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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 1300x644, WR311122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13856612 No.13856612 [Reply] [Original]

Cuisine World Map

>> No.13856617
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>> No.13856635
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>> No.13856648

Aye aye aye! Dios mio!

>> No.13856730
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>> No.13856794

It makes me happy to imagine there's some drug lord in Culiacan who gets absolutely furious about the thought of me eating Tex-Mex.

>> No.13857170

What's there to like about Liechtensteiner food?

>> No.13857214

City State Food is extremely similar to neighboring countries food.

>> No.13857221

What do you have against Liberia

>> No.13857229

What did Liberian cuisine do to you?

>> No.13857232

you know fuck all about Scottish food lmao

>> No.13857308
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>> No.13857377
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I do not associate with dogeaters.

>> No.13857386


I don't like their Cuisine.

>> No.13857620

What does the video have anything to do with their cuisine? Is shit a quintessential part of German cuisine due to the popularity of scat pornography?

>> No.13857623
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>> No.13857811
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Mexico needs to be subdivided in states a lot more than the US

>> No.13857855

Stop coming here and making shit Mexican food then.

>> No.13857905

I live in BC, but ok


>> No.13858453
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You're missing switzerland on that map, wigger.

>> No.13858459
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The most distinct cuisines though are Sichuanese, Thai, and Keralan/Tamil.

Everything else is basically a blob of common ingredients. Especially true for Europe/Central Asia.

>> No.13858472

I should add:

hate greenland because oily fish
hate nords because rotting fish, also shitty food despite abundance

meme hate quebec because poutine is trash

dislike Central America because of plantains

dislike Gujarat because too vegetarian

dislike Philippines because their food is just trash

nuke Israel because Ashkenazi food is trash, but also just nuke them in general

>> No.13858680

I've eaten German, Swedish, Bong, Netherlands cuisine. It's all uneatable garbage with garbage ingredients. The only thing you and Swedes do right is bread.
t. Greek

>> No.13858688

my location isnt even on the fucking map, nice one retard

>> No.13858697

Nice map you got there

>> No.13858706

stay the fuckin outta my Orion Spur you googly eyed grey nigger

>> No.13858712

stop invading my country

>> No.13858734


>> No.13858847
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Well at least there's one american with a decent opinion in European food

>> No.13858876

and now you

>> No.13858884
File: 55 KB, 1300x644, 1585696293758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not very worldly

>> No.13858940

Eй пeдaлчe :д

>> No.13858944

кo мa?

>> No.13859109
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my response to this thread changes every time

>> No.13859142
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>implying the average /ck/ has tasted enough foreign food to have an honest opinion on most of the countries they fill out

>> No.13859210

>Scottish cuisine.
Come on now.

>> No.13859214

idi naxui

>> No.13859218

t. zlatan ibrahimovic

>> No.13859225
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>> No.13859257

>I hate whole cuisines because of one ingredient and irrational hate of jooooooooos

>> No.13859259
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Don't reply to me you fucking chink, and furthermore, I also like Hungarian food, indian food, chinese takeout and sushi.

>> No.13859292
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>> No.13859326

That's true swedefag. Also, you need to visit locally, expats with restaurants are usually a joke. Also your dishes suck

>> No.13859366 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13859367

Is the hatred for English cuisine genuine, or affected? I haven't personally eaten any English food I didn't like. Shepherd's pie, bangers and mash, cheddar cheese, kippers on toast, roast beef, scones, muffins, puddings and crumpets, it's all delicious if made well. I expect I would hate jellied eels but I just avoid them. Is it worth hating a cuisine because of a handful of oddities? I wouldn't hate Italian food because of casu marzu, nor Chinese food because of century eggs.

>> No.13859374

Sakhalin island isn't part of Japan, just so you know.

>> No.13859378

I find it pretty impressive how many African countries you guys can recognize. I only know a handful like South Africa and Egypt.

>> No.13859387

yea theres literally a country called nigger

>> No.13859389

There you've listed acceptable british food which is sausages and potato, minced meat and potato, meat in the oven, fish on bread.
Can be good if you use good products and prepare them well unfortunately most brits seem not to care about it.
The rest is boiled meat and veggies until tasteless.

