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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13831855 No.13831855 [Reply] [Original]

Have you bros tried the all-milk diet? It really helped me lose some weight and Its super-easy to do.

>> No.13831891

>cow estrogen
>no fiber

>> No.13831936

You need to bite and chew to maintain your jaw muscles so I wouldn't try it for too long. Sometimes I'll just drink a bunch of milk for breakfast but I wouldn't do it for my entire diet.

>> No.13831961


>> No.13832159

Can we stop with the estrogen meme? The soy boy thing has been debunked.
Fiber makes you poop, why would you want that in your body?

>> No.13832176

on the downlow I occassionaly drink a whole quart of milk with gas station chicken wings for breakfast, does that count?

>> No.13832261

Isoflavones being estrogenic is debunked. Cow milk has estadiol and mammalian estrogen.

>> No.13832314
File: 40 KB, 251x425, hgrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The soy boy thing has been debunked

>> No.13832408

AKA the diarrhea diet hell yeah boi

>> No.13832444
File: 286 KB, 1025x625, how-to-use-a-bidet-step-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monotrophic diets are fucking stupid and gay

>> No.13832459
File: 17 KB, 250x245, 1584511359154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's lactose intolerant

>> No.13834126

Incredible rebuttal.
That's a you problem.

>> No.13834135

sounds like the dumbest unhealthiest garbage imaginable, wouldnt be surprised if idiots out there did something like this considering they do the equally dumb meat diet.

>> No.13834152

Milk and blood diet like the maasai tribe.

>> No.13834196

>what is /fit/s GOMAD program

>> No.13834205

>I'm too dumb to recreate cultures in my stomach using self made yogurt
ok retard, stay sick and ill

>> No.13834228

I can drink milk no problem, but if all you drink is liquid calories isn't it inevitable that you'll have explosive diarrhea?

>> No.13834263

You cannot suddenly gain tolerance to lactose- whoever tells you this is straight up lying. The enzyme required burns out really fast and can ONLY be synthesized in the ilium its not just your gut flora being complimentary.

>> No.13834310

yea but its kind of funny sometimes to hear/smell it

>> No.13834389

Everything you say is the exact other way around. Our bodies are more than 50% bacteria and other shit that is not your DNA, your or your docs brain have no say in any stomach at all.
Make probiotic yogurt, then regular yogurt, my retarded friend.

>> No.13834397

Bros why does milk in the jug always smell off? If I take a whiff of the jug it smells like death but then I check the sell by date and it's a week before that date. Smells fine in a glass and tastes fine.

>> No.13835043
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>Incredible rebuttal.

>> No.13835047

how do i find raw milk in the usa

>> No.13835139

Old milk around the rim spoiled

>> No.13835157

A liquid diet doesnt cause diarrhea.
Water is absorbed in the intestines before poop is formed.

>> No.13835165

I drink a lot of milk because it's a lot of calories for a relatively low price point. Plus it tastes like the nectar of the gods.

>> No.13835173
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Coma patients dont lose their jaw muscles, not even after 23 years.

>> No.13835385
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>>Incredible rebuttal.

>> No.13835427

just go carnivore

>> No.13835653
File: 996 KB, 1600x677, a136e3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don't want the testosterone of a 12 year old girl like shawn baker, heart disease, and I don't want to prematurely bald at the age of 27.

>> No.13835654

I'm lactose and tolerant. Delete this.

>> No.13835695 [DELETED] 

I can't think of a single reason why I would cuck myself into out of every single food in favor of living off a beverage I don't even like.

>> No.13835700

I can't think of a single reason why I would cuck myself out of every single food in favor of living off a beverage I don't even like.

>> No.13836847

It helps you lose weight and stay healthy?

>> No.13838066

based and gomadpilled
white people aren't meant to eat a diet of mainly meat or grains

milk and maybe some sugar/fruit is where it's at. also >>13831936 is a myth, the liquid diet made my jaw more square.

>> No.13838080

Imagine the smell of your shits on such a diet...

>> No.13838147 [DELETED] 

I'm not fat, a milk-only diet isn't healthy, I like food and I find milk gross. But good for you if you want to live like that, fattie.

>> No.13838164 [DELETED] 

isn't healthy for a non-baby*

>> No.13838187

I'm not fat, I find milk gross, I love food and my varied diet is healthier than your meme diet.

>> No.13838295

milk protein has better bioavailability

>> No.13839783


>> No.13839814

how much weight did you lose and how much did you drink each day? asking for a friend

>> No.13840504

I was 240 when I started 5 months ago, now i'm 195 pounds. I drank like a half gallon each day.

>> No.13840525

Yeah, I tried an all-milk diet when I was a kid. I grew out of it though.

>> No.13840531

>browsing /fit/
>read greentext about dumbass who fucked up gomad
>new fatty weight loss plan born
this fucking place...

>> No.13840617

This isn't gomad. Gomad is when you drink a gallon of milk + your regular diet. The all milk diet is exactly what it sounds like. Only eat and drink diary products.

>> No.13840763

you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.13840883

Wanna explain why? Thats literally what gomad is.

>> No.13840887

He doesn't want to learn about gomad
he just wants to staymad

>> No.13840900

you’re a fucking idiot because you act like I don’t know what gomad is because you don’t understand what I’m talking about. I’m referencing the anon who fucked up gomad, are no food, only drank milk, and lost weight when he wanted gainz. But you and your faggotry couldn’t comprehend the idea that maybe you don’t know what I’m talking about, so you try to explain simple things that everyone already knows because you’re reddit. now fuck off faggot

>> No.13841014
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine seething this hard.
Go back to /fit/ Incel.

>> No.13841023

imagine caring about your jaw muscles. imagine caring about anything at all

>> No.13841350

that all you can come up with you defend your faggotry?

>> No.13841801

Seethe harder incel.

>> No.13841823

>explain how I’m an idiot
>you’re just a seething incel
you got what you asked for faggot. don’t cry to me that you don’t like it.

>> No.13842257

Non white detected