks.

>> No.13933875

haven't even watched the video and i understand its point better than you. i really hope you're thirteen years old

>> No.13933877

you need cock skills

>> No.13933905

>We should encourage people to slice with the skill of a chimpanzee
Ask your mom about my cock skills anon, she can't seem to shut up about them.

>> No.13933929

>if you only cook 3-4 times a week then don't panic about chopping and onion super fast. itll be fine

>> No.13933942

>netherbeast camera angles for the home gym
just when i thought fagusea couldnt get worse

>> No.13933947

half his vides are passive agressive rebuttals to mean comments he gotten. he's a little bitch who lost his job as a jornalism professor and now makes mom tier cooking vids for sponsor shoutouts

>> No.13933957

I could care less about the speed, it's his method that is shit anon.

>> No.13933962

why are you falseflagging threads about yourself, cuck?

>> No.13934121

adam, you can't even manage a basic claw grip while claiming to know how its taught in culinary school, which you've said repeatedly you never went to.
all while flailing a knife around for no reason is a noodle wristed grip and a t-shirt claiming that the claw grip is not demonstratively safer, when it certainly is.
use your finger tips adam, not the pads, that is what the claw grip is, not whatever the fuck your retarded ass is doing smashing the back of your fingers into the carrots while doing

there are children who can handle a knife far more respectably than you

>> No.13934124

>adam faguesa
>a fag

>> No.13934169
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>> No.13934234

does adam make these threads to talk about himself?

>> No.13935193
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>> No.13935194

So you care a bit about his speed, then.

>> No.13935199

I fucking hate this douche.

>> No.13935747

nah wang gang is chill

>> No.13935767

Is that why mom couldn't stop laughing for a week?

>> No.13935797

>i season my cutting board not my food
>metric is actually racist against americans
>you don't need to know how to use a knife
Is this guy the ultimate embodiment of the ACHTUALLY person?

>> No.13935828

Chadam Ragusea!!!

>> No.13935927

is he actually recording himself deadlifting 225?

>> No.13935971

I usually come on 4chan for porn and thought I’d look at something normal. I forgot y’all are dumb as bricks, thanks for reminding me OP.

>> No.13935976
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At least it's not as sad as Weissman just casually posing while holding cast iron skillets to try to look like he lifts

>> No.13935984

this guy has more estrogen running through his veins than the average female. How the fuck does a man get this sensitive and passive agressive, jesus

>> No.13935997

I hate how much he downplays the convenience of being able to cut things properly. If you know how to properly dice an onion or ball up and rock chop some fresh herbs, which can be learned in a few minutes, you can save a significant amount of time. It's the difference maker between being able to chop as you go, a s having to have everything prepped and ready before you start cooking. Let's say you're making a bolognese, you can dice an onion, carrot and a stalk of celery all while the beef is browning, giving you a prep time of around 15-20 minutes. With his knife skills you would have to allow the meat to brown first and take it off the heat while prepping everything else, increasing your prep time to like 30 minutes.

>> No.13937681
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>you don't need to improve because i said so

why he's so fucking pretentious ??? he just a shitty home cook with an ego visible from the sky

>> No.13937717

Haven't watched the video yet and I guarantee he's gonna do something stupid. I'm gonna bet on... sawing with the knife.

>> No.13937737

I lied, I thought the title would be something like "basic knife skills 101", not "Why I can't fucking cook but teach you how to cook anyway Episode 10". Holy fucking shit I've seen brainlets with the same train of thought as Fageusa cut themselves during dinner service and can't believe he's actually encouraging that shit. Adam, delete your channel, stop posting on /ck/ and kill yourself before you get anyone elsekilled.

>> No.13937741


Yes. It's absolutely imbecilic. It's not even like it's a big challenge for a home cook to improve technique. Just try each time you cook and it comes easily over time. Once you have smoothness down, speed comes of its own accord.

Also, fuck his maths. What kind of cook is chopping a single onion per meal. What about multiple cloves of garlic or a variety of veg?

