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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.88 MB, 3024x4032, 1586442635908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13905223 No.13905223 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else just impulsively ordering food at home due to this coronavirus?

im swear im going crazy

>> No.13905232

A lot of food delivery apps are offering free delivery, but I'm mostly getting junk food from 711 and gorging that. I need to hit the grocery store and make some real fucking food, thanks for the reminder OP. Not being sarcastic either.

Fuck I should see if the store does delivery my lungs were shit before this all happened if I get corona I'm done for.

>> No.13905235

She looks like she's about to break down sobbing.

>> No.13905237
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 1574445872540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this body type?

>> No.13905248

No because now you got potentially sick people handling something you're gonna shove in your mouth you retard.

>> No.13905253

just nuke it for a while nothing survives that

>> No.13905255
File: 79 KB, 1024x406, 38041AEF-1392-4BBD-AC9B-0F787E126C84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi it’s me. The fairy of t’norf.

>> No.13905257

Imagine the smell..

>> No.13905258

She looks like she needs a good dicking to feel good about herself, and I would like to give it to her if she didn't have gross bits of food all over her body.

>> No.13905259

>to feel good about herself
>not something intensely degrading that makes her feel even worse so she accepts her life as a braphog

>> No.13905261

>taco bell in bed
Haha, nope. I definitely can't relate...

>> No.13905293

i was eating like shit when it first started, shitty kids cereal, chips and poptarts mostly
i've calmed down though and i'm making most of my meals from scratch now
i'm trying to lose weight, i'm down 15 pounds since january but i've stagnated recently so i have to be more proactive

>> No.13905341

imagine the snake shits

>> No.13905351

Censor that disgusting pic.

>> No.13905357


looking trim, baz


>> No.13905654
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1557455285092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what services are offering free delivery? I use doordash and they always charge a fuckton for delivery

>> No.13906129

I fucking love this norf meme.

>> No.13906183

It's like hotel pizza guy and beer flask guy fused together and became a small mexican woman.

>> No.13906196

I'd sniff her braps, I won't lie.

>> No.13906444

If you use the burger king or the little caesar's apps they don't include service charges or delivery fees

>> No.13906460

she should.....her ancestors are disgraced, she is a disgrace and gross.

>> No.13906544
File: 15 KB, 365x286, 1168079555558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the story here?

did some guy import a mail order bride from jungle-asia and purposely make her fat to fulfill his fetish, while the woman is deeply saddend with her life while questioning her decisions that brought her to this state, and concerned that she can never go back?

>> No.13906547

This is what Mexicans have been like for generations.

>> No.13906581

that or a terrible person is willing to payu online to watch this gross ass eat and moan on like only fans or some crap.
bad food, bad skin, bad body. its just sad and gross.

>> No.13906608
File: 49 KB, 598x574, 1585588908662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uber eats my nig

>> No.13906628

Anyone else want to hate-fuck this disgusting pig?

>> No.13906660

This looks like a creepshot, things like this make me question if the entire human race is sane and insanity is just a insult to take the attention off everyone

>> No.13906696

No I just want to fuck her

>> No.13906702

>reverse image search this slampig
>only results on 4chan

>> No.13906704


>> No.13906860

She has fat distribution like a dude. Nothing on arms, hardly any legs, just a fat gut.

>> No.13907190
File: 910 KB, 1200x801, coronavirus model made from orange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Social anxiety aside, I don't want to go to the grocery store with the unwashed masses milling around. Plan is to order food until it's no longer possible then go through the food stockpile.

>> No.13907383

Google "restaurant worker tests positive for coronavirus" Ha Ha Ha. Learn to cook you lazy fucking retarded millennials.

>> No.13907393
File: 82 KB, 1065x803, Axis Cult Blessings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stomach covered with food and stretch marks
>food chased with either gin or tequila

>> No.13907425
File: 43 KB, 593x590, 1577379602392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that image is fucking repulsive.

>> No.13907468

Dat OC

>> No.13907490

The uh oh stinky.

