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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 805 KB, 831x607, uncut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13862776 No.13862776 [Reply] [Original]

>When you order pizza carryout, don’t let them cut it. Don’t let them cut the pie. When they cut it all the juices run down and make the crust soggy. When you order your pie, fire up the oven. Throw your stone in there or a pan or whatever. And just keep the temperature cold—keep it under 212℉. Take that pie in uncut—so the crust stays crispy—and pop it in the oven. And then, when it [the pizza] is back up to the temp, you can slice it as you need it. Never let them cut the carry-out for you.

Uncut Chads, report in.

>> No.13862777


>> No.13862778
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>> No.13862779

post your cheesy uncut sausage pizzas, lads

>> No.13862780

Why would you order pizza if you own a fucking pizza oven?

>> No.13862781

at that point why not make the pizza yourself
the whole point of delivery is convenience

>> No.13862782

this is the most reddit thing i've ever seen

>> No.13862783

Sausage is a breakfast food and doesn't belong on pizza. That's like drinking orange juice for dinner

>> No.13862784


>> No.13862785

T. Anglo

>> No.13862786

not breakfast sausage you mong

>> No.13862787

the whole "this food is for eating during these times" is fucking retarded

>> No.13862788

Dont feel lile making one duh

>> No.13862789

>breakfast sausage
all sausage is breakfast sausage. there's literally no other type of sausage

>> No.13862790

yeah man let me just fire up my giant stone oven

>> No.13862791

Literal fucking retard

>> No.13862792

literally built for BBQ

>> No.13862793

Absolute fucking retard.

>> No.13862794

t. west coast retard who doesn't know what real sausage for pizza tastes like

>> No.13862795

ok retard

>> No.13862796

>order food to warm it up

>> No.13862797


>> No.13862798

Yea cause I'm going to pay for delivery then do the work myself.

>> No.13862799

slightly soggy, grease infused crust>>>crackly greaseless crust
Your move reddit.

>> No.13862800

I don't like cut pizzas because I want big boy quarter pieces

>> No.13862801

>work at pizzeria
>everyone with middle-eastern accent orders pizza uncut
>Muslim co-worker explains it's because the same cutter is re-used and they don't want pork residue getting on their pizza.
everyone will assume you're Muslim. not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.13862802
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>> No.13862803

Sausage on pizza is delicious and orange juice with dinner is perfectly acceptable, my go to drink of choice is vodka and orange juice

>> No.13862804

Germany would like a word with you

>> No.13862805

Been ordering my za like that since you were in you’re dads nuts

>> No.13862806
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C'mon anon...

>> No.13862807

you only want uncut as it has as many slices as people you could share it with

>> No.13862808

fuck you

>> No.13862809

someone post the webm

>> No.13862810

cut pizza is for fags

>> No.13862811

I would order a pizza uncut but my wife's boyfriend is Jewish and doesn't eat anything uncut.

>> No.13862812

based thread summariser

>> No.13862813

>Throw your stone in there
if I have my own pizza stone why am I ordering pizza
also anyone who has their own pizza stone is a fucking fag-ass

>> No.13862814


>> No.13862815

>this fag doesn't have a steak and salad for breakfast

>> No.13862816

I don't understand why you're heating the pizza up again

>> No.13862817
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They will know I'm a Muslim just by looking at me.

>> No.13862818

If you are going to go though that much fuss for a pizza just make it yourself. The whole point of delivery is that your are hungry and lazy.

>> No.13862819

yeah, I eat the heavy meals for dinner and for breakfast I have a glass of pure water and a smoke

I also have a body of a greek god and fuck hotter babes than the ones you jerk off to

>> No.13862820

Pepperoni is a sausage

>> No.13862821

>be me
>order uncut pizza
>roll it it up into a tube and eat it like a candybar

>> No.13862822 [DELETED] 

>be pislamist
>raped by whitey in every stand-up fight
>living in whitey's civilization as a refugee lmao
imagine being an inbred fucking subhuman like you lol

>> No.13862823

Now you're being dull. Seriously.

