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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 800x533, 800px-Monosodium_glutamate_crystals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13877173 No.13877173 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone so scared of MSG when it's in tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, and lots of food in general? It's just pure umami just like how sugar is pure sweet.

Just use it in moderation like salt or sugar and you'll be fine.

>> No.13877179

Enjoy your metabolic syndrome and uncontrollable weight gain

>> No.13877197

Don't know how reliable those claims are, but any problems with MSG only happen when you eat a lot of it, just like how eating a lot of salt and sugar causes problems.

>> No.13877252

But without MSG, /ck/ wouldn't be able to make anything that doesn't taste like dogshit.

Go eat your glyphosate GMOs retard.

>> No.13877267

Hey why is everyone so scared of a poison when trace amounts exist in normal foods? A lot of fruits have cyanide. Why don't you take a nice, big spoonful, OP? It's natural. It's in apples and apricots and all sorts of healthy natural fruits.

>> No.13877291

I fed your mom some of my MSG last night. She said it was too salty.

>> No.13877294

Why are you comparing it to cyanide?

>> No.13877297

Got some large sample size studies controlled for confounds to back that up?

No? Okay

>> No.13877341


Mercury is also naturally occurring. So you MSG fags should add buckets of it to your soup.

>> No.13877357

monosodium glutamate is a scary chemical name to normies

>> No.13877362

>the "it's just a 'scawy name' argument"
Eat your caramel color made with ammonia retard.

>> No.13877367

>Made with ammonia

Oh God, it's an antivaxxer

>> No.13877378
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>he eats 2-methylimidazole and 4 methylimidazole

>> No.13877391

Arsenic is also in apple seeds, what's your point?

>> No.13877403

Seriously, why are you guys comparing a essential flavor compound to actual poisonous substances?

>> No.13877838

They're idiots.

>> No.13877897

>samefagging to cope eating excitotoxins
Enjoy your brain damage, retard.

>> No.13878030

not this racist again

>> No.13878204

I think you're the one that has brain damage here.

>> No.13879174


>> No.13879220

It is used to cheat you into eating shitty low nutrient foods and feel like you're getting something of value.

>> No.13879223

People are scared of what the news tells them to be scared of.

>> No.13879224

oh, so, same as salt

>> No.13879232

Wow, almost like any other seasoning

>> No.13879238

Oh, so you're retarded enough to not know what essential nutrient is.

>> No.13879256

Because it's cheating.
It's like the culinary equivalent of "cover with cheese" or "cover with chocolate". Yes, you can pretty much cover dogshit with it and it'll taste better, but the underlying product is still shit.
And guess who uses the most MSG? Companies who create crappy, low effort foods with awful nutritional values.

>> No.13879257

Ah yes whats more likely is that the mystical magical chemical allows your body to violate the laws of thermodynamics, there's no way you could just be an uncontrollable fat fuck with a insatiable hunger.

>> No.13879261

thats like saying every herb/spice/seasoning is cheating

>> No.13879262

just american things, from butter/ oil, to msg to gluten to whatever the fuck they find next

>> No.13879264

Herbs, spices and seasoning are supposed to add accent to whatever base ingredient you're using. If you're spicing up fried spam, sure, you'll giving it flavor, but the underlying product is still shit - just like most companies which liberally use MSG.

>> No.13879281

Were you going to make some kind of point or

>> No.13879436

No not really, im gay if that matters

>> No.13879496

White people are ignorant

>> No.13879584

MSG is weird and chinky

>> No.13879596

>chemicals cant mess with krebs
DNP can speed it up, other things can slow it down

>> No.13879735

>this is your brain on MSG
MSG isn't a race, retard.

>> No.13879788

>Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) can damage the brain
>MSG also promotes liver inflammation and dysplasia

>Study finds using MSG can cause weight gain
>MSG is an excitotoxin that causes brain damage
>MSG also promotes liver inflammation and dysplasia
>The FDA condones food producers hiding MSG in their products
>MSG is the world's most widely used flavor enhancer
>Study found Red Clover able to block brain damage from MSG


>> No.13879808

It's an artificial food additive.

>> No.13879910
File: 37 KB, 621x672, 1442266027376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found the vegan jew

>> No.13879912

Cyanide isn't the most abundant neurotransmitter in the human brain, so you're basically a retard.

>> No.13879914
File: 40 KB, 433x433, 1586019665852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da vegan j00s
That's a new one.

>> No.13879922

Yes, wise one, tell us of the jewishness of this situation.

>> No.13879935

>MSG is an excitotoxin that causes brain damage
This again? Good thing I've still got this in my history:

>Just so we are clear, glutamate ions are indeed a very powerful exitotoxin (they are, effectively, the canonical exitotoxin, since other ones simulate their effect) but that's completely irrelevant to the safety of dietary MSG. The thing is, your body wants glutamates. Every cell in your central nervous system desperately needs them, or else you die. On the other hand, putting too much of them in a synapse kills the whole nerve cell if you're not careful.

>The solution is to not inject MSG directly into your spinal column, then you're fine.

>> No.13879940
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, ck's favorite flavor enhancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude it's only bad if you inject it directly into your spine bro
>source: dude trust me bro

>> No.13880133

So many brain-addled fucking retards on /ck/ from their shit diet of neurotoxins, excitotoxins, and other bullshit. They can't even think clearly enough so they can into reading comprehension.

>> No.13881632

You sourced from a website that is anti-vax.


Your entire argument is unreliable.

>> No.13881644

>hurrr anti-vax ma durr nurrrrr
>t. brainwashed NPC who watches the MSM
The problem with people like you is you never accept any sources. It doesn't even bother you that the CDC has patents on vaccines and profits from vaccinations or that over 4 Billion dollars have been given out for vaccine injury or death or that vaccine companies have no liability at all for anything their vaccines do to people or even that mandated vaccinations are a violation of the Nuremberg Code

>> No.13881672

Not giving vaccines will cause more death and injury from diseases than from vaccines themselves.