>> No.13907529


>> No.13907560

1. No, delivery is way overpriced.

2. That disgusting goblin in OP's pic is what 95% of the Mexican women look like on Long Island.

>> No.13907572

I did for the first three weeks, Gained a lot of weight, felt like i'm going back to earlier days where i was a hamplanet, so i slowed down. Cut pasta and fries. Now i feel lighter

>> No.13907582

i guess if i squint a bit, she could pass as mexican, but i bet she's southeast asian

>> No.13907593

did we actually create brap fetishers by pretending to be aroused by braps?

>> No.13907598

out of all the things i've seen on 4chan, i think this is one of the most disgusting.

>> No.13907605

I want to fuck the shit out of her

>> No.13907607


not him but i legit have a brap fetish

>> No.13907617
File: 610 KB, 1600x948, Screen_Shot_2018-02-06_at_3.37.14_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate an entire pizza last night and immediately regretted it. I'm only 23 but I'm fucking 135kg at 160cm, I don't want a heart attack.

>> No.13907646

lol weird

>> No.13907689

would you care to sit on my face?

>> No.13907738
File: 717 KB, 300x252, happydance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipthedishes has been dumping me $7 off $20 coupons like crazy which, plus free delivery, is a decent deal so I've been ordering way too much

>> No.13907777

>135kg at 160cm

wtf dude, how obese are you?
just cut all sodas it'll take away like 30%of your calories

>> No.13907814
File: 64 KB, 633x758, 1355129537841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the male version of that.

>> No.13907838

I'm kinda scared to order from those apps
does the delivery guy just leave it at the door??
do I need to answer the door?

>> No.13907880

I'd clean her up and then fug.

>> No.13907927

I am both disgusted and aroused, not sure what to make of this

>> No.13907929

you have been visited by the cleanly dwarf of the brook
a clear complexion and good aroma will come your way, but only if you reply
"nice figures, buddy"

>> No.13908187

She looks like how I feel after eating at Chili's.

>> No.13908208

uber eats and 711 delivery are both free right now in my area at least

>> No.13908224


>> No.13908235

I want to rest my head on her belly and listen to all the sounds.

>> No.13908262
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, TB 3 31 20 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TB anon?

>> No.13908324

I need that green and red bird thing. Where can I get it?

>> No.13908362

Any more of these?

>> No.13908372

>Ordering fomites

>> No.13908377

No I have dignity and control over myself

>> No.13908443


>he doesn't have 3 different delivery accounts to compare prices


>> No.13908703

nice figures, buddy

>> No.13908773

Put it in the instructions precisely where you want it. I will just knock on door or text that I left it and that's it

>> No.13908786

if i was still drinking i would love to just hunker down and drink/eat/slam that fatty and fall asleep until i needed to get up for puke breaks. somin about her just gets the degenerate side of my wiener goin

>> No.13908808
File: 50 KB, 615x621, 1545446148888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers all the best mode

>> No.13908866

Literally every restaurant has been closed for a month.
The only thing open is the supermarket.

>> No.13909273

Bros, I found her


>> No.13909299
File: 327 KB, 900x476, I don't want to live on this seed ship any more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating better since the beginning of the year
>Going to the gym regularly
>Got a new job, out of the house all the time
>Kung flu happens
>Gyms close
>Working from home. somehow more hours than even when I was working from the office
>ironically less time to cook well , ordering out more

>> No.13909310
File: 201 KB, 642x856, 20200409182531-39352e78-la.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she can launch some titanic turds

>> No.13909330

Way different energy from the woman in the OP. This man looks like a gentle nature spirit, a frog taking the shape of a man in the blink of an eye - who, being stumbled upon - offers a dip in his revitalizing pond, and a squirming fly, if your appetite is to be whetted

>> No.13909364

Never thought I'd find something to fap to on /ck/ but here i am

>> No.13909380
File: 458 KB, 834x482, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is too scared to go out and directly take food from restaurant, but is perfectly fine with letting some ubereats wagey middle-man take it to him

>> No.13909423

Post belly

>> No.13909465

what the fuck is taht shit in her thighs

>> No.13909470

why not? they get paid to take the risk

>> No.13909476

Haha. You live on Long Island.

