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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 332 KB, 1800x1200, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13902906 No.13902906 [Reply] [Original]

why is this happening?

I've had an addiction to having small amounts of fizzy drinks/soda when waking up, because of this bad taste in my mouth thing

Water doesn't do the job, but having soda, the taste is amazing because it gets rid of that waking up weird taste thing when waking up.

I mainly have bottled soda, coke, lilt, tango orange, lemonade...

is this something anyone else does or is it well known?

>> No.13902914

How about you just brush your fucking teeth and tongue, faggot. Gross.

>> No.13902915

My mom says only pop quenches her thirst and has only drank diet pop for like 20 years. She's also obese and has tons of health problems.

>> No.13902941

brush your teeth bro.........

>> No.13902944
File: 31 KB, 500x333, 1533767119980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brit detected

>> No.13902967

Brush your fucking teeth BRUSH YOUR TEETH

>> No.13902980

There is a coating on your tongue that the carbonation is helping strip away. Brush tongue, gargle, spit.

>> No.13902995


but the taste of that soda stripping that carbonation away is even better than having a soda when you really want one when thirsty or something

the only better taste is having soda with fast food...

>> No.13902996
File: 44 KB, 700x420, c700x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in a tongue scraper, absolute game changer. Needless to say brush your teeth and use mouthwash as well.

>> No.13902999


>> No.13903003

Surely soda leaves a horrible aftertaste too? Always does for me so I dont drink it.

>> No.13903009
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yeah, so?

did you want me to write the 5 billion drinks you have in america and list them instead, and say mountain dew etc so you wouldn't get triggered?

>inb4 "not from america"


>> No.13903690

good lord just invest in a soft bristle brush and brush your tongue in the morning.

aaaannnnddd... to make things better get a proper alcohol mouthwash like listerine, scope sucks.

>> No.13903701

It's called brushing your teeth.

>> No.13904205

scope is better than listerine, doesn't dry out your mouth and leaves a lighter scent on your breath. listerine breath is nasty.

>> No.13904215

yikes, President Hot Dish

>> No.13904217

Have you considered cutting all beverages except for water and tea out of your diet? It'd help.