>> No.13937806

He's the typical liberal douchebag, you have to take everything he say as a absolut gospel. If he's caught being wrong he will say that he's not a professional chef, therefore cannot be criticized.

>> No.13937811

Adam... Please

>> No.13937975

ya seethe?

>> No.13938019

Oh look, it's another beta FAGGOT youtube shill making a shill post on /ck/.

Fuck off with your trash.

>> No.13938067

So how legit is his sloppy gyro recipe? Looks good.

>> No.13939861

why waste so much time cutting an onion for fuck sakes
it's not rocket science
what a bizarre cope

>> No.13939920

>Holds the onion with outstretched fingertips like an idiot instead of bracing them with your knuckles
>Must be speed
Regardless of speed, you're going to slice them off at some point Adam, and when you do, expect a tirade of shit for your pretentious ass.

>> No.13939942

I'm actually a good chef but I actually cut shit like mongoloid not using the claw, never have cut my hands
>how fucked am i

>> No.13940027

What do you do when you get most of the way through chopping and onion/apple/etc with the claw grip, and the grip starts becoming unstable because you're nearing the end of the object and there's no real room to brace your hand behind your fingers? Rotate and start chopping from a different angle?

>> No.13940128

he's a fat fuck now, holy shit

>> No.13940133

>he's a little bitch who lost his job as a jornalism professor
what's the story here? how did he lose his job?

>> No.13940140

he shared racist memes on his private fb account, someone took screenshots and forwarded them to his employer.

>> No.13940154

no way. source/link?

>> No.13940178

He was a Visiting Assistant Professor. He didn't lose his job, his contract ended.

>> No.13940201

he's a know it all that knows precisely shit. Imagine all of the fussiness of Alton Brown but with none of the charm or expertise to back it up.

>> No.13940245

Someone please answer this.

>> No.13940276


>> No.13940282

I've only seen a few of his videos, but he comes off as very condescending. I can't quite put my finger on it but he seems like an insecure bitch.

>> No.13940303

Its someone having very strong opinions about something they arent knowledgable about.
It comes across as bad because he doesnt have the background to make himself humble. Imagine someone making carpentry videos but they dont know the basics of joinery or anything. They just carefully edit to make it look competent and repeat things they researched for a week.

Youtube viewers dont deserve the skill and humility of chef john

>> No.13940311

How contrived of him. Sad!
Why is he so popular though? Seems really unfair.

>> No.13940327


>> No.13940380

The videos are pretty decently produced. And his media background probably helps him with managing algorithims.
I mean "dont learn an essential skill" is one of his hot takes.
I wish I never watched any of his videos. My blood pressure rises when I remember them

>> No.13940404

>media background probably helps him with managing algorithims.
interesting, how so?
>"dont learn an essential skill" is one of his hot takes.
what do you mean? sorry, I don't watch many of his videos so Im not familiar with him

>> No.13940473

Hi Adam.

>> No.13940474

Alright so funny story right
>I watched his video, a couple weeks ago on how he seasoned his cutting board and not his food
>Thought, fuck it, families all here, I'll make us some steaks.
>Pull out my steaks
>High quality, already treated steaks that've been sitting in their vinegar marinade for a couple days.
>Inb4 ewwww vinigger
>It helps with softening the meat, when you don't want to annoy everyone with tenderizing it.
>I dunno why, but it works, and I've been doing it like this for a few years
>No problems with the senpai, and everything seems fine.
>Oil in pan, slow simmer to heat it up while I prepare the spice blend.
>Two tablespoon of salt, a half tablespoon of onion powder, teaspoon of Cayenne pepper and a sprinkling of freshly chopped garlic, per steak.
>Shits cash, and since the steaks are large, they dont completely taste like salt logs once seasoned.
Prepare a sauce on the side- blah blah, you don't care.
>Steaks are done cooking, and all the sides are ready.
>Family is raring to go, and won't let me taste the food first.
>A bit rushed, so I begin chopping the steaks with each of them getting into the spiced cutting board.
>Slice slice, shits donezo.
>Plate it up, looks fairly good. Not a real cook after all.
>Bring everyone plates. And begin digging in at the table.
>My sister takes a bite. She cracks a smile.
>Oh! So it was good then.
>It wasn't.
>Take a bite.
>The other side is unseasoned
>It's a contrast between a literal salt brick, and unspiced beef.
>Mom takes a bite
>Instant upchuck.
>She's older, and fragile. She can't handle extreme salt.
>Granny throwup all over the table.
>Have to get Mom to bed.
>Her woozy ass is muttering
"Never let that boy cook"
>Over and over.