>> No.13909479

Guess he moved his prostate massager out of frame.

>> No.13909514

It's right behind Hup, silly.

>> No.13909530

I'd rather have one person drop my shit off at the doorstep than go in a place with 10 fucking workers and a million people coming in and out each day.

>> No.13909553
File: 377 KB, 679x513, 5A28334F-99B2-447B-839B-E47451515A6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13909662

the stretch marks are red which means they are recent
she wasn't always like this!

>> No.13909808

lol first thing I thought of as well

>> No.13909815


>> No.13909820

man the harpoons

>> No.13909925

I'm really disappointed I jerked off to this

>> No.13909943
File: 175 KB, 1920x910, LGP$X)ZQ@$4A(L[_V03Z@Q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordering food at home are for losers and nerds.
Real man eat at restaurant no matter what happened.

>> No.13909949

I thought I would be but I’m not. Turns out staying in the house all day has had the opposite effect. I feel like I shave no reason to treat myself to a meal out since I’ve been lazing around the house all day and I would feel terrible guilty after eating it.

Basically the lack of productivity has killed my appetite for delivery. I’d rather eat something light around the house.

>> No.13909958

I had been eating oil and garlic pasta, white rice with carrots, and baked potatoes for about a month before I finally snapped and ordered 2 large pizzas and a six pack of beer. I ate and drank it all in 2 days

>> No.13909960

Nah, I went to my parents place cause they live in a big house and I didn't want to be stuck in my tiny appartment.

My mother bought lots of groceries in her panic, so I am cooking amazing food every day for my whole family.

I am almost getting bored of it lol.

>> No.13909964

just lines from working out.

>> No.13909991

Real men don't eat faggy food.

>boba tea

Come on. You're a grown ass man.

>> No.13910226

She has pretty nice hair for eating so shitty.

>> No.13910228

How is this thread up but the fucking thread about delivery drivers got deleted

Fuck mods

>> No.13910235

Eh, no?
I have just been going to the store like once a week and cooking all of my food myself.
Sure, I had a couple of frozen pizza and nuggets and stuff like that, but I have been even baking myself and making bread and shit.
This is an opprotunity of a lifetime. I don't have to work because of this so sure as hell I'm going to spend my free time by doing something useful and not just bloating myself with shit.

Also, how is ordering takeout at least once a day safer than just going to the store once a week and not licking your fingers or rubbing your eyes while you're out there?

Saving money, eating healthy, losing weight and learning new cooking techniques. That's what I've been doing.

>> No.13910236

>Real men don't eat faggy food.
Real men don't constantly think about what makes them seem "manly" lol.
I bet you buy oil for your neckbeard and products with a lumber jack logo.

Truth bomb: Masculinity is not dependent on the shit you consume or external factors, it is something you ARE or aren't.
A "real man" can walk into a bar, order a faggy drink and still be a man.

No amount of steaks and whiskey will make someone like you manly. Being a man is a fully internal unshakable sense of masculinity and if some silly tea threatens that, sorry to say,
you are not a man at all.

>> No.13910461

Any meals you would rec for a beginner? going shopping soon and need to come up with a few

>> No.13910485

Well since you asked, here is something I came up with lately.
A can of crushed tomatoes and a the same can of water IN to the pot, boil. Salt, pepper, herbs, honey, olive oil and chicken stock IN the pot.
Add chopped onion and crushed garlic IN the pot. Boil softly for 7 minutes under the lid.
Add black beans, bring to a boil and boil for however long you feel like then add pasta or rice or whatever and boil untill the rice/pasta is almost done.
Add cream, cream cheese or other seasonings or don't add anything at all.
Turn off heat and let sit under the lid for 10 minutes.
One pot deal and very good food and relatively healthy too and will feed you for a few days depending on how much of whatever you put in. No way to fuck this up exept if you overcook the pasta but still that wouldn't matter too much since this dish is something inbetween a soup and a sauce anyway.

