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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13893471 No.13893471 [Reply] [Original]

when did you start cooking, /ck/?

>> No.13893482

Can't remember the exact age, but I think i started when I was 5, not on my own of course.

>> No.13893507

10, first meal I ever cooked was an "omelette", egg was a bit runny and the potatoes we're still crunchy. It got pretty straightfroward for me after that

>> No.13893524

After my parents divorced my dad would have either me or my sister help cook dinner and then the one that didn't help cook would do dishes after. I wasn't keen on doing dishes and my sister wasn't keen on cutting/cooking meat so I was usually the one helping cook. I cooked to survive on a budget in college and most of what I made tasted like shit, I didn't start getting good at seasoning and basically not cooking out of a box or can until my mid 20's.

>> No.13893526

Grad school.

>> No.13893545

helped my mom out in the kitchen around middle school, started cooking horribly for my self in college, then actually started to make meals decent in grad school.

>> No.13893567

Very early due to my pickiness with food.
Mom decided if I wasn't gonna eat what she made I'll have to make my own.
I know she was just trying to get me to eat her cooking (which was by no means bad) and didn't expect me to take her up on that offer but it's worked out fine for me.

>> No.13893568


>> No.13893571


>> No.13893574

4 or 5, my mom would sit me on a tall kitchen stool next to her. Started with kneading and mixing, moved on to knives at like 6 or 7. "Manned" the grill starting at about 9 or 10.

I fucking love my mom

>> No.13893576

I dont think a pb and j counts as cooking, but I remember my parents got chickens because I would eat so many eggs. I cooked two or three, some sausage links, and mashed them into a bowl. No im not fat, but it was a little greasy. Not sure if I just used too much butter.

>> No.13893582

Not until my mid 20s after I started working. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I survived college off of nothing but frozen dinners, cafeteria food, Chipotle, Five Guys, and a few other local restaurants, but I did it.

>> No.13893605

Imagine kicking his little gook head into that pan and holding it there while he screams as his entire face burns and eyelids burn shut while the oil competely frys his eyeballs, then looking at the other little gook just watch helplessly and cry, lol
Then imagine stomping his weak gook skull open into the pan, spilling out brain, blood, and other matter into the pan as it begins to cook, the smell of burning hair and gook emanating from your newly created delicacy, getting the attention of the parents who immediately begin to shriek and cry as they gaze upon the horrific scene, they look into the pan and rush to take it off the fire, then they release the most horrific cries you have ever heard as they see the gook brains have been burned to a crisp and realize the dish is ruined
You decide to help them by punting the other fucking baby gook in the head like a ball, immediately severing its gook spinal cord from its filthy gook head and kicking the corpse over to the parents, pointing at the pan, as you dont speak their filthy gook language.
Then imagine they thank you by splitting the little gooks head open with a nearby rock and using it to cook up a great meal, which you refuse to eat, so the filthy gook mother of the filthy gook kids offers herself to you for showing them such an amazing new dish they will enjoy for decades.
You take her up on the offer and shoot load after load into her gook cunt, mouth, and other places for months as you start living the parents of the children you helped cook into a new meal.
You eventually realize that you've probably gotten the gook cunt pregnant, you know what you have to do.
After another week of fucking and cumming your balls so dry it hurt to cum into and on the gook cunt, you pull out your 1911 and execute both gook parents of the gook children you helped turn into a new delicacy for these gook people
Then you find more gook cunts tocum inside, though you find good cunts who dont know about the delicacy be

>> No.13893618

Based psycho poster

>> No.13893626

6. We cooked in school. Ma never let me in the kitchen cuz it annoyed her and she fussed over me getting cut or burnt though. Became proficient at 17.

>> No.13893629

Chink parents train their kids like dogs, don't they?
>look at my cute child totally organically cooking by himself that he learned all by himself that I'm totally recording by coincidence

>> No.13893640

I'm not seeing the issue in theory. Forcing your child to learn the piano and a second language seems like something most would be thankful for later in life. Mind you at the time it would fucking suck, but being a kid sucks in general.

>> No.13893658

Language and music are activities that stimulate the brain, teaching them to cook an egg or (more often with viral videos) make flashy but useless and very specific motions are not. I'm sure little chinklet over here could have gone by without some oil burns and fire hazards and would have developed just the same

>> No.13893660

A fair position. Learning to cook is something that can wait until finer motor skills are obtained. General nutrition should be taught early on though.