>> No.13862824


>> No.13862825

Isn't that just a calzone?

>> No.13862826

Is your name John too

>> No.13862827

>letting social norms dictate what you eat when you eat it
Fucking loser.

>> No.13862828
File: 565 KB, 2800x1867, istanbul-blue-mosque-turkey-shstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more

>> No.13862829

No calzones are folded before baking

>> No.13862830 [DELETED] 

it's a turkroach too lmOA
hey roach, quick question
how many wars was it you lost to russians exactly? all of them?

>> No.13862831
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You know what? I think I'm gonna have an omelette for dinner

>> No.13862832

Uncut in case they don't ship all the slices

>> No.13862833

big fan of saucy calzones filled with FRESH mushroom, extra marina sauce, ham, pepperoni and black olives, got to have the black olives. Mmmmmmm, that sounds like a good time.

>> No.13862834

It just gives no life foodie fatties another thing. It becomes a tiny bit of control or a bitch point if left undone.

>> No.13862835

>eating trash
enjoy your cardiac arrest you fat fuck.

>> No.13862836

So, you mix the pork juices into the sauce for good measure, right?

>> No.13862837

>cut the pizza into slices
>cut off a fraction of each slice
>recombine those slice pieces into one slice which you keep
>deliver the za , the melty cheese means nobody notices that each slice has like a degree or two of pizza missing
>accrue enough of these stolen slices to retire at 40
those devilish fucking za salesmen

>> No.13862838 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1099x1111, Muslim Chad yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be cuckstian from some sissy western cunt
>literally raped by my brothers
>molding """"your"""" country into mine because you bombed or helped bomb it
>while living rent free in your borders and in your head

>> No.13862839


>> No.13862840

AH, I see you failed to mention the Jews, falseflagger. A real muslim hates Jews more than anyone else. Don't tell me you're some muslim apologist.

>> No.13862841

Silly birdbrained bong.

>> No.13862842 [DELETED] 

you're an ugly disenfrachised incel with no future and no homeland
go mold your tiny pecker into your hand while watching some cuckporn, because lord knows brown girls would get fucked by a nigger over you LMAO

>> No.13862843

you should order your baby uncut, americans

>> No.13862845 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 968x681, the great satans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shout death to Amerikkka first because it is the golem that protects *srael. Glory be the day when every yid is put to the end of the sword.
What a sad display of a """"human"""", always thinking about porn and dark men's genitals. You are the true loser.

>> No.13862846

do americans really want to trap as much grease in their food as possible

>> No.13862847

or just dont be a cuck. eat the whole pizza by yourself and fast enough before it gets soggy

>> No.13862848

Eggs, sausage, bacon, onions, and cheddar is a kino pizza.

>> No.13862849

seems like this would depend a lot on the pizza place you go to and how they make the crust, but if it's a place where you have to reheat it and cut it yourself to prevent it from being shit then you should just try a different place

>> No.13862850
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultCAON0JTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw degrease my pizza because of Uli

>> No.13862851


>> No.13862852

fucking based

>> No.13862853

>employees who don't immediately wipe the knife every time
>sauce and oil dries on the blade
>sandwich knives with dried mustard caked on them
>making multiple items without changing gloves, going back and forth between cheese, meat, and veggies
Unless you intend to babysit the entire process, your effort is wasted.

>> No.13862854
File: 18 KB, 160x160, 1352093202423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're gonna wait the long-ass time for a pizza stone to heat up (it takes like 45 minutes for it to be proper) then why not just make dough (literally takes 10 minutes max) and make your own pizza?

>> No.13862855

If I'm ordering a pizza, it's because I don't feel like doing any cooking, fuck off

>> No.13862856

you don't actually use the za oven. you just take pics of it for reddit gold

>> No.13862857

>still no emoji
It aint easy being green

>> No.13862858

Anglo's eat sausage all the time you spasitc

>> No.13862859

>He's never had bratwurst
I genuinely feel bad for you

>> No.13862860

Holy shit I'm cured lol

>> No.13862861


>> No.13862862

What did americans mean by this?

