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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.63 MB, 1288x820, asmrcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13825110 No.13825110 [Reply] [Original]

here's your mukbang video bro


>> No.13825113

Fuck off. We all have youtube and can look at our recommended list any time.

>> No.13825133
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>Those comments
>Those dislikes

>> No.13825139
File: 1.18 MB, 720x960, dog vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saves jack images
>actually follows the link to youtube instead of just using the embed option
>actually reads the comments and looks at the likes and dislikes

>> No.13825144
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Ya seethe?

>> No.13825150

Yeah. Summer gives me a migraine.

>> No.13825219

are you having an autistic breakdown?

>> No.13825388

>steamed cat
Slow down, we aren't even recovered from the last plague you idiots made.

>> No.13825418

does steaming really make things look brown and crispy like that?

>> No.13825453

It could be like what some of them do to chicken feet deep fry and steam to puff them up before braising in sauce.

>> No.13825462
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>Oh no, not the poor kitterino
So fucking what? If you're against this you best also be against eating cows and chickens. Then I guess you have a right to complain

>> No.13825477

>hurr all animals are equal
ok libtard

>> No.13825489

I mean i love cats but feral cats are a fuckin plague and i see nothing wrong with eating em. Inb4 ppl confuse feral with stray and go "but muh friendly streetcat i pet!"

>> No.13825490

You're right, they're not. And cats are some of the worst. They are genetically predisposed to being assholes.

>> No.13825492
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Give me one moral reason why a you shouldn't eat a cow as opposed to a cat. I can think of one practical reason and that's that the cat barely has any meat on it compared to a cow. But I want moral reasons, fag. Since you want to make that argument, what makes eating muh kitterino not the same as a cow.

>> No.13825500

you're confused. i'm not making a moral argument. i'm telling you you're a retarded edgelord. you're not worth talking to. you can eat cats if you like. or be a vegan. what you do doesn't matter to anyone because you have no human contact outside of this board

>> No.13825506

Because cows are made out of food?

>> No.13825508

So are cats. That was the worst answer possible. Fucking hell I hate this board.

>> No.13825511

Cats aren't made out of food. That's why it's bad to eat them. Are you retarded?

Lets use your logic: "Huurrr...vegetable matter is food. Why eat a goddamn carrot when there are oak trees around?"

>> No.13825514

Cows were bred to be eaten. Cats were bred to be pets. It sounds like you want go back to prehistoric times and eat whatever you can get your retarded cro-magnon hands on. stupid faggot.

>> No.13825520

Why the fuck does anyone want to listen to someone’s eating noises? Let alone some chink eating a cat?

>> No.13825526

Except cat meat is not poisonous, dickhead. Try another shitty analogy for me to dismantle immediately while so drunk I'm about to pass out.

>> No.13825527
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>bred to be pets
This doesn't make them inedible. I do however see that since cats and dogs and other nonbred animals for food hardly have any meat on them makes it not worth the trouble to try to eat them. Not when you can have a whole ass cow.

>> No.13825529

Ah! You're both an idiot, and intoxicated. Keep chugging poison and yelling about everyone else eating the wrong foods (actually...just drink something a little harder. Mix in some arsenic? I'm going to enjoy a burger).

>> No.13825532

>yelling about everyone else eating the wrong foods
That's what you're doing

>> No.13825534

By saying you can eat cow?


>> No.13825536

by saying you can't eat a cat

>> No.13825540

anon win

>> No.13825572

Cat's not food. I'm not limiting your food choices by saying "don't eat a rock" or "don't eat people."

>> No.13825614

yes you are, that's what limiting means. It will be easier to make the argument that eating human flesh gives you a greater risk of prion diseases. Same with primates. And eating a rock does not give you any nutritional value or may damage your organs. Therefore you should not eat those. That's different than a cat which has no adverse affects, at least no different than a cow as far as I know.

>> No.13825670

okay, chink

>> No.13825703

if y'all were stranded on a deserted island and cats were the only animals around you'd be eating pussy all day. you know it. you just won't be able to steam it like that

>> No.13825708

Is it from Switzerland, or are they still pretending that they don't eat cats?

