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13873893 No.13873893 [Reply] [Original]

Kratom thread? I just ordered some vietnamese green and maeng da white. I've never tried white. Maeng da red had seemingly no effect on me.

>> No.13873919

It being unregulated makes it weird. How can I get a opioid high? Not op.

>> No.13873927

Wtf even is this. I know it's some sort of drug, I'm guessing it's shit tier like every other "legal drug"

>> No.13873936

It’s a legit thing, it has opioid qualities without the addiction.

>> No.13873941

>I'm guessing it's shit tier

you guess wrong. it hits your opiod receptors

>> No.13873944

it's not really great as a recreational drug; but it really helps people addicted to heroin apparently.

>> No.13873949
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>Hits opioid receptors
>Junkies use it to fight withdrawal
>Not addictive

Calling bullshit

>> No.13873969

>it's not really great as a recreational drug

says you. i feel peaceful as fuck right now.

it's psychologically addictive like any drug, but it is indeed not pharmacologically/chemically/physically addictive.

>> No.13873974
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I tried it to but didnt really notice anything, the taste is bad and tramadol and cough sirup (codeine) are easy to come buy/order online

>> No.13873978

Are they? Where? I ran out after my gallon from Mexico.

>> No.13873980

Germany, you can just get an online prescription

>> No.13873982

>I tried it to but didnt really notice anything

you have to get the right type for you. like i said red, which seems most popular, didn't do anything to me.

>taste is bad
mix powder with True Grapefruit™ or True Lemonade™ powder. strain using nut milk bag.

>> No.13874009

Jesus, why are you a fag!

>> No.13874145

This shit is off topic

>> No.13874149

>coffee general
>tea general
>3+ liquor threads simultaneously every day

Not hardly. It's a tea.

>> No.13874728

It is physically addictive. I know because I am addicted to it. It's pretty mild though. Coming off is like have a bad cold. Also sleeping is impossible.

>> No.13874753

The only withdrawal symptom I've ever noticed from times I take a break from it is sluggishness for like a day or two

>> No.13874770

Yeah you have to take a lot to get to where I am. Years of doing it every day, six times a day, taking extracts. Yes I am a degeberate. Most people would not have any issues.

>> No.13874775

Jesus dude. Ever try NA meetings?

>> No.13874788

I've thought about it. I dont think I would do well there but better than nothing. The good news is for casual users it's a fun relatively harmless drug.

>> No.13874808

You should check it out. The group support goes a long way. My coworker is 2 years clean because of it. But yeah I agree with the last statement. I pop 3 grams in the morning with some coffee and feel great. Used to use it before working out but now the gym is closed

>> No.13875194

Kratom is lit as hell. Reddit likes to say “it’s not addicting or recreation it’s medicinal ;)” but that’s horseshit. It’s not nearly as addictive as traditional opiates but if you take enough frequently it still is. I take 3.5-4g and get ripped as fuck, and about an hour and a half in always need to lay down because I get sick same as when I take opiates. It’s better than hydrocodone or other low level opiates.

>> No.13875413

I thought it was scheduled 1 here in the states a few years ago

>> No.13875465

It gets you a high similar to a low dose pain pill. You have to consume a fuck ton of it though, and it tastes worse than Goodys/BC powder. You can mix it with shit or take it in a pill for, but the people who are doing that >>13873936
are in denial that it has any addictive property. The amount of trouble it is worth to get high, along with how sketchy and overpriced it is to purchase makes it the #1 drug for retards who are in denial about being junkies

>it helped my brothers second cousins dog quit doing heroin!!!


>> No.13875510

I take only a few grams and make some tea from it. It's a very mild buzz, just the way i like it. People saying 'i dont notice anything from it' are expecting too much.

>> No.13875601

it's illegal in my state. everything is fucking illegal in my state, they finally opened liquor sales on sunday last year. at least I don't live in utah

>> No.13875623

I take 3 capsules and get a good buzz. It's also 0 trouble. I take it with my morning vitamins. Can also buy it at any tobacco shop

>> No.13875694

The 12-step groups can point you in the right direction, but don't rely on just that to stay clean. And don't get sucked up in the woo-woo.