So. Long story short.

Season your shit normally, fageusa is a retard.

>> No.13940509

God I hate that fag

>> No.13940650

you throw out that part of the onion

>> No.13940655

Are my knife skills good if I'm really fast but I end up cutting myself?

>> No.13940664

thats a very good way to put it.

Also, if you are not into cooking who cares really how you cut?
Who is this video even for. Its like something that didnt mean to be made

>> No.13940675

>2 tablespoons of salt per stake
I take chef jhons tip and I salt the beef only when I make a massive pot of stew and I haven't even added that much salt to that beef
You know, there are better ways to kill your grandma

>> No.13940730

no but you're still safer than adam who jams his hand against the edge of the knife after cubing up a steak to toss it around on a cutting board

guy preaching knife safety can cut himself when hes not even using the damn knife

>> No.13940763

>Board seasoning after using a marinade
>Board seasoning after slowly cooking your steak
you're dumber than fagusea

>> No.13941450

His incompetence doesn't bother me at all, it's his fucking prissy passive aggressive bitch boy attitude. He's the kind of person you desperately want to punch in the face because he's such a rude cunt but you know he'd run shrieking for the police to save him.

>> No.13941506

>marinating for entire days at a time
I'm surprised those steaks weren't mush at that point

>> No.13941516

someone post his gross wife.

>> No.13941528
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>> No.13941657

>2 tablespoons of salt
Y'know, I've never had any success with his method, but it's still not his fault you're retarded.

>> No.13941686

wtf i like adam now

>> No.13941714

hello,based department?

>> No.13941720

This will make all of 4chan worship you. Good job, Adam.

>> No.13941860

>>Two tablespoon of salt
taste the meat, not the natriit

>> No.13942027

He was a professor of journalism who uploaded cooking videos for fun. One evening he uploaded a video about how to season a steak and the next morning he woke up with a couple million views on that video and a couple ten thousand new subscribers so he decided to make more videos until he realized he was making more money off of sponsorship deals on basic if quirky recipe videos than from his day job. So he quit his day job.

>> No.13942037

He's a genius of provocative clickbait titles. "You don't need knife skills" is a great title that has been pissing off cu/ck/s since he published the video, for example, but then in the actual video his stance is a lot less extreme.
His other videos are similar. In general, while his titles are super provocative and his dishes are really simple, I have to admit that all of his recipes I've tried so far were fantastic. It's hard to stay mad at a guy who cooks food that's actually good.

>> No.13942056

i'd think he's an alright fella, most people in academia or jobs requiring tact end up kind of passive aggressive since it's the only species of aggressive they can be, but his sponsors are 9/10 pure evil scams that he doesn't seem to vet at all or it's all he's able to get.

he also seems to be clickbaiting harder and the paltry number of things he knows how to cook is beginning to show.

>> No.13942074

I have to admit his channel is more therapy than a cooking.

>> No.13942085
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Pic related is the best youtube chef

>> No.13942107

Overrated moron

>> No.13942124

50% shit that takes too much work, 50% meme recipes.

>> No.13942147
File: 47 KB, 852x439, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch him instead

>> No.13942162


>he doesn't know

>> No.13942178

the recipes are solid and unpretentious and delivered with charming schmaltzy dad humor
you are a faggot

>> No.13942219

based posts

>> No.13942243

Disagree. If you're cutting up one or two things who cares that you're not "let ultra fancy fast chopper man" and "lol look at the no claw grip" slicing dicing professional.

Most people don't have the time or energy to become "da best" at something and can get by just fine at 50% speed without any problems.

