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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1006 KB, 780x439, 1569268149484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13811177 No.13811177 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so committed to killing the dairy industry? Dairy farmers already make very little and the death of the industry would be thousands out of work

>> No.13811189

because soy and bugs are more lucrative

>> No.13811193

why keep an unprofitable industry alive artificially?

>> No.13811210

People losing their jobs isn't a valid reason to keep an industry alive.

>> No.13811236

Who’s trymg to kill it except vegans? Milk is one of the highest selling products in almost every fountry in the West and the more industrialized Eastern countrues. Also cheese.

>> No.13811238

Unnecessary industries like mass dairy production can either contain the pollution they produce, pay up what it actually costs to society, or go out of business. I do not care one iota if somebody whose business model is only viable if he can let tons and tons of concentrated shit flow into the local waterways goes out of business.

New technologies change industries. Same as it's always been.

>> No.13811371

So, what, we just let the cows die anyways because we aren't eating them and they can't survive in nature? Fuck vegans

>> No.13811412

Because fuck farmers and ranchers. They all while about socialism and "libruls" while demanding government subsidies to prop up their failing businesses.

>> No.13811483

yeah it's better to just let them sit in their 2 square meter box and impregnate them every so often to get more milk, to then send off the calves to be locked up for the veal industry, makes sense

>> No.13811547

In Australia, the supermarket chains are. They've used their market power to force the price down to unprofitable levels. All our dairy farms are going to have to shut down, because we're too dumb to do anything to prevent it.

>> No.13811548

>you see, we eat the cows so they don't die
Thanks Jimbo

>> No.13811767

In Australia you have no fucking water so clearly it's the powers that be trying to do triage

>> No.13811777

was gonna say, the amount of water you need to use to get one liter of milk is retarded, it makes sense to not farm for dairy in australia

>> No.13811788

Only pro-vegan people want it killed, and I mean people who actually have the vegan mentality, not people who had to give up animal products due to problems with meat and dairy.

Most people prefer to use animals for easy profit and use them as walking machines, the dairy industry is not going anywhere and if they do leave, its because of overpopulation due to producing too many cows and environmental concerns, not the vegan boogeyman

>> No.13812782

take a wild guess if we care about the farmers.

>> No.13812785

>the dairy industry is not going anywhere

what a particularly informed comment. try reading the news.

>> No.13812786

Dairy owners are the richest people in my city.

>> No.13812815

Tbh, I am comfortable with my place in the food chain and don't have a huge moral hangup about the ethical raising and slaughtering of animals like cattle. I see them in California all the time on hills and shit mingling with the hikers and stuff. That seems like a decent life. Then one day you get hauled off and slaughtered.

But the industrial factory mechanized raising, insemination, milking, and slaughter is just wrong and everyone knows it.

>> No.13812833

>the amount of water you need to use to get one liter of milk is exaggerated by people who are committed to killing the dairy industry

>> No.13812845
File: 82 KB, 1080x1012, 1584508681330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13812847

even if you, as an individual, stop purchasing dairy the demand for it will not go down. The US government buys up and subsidizes a HUGE amount of dairy and cheese

>> No.13812852

because australians are queer?

>> No.13813033
File: 433 KB, 2048x1024, 1584231980078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cattlemen don't get subsidies. But all the vegan lies you can spin aren't going to get people to eat your fake food. Even starving people in a panic don't want fake vegan "food."

>> No.13813039
File: 232 KB, 1300x866, 94888671-cows-grazing-on-green-pasture-in-dolomites-mountains-italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because that's how cows live in two meter boxes. Are you a consumer or a producer of vegan propaganda?

>> No.13813043
File: 135 KB, 880x1024, 1583947232141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could literally post yourself bugman.

>> No.13813163

There is a globalist conspiracy to force soybean products into every aspect of the global diet. Replacing dairy with soy-based substitutes is the current objective.

>> No.13813170


>> No.13813178

>retards who go into panic mode at every miniscule problem that the corporate media peddles, do not buy healthier food but instead fill their pie holes with more trash
I dont really see how this image works out for "your" side.

>> No.13813180
File: 86 KB, 450x411, carnistsubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Stop pedaling carnist propaganda.
>According to recent data from Metonomics, the American government spends $38 billion each year to subsidize the meat and dairy industries, but only 0.04 percent of that (i.e., $17 million) each year to subsidize fruits and vegetables.