>> No.13910658

Unironically started cooking bcs of quarantine, I had more time and so I just did it

>> No.13910679


>> No.13910698

I think this picture just gave me a feeding fetish

>> No.13910703

I'd fuck her while feeding her with chips

>> No.13910706

take the bellypill bros

>> No.13910750

In the beginning we ordered a few times but now we cook, we have the time to do that and i am revitalizing some old dishes i ate when young (and fit :D ).

Meat and veg soup, moose stew with chantarelles, fish like char, salmon, whitefish, chicken of all kinds, even made a few veg dishes like lenses, beans, tomatosoup and a lot more.

We feel fine, looking at baking some homemade bread but on this i am a total novice :D

Gf's nephews has a bull farm and we were thinking of buying some meat from them :D

Also we have made a 50x50 plot for potatoes, carrots and other rootfruits and just set up a planthouse for herbs, salad and tomatoes.

>> No.13910751
File: 794 KB, 569x802, cia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13910997


>> No.13911454

I am gaining weight but I am not eating out. I don't eat breakfast or lunch at my office job. But now I am surrounded by food so I feel like I am eating 4 times per day. Fasting has became very difficult. Turns out I have no will power, I was just away from any easy to access food all day.

>> No.13911459

6 pack in 2 days? I wish

>> No.13911471

got more pics of her?

>> No.13911479

Not him but I seen it posted before I think it’s for soy sauce

>> No.13911524


>> No.13911532

Everyone thinks you're a pussy bitch anon. Especially when you start ranting about being a real man.

>> No.13911556
File: 9 KB, 193x193, 1353426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like the bitch here anon.

>> No.13911578

>Caring about what everyone thinks of you like a bitch

>> No.13911596

"bloated dead body" I think, don't google image search that

>> No.13911665
File: 1.51 MB, 303x303, 1959aff1-c6c2-4241-9f51-50971944fddd.20200404_150658.mp4.gif.b81920aa495f6b25059c45890f34414e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when no fat belly gf to give food to.

>> No.13911847

jesus christ

>> No.13911921

The poster clearly cares what everyone thinks of him. He's just doing mental gymnastics about how he's not a loser because he "doesn't care what anyone thinks". That how's you prove you don't care...by writing about it.

>> No.13911944


>> No.13911955

Having an "I don't care" attitude is for someone with the mentality of a teenager who think's he's edgy but is really suffering from crippling self-consciousness and lack of self-esteem.

>> No.13911967

Doing that to a woman is the guaranteed fastest way to make her angry. Probably no other gesture makes a woman more pissed off.

>> No.13912001

Fuck that. I'm not going back to eating out, except hopefully kpop pussy, after this. Been eating a lot better and enjoying cooking more and trying new stuff. Diced up part of a turnip earlier then fried it in some olive oil and threw it on a burrito with rice and chopped scallions. Good as shit, cheap, and no risk of Shanghai Shivers.

>> No.13912010

The 'Katie Cummings'.

>> No.13912021

no for real fat women smell awful

>> No.13912022
File: 5 KB, 161x185, Dwight_Schrute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real man eat at restaurant no matter what happened.
>Real men don't constantly think about what makes them seem "manly" lol.

>> No.13912076

>cream cheese
Ask me how I know you're a fat fuck.

