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File: 122 KB, 600x900, How-To-Properly-Salt-Pasta-Water[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13855527 No.13855527 [Reply] [Original]

what is the worst type of pasta and why is it spaghetti?

>> No.13855528

It's too long. Try breaking it in half and it's wonderful.

>> No.13855538

Because you dont have an opinion

>> No.13855544

How stupid do you have to be not to know how to eat spaghetti?

>> No.13855556

how do you eat it then, genius?

>> No.13855568

Fucking fusili, that shit is brittle

>> No.13855570

it's pronounced shpah-djetti

>> No.13855574

Because it's the most boring type of noodle and more effort than any other pasta for no gains

>> No.13855578

Using a spoon you spinless cunt

>> No.13855608

i think this really depends on the brand and exact shape
a lot of them hold up perfectly fine

>> No.13855619
File: 2.44 MB, 460x568, 1584670082517.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use scissors

>> No.13855621

Fuck you, spaghetti is great.

>> No.13855632

Enjoy getting to the bottom

>> No.13855644
File: 24 KB, 450x450, 8076809509367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not specifically buying long spaghetti to make the long spaghetti goodness even better.

>> No.13855697

dangerously based

>> No.13855701

Chaotic neutral

>> No.13855719
File: 90 KB, 1023x685, depositphotos_61780337-stock-photo-shell-pasta-with-tomato-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to either slurp it or twirl it up in a spoon like a faggot
>hard to pick out the last bits of noodles in a dish
>no sauce retention like shells or rigatoni
>either have to break it in half or break out a massive stockpot just to boil it
>so entry level Italian that it looks elementary compared to other pasta dishes even when prepared professionally

Shell master race, I spend 12 hours boiling some sauce, I want to fucking taste it on my noodles.

>> No.13855731

You can twirl it against the plate you mongoloid

>> No.13855762


If you have the table manners of a toddler, why don't you just ditch the cutlery and repeatedly smash your face into the plate

>> No.13855765


>> No.13855825

I don't like macaroni because it reminds me of the cheap KD garbage that my welfare mother made me eat when I was a kid

>> No.13855832


how hard did your dad hit you lmao

>> No.13856555

Worst pasta is anglo hair

>> No.13856570

Why are any of you eating dried pasta in the first place? Under any other circumstance, I could see making some easy shit during the workweek and eating real food on your days off, but for fuck's sake, half the planet is unemployed right now and still can't find the time to bake a loaf of bread or roll out some fresh pasta dough...

>> No.13856573


>> No.13858237

Try-hard baby

>> No.13858247
File: 88 KB, 650x650, bRelEREpJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukin hate them rotinis, man.

>> No.13858260

Only Sicilian niggers do this. Italians use their fork to cut it.

>> No.13858280

You spelled best wrong.

>> No.13858281

Fuck you faggot there's nothing wrong with spaghetti.
Linguini on the other hand is garbage.

>> No.13858282

I'm gonna do this next time I eat sketti. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.13858284

>sbagheddi is too hawd fo me 2 eat cuz it makes a big messy uh oh gotta cut it up wif mah fork and knife 2 eat it like a big fuckin dumb baby who has no teeth

>> No.13858293

Linguini is too thick and tough. It never feels like the middle is cooked enough.

>> No.13858322

This. Absolute shit tier. Impossible to cook evenly.

>> No.13858349

dry pasta is simply better for some dishes. using fresh pasta with a richer sauce is excessive

>> No.13858382

oh fuck nigger

>> No.13858387

Do (You)s cure the Shanghai Shivers?

>> No.13858391

>In this episode of "OP Sucks," watch him ruin spaghetti.
Seriously, how bad is life going?

>> No.13858405
File: 73 KB, 634x422, corona cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13858460

Rotelle is probably the worst shape. It has zero structural integrity and always falls apart.

>> No.13858516

fuck you

>> No.13858524

Ayy bby

>> No.13858541

Better get that green shore skin checked, lil boi. Hehe

>> No.13858724

checked and thispilled

>> No.13858821

Admit it, you're OP and this thread was simply an pretense to post this webm again.

>> No.13858849
File: 477 KB, 1536x2048, ERfOsJlW4AMPQsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penne Lisce, smooth penne. So vile the italians won't eat it even the during the pandemic

>> No.13858886
File: 57 KB, 640x433, casarecce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously some people like spaghetti. Does anyone, anyone at all, like this stuff?

>> No.13858889

You don't need a spoon to twirl, you just turn the fork

>> No.13858908

I do

>> No.13858937

Bro with a dense cheesy sauce that shit is incredible.

>> No.13858942

With what kind of sauce or accompaniment?

>> No.13858947

Because there's too fucking many of them. I don't care how small something is, a thousand of it is too much. Don't even get me started on rice.

>> No.13858967

That's a good idea, thanks. I never tried it that way.

>> No.13858984

That's my favorite
Soaks up sauce real nice, perfect mouth sized bites

>> No.13859028

No prob. Works best with baked dishes so the sauce has time to spread into all the crevasses

>> No.13859045

oh no.

>> No.13859267

you are supposed to use your teeth to chew off the longers strains, instead of stuffing your mouth, you gordo.

>> No.13859278

I cooked for my colleagues in the staff room at work about 14 days ago and my boss, who is a very heavy smoker, walks up to the stove, coughs directly into the open pot without even attempting to cover his mouth with his hand and says "hmmm, what's cooking?" Fucking retard.

>> No.13859279

People don't know how to properly cook them and don't know how to make basic tomato sauce, so all they do is overcook spaghetti till they are white and soggy, then buy some shitty premade sauce like Prego.
Also, spaghetti and the whole pasta realm, is meant to be served as main course and not as side dish.

>> No.13859288

Carbonaravirus lmao

>> No.13859294

Penne lisce area meant to be prepared in deep baking trays like lasagne.

>> No.13859299

i bake them making pasta al forno.

>> No.13859305 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 1024x768, 1581395047735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite local Chinese place is closing, so I ate a bunch of their food last night and have been hot boxing my wife under the covers all night long with the fucking worst farts I've ever had. They smell like an oil field lol

>> No.13859312

Spaghetti are alright, Spaghettini suck hard

>> No.13859449

why would you need a spoon you can turn you fork on the plate

>> No.13859548

There is no such thing as bad pasta, all pasta is love

>> No.13859559 [DELETED] 

super green

>> No.13859598

hipster ass only thinks spaghetti is the worst because its the most well known and popular

>> No.13860179

fuck off

>> No.13860215


>> No.13860286 [DELETED] 

Its virions look like mini crowns...

>> No.13860287

Plebbian Pene

>> No.13860300


>> No.13860320

This has never happened to me how do you fuck up pasta

>> No.13860322
File: 62 KB, 588x879, 1581778644370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit. What's the fucking point of them?
>edges overcooked
>center undercooked
>sauces won't stick even with glue

>> No.13860644


>> No.13860674

Wrong, it’s penis pasta

>> No.13860676

Very American Webm. Total destruction of aesthetics for perceived utility.