>> No.13813343

Jokes on you, Australia is a flood plain. It's why we export so much rice.

>> No.13813354

Why should the government intervene in business between two firms? Clearly the supermarket chains have superior negotiation power, and will continue to as long as there remain an ability to squeeze. After market shrinks due to farmers exiting, the prices will stabilize.

>> No.13813359

The corn industry is hugely subsidised. It's why you aren't using real sugar despite it being produced really cheap in south america.
Also a lot of the fruit "subsidies" comes in the form of tax exemptions as detailed in trade agreements. Seasonal fruit mainly.

>> No.13813383

That's not where the government should intervene.
Firstly make the supermarkets pay tax. They're the biggest earning companies in the country and they pay literally no tax. That would allow local grocers to compete to some degree (not that there are any left), weakening the duopolies leverage over farmers.
Secondly prevent them from partaking in anti competitive conduct like taking brands off the shelves until said brand capitulates and sells to them.

Also they're not trying to kill the dairy industry, they're just trying to take it over. Once they have their desired market share they'll jack up the prices again.

>> No.13813389

The Coronavirus has proved that we should just outsource our agricultural industries along with every other essential industry.

>> No.13813392
File: 346 KB, 1024x724, Nigella vs Vegan You Decide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody wants bullshit chemical slop (vegan mock meat)
>You are correct
>But let me take this opportunity to insult all non-vegans .... You are retards!

>> No.13813396

>muh cherrypicked correlation image
Low IQ chimp detected

>> No.13813398

How did you spin this web of lies lol? Cattlemen don't get subsidies. Corn and soy agribusiness get the shekels as per usual. Beef gets excluded from government "health guidelines" per your wishes.

>> No.13813406
File: 502 KB, 1280x720, Is Veganism a Cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anorexia cult fanatic calls me "low-IQ"

>> No.13813461

OP in my opinion, dairy is suffering because many people are switching to soy and almond "milk" for their own reasons. Sux but maybe it's the pasturized milk that is not digest well. They should switch to raw milk but that's too hard to find in many places.

>> No.13813492

Isn't every american industry subsidized so they can compete "fairly" with other nations?

>> No.13813663

They get some help, but nowadays it's the dairy farms themselves getting massacred. Across the US diary farms are shutting down and liquidating. Reduced profits combined with reduced demand for milk while the customers are migrating to soy and almond "milk" and these are not only vegans, but just a broad cross-section of consumers are no longer buying real milk.

I blame pasturizing because the pasturized milk is an inferior product and consumers are leaving it, for the soy/almond "milk."

>> No.13813747
File: 783 KB, 606x756, 1576616921523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey big guns,

i don't want to make anyone jobless, however at the same time i don't regularly consume beef / daily. cheese and cream on rare occasions.

>Dairy farmers already make very little and the death of the industry would be thousands out of work

i'm sure horse carriage manufacturers were hard pressed for work following the advent of the automobile. that's unfortunate for them

>> No.13813753

Milk is shit anyway, but they should learn to make cheese that is actually good.

>> No.13813784
File: 207 KB, 1284x1045, 1583589786338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants your fake vegan food. You can only pretend for so long. Post your own emaciated vegan face not some healthy carnivorous woman.

>> No.13813796
File: 41 KB, 720x480, kafkaesque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13813804
File: 993 KB, 320x240, 1576628340722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey big shoots,

i'm not vegan, i eat plenty of fish and poultry. if i don't moderate my red meat intake, i gain weight and feel like shit. easier to get my protein elsewhere.

>> No.13813819
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Butterface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another great thread. I wonder how everyone will look after the lockdown?

>> No.13813936

>beef industry doesn't get subsidies
You sure are fucking retarded.

>> No.13814445

Milk is for calves not humans or human babies
Reason enough for me

>> No.13814470
File: 49 KB, 620x410, w620-e548b2c2e105c1ba3597f55f30e5f29a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idfk I'm gonna get my own dairy cow. One who is bred to live off forage and give milk for many years. Since I'm only gonna feed myself and my family/friends her milk she won't need to produce much extra for me. I'll breed her with purebred heritage beef bulls so her babies are hardier and even better foragers than her. She will produce the best milk and her manure will be amazing compost for whatever I grow.

