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13905492 No.13905492 [Reply] [Original]

Is cows milk the same as human milk?

>> No.13905496

mostly yes

>> No.13907223
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I just want to know if milk is vegan?

>> No.13907234

Cow's milk? No sweetie, it's not.
Plenty of nut milks you could try though!

>> No.13907240

Human breast milk is a lot sweeter. But it depends on her diet.

>> No.13907266

Women with smaller breasts often find it easier to express breast milk after pregnancy than those with larger breasts.

>> No.13907289
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Wait wat? I'm just trying to figure out if milk is vegan. Evidently this is the hardest question on flat Earth???

>> No.13907308

Listen you much sexier bitch, I tried to tell you this before. Cow's milk? No vegano.
Some good, ol' fashioned NUT milk? Mucho vegano.
I can give you a very large sample if you'd like to try.

>> No.13907434

No, but people are pretend, roleplay and claim its for humans when the reality is different.

Just like a marriage is no longer valid when someone signs the divorce, anything said or done can change the reality.

>> No.13907532

No, it has very different macros, for an animal who grows hundreds of pounds in a year, and is not good for an infant's kidneys.

>> No.13907545
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>Lengthy word-salad "answer."

This is all so tiresome. Is milk Vegan?

>> No.13907551

>not good for an infant's kidneys.
Bullshit. It's exactly the same as mother's milk except that the latter has an additive that makes it ever so slightly easier to digest.

>> No.13907566

You're getting sexier by the minute, aren't you bitch?
Mmmm... yeah... you certainly are... haha....
Got some nice udders of your own there... lol... :)...
Tell you what bitch, I'll make it easy for you. Cow's milkies doesn't count because it's not meant for humans and only stinky old boomers will disagree. Therefore, all the milkies left are vegan. Got it?
So milk is vegan. Fucking whore.

>> No.13907569

cow milk has way more protein. Why do you think formula exists?

>> No.13907576

To turn babies into fat diabetics? Shit's bad for you.

>> No.13907588
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>> No.13907599

Any pediatrician will tell you not to give cow milk to a newborn human. Good job you'll never breed :-)

>> No.13907707
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>So milk is vegan.
>No (milk is not vegan)

So milk is either "vegan" or "not vegan" guess we're making progress? No?

I'm not vegan, so I don't know the answer myself.

>> No.13907715

How's their precious baby doing? I heard they were raising the baby vegan, so that means he will be a super-healthy child, not clogged up with a lot of unhealthy meat.

>> No.13907727

human milk is bizarre in the fact its low in most source content except the exact elements for brain development. Nature wants humans eating whole foods to grow - not chugging down supplements like weening cattle

>> No.13907784

listen to me, you used up bitch. (yeah, you heard me, don't want used goods)
don't listen to what anybody else but me says. everybody else is a stinky boomer i was talking about.
ALL nut milks are vegan, and they're the only ones that count. case closed. simple as.

>> No.13907804

>Another non-answer.

I thought vegans were all geniuses? Every vegan I encounter here is an imbecile.

>> No.13907812

>Is cows milk the same as human milk?
dairy congests my lungs and causes huge fatigue problems.
if you are suffering from fatgiue, eliminate all dairy from your diet. You will be amazed at how much more energy you will have. all because your lungs will work better. It sucks because I LOVE non fat yogurt. I used to make 2 gallons worth at a time.

>> No.13907821
File: 15 KB, 267x400, a15c4349084482788e1bd03be7512bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing's for sure: it will never have to worry about clogged arteries.

>> No.13907827

what the fuck? you're just some stinky boomer troll? you wasted my time?
you got your answer. you larping fuck.

>> No.13907840

if its produced by consent by a woman, actually yes. Same goes for semen. Go google it.

>> No.13907843

Have none of the twelve losers in this gay thread sucked their nursing wife's tits before? What happened to this place

>> No.13907854

shut the fuck up. all respect has gone out the window. you got my cock all hard just to reveal you're some flyover state boomer. disgusting.

>> No.13907856


When you think about it, the answer is quite simple. Anything that comes from an animal with consent and without any external force is vegan. As long as the animal is not forced to give something up and does so willingly, that would be vegetarian. And that is why human breast milk is also vegan, as the mother willingly decides to give something of her own body to her child.


>> No.13907865

No, cow milk is not suitable for feeding human infants iirc.

>> No.13907868

>Like all mammals, a human mother produces milk for the sole purpose of nourishing her baby. So for vegan moms and their babies, there’s no moral contradiction in breastfeeding.


>> No.13907914

ow the edge

>> No.13907931

for the record, Peta likes to euthanize pets
they're not representative of the vegan "community" - not that all vegans aren't insufferable cunts by some degree

>> No.13907932

Is confiscating puppies for execution vegan?