>> No.13912112

yes and no, you need to pass the shit test

here is an example of how its supposed to go down
you buy a strawberry cocamapafrappo because you want to drink one
if a guy teases you about it your response needs to be the correct one
"don't worry about what I'm doing, buddy. Go eat shit somewhere else"
this is a masculine response, You stood up for yourself and your decision

an unmasculine response would be to lecture him about what masculinity really is about or to just accept the teasing from a stranger and laugh it off

his response dictates what happens next. Either he accepts your dominance and backs down OR he escalates FUCK YOU BRO I WAS JUST KIDDING AROUND!

you do not accept the latter as the last word in
tell him watch who you're talking to you fucking pussy and headbutt him, throw the drink in his face, and push him to the ground
then tell the barista to make you another one and put it on his tab

this is the way men conduct masculine business. If you don't want to do it that way then you're not manly

>> No.13912170

somehow all the "real men" posts on ck is more cringe than r9k or anywhere else

these people actually think anyone cares how they drink their coffee etc. it's beyond pathetic. what insane levels of cope must be happening

>> No.13912177

finally found a real man over here

>> No.13912179

i don't need to look at how you do anything, i can tell from a microsecond glance that you are a flaming faggot

>> No.13912200

you can't see me you larping tard

>> No.13912208

i wasn't talking to the (You) you, but the fact you took it as referring to you personally speaks volumes

>> No.13912250

So you would skip the honey or sugar entirely in a tomato based thing like this?

>> No.13912273

Absolutely. I'm not a burger, so I can eat things that aren't disgustingly sweet.

>> No.13912282

A tablespoon of honey in over a liter of savory sauce makes it disgustingly sweet?

>> No.13912310

Amount was never specified, and you conveniently forget to mention the cream and creamcheese that was suggested as well.

>> No.13912322

those were optional ingridiets as you know
but the sugar is now okay?

>> No.13912346

So it makes more sense to you to start directly calling someone a fatass instead of asking about ingredient amounts?
We're on a cooking board for god sake and the honey was clearly listed as a SEASONING. It doesn't take a fucking expert god, a cheap and simple recipie to which you can add things you might have laying around anyway and you spreging your shit over something like this.
Chill the fuck out.

>> No.13912352

No, it doesn't need it. And suggesting the other things heavily implies you are indeed a fat fuck.
Not everything has to taste like candy.

>> No.13912376
File: 207 KB, 309x307, 132502346544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweetening a tomato base
imagine that

>> No.13912434

Just about ready to join the caravan to the US to escape famine.

>> No.13912934

Women? When did I say anything about women?

>> No.13912942

not gonna lie she is just kind of cute
wish i had gf :/

>> No.13912965

I was considering ordering takeout. I did once sometime ago, but I was really disappointed with it. I did find a site that has delivery for all of the food places that I usually eat at, but I still can't bring myself to do it.

I have been ordering my groceries and I'm trying to buy enough so I don't have to go back outside for a bit.

>> No.13912977

Start browsing through that site. Dang

>> No.13913007

>care bears glass

>> No.13913034

god i wish that were me

>> No.13913666

Man you are legitimately retarded.

>> No.13914108


>> No.13915335

this girl is such a ctie, i heard she was stil doing wrestling too

anybody know her name?

>> No.13915375

Yeah you're right anon. I'm gonna make some curry & bake some cookies today.

>> No.13915989
File: 266 KB, 535x799, bec_prev_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon...
Wish I could have younger Beccabae to feed and cuddle with.

>> No.13916018

Bruh why do I have a raging boner rn.

I want to furiously fuck the shit out of this pig, but why?

>> No.13916028

Ive actually only ordered food once
This corona lockdown has been great for losing weight

>> No.13916127

>no nudes
waste of my time

>> No.13916340

>fat chick with small tits
she must've torched a village in her previous life lmao

>> No.13916555
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, 6B1A4AA5-5377-4C9C-A984-F3AC927E9198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly a brit

>> No.13916611

it's /u/mochiibabii from reddit

>> No.13916664 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 453x676, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right. She's got some unique genetics for sure.
With a face that pretty though I'll let the tits slide.

>> No.13916699
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x820, 1583274140086 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord help me I would

>> No.13916768

That’s why you should date a chubby boy instead

>> No.13916895

what a relaxed little froggy man he is

>> No.13916912

die, fatties