Fuck all industrialized agriculture. Fuck feeding the world. I want the world to feed themselves.

>> No.13814496

>death of the industry would be thousands out of work
I'm so tired of this retarded line of thinking

>> No.13814501

I'm with this guy. Industrial milk is shit, let it all die, especially if it's UHT then might as well drink water. If you want milk buy a cow and drink it's milk raw. All industrial agriculture makes for an inferior tasteless product anyway, people don't even know what a tomato tastes like since they've only eaten the shit they get from supermarkets.

It's funny to see muh freemarket retards whining about industries dying.

>> No.13814504

Potatoes are for potato plants not humans.

>> No.13814513

Is that the way God designed it?

>> No.13814922

You think people are gonna stop eating cheese and butter? No way.

>> No.13815189

>I blame pasturizing because the pasturized milk is an inferior product and consumers are leaving it, for the soy/almond "milk."
are you retarded? there is nothing wrong with pasteurization

>> No.13815236

It kills flavour in a lot of things, not that I've tried raw milk.

>> No.13815254

that's only really an issue with cheese, and I'd rather that than getting sick

>> No.13815521

Like 3 dairy companies have declared bankruptcy in the past 2 years.

>> No.13816161
File: 959 KB, 1476x1340, Thriving Vegans Ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan lies
>Vegan ad-hom

Got anything else?

>> No.13816182
File: 172 KB, 828x1130, 1584206186628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan simps.

It's not working. I just got back from the grocery store and guess what was wiped out? Beef, bacon, eggs the most important food. Sold out. When the chips are down people instinctive go for the healthiest food.

>> No.13816193

Not that no one cares deeply about a internet stranger but w/e for exposing.
This person PROBABLY has a anti-vegan BOT posting on CK at all times, I have known a few other 4chan users who used a bot to post online and this might be one of them

>> No.13816195

You can say whatever you want. Dairy farms are failing and people don't like the taste of pasturized milk.

>MUH pasturized milk is fine!!

Yeah a lot of dairy farmers thought so too. Now bankrupt. Soy milk is flying off the shelves, the most popular vegan product.

>> No.13816208

>Soy milk is flying off the shelves, the most popular vegan product.
Soy milk isn't even the most popular milk alternative.

Oat Milk is booming right now.

>> No.13816209

Post physique with timestamp, veganigger.

>> No.13816211

>Nov 5, 2018 · In New York State alone, 1,600 dairy farms went out of business from 2006 to 2016 , with ... exacerbated by

>> No.13816214

Apples are to create more apple trees, not for humans to eat
LMAO shut the fuck up retard

>> No.13816215

>oh look it's the carnist that always posts some photoshopped pics to pretend he has an argument
I'll bet you're a real cutie!

>> No.13816218

I didn't say dairy farms, I said dairy companies.

And I wasn't downplaying the bankruptcy, the 3 largest dairy companies have declared bankruptcy. Dean Foods, Borden, and someone else I think. Though I think Borden had more to do with unions

>> No.13816219
File: 233 KB, 1024x679, Natural Outdoor Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a "carnist?"

>> No.13816236 [DELETED] 

So you are either gay or a female, either way indulge yourself with a real cutie that's what you want lol.


>> No.13816389

For the sake of communism.

>> No.13816396
File: 16 KB, 253x420, Bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how veganiggers talk about regular people like they're in some kind of badass meat cult.

>> No.13816408

Are you pretending that those images have been altered to show vegans as less healthy looking than they are?
Does this mean that you could find the unaltered images that show those people as healthy and thriving?

I mean I doubt you'll even respond, and if you did you won't be honest because most neo-marxist leftist can't be honest.

>> No.13816423


>> No.13816450

Dude you’re arguing with a bot, those exact images and replies are posted in every one of these threads day and night. If not a bot, it’s at least a very determined NPC.

>> No.13816465

I don't think samefagging is gonna help you have any principles.

>> No.13817075

No, they go for comfort food, because theyre afraid and stupid and think healthy lifestyles are only a thing to worry about in luxurious positions. Americans in general are not a good example of human beings' rational behaviour

>> No.13817744

Cow milk is for baby cows

>> No.13817787

This is probably a vegan lie like everything else vegans say.

Vegans claim cows use a huge amount of water, but they're counting all the rain that falls on the pastures. Blatant lie.

