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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13827915 No.13827915 [Reply] [Original]

Preparing for taco night

>> No.13827918

How embarrassing

>> No.13827940
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>> No.13827980

You know, if grocery stores weren't profiting heavily off of panic buying, they would limit the quantity of items someone could purchase at once. Instead, they are choosing to meet their yearly revenue goals in one quarter by inconveniencing all of their customers.

>> No.13827999

Especially since it means a drop in demand after all the shitheads stuffed half of their apartment full of tp so they don't need to buy it for years.

>> No.13828007

Many stores already have limits on "hot" items. It's better for them to have more inventory to satisfy multiple customers instead of the one hoarder that's not going to come back for several months.

>> No.13828046

My store has a limits

>> No.13828052

Just wait, rationing of goods will happen next Monday.

>> No.13828213


Most stores have already put limits on the most hoarded items at this point. Some of them make sense, like 2 loaves of bread, that's plenty but 2 cans of soup is also one I saw earlier and that's pretty strict.

>> No.13828243
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>> No.13828261

grocery stores limited quantities after the first weekend of this pandemic
these are all old images people post for attention

>> No.13828272
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>> No.13828292

This pic make me want to watch my hands

>> No.13828314

They're called fingers, but I've never seen them fing

>> No.13828327

what kind of goods do you mean and for what reason? just panic buying? because there's no shortage of anything but medical supplies and disinfecting products. we have a crazy surplus of food and can suspend exports to satisfy demands here if we absolutely need to in the future.

>> No.13828366

that's 5 years worth of toilet paper for my house.

>> No.13828370

I have never seen a more based man

>> No.13828380
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>> No.13828405


>> No.13828419


>kimchi flavor still on shelf

No tastr

>> No.13829755

Anyone else find it strange that the media bemoans and mocks hoarders while also conatantly reporting it so normal people feel like they have to buy while they have the chance?

>> No.13829775

It's almost like the news isn't so much to inform the public but to sell products. Weird I would never have guessed!

>> No.13829787

them chineeese foods prolly got the corona

>> No.13829865

>no oats at stores for 2+ weeks
>before this it made up half of my diet
>get home today after another failed attempt to buy some
>chink landlord there, talked about how he stockpiled 20kg of oats
>wouldnt sell me one
fucking cunt
he also got 30kg of milk powder to mail to his family back home to sell

>> No.13829868

I never noticed how tiny that building is, where the fuck did comic book guy even come from, there can’t be a kitchen in there?

>> No.13831115 [DELETED] 

it's always the fucking chinks

>> No.13831126

I married one and the shit they do is retarded. Even after being here almost 10 years she still gets her fucking news from the state media back home...

>> No.13831170

I'm convinced there's some sort of gene involved that makes them like that. A female classmate I had from kindergarden to high school was chinese but was adopted as a baby and was raised by a pretty normall boring white couple so she didn't have any exposition to chinese culture yet she was constantly doing the same kind of shit.
>cheap as fuck despite being from a wealthy family
>extremely individualist
>little empathy
>always eating animals or animal products as whole and raw as possible
>believe just about every dumb miracle cures and medecines

>> No.13831221

>extremely individualist
doesn't sound Chinese to me.

>> No.13831258

Maybe not the right word, I meant they only ever though about themselves and disregarded other people. Like if someone got hurt in gym class she would just keep going instead of helping, not even asking if the other is ok, even if it was her fault.

>> No.13831263

Thought that guy on the left was wearing clown shoes from the thumbnail.

>> No.13831267

>a limits

>> No.13831271

so you meant she behaves like an american

>> No.13831273


>> No.13831308

Chinese are now shoot-on-sight.

Why didn't you do your part?

>> No.13831326

How dare they sell items that are for sale

>> No.13831327

kek can't unsee

>> No.13831392

Why did you ruin that scene for me? Why?

>> No.13831394

>they would limit the quantity of items someone could purchase at once

They are dumbass. Leave your basement every once in a while.

>> No.13831398

Everything would be free and available if America didn't have a pandemic known as Capitalism.

>> No.13831401

I'm American and have always helped people in need. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.13831404

Commie fuck.

inb4 nerd rage

>> No.13831408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13831453

>cheap as fuck
>extremely individualist
>little empathy
Sounds like every rich boomer I've ever met. I'm sure she got this attitude from her entitled parents.

>> No.13831460

Oh, wait, there they go.

>> No.13831498

I'm Chinese and have always helped people in need. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.13831599

No you're not. I live in America and we help all the fucking time. I've stopped on the side of the freeway if I have the time to help someone stuck on the road. This notion that Americans are all new yorkers is the most ignorant shit. You're supposedly smarter than us? Better universities and we don't constantly talk shit about you. Enjoy stewing in your hate faggot.

>> No.13831608

that's exactly what mainland nongs are like

>> No.13831609

If you went outside more you would know that they do. And you would also be dead.

>> No.13831615


>> No.13831640

No you're not. I live in China and we help all the fucking time. I've stopped on the side of the freeway if I have the time to help someone stuck on the road. This notion that Americans are all selfish as fuck is the most accurate fact. You're supposedly smarter than us? Better universities and we don't constantly talk shit about you. Enjoy stewing in your hate faggot.

>> No.13831645
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>> No.13831676


>> No.13831679
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>> No.13831681

You can't spare one square?!

>> No.13831692


>> No.13831715

I bet your parents are proud.

>> No.13831733

Yes they are.

Stay mad, chang.

>> No.13831934
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I stockpiled ammo for a reason, anon. Just point.

>> No.13831946

Went to a costco today and they had a ton of toilet paper but no paper towels. Thankfully most places have limits on that stuff now so when I went to Safeway they actually had everything in stock.

>> No.13832136

I didn't have a square to spare.

>> No.13832156

is this the pandemic general thread?

is there any point to adding water to a pot of boiling potatoes? (to be used for mashed potatos)

>> No.13832174

what are you on about?

>> No.13832197
File: 2.53 MB, 250x166, into the mash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to add a liquid to the potatoes to mash them after they're cooked, but you can if you want to. Obviously changes the texture.
My parents always used a little milk for a very smooth creamy mash.

>> No.13832213

butter for me

>> No.13832263

I think the word you’re looking for is “selfish,” anon.

>> No.13832270

Mash is always 30% butter or it's just plain crushed potato.

>> No.13832293

30% is high as fuck but ok.

>> No.13832333

its sometimes more than that