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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13922093 No.13922093 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi! I'm your host, Jon Townsend, and thank you for joining me as we explore the flavors and aromas of the 18th century!

>> No.13922144

Never watched because of all those thumbnails with obese people

>> No.13922730

Never watched these because i hate anyone who looks old but has a baby face. Mature your fucking face retard. You look like an 8 year old in his dads outfit.

>> No.13922759

What’s the flavors and aromas of18th century brappers?

>> No.13922761

Has anyone made those coffee custard things?

>> No.13922789

Bump. King Nutmeg

>> No.13922806

never watched because YT is for fag kids who don't cook

>> No.13922807

I legit wanna try his bread water and cheese soup but add broth in place of water.

>> No.13922836
File: 148 KB, 634x581, 7F3CC6EB-B59F-4C52-A95C-CC41B3CBF1EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no family to 18th century larp with

>> No.13922959

Anyone can enjoy his content if you aren't a bitter sperg. I don't usually like e-celebs but Townsend and SteveMRE are the only two I can tolerate.

>> No.13922974

Death to America

>> No.13922996


>> No.13923000

His wife is surprisingly beautiful.
Good for him.

>> No.13923002


>> No.13923008

His wife is a dead ringer for Bill Pullman

>> No.13923018

I will claim his youngest for my wife when she is of age. He will be given one hundred head of cattle and thirty sheaves of wheat.

>> No.13923057

If your still enjoying food from millennia ago you might be a nigger haha.

>> No.13923064

we're still eating flatbreads and drinking mead and beer you mong

>> No.13923071

>t. yt zoomer

>> No.13924448


>> No.13924459

>bumping a thread on p10 to false flag like a schizo leftoid

>> No.13924486

I did. Honestly, I thought they were pretty tasty.

>> No.13924492

Bruh look at those 5 heads

>> No.13924507

Townsend and Cowboy Kent Rollins are based cooking channels

>> No.13924513

I'm in my 30s

>> No.13924521

I'm frustrated

>> No.13924534

I like his videos. Really comfy.
Kinda sucks that he can only make cooking videos because he said he wanted to migrate the channel into a history channel but no one cared and only wanted to see food.

>> No.13924751

I barely into cooking and almost everything I've seen him make is something I want to try doing. The dressed mushrooms looked especially yummy, I'll probably try making those in a couple days.

>> No.13924767

The virgin babish vs the Chad townsend

>> No.13925333

Both chefs can violate my asshole

>> No.13925340


>> No.13925390

Never watched his videos cause I heard he insulted Trump. Not cool. Pol does not forgive we do not forget

>> No.13925434

orange fool

>> No.13925504


>> No.13925938

this. Boomer liberals are the literal worst, i cant wait for him to die from corona virus, fucking idiot

>> No.13925958


Orange Fool was the actual name of the dish, the dude just wants to do cooking videos, he has never stated any real opinion on trump. Why try to torpedo the guy when e-celebs who actually dislike the BAD ORANGE MAN don't get nearly the hate from ya?

>> No.13925984

its just a joke, i doubt anynone seriously dislikes him because he made an orange dessert

>> No.13925999

never trust a nigga with a permanent squint like that. how the fuck does he even see

>> No.13926048

>mom was very good looking, still looks good at 50-something
>daughters both look exactly like his gremlin ass

life can be so, so cruel

>> No.13926113

i'll be honest
i didnt actually watch the video where that came from
i just believed the other two who said he was dissing my president
i take the corona virus thing back

>> No.13926248
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>not posting best girl

Imagine her leaving her knickers on your bed

>> No.13926255

He is a cuck who betrayed our president.
You can tell those daughters have some BLACK in them. And they'll have more, because daddy is a self hating cuck who wants to destroy western civilization.

>> No.13926258


>> No.13926261
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>> No.13926265
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You americans can't go a second without your politics, can you? It's really, really boring and cringe for the rest of the world, you know?

I watched this show a couple of times, but it gets stale like the food he prepares.

>> No.13926283

I actually do like some of his rustic recipes and think it’s kinda cool to delve into the historical aspects of these dishes but his reactions can be a little much. He sounds like me when I eat my brothers over-grilled steaks “mmmmmm this is tasty!”

>> No.13926285

this guys video's are so entertaining, informative and relaxing to watch. 10/10 youtuber

>> No.13926288
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>that one girl from the butter episode
I would trade all my worldly possessions to marry her

>> No.13926388

he has a ton of larp camping videos

>> No.13926505

He literally didn't even make fun of Trump though.

>> No.13926509

You want to know how I can tell you're a troll or a leftie?

>> No.13926513

Ah wojak spam. Perfect example of left-wing incomptence, like blatantly false flagging on /ck/.

>> No.13926519

the duality of man

>> No.13926526

I don't know, mr. high IQ. Tell us how you figured out that the person was making fun of you

>> No.13926531

lol cry more fag

>> No.13926952

Everything has to have a food angle in it though.
He has other content like how to use the wax seals for letters but it's few and far between.

>> No.13926960

That's because it's more difficult to insert nutmeg into camping videos

>> No.13926997

I'm not even American.

>> No.13927064
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>> No.13928177

You sound like a false flagging false flagger fuck off do NOT make fun of MY president

>> No.13928180

I think that's a nasty question and you are a terrible cook

>> No.13928182

It's my honest and considered opinion that Orange Fool was a mockery of Trump he thought he could get away with and that his subsequent denials are lies.

>> No.13928219

Didn't the cabin building videos do really well?

>> No.13928283
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she wouldn't, she'd fold them up and put them under my pillow
and I'd love it

>> No.13928294

And it is my honest opinion that you are a fool and a coward and should be shot in the street

>> No.13928337

I think if that's true it's a rush to judgement based on your extreme lack of data.

>> No.13928369

Look at that amazing woolie-poolie.

>> No.13929743

Tell me o Townsend, a drink fit for the washingtons!

>> No.13929772



>> No.13929775

hmm I prefer something orangey! any reccomendations?

>> No.13930125


>> No.13930133
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>aromas of the 18th century!
The aromas of a mass of people who bathed maybe 3 times a year?

>> No.13930176

>tfw when qt milkmaid won't let me into her dairy


>> No.13930804


>> No.13931091

> this shit is bleeding out into boards like /ck/ now

>> No.13931124

It's 'straya hours, dum dum. They think every board is /b/ or /pol/. It's nothing but "seethe", "cope", or "dilate" with them.

>> No.13931141

what the fuck is wrong with the youngest daughter's face

>> No.13931145

be sure to rinse your shit pot out well before using it to make spatchcock chicken

>> No.13931160

Townsends is comfy af

>> No.13931266
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>> No.13931306

>uses her masters to research 18th and 19th century dairy practices and then work at as a historical reenactor churning butter

Her parents must be loaded.

>> No.13931308

I liked his camping and canoeing videos

>> No.13931317

the young one looks like a white version of that asian cunt on modern family

>> No.13931339

What was Townsends childhood like, I wonder. I imagine he was bullied, nothing like the crass little snots in skyrim.

>> No.13931357

I wanna savor the flavors and aromas of his loli daughter

>> No.13931364

>cute overeducated leisure girls with rich parents and weird hobbies bad