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File: 479 KB, 1280x958, 90CC0BA5-3FB6-4E89-BAE2-B9ED792E6D88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13932012 No.13932012 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t mind me.Gonna rustle you some wings and show you how easy it is to do perfect wings every time.
Wings get a bad press on here but done right they’re a really good eat.
Don’t buy them when you’re out to eat , make them at home.

>> No.13932013

they look good..

>> No.13932014
File: 385 KB, 1280x958, B3D75948-E2AF-4600-8793-9288AB2CB843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your ingredients together.
Franks Hot Sauce (or whatever you want)

>> No.13932029
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To get the perfect wing (crispy outside and tender inside) you need to salt and pepper them once you’ve split them.
Plenty salt and plenty pepper. Then you want to leave them for minimum of an hour.

>> No.13932038

good thread so far

>> No.13932053
File: 443 KB, 1280x958, AA85DB2E-6A60-4E34-9BF9-79FDF67D3674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you have nice clean oil in your fryer and preheat to 180 Celsius /350F.
Fry in batches and try keep the 2 different types of wing seperate. ie fry the drummettes first then the flats after.
Have a plate with kitchen roll on it to drain them. If you’ve salted properly and fried at the right temp there won’t be much oil draining off them.

>> No.13932054

if you're deep frying them, you can go fuck yourself

>> No.13932067

I just spice them and stick them in an air fryer for 20 minutes.

>> No.13932083
File: 371 KB, 1280x958, 882E540C-5214-4F09-85E1-55551D49D0FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your first batch is frying you want to start making the sauce. It’s pretty damn easy to be honest and people get a bit funny about it but here’s a pretty authentic buffalo one. You can try all other kinds though . A sauced wing is a good wing in my opinion. You can’t go wrong.
Melt some butter and let it cool. I’ve used lurpak Garlic butter but normal butter is more authentic.

>> No.13932090
File: 322 KB, 1280x958, 4038348A-4CAB-4579-9FFB-D1AED27B0661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then get your franks (or whatever) in there and give it a good whisk.

>> No.13932100
File: 394 KB, 1280x958, 4429647F-7772-4011-B67C-42D569B06A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the bit that people seem to ignore but it makes the difference.
Transfer the wings to a preheated dish that’s sealable and add the sauce. Put the lid on and shake/move around so you get every bit of the wings covered with sauce. If you do it like this they will stay crispy yet have loads of sauce.

>> No.13932101
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After shaking

>> No.13932114
File: 366 KB, 1280x958, 105308FC-C941-4BF1-B19B-9E6911023E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get em on a plate with some blue cheese dip and get stuck in.
Simple as that.
I’ve tried using the oven, using baking soda , buttermilk , brine , pretty much any way to do them I have tried. This simple way is by far the best.

>> No.13932123
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>> No.13932134

So simple yet seems to be a massive source of arguments on here.
Follow that guide and you’ll have the best wings every single time.
It’s the salting at the beginning that does it. Make sure you do it an hour before and let the wings come up to room temperature.
Go easy lads .

>> No.13932157

thank you chicken wing anon

>> No.13932222

I did enjoy, thanks OP

>> No.13932237

I'ma try next time. I've tried a lot of meme methods to try and get that perfect crisp when I don't just batter them instead.

>> No.13932311
File: 430 KB, 1280x958, F7E68B80-1B6F-4198-85A1-BAAE97BCAEA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do it like that they’ll be proper crispy but tender inside. It’s so simple once you do it once you’ll be making them all the time . Good for getting a movie on and a wee beer/smoke.
Clean oil is a must. You can do a few batches with that oil as long as you haven’t cooked anything else in it.

>> No.13932349

nah, reporting this post to mods for shit against us law

>> No.13932353

Convection ovens are god tier for wings.

>> No.13932361

came in to shitpost about OP using franks for shits and giggles, but his wings look pretty damn good

>> No.13932507
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strong wings OP I am not even mad. what are your thoughts on the brining meme?

>> No.13932765

Deep frying is such a fucking hassle I will never try deep frying anything in my home kitchen. Thanks for the recipe though

>> No.13933001

Your wings are going to create some impressively vinegary shits.

>> No.13933012

the fuck is wrong with you, buying 125g of pre-seasoned lurpak? wtf bro

>> No.13933033
File: 82 KB, 785x1213, spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compels you to do this?
Are you just one guy?

>> No.13933042

I'm based.
And my shits and cock are damn vinegary.

>> No.13933073

What’s the issue homeboy?

>> No.13933324
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absolutely based and balsamic pilled

>> No.13933565

I don't have as much disposable income as you and I'm jealous of your ability to purchase pre-seasoned brand butter rather the own brand butter and garlic separately

>> No.13933748
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the end result looks really good, maybe just needs a little bit more crispy-ness to it. have you ever thought about breading them in a little bit of egg and flour? that crisp would be god-tier

i really like to heat the butter + franks up in a little pot until it thickens slightly, that along with a bit of salt helps mellow out the vinegar.

how well do seasonings stick to fried wings when they're submerged? i like to add a few different things and marinate them for a little while if possible.

>> No.13934679

well fuck i guess i'll try this tomorrow then

>> No.13934771


raw wings are so fucking expensive here ($1.27/100g at cheapest) it's literally cheaper to get them from a pizza place.

>> No.13934786


>eating the cartilage

fucking vile, I bet you don't even use the bones for soup you savage.

>> No.13934801

>wasting the crunchy goodness
It actually contains collagen as well, good for you skin you wrinkly bastard.

>> No.13934810


>> No.13934811
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1581446975015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger these look burned to fuck.


>> No.13934819


what good is crunch when you're chewing rubber you mongoloid. all that cartilage and collagen is much better in a soup where it gives the broth depth and texture, not as chewing rubber.

>> No.13934841

good job outing yourself, pleb

>> No.13934871

shut your hole and eat your shitty burnt wings you stupid fuck

>> No.13934889

bro, you just posted cringe.

>> No.13934965


>> No.13934971

>recycling bones that people have supped on to build your broth
Jesus Christ you are disgusting

>> No.13935395

I have no thoughts on brining really. I don’t think it does much for wings.
Bigger pieces of chicken take it well. But if you’re going to that much hassle you may as well use buttermilk for a better and tastier result. Just my opinion.

>> No.13936675

who the fuck throws half eaten chicken wings in broth. disgusting.

>> No.13937005

Additional tip for hotter sauces where you have to use less - heat up 1/4 sauce, 2 tbsp of butter until it melts, then add reduced sodium chicken stock and about a teaspoon of cornstarch to add volume while maintaining thickness and simmer it out