>> No.13859395

go eat a plate of onion and garlic you sweaty, hairy faggot

>> No.13859437
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Definitely true, most expats are a joke. But not all, especially in the case of Sweden where a food culture springs up. Malmö has great Cevapi and Falafel, and it's usually not dulled down to appeal to Swedes since there's enough of a customer base who actually like paprika and onions. Of course, you'll get it with fries and a soda, but still.
Swedish food is known for pickled herring, which is actually good, and meatballs, which is boring and made from premade meatballs, 'just add milk' gravy and mashed potatoes. but traditional Swedish cuisine is generally European, our fine dining tradition comes from France and Bavaria and it's pretty visible in our cooking.

>> No.13859438
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>> No.13859452

karafuto is japanese clay

>> No.13859459
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>a random 5 cm thick slice of raw apple

>> No.13859464
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yeah that apple slice needs to be roasted at least

>> No.13859497
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I'm obviously biased but the texture of the apple is very important and the acidity is missed out on were it to be cooked.

>> No.13859547
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The objectively correct version

>> No.13859562


>> No.13859576
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>> No.13859596

What exactly do you like about flip food? Its oily and disgusting. I can only vouch for their rice cakes.

>> No.13859610

poz me

>> No.13859623
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Fuck Japs and Niggers

>> No.13859654

can /int/sects and /pol/tards be banned from this board please

>> No.13859791
File: 75 KB, 1300x644, cuisine world map edited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the OBJECTIVE TRUTH has finally been revealed to this board
You need not endlessly argue any more, for the OBJECTIVE TRUTH is laid out for you here
fuck norwegians btw

>> No.13859795

i like how wales is considered part of england lol

>> No.13859805

no you tongue-midget

>> No.13859862

>babbys first taste of /int/ food
Let me guess, you once tried a slab of raw fish on rice and decided Japanese food had to generally be great? Or maybe you ate chop suey once and though it was "classic Japanese good God I love Japan!" Despite not ever trying their real food like rotten beans?
And naturally you, being a normie piece of shit who needs to fit in with the mainstream memes think overcooked ribs from Spain is great because it's "spanish"? Naturally the next step is to pretend that French and Italian generic food must be great too due memes.
I give up, there's no saving you.

>> No.13859874
File: 28 KB, 599x509, shanghai_xiaolongbao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shanghai is the home of the Syau Lung Bau, that along makes the region better than most other places in terms of cuisine.

>> No.13859887


>> No.13859908

Xiaolongbao nigger, we live in the 21st century and Wade and Giles were both turbofaggots.
Xiaolongbao is also the ONE (1) element of Shanghaiese cuisine that tastes good. It can't carry all those starchy wheat noodles and pure flavourless grease dishes on its own.

>> No.13859909

actually I'm not even sure that is wade giles, who tf taught you to spell it syau lung bau

>> No.13859917

>Wade and Giles
Syau Lung Bau in Wade-Giles would be Hsiao Lung Bao, I'm using Yale Romanisation.
Hanyu Pinyin is the romanisation system of choice for globalists and cucks.

>> No.13859921

I meant Pao*

>> No.13859931

Also Thomas Wade laid the foundations for the modern systems of Mandarin romanisation we know today, be a bit more grateful retard.

>> No.13859943 [DELETED] 

green thai curry

>> No.13859946

In seriousness Wade was a genuinely smart fucker. However, Wade-Giles does monumentally suck compared to pinyin, and it's why westerners mispronounce something as basic as chow mein (but they'd pronounce it correctly if they wrote it chao mian).
Even Mair realised pinyin's just better. It's time to accept commies don't do literally everything wrong.