If you wanna talk time savings and quality, I'll complete my fine dicing skills against any top chef in the world by throwing my 10 onions and 10 carrots into a good processor and get it done 5x faster than the top .01% of chefs.

>> No.13942318

Christ, if you think proper technique isn't worth learning and that a processor is a universal thing to use, you need to GTFO /ck/

>> No.13942444

what the fuck is a shiboleth

>> No.13942483

>and then spend time washing it afterwards
you dont need to be fast adam you just have to be not so fucking garbage

>> No.13942531

Rinse down and throw in dishwasher, takes 20 seconds. Modern amenities and machines make life easy and remove some time constraints of old. They also remove the voodoo magic of "pros" and "experts" who hold everything above your head and laugh at plebs like us.

You can do literally everything in the world the best chef can with like seven tools.
>Sharp knife
>cutting surface
>Containers for heat/food

If you're a REAL PRO, that's all you need. No sous vide, no dishwashers, no immersion blender, no food processor, no air fryer, no pizza oven, no KitchenAid, no rolling pins, no mortar and pestle, no garlic press, no cheese slicer, nothing. They're all memes and only real experts and real pros use just a single knife.

>> No.13942535

why are you a hater? Adam would probably strangle you

>> No.13942592

I just watched the video and honestly i think we (the whole board) have to admit that we got utterly btfo'd by adam in this video.

>> No.13942622

Upwards inflection is fucking unbearable

>> No.13942626

I really like this guy's videos... He explains why he does what he does very clearly, the recipes are simple, he's got a nice voice, and the food always looks great. What more could you want?

>> No.13942628

no, YOU are the faggot.

>> No.13942804
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>he's trying to wave the knife around like marco

>> No.13942888
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>fagusea new video
>sponsored by shadow raid legend


>> No.13942902

Go away adam

>> No.13942905
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lmao fuck

>> No.13943011


>> No.13943021

>shadow raid legend
>Raid: Shadow Legends is a freemium mobile and PC game developed and published by Israeli game developer Plarium Games.

every time

>> No.13943024

God, that face is so fucking punch-worthy. My knuckles are twitching.

>> No.13943030

>too much work

You faggot need to be hanged from a tree.

>> No.13943036

You're not fucked, it literally doesn't matter as long as the ingredients are chopped and your fingers are intact.

>> No.13943109

>not just using a rock for everything

>> No.13943142

i have no idea how he even built a 'fanbase' he's an insecure faggot with hardly any cooking skills that's constantly passive agressive like a woman on her period

>> No.13943151

I assume that appeals to people who are just like him. No shortage of those.

>> No.13943173
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>fanbase so retarded he has to spend half the video telling them how to zest a lime

>> No.13943185

>i have no idea how he even built a 'fanbase'
Cause most of his recipes are good and his videos are straightforward.
>he's an insecure faggot with hardly any cooking skills
Add pretentiousness / arrogance and you're describing most of the people on this board as well as fagusea.

>> No.13943203

anonymous vs youtube

>> No.13943236
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this fucking guy, how can people take him seriously

>> No.13943250
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>if you think it's too sweet, add more sour stuff
>if you think it's too sour, add more sweet stuff
>if you think it's too flat, add more bubbly stuff

>> No.13943256

Ok adam, go away and let the big people talk

>> No.13943276

Not an argument.

>> No.13943305
File: 1.49 MB, 1178x788, uhhuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fantasy restaurant"
>bread, pizza, slice of pork, cookies


>> No.13943315

t. adam fagusea

>> No.13943319

its clear he's ran out of ideas and is just thowing things together because he needs sponsor money

>> No.13943326

i mean the name alone is terrible... and considering the menu.. jesus christ

>> No.13943332

For someone that pretentious he sure have a palate of a child, most of his videos are just mac and cheese, pizza and lasagna redo

>> No.13943351

i dont even necessarily disagree with the guy, just the way he brings things makes me want to necklace him

>> No.13943403

I'd say go back but a few clicks is probably still too much effort for you.

>> No.13943480

Lmao, nearly have the video is fucking zesting citrus and a raid shadow legends sponsorship.