>> No.13893669

unrelated but you shouldn't equate a grown up's interpretation of life with a child's
they'll hate it then and that hate grows up with them, not necessarily for the activity whatever it may be, but for being forced to do it
a good parent knows how and when to guide, never force

>> No.13893677

Look man at a certain point you gotta force kids to do shit. Making them learn useful life skills may upset them but they still grow up with those life skills. It may seem like torture to them but its the exact opposite. By all means, let them play and do dumb kid shit but balance is key.

>> No.13893678

You're right, teaching them language is easier since they can pick it up by exposure alone thankfully

>> No.13893812


>> No.13894119

Or you can beat the shit out of them

>> No.13894130

Trying too hard to fit in just makes it obvious you don't fit in, kiddo.

>> No.13894132

As someone who was a kid at one point. I know that does not work well.

>> No.13894143

little dude's just cooking.

>> No.13894582

I don't cook

>> No.13894618

Fucking christ, shut up already.

>> No.13894628

About nine. My mother was a drunk so I’d cook for my little sister and me.

>> No.13894913

very BASED post!

>> No.13894923

I started seriously cooking in 9th grade or so.
I was basically living off of microwaved grilled cheese and potpies/tv dinners/pizza rolls. I hated that so I taught myself how to make eggs and grilled cheese first, and then moved on from there.

>> No.13895099

Why does he cook the eggs first
What an idiot

>> No.13895138

I love your mom too

>> No.13895243

9 or 8. My mother was out of it most of the time due to her addictions and my father wasnt in our lives, so I had to do most of the cooking for my sister and myself. My sister helped with what she could at the time and as she got older, was able to help a lot more.

>> No.13895247

who are you quoting?

>> No.13895321

You were a good kid.

>> No.13895345

I'd help out in the kitchen since I was very young, but didn't start cooking on my own until I was 14. My parents had divorced and my older sister had moved out to go to school. My mom worked nights, so I was on my own a lot. I would watch food network and try out my own recipes. Incredibly comfy

>> No.13895350


tried too hard bud

>> No.13895492

Went through my NVQ lvl 2 professional catering in an apprenticeship
Started doing work in an "italian" restaurant that was little more than just a pizza chain which did fuck all fresh prep, all stuff was preportioned, bagged tagged, frozen and then shipped in
Moved to an American stekhouse closer to home and went through my NVQ lvl 3
Moved through the sections, was there for 6 years.
Started on prep at the back and ended up on the grill section getting fucked for holidays and making other people's lives easier and a brown nosing head chef trying to climb the ladder.
16 hours was common. Never worked a 20 hour shift until him

Quit, got to work my notice in one of the chains more proliffic restaurants in an attempt to keep me there. Ended up working in insurance, now training to be a solicitor.

The main problem is that chefs typically have access to amazing equipment. At home you tend not to have a robatta, a hotplate, decarbonizer or high capacity regulating smokers or even proper pans and stuff.

>> No.13895540

Start? Probably around 10. Didn't start enjoying it until my mid 20s

>> No.13895546

As young I can remember I would help my mom marinate meats or to clean chickens. Grandma owns a chicken farm, so she had me kill, boil and defeather my first chicken at 8. Cried like a bitch too. Good memories.

>> No.13895576

first formative experiences were in boy scouts, most things there were cooked in a black cast iron dutch oven with a griddle-top lid. patrols voting on and shopping for the weekend trip's meal list. scoutmasters and patrol leaders lead the recipe directions to the kids and other tasks were set, cleanup duty usually low-on-the-totem-pole. So doled out as strictly-fairly as possible, good way to bank a favor. some basic recipes still easily-preparable and good life-skills education, probably opened my palate to plenty I might not otherwise have tried at that age. Good times.

>> No.13895627


based boomer parent vs millenial do whatever they want cuck parent

>> No.13896658

>and then there's the anon who just found out theres more to chan than just /b/

Lurk more faggot

>> No.13896661

you cook the eggs 1st for fried rice.

>> No.13896741

I genuinely wish my parents taught me how to cook when I was a kid

>> No.13897661