>> No.13860013

>it's why westerners mispronounce something as basic as chow mein
Chow Mein is the western colloquial spelling of what would be written as Ch'ao Mien in Wade-Giles. Mian is pronounced as /mjen/ in Beijing Mandarin and this fits in with the original intent of Thomas Wade's system which was to transliterate Beijing Mandarin.
>Wade-Giles does monumentally suck compared to pinyin
It sucks for writing Chinese with Latin characters efficiently, but it's not too bad when it comes to the accuracy of reproduction by native English speakers (as that was what it was designed to do).
I used to be retarded like you but then I grew up and understood the rationale behind choices such as writing /ɕ/ as Hs, using ' to represent strongly aspirated unvoiced consonants, and not using voiced consonants to represent unvoiced unaspirated consonants
>Even Mair realised pinyin's just better
Don't get me wrong, I'm a regular reader of Language Log but Mair is a boomer prescriptivist who likes to masquerade as a descriptivist who'd rather see Han Dz be replaced entirely with a romanisation system. His hard-on for Hanyu Pinyin is so blatant once you consider the fact that he almost never talks about 注音符號 (ㄅㄆㄇㄈ).
I won't take his work seriously until he at least accepts the superiority of Yale over Hanyu Pinyin.

>> No.13860060
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>> No.13860423
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>> No.13860518

I can't find a recipe for that

>> No.13860519

What do Brazilian people eat side from Pucurupupu?

>> No.13860524

O̔̓h, ͂̏Î̥'̯͆m̀̊ ̦͇G͕̺̝̻̻͍̣̖̙̰̬͍͂͌͌̑͋͛̆̊́͛̔l̩͖̥̂̍̚ȏ͚͖̫̤̦͇͛͂̈́̓̒w̪̝̣͚͓̦̭̙̩̻̄ͬ̒ͫ͛ͤ͂ͧͣ̐͌͒̐ͅị̞̯̩̳ͧ́͋̃̇n͙̩̰̦̘͙̳̤̺̫̆͒͊͂̇ͩ̾̃̽̚g͙̰̺̞̫̠͓̙͇͓ͬ̈́̓͆̉͊̈̃́͊̚

>> No.13860845
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Very interesting that americans dislike central-east-north european food. All our dishes have bunch of meat compared to asian and med food where they mostly use muh bread and pasta.
Its easy to tell when an american have never eaten european food. Russian, english and german food is delicious.

>> No.13860960
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The black dot is for countries I tried only in restaurants.

I could have colored America in yellow but fast-foods don't count.

>> No.13860995

We get it, you don't like spices.

>> No.13861145

Next time you're in London try St John's (or St. John's Bread & Wine), they do actually good traditional British cuisine. They're a bit pretentious but you're French so I don't imagine that's a problem.

>> No.13861182

Honestly I was around 14 y/o and stayed only a few days. So maybe I should try again to get a better idea.

The red is exagerated, it wasn't good but not garbage either.

>> No.13861187

How devilish

>> No.13861188

Aussie cuisine is just as horrific as Kiwi stuff

>> No.13861199

I'm impressed you've managed to live so close for so long but only go a few days once, but then again I've never been to Ireland or the Krautlands.
The cuisine is good, but you have to go to the right places. Our cuisine isn't as good, on the whole, as French food in France, but on the flipside our foreign stuff is better than foreign food in France by a country mile. Probably the two aren't unrelated.

>> No.13861671

Stop eating bats.

>> No.13861683


>> No.13861902 [DELETED] 

Permanently impaired tastes. You will have taste bud fibrosis

>> No.13861903 [DELETED] 

We're not "dropping like flies". Yet at least

>> No.13861904
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>> No.13861928


>> No.13861996

what's so awful about israeli cuisine?

>> No.13862187

My meatloaf sandwich consists of non toasted bread and ketchup.

>> No.13862203 [DELETED] 

>now that I've got my coronabux
Lying faggot, you're probably mommy's dependent and wont get shit.

>> No.13862204

What's that about Sakhalin food that you like so much?

>> No.13862383 [DELETED] 

You better have gotten some fry sauce, lil boi.

>> No.13862390
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peruvian chicken with yucca and mayo is so good

>> No.13862754
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>> No.13862761

kill you are self beaner

>> No.13862898
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>> No.13862923
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couldn't be bothered to paint every single country
most of the grey ones i also like or at least consider them ok
honestly I'm not that picky when it comes to food and diversity in it is pretty good for once

>> No.13863907
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ashkenazi jewish food is possibly even worse than north european

>> No.13863918


>> No.13863930
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>All our dishes have bunch of meat compared to asian and med food where they mostly use muh bread and pasta.
That's the point, it's just cooked meat.

yeah there's more meat available because there's more land because they offloaded half their population to new world shitholes. But even a kindergartener can make meat taste good, you have to be a special retarded to fuck that up.