>> No.13825748
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>> No.13825800

lmao nigga amazing insight there
people will eat their children in times of extreme starvation, you're going on about cats

>> No.13825825


>> No.13825987

>have animals which arent bred to love you and unable to sustain themselves when left in the wilderness.
>'genetically predisposed to being assholes'

alright then

>> No.13826700

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13826792

Morally cause it's wasteful and rather unhygienic, but then again there's a shit ton of feral cats that really need to be put down cause they're damaging the environment.

It more has to do with the fact that a lot of cats and dogs are actually people's pets the been kidnapped to be used as food, and those who eat cats and dogs are room temperature sociopathic trash.

>> No.13826802
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>> No.13826831

Wtf is going on is that video

>> No.13826834

That channel really doesn't give a fuck do they?

>> No.13827172

>Except cat meat is not poisonous
Are you serious? This is the kind of justification that got people to eat bats.

>> No.13827218
File: 1.40 MB, 640x640, bully1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked bat is fine, though. The virus came from close contact with live bats.
The reason we keep getting diseases from Chinamen and Afrikaners isn't their eating habits. It's their live animal handling habits.

I have no ethical or moral qualms with eating cats seeing as how they are born bullies.
Unlike other bullies such as geese or dolphins they are, however, simply not tasty or tender.

>> No.13827588

People were in contact with bats before this happened..

>> No.13827603
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Yeah and look how that turned out. (Also: checked.)

>> No.13827621

It appears an Asian fellow was taking bites out of a fresh chicken carcass as horrified spectators look on, with many capturing the gruesome spectacle on camera phones.

>> No.13829061

Fuck cats. But more so, fuck China.

>> No.13830568
File: 51 KB, 768x431, 46670521_345312859352808_3286687332462863745_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your mukbang video bro

>> No.13830587
File: 1.12 MB, 233x226, 1520557815794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some Asians pride themselves on the horrible slurping sounds the make when they eat?

>Me after listening to five seconds of that.

>> No.13830599

There is no organization that's going to check the cat meat and make sure it's safe for me to eat
There is no way of telling were the fuck did the cat came from
Im not going to kill the cat myself since it's illegal, I lack the tools and my neighbors would kill me for making so much noise
Buying a cat from a breeder is expensive as shit
It's a carnivore and carnivores rarely eat each other and while I don't exactly know why I assume there must be a reason for it
I would eat horse

>> No.13830877

Something something in some asian cultures slurping is considered respectful, as in you're enjoying the food.

>> No.13830917

Slurping actually makes food taste better, it helps evenly distribute liquids around your mouth

>> No.13830980

why is this tv dinner tier slop being served at a restaurant?

>> No.13831007

Now i get why some people enjoy this

>> No.13831030

They were probably eating bats as well.

>> No.13831121
File: 49 KB, 494x960, EPIySOVWsAA59oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the fact that feral cats control and are in constant contact with vermin populations that spread diseases to humans? Maybe if you retards didn't eat everything that respirated you wouldn't be competing with ancient Egypt for who can get the most plagues in under a year.

>> No.13831144
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>> No.13831244
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based... NOT!

>> No.13831253

Wow what a solid case you’ve made for eating cats, CCP.

>> No.13831738

holy fucking based

>> No.13831941
File: 263 KB, 305x588, 1534077500197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it also helps evenly distribute cum
>t. you

>> No.13832274


>> No.13832306

lol at this whole thread

>> No.13832403

you're fucking retarded

>> No.13832423

It doesn't even look appetising. The meat seems really dry.

>> No.13832430

Leave based Quang Tran alone, he's Reviewbrah tier in terms of wholesomeness.

>> No.13832438

>keep your pets away from her
>hurr durr watch out she might eat your cat
>hey guys she's eating a cat so maybe she will eat your cat lol
What a bunch of boring morons. Not a single funny comment in the lot.