>> No.13862863

Its not a pie you daft mong

>> No.13862864

you only need a special oven for pizzas for the initial cooking/wood fire cooking. reheating it can be done in a regular oven.

>> No.13862865

Don't let them cook it either.


>> No.13862866
File: 116 KB, 876x1150, body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order my pizzas uncut because I fold it over and eat it like a big calzone since I'm a fat fuck

>> No.13862867
File: 1.79 MB, 480x600, 1580591850323.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggots talking about pizza in a thread about circumcision

>> No.13862868
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post some tasty za's, lads

>> No.13862869

it refers to an entire circular pizza, hence pi cause circles

>> No.13862870

holy shit. this reddit thread just got B&R

>> No.13862871

Why are americans so disgusting bros?

>> No.13862872

why have you posted a picture of a museum

>> No.13862873
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>> No.13862874

>he can't tell the difference between merrcan and yuro crusts
oh no no no no

>> No.13862875

not having it

>> No.13862876
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>> No.13862877

I'll cook your cock in my mouth you dirty little faggot

>> No.13862963

i laughed out loud. i like you. Nice one kid

>> No.13862980

She got the headline wrong. It should be "You Should Order Your Pizza Uncut. Here's Why."

>> No.13863217

Just found the article and this is borders /ck/ levels of autism.

>Since dining out (my favorite hobby) isn’t an option right now, ordering delivery has become something of an event, especially ordering pizza. And, since there’s not much else going on, there’s a lot riding on those pizzas, happiness-wise. This is why I’m ordering my pizzas un-sliced.

>It may seem overly precious, but as my friend Meathead Goldwyn explained to me in a recent phone conversation, it makes all the difference when it comes to the crust:

>When you order pizza carryout, don’t let them cut it. Don’t let them cut the pie. When they cut it all the juices run down and make the crust soggy. When you order your pie, fire up the oven. Throw your stone in there or a pan or whatever. And just keep the temperature cold—keep it under 212℉. Take that pie in uncut—so the crust stays crispy—and pop it in the oven. And then, when it [the pizza] is back up to the temp, you can slice it as you need it. Never let them cut the carry-out for you.

>It may not be worth the hassle for something like Domino’s, but it makes a big difference with primo pies. After all, great pizza is built on great crust, and it would be a shame if it sogged out before making it to your mouth.

>> No.13863366


>> No.13863368

Do Americans really?

>> No.13863406
File: 131 KB, 364x852, fuck euro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863473


>> No.13863481

If you don't have a huge selection Claussen is always a good choice. You should be buying them from the refrigerated section in the first place, but Mt. Olive is just about the worst big name brand.

>> No.13863484

What’s with all this life hack ‘ min max’ bullshit? Just live your fucking life and be normal. The illusion of control.

>> No.13863492

i have a pizza stone and i order pizza more than i make it. i just never want to make pizza dough since i am so lazy and i only ever want pizza when i am drunk.

>> No.13863499

wtf, this isn't a real problem at all

>> No.13863520
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>dining out (my favorite hobby)

>> No.13863538

do americans really make these shitty memes

>> No.13863548
File: 329 KB, 555x565, 1548703115600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see some akshually interesting advice on /ck/
>click thread
>realize this is solid advice
>read thread
>all retards checked in from retardcorp central command

>> No.13863566

How can Americans eat sausage for breakfast?

>> No.13863605

We can order it at a diner, get it from a fast food takeout. We can even cook it ourselves at home. From there it is simply a matter of eating during the morning hours.

>> No.13863926

Fat child molester

>> No.13863931

It operates on the premise that ready-cut pizza arrives home soggy. It does not. So what problem is it addressing? None. Just an imaginary situation.

>> No.13863966

bruh even if your pizza is soggy cause they put way to many veggies on it the fuck is waiting for it to be sliced gonna do the shit will still get soggy when you reslice it

>> No.13863967

>all the juices run down

Does he mean the grease from the pepperoni?

>> No.13863973 [DELETED] 

>raped by whitey in every stand-up fight
Holy revisionist history

>> No.13864013

oy vey!