Adam has given up.

>> No.13943499

Who's fault is it that he quit his 6 figure professor job to do this?

>> No.13943564

he was laid off

>> No.13943623
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>defending a soyboy on the internet

>> No.13943627

for being a faggot?

>> No.13943638

defending? faggot got let go from being a journalism 'professor' thats lower than being an actual journalist

>> No.13943646

Mediocre soccer mom recipes.

>le chef john voice!

>> No.13943652

*soy chad

>> No.13943654

chef john is infinitely superior to adam, let's face it

>> No.13943660

lol, because soccer moms know how to make demi glace

>> No.13943669

eh, give any soccer mom enough time and ingredients, and they'd make a demi glace if you hyped it up enough

>> No.13943675

its not hard just laborious
just buy it like all the chefs do same with stock

>> No.13943682

assuming they had the desire to even learn more than mac and cheese and hotdog recipes. that's what differentiates chefs and cooks at the end of it all.

>> No.13943686

adam just gtf out of here, i dont want to threaten you but i'm so sick of you

>> No.13943693

fuck adam fagusea how dare you compare me to that bitch

>> No.13943714


>> No.13943719

I find Adam's videos far more interesting and learn more from them. He takes a unique approach and questions the process, sometimes with more success than other times, but at least it makes you think about the process in ways you normally wouldn't have. John's videos aren't anything special, in fact a lot of them are done rather poorly or just average. He doesn't bring anything interesting to them, which is fine if you just want a basic traditional recipe, but most of the time I can find better examples other places. I have no use for chef john.

>> No.13943729

yeah you're either one of those contrarian bitches that can bare this man's face for more than five minutes, or you're either fagusea himself.

>> No.13943735

You'd rather learn from some charlatan blowhard than an actual chef who has worked in upscale restaurants? I guess that might hold you back a whole lot unless all you want to make is french fries and pizza.

>> No.13943790

Not sure why you think he's a "charlatan blowhard," he never purports to be more than a self taught amateur that likes to break down the process and takes an analytical approach to cooking. Unless you're blinded by a hate boner based on superficial details, which much of ck seems to be, I'm not sure why anyone truly interested in cooking wouldn't see the appeal of that. But basically yes, I would rather learn from Adam than john, again he's just not that good, I don't care what "upscale restaurants he worked at, his recipes almost always turn out average at best.

>> No.13943803

You are literally Adam Ragusea.

>> No.13943844

Is this a movieblob-inspired bait post? Holy shit. I guess it's missing the sous-vide mountain dew marinade chicken though.

>> No.13943848

I'm squidward, you're squidward, we're all squidward.

>> No.13943892

He's got the Dunning-Kruger effect enough to criticize Marco Pierre White yet fail to realize his recipes are literally ripped from other youtubers. Yikes.

>> No.13944032

why do you feel attacked?

>> No.13944046

Imagine a jack thread lasting this long.

>> No.13944055

looks like a cockmunching faggot to me

>> No.13944062

honestly, i just watch him because he's interesting to look at. It's like going to the zoo. I have yet to watch ragoosa video and learn something

>> No.13944072

First of all he said he likes Marco, even now. The criticisms he had were accurate. Second of all what do you mean by ripped? Of course he didn't fucking invent them, it's more about the process and how he breaks them down. A lot of his videos don't aren't even about a recipe at all. You have completely missed the point.

>> No.13944115

>i agree with everything a youtuber says
It sounds like your getting mad that someone doesn't worship that faggot as much as you do. No, the criticisms weren't accurate. If you can't even handle a knife semi properly then you don't have any right to talk shit about a Michelin starred chef, period. Sorry bud, might want to learn a little more before you try to pop off.

>> No.13944154

If you've never picked up a knife in your life it doesn't make the criticism any less valid as long as it's accurate. I'm learning all the time. Are you?

>> No.13944160

I've been in professional fine dining kitchens for 8+ years. Yeah, I've been learning.

>> No.13944167

Glad to hear it.

>> No.13944176

Adam, please just go away

>> No.13944205

What's wrong? Is your ego crushed Fagusea?