>> No.13881680

Muh peepeepoopootoxins

>> No.13881681

>most measles cases are caused by vaccination
>100% vaccination rate in a Texas school and every student got the whooping cough
Watch more MSM "news", retard. You're what Yuri Bezmenov would refer to as a useful idiot, so I'm not even going to bother. Don't forget to get your RNA vaccine for the flu.

>> No.13881693

muh chemikuls
muh electromagnedic radiashun

>> No.13881702

You just described a problem with capitalism, not vaccines

>> No.13881713

Oh cool you watched anti commie propaganda 101. MSM is capitalist and wants you to die for stocks. Anti-vaxx is just stupid of in itself and if there was profit from it then it would be pushed in the media. But it's mostly just niche and only sharp grifters can nail you rubes with essential oils and nootropics

>> No.13881735

>cries about evil capitalism profiteering
>doesn't see any profiteering in vaccines
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.

>> No.13881740

Of course I do you fucking retard. Why the fuck do you think I just mentioned capitalism? Did vaccines give you a sub 20 IQ, dumbass? Jesus fucking christ right wingers are stupid

>> No.13881748

>cries about anti-commie propaganda
>cries about capitalism like a marxist
>cries about "anti-vaxxers" for wanting clean vaccines
>cries about being called out for illogical bullshit
>"nooo I said that"
Kill yourself retarded liar.

>> No.13881754
File: 1.69 MB, 383x576, cb90a2d2c321c90d670c867199a8715e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. fluoridated vaccinated retard who eats MSG, aspartame, and glyphosate and invokes the Lord's name as a cuss word while not even believing in God

>> No.13881755

>cries about profits and useful idiots
>claims the problem with profiteers is the communist boogeyman that turned him into secretly liking cock

Lol stay triggered you retarded snowflake : ^]

>> No.13881758

Jesus Christ was deep state

>> No.13881759 [DELETED] 

Eat your soylent and MSG chips, jew.

>> No.13881774

yes it is

>> No.13881783


Shut up faggot, nobody on fucking Earth is "anti vax," they're "anti mercury and live cancer viruses being injected to me along with that whole vaccine thinggyyyy oh and maybe don't give children 6 gorillion mega VAXXX doses in a fucking row MAYBE"


>> No.13881810

Yes they are. Why would they be complaining about anecdotal vaccinations then to generalize? These are the same idiots that talk about global cabals but somehow think Trump and his band of ghouls is somehow exempt are humanitarian capitalists that just happened to buddy it up with Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.13881825 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 505x460, 1585403770939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the marxist decides what your opinion is for you regardless of what you say
Talking to these retards is a waste of time.

>> No.13883474

thank god im not the only one who thinks this, its stupid

>> No.13883495

>Why is everyone so scared of MSG
same reason they are afraid of GMOs or Vaccines

>> No.13883505

>we now have to deal with these people on 4chan due to /pol/

i want to go back to 2010

>> No.13883510

You're mistaken. Glutamate is a naturally-occurring chemical and gives flavor to many different food products. Monosodium glutamate is a shelf-stable synthetic chemical which imitates and is nearly identical to glutamate and can be added to foods to enhance flavor. Whether or not monosodium glutamate is harmful is another matter.

>> No.13883515

you're the one making baseless claims nigger

>> No.13883529

>Monosodium glutamate is a shelf-stable synthetic chemical
No its fucking not man, "monosodium glutamate" is just the powder you have when you evaporate a solution with glutamate in it. In water the glutamate ion stays separate from whatever its cation is (in most situations sodium, or in acidic situations hydrogen know as glutamic acid). Glutamate is glutamate, there is not synthetic version, its so ubiquitous in nature that the idea of creating a synthetic one makes no sense

There is nothing "synthetic" about it, not that that even matters or has anything to do with how healthy something is

>> No.13883541

please just take one biochemistry class

>> No.13884243

Came here to say nobody is afraid of MSG. But then i read this thread.

>> No.13884403

>literal poison that's used as a poison by people who wanted to use a poison turns out to be poisonous to people


>> No.13884469

go back

>> No.13886090

I love it, can't cook chinese food without it.
I never use it with anything else though becuase it can change the flavour of things way too much

>> No.13886101

>using chicken stock instead of water is cheating

>> No.13886163

What is his claim dumb ass?

>> No.13886320

Because they're retarded contrarian faggots.

>> No.13886596

why do you blokes always pick mercury as a naturally occurring harmful thing ? thallium is more toxic

concentrating these things is artificial btw

>> No.13887491

Le epic science peer reviewed studies epic Kenji López alt arrogant dismissal of instinct and tradition confuses evidence of absence and absence of evidence “there is no evidence that suggests” “we do not recommend you wear a mask” fucking epic scientism last man faggot

>> No.13887499

Seriously, you have to go back.

>> No.13887511

Le epic calories in calories out epic science thermodynamics reference upboat xD xD fucking idiot stop regurgitating memes, I know that’s what you’re trained to do because it gets you epic karma but gaining and losing fat is more complicated than cico, try taking a bunch of testosterone and eating the exact same you stupid faggot

>> No.13887515

but there aren't neurotoxins in GMOs and there aren't toxic pesticides/herbicides in vaccines

>> No.13887523

Go the fuck back. This isn’t your hugbox epic science last man breeder, seriously just go back

>> No.13887543

It is synthetic. You r*dditors are the worst. So arrogant in your ignorance. Use the precautionary principle. Not epic “evidence-based” reasoning which waits until it has been hit by a car to decide to get out of the way