>> No.13864523

I thought this was common knowledge, did it really need an article?

>> No.13864726

rent free

>> No.13864740

take your meds schizo

>> No.13864803

yeah whitey has gotten to they point they sick their dogs on em just for fun

>> No.13864806

I'm not gonna do all that gay fucking shit if I'm already too lazy to cook that night. I just wanna sit down and shove food in my mouth.

>> No.13864807

Its German

>> No.13865137

A land of people that put a creamy green pepper sauce on top of a crusty juicy schnitzel has zero say in what is proper food etiquette.

>> No.13866062

Fun fact #9 Domnos delivery experts are professional rapists because they are either muslim or pajeet.

>> No.13866115


>> No.13866120

used to work making pizzas at uni where sometimes some pizzas of the day would have pork, and i started a habit of having separate cutters for pork and non-pork pizzas and changing gloves immediately after handling them (it caught on with the others).
i miss that place a lot.

>> No.13866129
File: 495 KB, 250x186, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just make dough (literally takes 10 minutes max)

>> No.13866385

Fuck OCD Muslims. They worry about silly things like that then have a cheeky drink or twelve every other night.

>> No.13866550

uh anon. What is that?

>> No.13867133

Love me some bangers and mash for brekkie you fucking spastic

>> No.13867140

my ex was uncut and had a massive fucking hog and i miss his sexy ass so much

>> No.13867994

Jewish bakers man

>> No.13868007

>imagine being this fat you care about takeout pizza this much

>> No.13868069

Your body looks like a face of a retard trying to think

>> No.13869494

I drink oj before, during, and after breakfast lunch and dinner.

Enchiladas? Oj. Hamburgers and oj. Ice cream? Wash it down it oj

>> No.13870470

this took so long for me to understand.
cute goat.

>> No.13870473
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 1387178166552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you order circumcision, don’t let them cut it. Don’t let them cut the penis. When they cut it all the juices run down and make the frenulum soggy. When you order your circumcision, fire up the oven. Throw your Mohel in there or a Rabbi or whatever. And just keep the temperature cold—keep it under 212℉. Take that penis in uncut—so the Mohel stays crispy—and pop it in the oven. And then, when it [the penis] is back up to the temp, you can slice it as you need it. Never let them cut the dick for you.

>> No.13870478

ironically, maple sausage is better on pizza than Italian.

>> No.13870485

Islam is right about women.

>> No.13870530

when they cut it is when...they do stuff to it.

>> No.13870542

built by romans some 200 years before the piss propfit(piss be upon him).

>> No.13870544

I don't think pizzas are supposed to have 'juices'

>> No.13870548

I drink OJ throughout the day
t. Based and peatpilled

>> No.13870759

I thought this was only a new mexico thing.

>> No.13870814

Uncut pizza is also easier to fold in half so you can eat it like a sandwich.

>> No.13870828

Yeah, and you can add fillings and roll it up without all the pieces separating and letting the fillings fall out.

>> No.13871277

Ha, at least one person understood me.

>> No.13871288

Do Americans really refuse to pay rent?

>> No.13871295

what happens if you use the same oven for pork and non pork?

>> No.13871316
File: 86 KB, 620x465, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871849

This is bizarrely incorrect.

>> No.13871889

they never cut the pizza for you here
do other countries than amer*cunts do this with takeout 'za?

>> No.13871894

what the actual fuck is that thing holy shit, i cant identify it

>> No.13871905

outstanding bait anon

>> No.13872568

was this post made by a shitposting AI

>> No.13873675


>> No.13873731


>> No.13874012


>> No.13874030

>act like a complete moron everywhere you go
>people call you out for it
America is the epitome of "I was just pretending to be retarded"

>> No.13874039

why did you do that

>> No.13874049

>invent most of the world's technology and medicine
>coronavirus vaccine probably invented by Pitt this week
>have most of the world's top ranked universities
>invented literally every product and technology that you use

yeah, complete morons all. keep this shit off here. we might decide not to give you the cure.

>> No.13874075

>We inbentded da vaccine!
Is it fishtank cleaner again?