>> No.13875808

>without the addiction
Use it if you want, but I have some bad news for you.

>> No.13876010
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The absolute state of flyovers

>> No.13876054

my parents raised me with some semblance of food culture so it's not too terrible

>> No.13876232

after taking this shit almost daily for over a year i've started to grow man tits and my testosterone has plummeted. it's up to you if you think that's worth a mild opiate buzz, or just make sure not to go overboard with it

>> No.13876274

It's legal. They have kratom bars around here you can order drinks of it at.
The halfway house i stayed at would drug test for it though and boot you out if you pissed positive.

>> No.13876299
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hell yeah gotta love indiana

>> No.13876526

it's too comfy for me to leave

>> No.13876566

I’m about to order more. I typically parachute 4 grams every day since it tastes awful. Calming and not overly intense high, great for drifting off to bed if you switch between day and night shifts all the time. But holy fuck, you have to be on an empty stomach or you just won’t feel anything, and then that only exacerbates the rock-solid pellets of shit that will eventually wreck your tender asshole. Keep the diet in check sand you’ll be good.

>> No.13876644

I find the taste to be not a factor at all. You guys ARE preparing it with lemon or grapefruit and straining it through a nut milk bag right? Right? You're not just drinking the exhausted powder right?.......

>> No.13876647

Also for those not doing so already, i strongly urge all of you to find a supplier for Kratom in South East Asia. (9/10 i find seem to originate from there) I got some bro in Flanders that buys that stuff in bulk from a supplier and sells it here at a small markup. It's less than half the price of any webshop selling it here. (Netherlands)

Long as you got a reliable source, you can get it for cheap. I've got about 500 grams now for 35eu.

Would like to add that i also take small doses and i find it hardly being like the effects of opiates, generally what it does is give me a mild, stimulating high that i can somewhat compare to a weaker, but more pleasant adderall.


Don't fool yourself, it is addicting. It's not like an opiate (afaik) but it works on the same receptors in the same way. One of the reasons why it is being used by people kicking their opiate addiction, but to say it is completely without risk of addiction is simply not true.

I drink a cup of kratom tea (3-6grams) every 1 - 3 days when i feel like it or when i could use the boost for the last 2 years. Have had times where i didn't use it for weeks, never had withdrawals.

>> No.13876667


I almost forgot to add that i started using kratom when i was having a period in which i'd frequently have high (but not dangerous levels) of blood pressure and kratom cools that shit right down. Its amazing. For anyone here struggling with those issues, it's worth checking in. Online resources are available if you google it.

I still use kratom to counteract my anxiety, which tends to pop up every now and then. Not a cure, but it helps a little.

I really want to see more research and testing on kratom, it could potentially be a fantastic herbal medicine.

>> No.13876702

I never knew about the preparations one could utilize. I was ingesting just the powder; I mean it does work. I’m guessing it potentiates the kratom the same way certain grapefruit juices potentiate certain other opiate class pharms? I’ll search it up, thanks.

>> No.13876712

>I never knew about the preparations one could utilize. I was ingesting just the powder; I mean it does work


dude if you're not making a tea out of the powder you're not releasing the alkaloids from it at all. lol.

if you're eating powder in this way, and not extract, you have simply just been wasting it out of dumbassness.

>> No.13876811

What the fuck is woo woo

>> No.13877029
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Did some snooping and it turns out there's a highly rated kratom shop close by so I'm thinking about trying it out. They've got red, green and white vein in leaf, powder and capsules. Which would you guys recommend I try out first?

>> No.13877047

Maeng da and Bali are the usual go tos for people

>> No.13877052

green imo.

i make tea from powdered leaf. not extract. you will also need lemon or grapefruit

>> No.13878163

How bad does this stuff constipate you?

>> No.13878187

Some dude posted a link on pol to this one site where kratom isnt even listed, you have to type a special word in the search function, and they sell kilos for 69 bucks. Really great kratom, too.
The constipation can be unbearable tho if you're not eating right and drinking enough water.

>> No.13878190


here, it only got kinda moderate for me when I was taking like ten grams a day. when I was taking 3-7 I never had constipation

>> No.13878192

haven't experienced any