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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13905088 No.13905088 [Reply] [Original]

>Whenever I have scrambled eggs or an omelette, I mix a bit of soda with the egg. Usually sprite or a grapefruit type of soda to make it slightly fruity. The eggs get nice and fluffy too.
>Sometimes I put some Cinnamon in when I cook something with ground beef (e.g. Meatballs, Burgers, etc.)
>Whenever I order a pizza or add to a frozen cheese pizza before cooking it, I'll put pineapple, whatever spicy peppers they/I have, and hot sauce on it.

>> No.13905096

Whenever I cook with tomatoes I always use oregano.

>> No.13905100

When my green food touches my red food I scream at the top of my lungs and break all the windows then hide under my bed.

>> No.13905106


>> No.13905109

I've been known to do the same with my eggs, but with beer instead of pop.

>> No.13905134

I eat different parts of my plate in equal proportion
mouthful of protein, then the carbs, then the veggies
I hate getting near the end of the meal and having several bites of only mashed potato or sausage, its boring

>> No.13905153

I keep everything clean.

>> No.13905171

>>Sometimes I put some Cinnamon in when I cook something with ground beef (e.g. Meatballs, Burgers, etc.)
used to be a lot more common in western countries to use "sweet" spices with meat and other savory dishes. not sure why they only became associated with dessert. but i really like clove with any kind of meat.

>> No.13905215

I add a hint of smoked paprika and cinnamon to my cheese when making quesadillas. It’s real fuckin based.

>> No.13905217

Whenever I make native black rice it must have blueberrys and cranberrys in it.

>> No.13905225

I spend most of my meal trying to construct the Essential Bite that is best balance of over all flavours. Then I will eat excess of ______ to maintain that ratio for the rest of the meal once ive found the perfect bite

>> No.13905277

Based 1940s grandpa

>> No.13905346

I'm in my 20's, I'm just from the midwest

>> No.13905464

It seems mainly like a Northern Midwest thing, especially around Chicago.

I grew up in central Illinois, and everyone called soda. I didn't even know people regularly called it pop until I read about it online.

>> No.13905962

Huh. Dunno why, but I kinda assumed it was the whole midwest outside of a few pockets like Milwaukee. I'm from just outside Detroit, and everyone here calls it pop; I only really ever heard soda in movies and shit until my brother moved to Maryland and I showed up to visit.

>> No.13905975


>> No.13905985

thought that was just me.
thank you.

>> No.13905995

1. based
2. based
3. cringe

>> No.13906293

no one:

>> No.13906380

i cant imagine buying soda to drink or cook with it. just the one minor use just seems like it would go bad before you could use it up.

>> No.13906404

I do this as well but I tend to eat almost all of the parts I like the least first and always make sure to leave the best pieces of my favourite part for the end, usually the meat.

>> No.13906409

Urbanites are retards in every way imaginable

>> No.13906417

gotta add a bit of honey whenever im making homemade tomato sauce. no one else gets it

>> No.13906440

Not at all what I was implying. Urbanites tend to have different skill specialization than people in backwaters, but after living in both, I'd be hard pressed to stereotype either as egregiously retarded.

>> No.13906455

I used to do this growing up but I read that if you eat the carbs first you'll absorb more of that than the protein in the meat, so I stopped doing it

>> No.13906515

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13906528
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I always cook with butter

>> No.13906545

please go back to r*ddit, or the youtube comment section, or whatever other pit of mordor you crawled out of

>> No.13906566
File: 209 KB, 3198x1799, RageFaceNo-5ae79bcd3128340037321cb4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13906580

you have to go back, onionsboy

>> No.13906672

miso paste belongs in everything

>> No.13906742

I'll have to try that out. Sounds like it could be interesting.

>> No.13906755

don't overdo it, just a hint and toss it with the cheese. trust me, its amazing. regular or no paprika is fine to. the cinnamon is what really does it.

>> No.13906781

I do this with grated shallot

>> No.13906826

This idiot clearly either came from twitter, YouTube, or 9gag.
Probably 9gag because he apparently just found out about the “no one:” meme
Alternatively, he’s an advanced level 30 wizard who’s traveled through time to troll newfags.

>> No.13906895

my girlfriend thought it was the strangest thing that I do that as well. Guess I'll get a new one

>> No.13906908

I used to put a dash of cinnamon in my bolognese sauce

>> No.13906927

lmao i almost spat out my beer

>> No.13907150

imagine unironically typing out this dumpster fire of a post

>> No.13907167

I mix all of the food together first to avoid that problem entirely.

>> No.13907608

>Sometimes I put some Cinnamon in when I cook something with ground beef
That's fucking great though

>> No.13907619

This is what I hope to see every time I come to this website. Excellent post.

>> No.13907647
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