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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13916606 No.13916606 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so I got a couple of these. How do I eat these things other than right out of the can?

>> No.13916613

toast bread
put deenz

>> No.13916626

It puts the hot sauce on the deenz, or else it gets the hose again.

>> No.13917189

some hot sauce and a lemon squeeze is my go to

>> No.13917294
File: 264 KB, 1300x957, smörgås-rågbröd-och-sardiner-på-pergament-86362251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right out of the can or on rye bread. My sardine rye bread don't look like the pic but for illustration purposes :D

>> No.13917358

Butter up some dark rye bread then fry it a bit
Fry up 2 eggs in deenz juice
then fry up the deenz just a bit

Put the deenz on the bread, then put the eggs on top. Add diced raw onion and hot sauce if you'd like

it's a solid brekkie

>> No.13917419

fisherman's eggs, on crunchy bread, from the tin, etc

>> No.13917522

Toss em in the bin and have some bean toast

>> No.13917531

For me, its deezs fresh from the can with a crack of black pepper and a flick of tabasco

>> No.13917534


your shitty canned apocalyptic fish on wonder bread doesnt look like that

>> No.13917553

How do I eat these? Don't they come with bones and shit or are they already fillet out?

>> No.13917555

There's bones in it but they're soft. You don't even notice them.

>> No.13917559

I have autism so knowing me I would probably pick out all the bones..

>> No.13917566

i like to make sandwiches with toasted whole wheat bread, deenz, cheese, and spinach
pretty good imo

>> No.13917568

Stir the can up with a fork until it looks like flaked tuna. The bones literally disappear.

>> No.13917571

so the bones won't fuck up my throat and stomach?

>> No.13917630

i pay my hard earned neetbux on these things they should already come pre stirred
i dont wanna look at an ugly fishy

>> No.13917632

You could pick them out and eat them on their own and they still wouldn't fuck you up. I told you, they're soft.

No, I'm telling you to stir it up so you can eat the bones without triggering your autism.

>> No.13917638

alright thanks anon guess i'll finally give sardines a try next time I go to the store.

>> No.13917639

sardines : adult supervision required

go get your tard rangler

>> No.13917644

I'd say just eat them in the dark, but based on everything you've already said I doubt you're going to like the flavor in the first place.

>> No.13918048

>i dont wanna look at an ugly fishy
they're not ugly, they're beautiful, symmetrical, silvery, and sleek

>> No.13918101

How am I supposed to cook these things? Pan fry, microwave, oven bake, what?

>> No.13918233
File: 1.81 MB, 3000x2209, IMG_20200412_153706674-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get glass jars with around 40-50 sardines for $2.69 at my local international market. They've also got 4oz round cans for $1.25.

>> No.13918245

mixed with cream cheese, minced shallots and whatever seasoning you like (black pepper, lemon juice, tabasco...) and you got a nice spread.

>> No.13918249

They're ready to eat in the can.

>> No.13918266

Whoops, meant to post an identical jar of sardines, but sprats taste identical anyway.

>> No.13918280

cucumber sliced thin
grate ur fav cheese ideally something milder

>> No.13918363

wtf Im not eating cold meat

>> No.13918382

im a fat fuck so i mash them up with mayonnaise and hot sauce before i put them on a sandwitch, would add capers and onions if im feeling fancy

>> No.13918637

Straight out of the can onto hot rice with some Tabasco is the filipino style, they also brine their sardines in tomato sauce which is in my opinion way better

>> No.13918668
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>wtf Im not eating cold meat

>> No.13919632

Pour the oil in a pan and fry them, get them a bit crispy, then put on some toasted bread with cream cheese and chopped green onions

>> No.13920941
File: 213 KB, 500x500, Mega-Sardines-in-Spicy-Tomato-Sauce-155g-500x500-product_popup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. as to why the norm is greasy sardines in other countries is beyond me

>> No.13921081

Spread avocado on toast, or butter
spread deenz on top
finish with a splash of lemon or chili oil or hot sauce

Unironically avocado toast with chili oil and /deenz/ is my favourite breakfast

>> No.13921108

ritz crackers and hot sauce

>> No.13921802

Crack tin, drain oil, open tin, mince them up with a fork of three tines to mimic the mighty trident of their god, then add Worcestershire sauce to cut through the fattyness. Spread this mix onto a big whole wheat bread. Add garlic salt, Old Bay, red pepper flakes and hot sauce. Finish with a final piece of bread. Your deen sammie is complete.

>> No.13921953

mash with dijon mustard, parsley, green onion, grated garlic, vinegar, salt and pepper. spread on toast, eat with crackers.

>> No.13922193
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, bumble-bee-sardines-in-mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones I buy are headless and seem to be at least partially gutted. I personally pull the little spines out if I see them while stirring them up like >>13917568 mentioned, but I don't get too crazy about it and go hunting for them. I eat mine as a snack on saltine crackers so any crunch from the bones is completely masked by the crackers.