>> No.13864537

Imagine being American

>> No.13865162
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actual chinese food is disgusting, "chinese food" is alright

>> No.13865191

Americans should not be allowed to judge food.

>> No.13865197

What do any of those maps have in common aside from being made by Americans?

>> No.13865203

>I could have colored America in yellow but fast-foods don't count.
Finally, a non-American who understands

>> No.13865215

>new zealand: love
>australia: ok
whats the difference between their cuisine? i always thought them to be interchangeable

>> No.13865261

not massive differences in the actual food, Aus just felt overall blander. Australia felt more America lite and New Zealand felt a lot more like home, I enjoyed NZ overall a lot more than Aus too so prebably biased

+tim tams
+chicken parmigiana
-felt it relied a lot on exotic meats


+meat pies

>> No.13865299
File: 76 KB, 1300x644, 1585696293758 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Romania be so terrible at everything anons

>> No.13865348
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From Australia, New Zealand basically has the same shit so it's also Blue

>> No.13865357

We have that in Australia as well, not sure how common it is compared to NZ but I see it pretty often.
>Exotic meats
What do you mean by that? If you meant stuff like Kangaroo and Crocodile, in the case of Kangaroo there is no problem at all with it but alot of people don't eat it but there is enough around that we could.

>> No.13865367

name one tunisian food without looking it up

>> No.13865516

how come you rate german and polish food on the opposite ends of the spectrum
when they are objectively very similar?

>> No.13865547

What's wrong with Portugal? You don't like seafood or what?

>> No.13865599


Polish cuisine is made with love. Germans cannot love, therefore cannot cook.

Serious answer: compare German and Austrian cuisine. Germans btfo.

>> No.13865631

>Serious answer: compare German and Austrian cuisine. Germans btfo.
Lived in both countries. Both sucked except for the bread. Northern Germany has seafood recipes, at least. Austria is little more than an extension of Bavaria in terms of cuisine.

>> No.13865672
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>mexican over italian

>> No.13865801

The fuck is a "Pucurupupu"?

>> No.13865839


What is South African food like and what makes it so bad?

>> No.13867058
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I'm giving Austrian food a neutral for their high tier sweets.
Slav cuisines tend to be mediocre to bad, and are heavily based on the potato, stews, and sausages, although I do like some Russian/Ukrainian dishes like borscht.
The scandi stuff I've tried that isn't just fish/meat tends to either suffer from the same issues or be bland.
British cuisine...let's not talk about it, I've relocated to Britain and it's as bad as you think. The unique Korean dishes I've tried are absolutely revolting, with the rest being either Chinese ripoffs or identical to food preparation found literally everywhere else.
God bless the Moroccans, the Lebanese, and our brothers the Italians.

>> No.13867094

oh my, looks like my rent for this month is once again $0 USD

>> No.13867509
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>> No.13867775


>> No.13867819

Name 3 French dishes you tried.

>> No.13868035
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>> No.13868318

Croissants, croissant with chocolate, chocolatine

>> No.13868468

Why do you dislike Thai and Vietnamese food?

>> No.13868530
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>> No.13868585

based and colorblindpilled

>> No.13868610

You got me. That's why I usually don't make these but today I said fuck it.

>> No.13868614


>> No.13868617

What's wrong with Liberia anon

>> No.13868677

colombian food is literally cancer

>> No.13868700
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>> No.13868703
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>> No.13868705

I love the painted in chad.