>> No.13944207

Calm down anon.

>> No.13944232
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>He takes a unique approach and questions the process

>You have to do it my way or it's wrong and stupid

>> No.13944274

>I'm gonna make a quality dish but worse.

Like shit man I simplify things all the time, it's called being a home cook. I don't make a song and dance about it. Like he actively does things that are worse, most egregious is seasoning the board instead of the steak half an hour before hand, and acts like he's cracked the Da Vinci code. No, you've done a half decent work around when you don't have time to salt your steak and leave to rest. He almost prides himself on taking lazier, cheaty options instead of pushing himself and his audience as a cook.

>> No.13944282


>> No.13944356
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Don't be made he's happier and more successful than you are.

>> No.13944369 [DELETED] 

Adam, you were warned.

>> No.13944487

>not even deadlifting lmao4plate

>> No.13944681

If you even watched the video he specifically mentions that holding your food by the knuckles, to him, is fucking stupid and a waste of time.
He personally finds the knuckle method uncomfortable as fuck. he found a comfortable way to chop his veggies, and if it means not going at the speed of sound while chopping then fuck it.

I don't use the knuckle method when chopping my veggies either, and I've yet to cut a finger. I've had worse accidents with a goddamn peeler versus a kitchen knife.

>> No.13944869

If you don't care about precise cuts or speed have at it. I still don't understand this whole "good is good enough" mentality. Why settle for less? Why not try to do things properly and learn a new skill? If you want to be mediocre and suck dick the rest of your life go ahead, but I'm going to better myself in every aspect of cooking.

>> No.13944991

Reminder to report for advertising.

>> No.13946004

>. I still don't understand this whole "good is good enough" mentality. Why settle for less? Why not try to do things properly and learn a new skill?

Because adam the self claim food authority can't use a knife properly, therefore, you should not learn any knife's skill so he can feel better about himself. Same thing with his thanksgiving turkey and macaron video.

>> No.13946258

ok adam

>> No.13946424

Fagusea is basically walking cope

>> No.13946442

wish i never knew who this guy was

>> No.13946452

i'm not gonna read this, but i'll say BASED because society tells me to.

>> No.13946457

subscribe to my onlyfans

>> No.13946471

>some guy says my shitty skills are valid versus every other chef in the world
Ok Adam, don't buy handguns either, I'm sacred you'll carry them muzzle up in your asshole because some toothless hillbilly told you to because of the relentless contrarian you are.

>> No.13946559

But in a bolognese you’d want to sweat down your vegetables gently for 20 minutes and brown your meats during that time.

>> No.13946618

he makes good pasta.
but, he needs to stop being so pretentious and get a script. it's fucking irritating listening to him speak

>> No.13946636

how is he pretentious? he comes across as pretty casual to me

>> No.13946735

Tripfag haha you are of a lesser mind

>> No.13946843

>I drive like a grandpa and I am proud of that because I understand math

>> No.13947064

if you haven't noticed from that video of him describing his "dream restaurant" that's literally a squarespace ad
His wife must have racked up credit card debt and/or meth addiction.

>> No.13947090

You guys are as pretentious the only difference is he makes money out of it lmaooo

>> No.13947198

I think you are missing the point. It's not for people who know how to cook already, it's for people who never cooked before or are just starting. Good is better than nothing so just get in the kitchen and bake some ugly cookies because they'll taste fine. And once you get used to sucking, than you can worry about making your food pretty. Now Adam kinda sucks at getting that message across but it's better than other foodtubers who bust out $500 novelty items and truffles to make french fries. I'd point to Adam's channel for anyone wanting to learn how to get into cooking long before Babish or Weissman albeit with several asterisks.

>> No.13947373

Best YT chef is Wang Gang and to some extent Bruno Albouze.

>> No.13947381

Who is this?

>> No.13947608


>> No.13947616
File: 462 KB, 1080x1663, IMG_20200418_123015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all niggas don't even (whatever the fhck he's doing)

>> No.13947623

we need an eternal josh, adam, and babish hate thread for your spergs

>> No.13947627

Babish is based

>> No.13947632

>His wife must have racked up credit card debt and/or meth addiction.