>> No.13922665
File: 53 KB, 569x427, 71xd5lMW6XL._SX569_PIbundle-10,TopRight,0,0_SX569SY427SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those little things are trash tier, not even fit to feed a mongrel dog.

Pic is what you want.

>> No.13922725

I'll give them a shot the next time they go back to $3 per tin. In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy my $0.93 per tin mongrel-feed.

>> No.13922737

then die

>> No.13923780

how do i eat sardines? they still have they eyes and everything, kinda spooky. I have never eaten seafood before either. How do i get into deenz?

>> No.13923826

step 1.) stop being a little pussy, your grandfather ate these right out of the can in vietnam

>> No.13923834

You _literally_ cant tell or taste anything different. The texture is uniform and it tastes great.

Eat a tin with some hotsauce then come back to us

>> No.13923855

Might want to head on back to the reddit and eating chicken tenders and hot pockets.

>> No.13923866
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"u hecken redditor! go back!! xD"

>> No.13923871

Yes. Eat the eyes. Eat the bones. Or leave.

>> No.13923872

what brand is best? i have decided to buy some.

>> No.13923949

>deenz in tomato sauce
>sour cream
>green onion
>hot sauce
>serve on toast
wa la

>> No.13924017

King Oscar but you will then be spoiled for anything elses

>> No.13924038

What'd you even look up to find this? "tard bear"?

>> No.13924067
File: 296 KB, 960x829, 59474064_1169409956552444_7734999683621191680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Portuguese is always the best, if you can find it.

Do not go for cheap.

King Oscar is okay, but there's much better out there. Basically just buy 1 of each of whatever the most expensive cans there are, come home and taste/experiment with them.

>> No.13924252

on a cracker with some sour cream

>> No.13924263
File: 363 KB, 350x615, DEENS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13924757

This, deenz are the patron saint of Lisbon so the Portuguese take it seriously. No other deenz can compare

>> No.13924804
File: 11 KB, 253x199, 3EF27F40-9F0F-40C6-BC56-981FEC28282A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to usual store sunday
>it’s closed for easter
>go to different store down the street that’s still open
>they have a well stocked and much larger deenz section than the other store
God is great

>> No.13924823

Funnily enough when my grandfather gave me my first taste of deenz he told me “they’ll get you ready for pussy”

>> No.13924832



>> No.13924864
File: 178 KB, 1500x1120, 914yDajpJpL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tippest of top tier.

>> No.13924885

>gatekeeping about eating sardines on an iranian spice forum

I was a little put off at first, but now I enjoy them on a piece of toasted bread with butter and tomato jam. I'd start with on toasted bread or with hot sauce.

>> No.13924908

my quarantine no effort dish has been saltine + sardine + little bit of branston pickle small chunk

>> No.13924967

i got a can of king oscar ones, i ate them plain out of the tin, and they were pretty good. I'll be buying more for sure. thanks anon.

>> No.13925056

ONE VIET RESTAURAN OFFERED A BAN MI, with cilantro, peppers, etc on a baguette. theirs was bad sardines, but with some tiny tots, and the right veggies, it would be a nice way to counter the heavy fishiness of the deen.

>> No.13925089
File: 59 KB, 1131x783, makrelmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said in my post my sardine on rye bread doesn't look like that :D

Found a pic that looks more like my sardines or mackerells in tomatosauce on bread :D

>> No.13925107

this is definitely true. whenever i see an uncommon can of sardines that costs more than all the others it is always amazing.

>> No.13926111


inb4 butthurt

>> No.13927354

It'll say "boneless and skinless" on the tin of it is. If it doesn't say anything it'll have skin and a big spine in the center, which I hate to admit is pretty offputting

>> No.13927688

why does /ck/ bang on and on about sardines when tinned mackerel is superior? Less memeable name (no /deenz/ equivalent)?

>> No.13928326
File: 89 KB, 1100x1100, flavortown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over, fag fish. Chad has arrived

>> No.13928355

Make mashed potatoes, mix sardines into it, season with lemon pepper

>> No.13928365

Looks fucking disgusting

>> No.13929536

truly amazing food. true, less fishy than sardines, but come on, whats not to love? texture, flavor, perfect.

>> No.13929680

I love this shit. Too bad none of my local grocery stores sell the rollmops anymore.

>> No.13929827

my deenz dont have eyes. am i doing something wrong?

also how low quality is bumblebee or chicken of the sea?

>> No.13931097

mackerel is great, I prefer the taste ever so slightly over sardines and wish it was more widely available. Doesn't have as much protein as sardines, however

>> No.13931101


>> No.13931356

Fuck this term and every twitter mongrel who spews it whenever someone expects the bare minimum amount of effort from someone.