>> No.13868768


made that a long time ago during the pho craze, I found it underwhelming and so some Thai food. But now I actually like Thai food while I stopped caring about Vietnam, should update the map

>> No.13869601

yeah this is one of those retards who makes his map purely political but fails even in doing that since he's a clueless retard without elementary geopolitical knowledge
>putting georgia and armenia in one cluster with turkey
>not putting kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan and kyrgyzstan in the same cluster since you obviously hate kara bogas
>sakhalin part of japan
>north africa not orange since you seem to hate arabs less than blacks
>not hating peru, which elected an ethnically japanese president and nearly elected his fatass daughter a few years back over some polish merchant

>> No.13869605

Caillettes from Nimes
That mashed cod thing from Nimes
Tournedos rossini on bullfighting meat from Nimes
Nigger I have an apartment in Nimes

>> No.13869609

How can you say that about British cuisine
Thanks to you and your kind we have lots of kebabs for you to stuff you immigrant gob with

>> No.13869646
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>> No.13869660

Why do brazilians hate asians

>> No.13869675

This thread sums up the fact that bongs are tastelets who hate flavor.

>> No.13869884

>my country is dark green
Beisd ænd redpild

>> No.13869985

Creme du barry

>> No.13870049

Kill me yourself pussy

>> No.13870092

So you have absolutely no knowledge of anything whatsoever regarding 16th to 20th century economics and argricultural development and instead are spouting half-baked nonsense you learnt off the internet.

>> No.13870094

Except it's not and you have no idea about British food. Boiled meat and vegetables sounds like most American cuisine i 'enjoyed'.

>> No.13870096

Simpson's in the Strand is also good for British food.

>> No.13870114

Absolutely based map brother

>> No.13870146

>so many people think dutch food is OK or even like it
wtf I thought everyone hated our food

>> No.13870148

Mнoгo бaceд

>> No.13870244

Is this supposed to be an IQ distribution heat map with no references? I thought I was in /ck/ not /pol/.

In any case, not really work spending time on bait. I was legit curious on the dislike since the gastronomy there is very varied albeit very protein heavy.

>> No.13870463

This. I could easily convince anyone in the world that they had a completely incorrect understanding of British food by taking them to Simpsons.


>> No.13870467

you keep falling for it. stop that

>> No.13870469
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>> No.13870637

>Likes norwegian food

Your opinion was immediately discarded.

>> No.13870672
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All countires have atleast SOME good food, even if it's stolen from others.

>> No.13870860

True. I had my last birthday there, got a huge plate of shellfish.

>> No.13871028


>> No.13871739

You are Irani ?

>> No.13871785

Why you hate northern Ch... ah yes.

>> No.13871972
File: 259 KB, 883x800, fuckoffwerefull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable answer adjust according to home nation.

>> No.13872109
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Literally the only reason why i put the levant is because i really like kibbeh and esfiha (I haven't actually eaten from one of those "cultural" places, kibbeh has become a pretty brazilian thing that even i cooked and there's a place that sells esfihas and they're just great)

>> No.13872122

What exactly is it that you people don't like in Brazilian food? Have you ever even eaten a single dish? If so, tell me which one.

>> No.13873542

sopa de macaco
also huehuehue
i just came from /int/ btw

>> No.13873551

dunno how they cook their meat but every brazilian restaurant i've been to has had dry as fuck meat

>> No.13874892
File: 55 KB, 1300x644, cuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13874925
File: 281 KB, 1994x2000, 1584895182146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITALIAN THAI and BRAVARIAN you wont need anything else in your life

>> No.13875198


>> No.13875319

They should at least split it by region in the US.

>> No.13876850

Dry as fuck meat? What do you mean?

>> No.13876881

>scottish food good
>irish food bad
bruh look at this dude

>> No.13877226

angolan food is very cosy, glass and bricks apart

>> No.13877236

Why do you love Liechtenstein cuisine?

>> No.13877945
File: 63 KB, 1300x644, foodmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13878092


That fried stuff you have for sale in train and gas station saved your ass anon

>> No.13879570
File: 58 KB, 1300x644, cooisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13879728
File: 87 KB, 1300x644, 1586093681309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13881207
File: 55 KB, 1300x644, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13881219

whats wrong with danish food

>> No.13881255

what's so special about Chilean cuisine?

>> No.13881314

What did Australia do to you? Try to feed you a deep-fried spider?

>> No.13882483
File: 55 KB, 1300x644, food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13883059
File: 74 KB, 1300x644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13883355

Reality is they didn't try your food
Americans can't spot you on the map so they painted every European country that isn't Italy the same color in an attempt to hide their lack of knowledge and culture, and they judged Italian food based on Domino's pizza