They have two kids, a house mortgage, two car; the buck toothed wife is a failed author and the husband quit a well paid job as college teacher to become a youtuber. A meth addiction will have been a smarter decision

>> No.13947848

Thanks reddit.

>> No.13947858



>> No.13947869

Explains a lot.

>> No.13948019

He's a self hating white liberal.

>> No.13948027

No, it's you that he hates. Not himself. You guys are not the epitome of Caucasians that you think you are. You are the scum we need to weed out.

>> No.13948044

you know he stopped working on that college, right?

>> No.13948083

This, his attitude is that of a typical Hillary shill. I couldn't care less about his mediocre cooking habits.

>> No.13948155


>> No.13949187

>Does the claw prevent injury
>Dunno i haven't found any scientific research on it
I hate cunts like him that hold this attitude of "if there's no scientific study on something then it's not true". It's just an attempt to make themselves look intellectual, when in reality you don't need a scientific study because it's a demonstrable fact that if the knife makes contact with your finger whilst you're making a claw, then then force would just glide down your knuckle rather than into your flesh as it would if your fingers were outstretched.
Adam's a pseudo-intellectual retard.

>> No.13949291


>> No.13949318


>> No.13949475

As in buy him a necklace and gingerly place it on his neck?

>> No.13949639

Anon, he is just mixing ground lamb and beef and cooking it in a pan. It won't have the same texture and is probably being overcooked. You can make it in a loaf pan and brown it when it is done. It will be 100 times better. Or just do what he did. Depends how lazy you are.

>> No.13949707

My friend loves him. He appeals to people that don't actually want to put a pot of work in for a meal. Most meals I make are followed by people asking me why I make stuff from scratch when I could just buy it from the store. These people don't have a love for cooking. They want easy results. People probably think I'm pretentious for making creme fraiche because it sound pretentious even though I essentially scoop yogurt into heavy cream and let it sit on the counter. My dad gets confused when I make something simple like popcorn on the stove. They don't get it. Couple that with the fact that people want to believe they can get the same result by doing less work is how you get this guy. I can honestly say I am a better cook than him and I am only 23. Instead of having good solutions like Alton Brown, he makes uneducated ones. Adams turkey video was about not trying to improve turkey because it isn't that good of a meat while Alton's approach was to not cook the whole bird at once and cook each part individually. Adam is a hack.

>> No.13949826

based Cao Cao

>> No.13950168

LOL, it's so obvious this is Adam.

>> No.13950267

Knife skills are pretty easy to pick up, learned my skills from Jamie Oliver’s dream school

>> No.13950395

Fail. You're still implying that he fucked your mom.

>> No.13950474

Why the fuck do you care

>> No.13950520
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>> No.13950571

His early vids, especially that pizza video (excluding his bitch boy voice) was good but this shit fucking pathetic.

>> No.13950668

Never ceases to amaze me how offended /ck/ can be over the likes of Adam, Babish, Sam, Josh, John, Sorted, etc.

You guys are so thin skinned.

What? Is it not real cooking unless your thawing out your steak in on the rim of your toilet seat?

>> No.13951336

Go back

>> No.13951920

All of those channels are complete shit except Raguesa.

>> No.13951930
File: 15 KB, 600x375, comeonnowhotline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chef John is worse than Raguesa

>> No.13951936

Mediocre soccer mom recipes.

>> No.13952438

mah nigga

>> No.13952596

Jesus fucking christ what a horrible video

>> No.13952621

Adams only usefulness is what he himself seems oblivious to, actual recipes which he has from his italian upbringing. No idea why he is so obsessed with being "scientific" as a man who dedicated his life to journalism and english.

>> No.13952629

>except Raguesa.

>> No.13952630

>Is this the ultimate cope
You could ask that about anything this guy does and the answer would be yes

>> No.13952673

college teacher in America is not a well-paid job

>> No.13952849
File: 321 KB, 1919x1080, lasagna+thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend 3 (THREE) days making lasagna
>It still looks like shit