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File: 129 KB, 600x400, Pickled-Eggs-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13849814 No.13849814 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth trying?


>> No.13849909

I really want to give it a go but i don't know ahit either. Bump cause i gotta go to bed thread.

>> No.13849915

I made some once, but they gave me diarrhoea every time I ate one. Maybe I didn't do something correctly, though.

>> No.13849973
File: 2.05 MB, 3849x2268, 20190410_111237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family makes them every year for Easter. It's not hard, peeled boiled eggs in a jar with a can of pickled beets and their liquid, and top it off with cider vinegar, let them hang out in the fridge for a week and you're golden.

>> No.13850104

Hard boiled eggs are a satisfying snack, but they're pretty bland. Pickling them is a good way to make them... not bland.

What a dumb fucking question.

>> No.13850200

Yes they're delicious

>> No.13850323

My dad loves them

>> No.13850541

Yes and yes. In that order.

>> No.13851586

>Has anyone here ever made pickled eggs before?
>Is it worth trying?

>> No.13852817

what happens if you pickle soft boiled eggs

>> No.13852854

Why would you want to pickle anything? For vinegary shits?

>> No.13853185

The farts are glorious.

>> No.13853195

I’ve done it before to make soy sauce eggs. The salt in the brine cures the yolk if you leave it for a few days, it’s breddy gud

>> No.13854079

That looks weird, but now I'm curious

>> No.13854091

What's the orange shit in the one on the left?

>> No.13854104

fanta eggs

>> No.13854105

I've wanted to for a while, but I always eat my eggs before I get around to pickling them.

>> No.13854717

i've made tea eggs myself and i've bought beet eggs, they're fucking awesome. the tea eggs weren't that hard either, it was mostly waiting.

>> No.13854753

I just made up a batch this morning. Didn't have any white vinegar in the cupboard, so I just made up a mix of cider and malt vinegar. I cut down on the sugar and used a bit more salt because of the different flavours. Simmered together with a random mix of spices and some chopped onions plus a few dried cayennes, then poured over the eggs in a jar. The hardest part is not touching them for the next few days.

>> No.13854765

He obviously doesn't know that or he wouldn't be asking about them. Not every person on the planet know all about picked eggs like you think they do you autistic child.

>> No.13855352

Just made a batch yesterday. It's worth trying especially because it's simple and the ingredients are cheap. There's a lot of room for experimenting too, so don't sweat too much over what brine to use. Just pick one you like and go from there.

>> No.13856397
File: 347 KB, 900x1537, fit eats 36 HARDBOILED EGG WHITES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it worth trying?
Have you had one before? Some don't care for them, but when I make them, I make them in 2 dozen egg batches. There's a number of ways to do it. Most recipes start with the same base of sugar, pickling spice, and distilled vinegar. But you can make the common type with beats and alspice, or other recipes like garlic, or sriracha + pepper flakes, or liquid smoke and yellow mustard, etc.

The great thing about pickled eggs is if you keep the brine clean by using a spoon to fish out your eggs for eating, you can re-use the bring by re-heating it in a pot and pouring it back in your jar over your new eggs.

>> No.13856410

not exactly pickled eggs, but having hardboiled eggs marinate in ponzu sauce is pretty dank

>> No.13856420

Don't do it it makes ketchup gas

>> No.13857581

you should use this recipe

>> No.13857596

where i grew up pickled a jar of pickled eggs was standard at old man bars

>> No.13857618

I make them often! They're delicious and definitely worth a try. I like to make mine with white vinegar, some soy sauce, and sriracha.

>> No.13857666
File: 8 KB, 225x225, bandb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're amazing

Having never been to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan before, I found this pickled egg recipe from a tiny bar up there that's served 'em for decades. Here's the recipe:

2 dozen hard boiled eggs (peeled)
4 cups vinegar
1 jar sliced jalapenos, including the juice
1 onion, chopped finely
1 cup water
1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce
1 tablespoon salt

Put peeled eggs in a large glass jar with a lid. Put remaining ingredients in a large saucepan and boil for 10 minutes. Pour over eggs and let steep in the refrigerator for a minimum of 3 days. Serve eggs in a paper cupcake liner with Frank's Red Hot Sauce, black pepper and plenty of the jalapenos.

And here's the site I found 'em on:
My favorite parts are all the nostalgic comments about the bar. Pic related, it's the bar in question.

>> No.13857678
File: 77 KB, 700x764, ramen-eggs-19a-700x764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put in a batch of eggs in a soy/mirin/sake marinade. two days from now I'm going to have some really good ramen

>> No.13857782

I pickle hotdogs in the pickling fluid left over from jars of dill pickles.

>> No.13860710

pickled eggs smell gross

>> No.13860714
File: 127 KB, 450x303, corona cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no you dont mister

>> No.13860803

T-this is a very green thread, fug

>> No.13860805


>> No.13862515

I've got me some garlic ones in the fridge right now son.
You wanna egg?
Give me your email and I'll IM you some eggs. I have a special Egg Drive that allows me to digitally send eggs over the internet.

>> No.13862538

i fucking love pickled eggs

>> No.13862600

They're in the Midwest too but really only in Michigan for some reason.

>> No.13862605

you're gross

>> No.13862618

they'll probably be delayed in trying to push the bug burger meme with everyone squemish about airborne rodent consumption

>> No.13862620

Something about them tells my brain that I shouldn't be eating them.

>> No.13862625
