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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13827708 No.13827708 [Reply] [Original]

>boil an egg
>egg sticks to shell when I break it open
>tear egg up just trying to peel it
>bf gets mad at me
>calls me a fucking idiot
>says I'm getting the bike pump again tonight

How do I make boiled eggs the right way /ck/?

>> No.13827717

Add a little vinegar to the pot, puncture the fatter end of the egg with a needle, cook to your desired doneness, and peel under running water. It isn't that hard.

>> No.13827719

hahahahahaha another fake tranny anime image bait thread
this is going in my anti-communist folder :D

>> No.13827724
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>says I'm getting the bike pump again tonight
You mentally ill degenerates make me sick. Must you inject your self-destructive autism into every post you make?

>> No.13827726


>> No.13827727

Boil the water before putting the eggs in. Starting the eggs in cold water is what makes the white stick to the shell. Recently boiled eight eggs and they all peeled perfectly after boiling the water before putting the eggs in, was pretty satisfying.

>> No.13827735

Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when you boil the eggs. This lowers the PH in the shell and makes it easier for the film to peel off of the egg when you try. As soon as they are boiled, scoop them out and put them into a bowl of ice water. This will also help you peel them easier.

I assume this is some troll thread, because I shouldn't have to tell you that your abusive boyfriend doesn't deserve you or your eggs. He deserves a knife.

>> No.13827737

what is the bike pump?

>> No.13827739

>your abusive boyfriend doesn't deserve you or your eggs
how can you draw that conclusion without knowing the tranny OP?

>> No.13827747

It doesn't matter what gender your partner is - if they are verbally, emotionally or physically abusive, you drop them like a hot plate, spit on their face and move on. Penis or no.

>> No.13827749

You are a lying liar who lies. Exact opposite. Put eggs in cold tap water then bring to a boil. Peel comes off in 2 or 3 large pieces.

>> No.13827755

none of this is necessary. just boil it in normal water and wash it in cold water.

vinegar is for poached eggs, and puncturing the egg is not a thing at all outside of memester faggotry done solely by americunts

>> No.13827761
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Imagine white knighting an obvious troll

>> No.13827764

and what if they're both abusive to each other?

>> No.13827769

imagine being so bored that you samefag shit-post in your thread to keep it on page 1. Bored and stuck in quarantine, eh?

>> No.13827770

I always used the method with starting them in cold water and the majority of the eggs would never peel easily. Though I've heard it depends on how fresh your eggs are, old eggs are supposed to peel more easily. But I never have an issue when boiling the water first before putting the eggs in, maybe it shocks the white into contracting and pulling away from the shell faster which results in less sticking. I don't really know why, but it works.

>> No.13827799

how does the baking soda penetrate the shell?

are you american perchance?

>> No.13827819

Yes. I also paid attention in school. This was like 4th grade science, my dude.

The alkaline in baking soda helps increase the pH of the white's albumen (that is, makes it less acidic), thus loosening the bond between the egg whites and the inner membrane of the shell.

>> No.13827830
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Unironically use the bike pump.

>> No.13827861

nah its the opposite, old eggs have a harder time

maybe super fresh right out of the chocobo's cunt also have problems but ive only had difficulty peeling old eggs even when immediately cooling them after cooking

how does it penetrate the shell?

>> No.13827875

Egg shells are porous, man. Do you need me to explain what porous means?

>> No.13827909

>Egg shells are porous, man.
not that porous lmao. if they were the membrane inside would fuckin seep out in the time it took you to cook it. even fish roe require a fair amount of time to infuse with shit and those are outright squishy and soft

>> No.13827921

Tell you what, I'm bored and this thread is dead, so why not? You've obviously got it all figured out and are just as bored as I am, so good luck with your future bike pump eggs.

>> No.13827932

What does Satania smell like?

>> No.13827935

you ever see that episode of How It's Made where they show how fish are made? and it's deadass just a dude literally squeezing the cum out of a salmon over a tank of roe

also im not op and i just boil mine normally and then submerge them in ice water for a moment. peels great every time. just be sure to start from the fat base where that nice hollow pocket is.

boiled eggs are a poverty food though, i havent eaten one in a long time

>> No.13827949

>imagine being retarded and arguing about something you don’t understand

Okay faggot, listen up. Put your eggs into cold or boiling water and then boil them, it only affects the cooking time and how uniform the egg is cooked. Remove the eggs, and now you have to choices. You can either put them in cold water for your baby fingers, or you can just start peeling for best results. If you put the eggs in cold water, the shell contracts, thus making it harder to peel.
Now this is the hard part. Tap the egg on both ends (top and bottom) and one of them should crack easily. Get your finger in there real fucking good and try to make sure you get your stupid fingers under the membrane that holds the shell to the egg. As long as you get under the membrane, peeling is easy as fuck all. Once it’s cracked, put the egg into cold water, because getting water will help separate the membrane.

>> No.13827960

>If you put the eggs in cold water, the shell contracts, thus making it harder to peel.
i thought it was that the white contracts more than the shell does, making it easier to peel. and that's certainly been my experience; that cooling them quickly and violently in an ice bath makes them way easier to peel than letting it cool naturally or doing it still hot. and again, in my experience, still hot has been the hardest, cooled normally is only ok, and ice bathed is like fucking magic at the only cost of now having to eat a room-temperature boiled egg instead of a hot one

this is true though, i find it's best to peel a few big chunks of shell and then wherever the membrane is wrinkled to tug that away and use that to peel rather than taking shell off only

>> No.13827974

Hard boiled eggs.

>> No.13827981

go back

>> No.13828156

It will make the white contract faster than the shell but only if the water has direct contact with the white, hence saying that you have to put the egg into water after you’ve already cracked it rather than before. By allowing the water to get under the shell quickly, it helps to separate the membrane just by forcing its way between the shell and white, and also by cooling the white directly and forcing it to contract.
Think about it, for the water to cool the white from outside the shell, it has to cool the shell first. That’s why they always end up lukewarm rather than being able to do it quickly enough to still have it hot.

>> No.13828237

it has heat contact through the shell, and the use of ice water ensures enough of a temperature difference to be meaningful. the shell gets cold, and is simultanously warmed by the goo inside; the goo inside also gets cold(er) as a result. while the white and yolk should be still warm, it still goes from 100-ish to bascially just above room temperature very quickly, and the shell should be outright cold.

>That’s why they always end up lukewarm
this is the only disadvantage to the ice bath method but it fukken works. besides, a warm meal is better than a hot mess.

>> No.13828246

If by using the bike pump I hope he means beating you to death

>> No.13828264

Okay but listen anon, the shell contracts before the white because the shell has to become cold before it can cool the white. It’s like cooling things before you freeze it, the container might feel really cold, but the inside can still be boiling hot, and you might not always know until you mix it well.

Point is, if you crack the shell first, the cold water can touch the white directly, and instead of using the shell as a vector for cooling the water can just cool the white directly.

>> No.13829753
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Boil for 5 minutes for gooey center, 8 for medium, 12 for firm
Rinse with cold water 3 or 4 times
Dry eggs completely
Crack, peel with ease, enjoy

>> No.13829779

I know this is trolling and countertrolling but I needed this

>> No.13829793

What is the pump for?

>> No.13829806

Hello? Are you well? You seem to have posted nonsense.