Vegans claim cows eat grain humans could eat instead, but in reality cows eat mostly inedible waste products like stalks. Another blatant lie.

They are probably doing something similar here, like counting a huge portion of grain subsidies as meat and dairy subsidies instead because animals are fed inedible waste from the grain industry.

>> No.13817794

It's the jews.
Cattle farming isn't "productiv" enough so they're switching to bug milk because it's cheaper.
>lamp just buy regular milk
The plague of locusts wasn't sent by God.

>> No.13817797

>panic mode buying perishables
Doing that would lead to rotten food

>> No.13817802

>or human babies

>> No.13817806
File: 42 KB, 636x358, Canada-rotary-parlour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the famous pastures(™)

>> No.13817809

>automated milking BAD machine BAD
You understand cows aren't strapped to the milk pumps all day right?

>> No.13817817

It's because that vegan aka organic aka "health" food is the most expensive you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.13817819

Not that guy but they're usually in one of these till it's time for slaughter

>> No.13817821

only because most of industry was built to make non-vegan foods cheap
if the world magically became plant-based overnight, and the entire food industry catered to vegan foods, then vegan foods would become cheap too

whole unprocessed vegan foods are cheap anyways - rice, tofu/soyshit, lentils, beans, veggies, spices, etc

>> No.13817830

Thanks for reminding me of another vegan lie.

Vegans claim cows are raised in inhumanely small spaces, but all cows are pastured for most of their lives. Feedlot cows spend the last couple months eating grain on feedlots where they are guaranteed by law a large amount of space per cow which they don't even use because cows are herd animals and cluster together instinctively. Blatant vegan lie.

>> No.13817833

No they aren't, vegan liar.

>> No.13817905
File: 145 KB, 1600x1200, CC45873B-E45A-4D8C-B317-6D1DD143FC5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nuts, grains, and seeds are baby plants what is your point, baby eater?

>> No.13817920

They could farm actually useful shit instead.

>> No.13817973
File: 285 KB, 1097x672, Guess the Vegan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick and obvious note- all you got was crickets after this truthbomb post.

>> No.13817974

yes actually. I'd pay more money for cattle that wasn't strapped to machines.

>> No.13817991
File: 537 KB, 1280x800, Joey Vamping Vegan Clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All cows spend at least the growing up part of their lives outdoors under the warm sun with their cow pals. All cows live much much better lives than factory chicken and hogs. Vegan agenda liars go to incredible lengths and weave incredible lies (cowspiracy) to hide this simple truth. Why?

>> No.13818049

Because milk is a food for the white man and it's trendy to hate white people in current year

>> No.13818274
File: 89 KB, 828x1792, hx5yndzlhpy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one:

Vegans claim the dairy industry is dying but it's actually just milk and the rest is growing

>> No.13818904

Yeah it was just wishful thinking all along.

Keto is giving dairy a huge boost. But people want higher fat dairy like butter and cheese.

Any drop in milk consumption is probably from gay leftists who drank skim milk changing to processed soy and oat pseudomilk.

>> No.13819643
File: 894 KB, 1100x1100, 1561088026165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oat milk

>> No.13821052
File: 69 KB, 271x285, Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to expect it.

>> No.13821061

America is being overrun by browns who can't digest milk so the industry is becomign redundant.

>> No.13821840

Even in my Eastern European 3rd world shithole dairy farmers are millionaires

>> No.13821858

Nice straw man low IQ chimp. I'm not vegan. I'm slightly annoyed about you cherrypicked images. Those prove nothing about nothing you low IQ idiot. Just that some people look older than others. You fucking mong.
Here's probably the same idiot, again. Cherrypicking images and videos and trying to get an emotional response by ebinly troleing with those cherrypicked images and videos. Pathetic.

>> No.13822321

One of the most beautiful things i've witnessed is how the cows would roam in their paddock and walk wilfully to the milking machines to get milked without a herder or anything. Those were happy cows. I do feel sorry for cruelty over profit but not all farmer treat their livestock badly, even those who butcher the animals have a level of care and respect for the livestock.

>> No.13822351

>have to water plants that grow up to become cattle food
>have to provide cows with water

>> No.13822682

This is such a retarded argument, what's worse, a generation dying or multiple generations being tortured, then dying? The answer may shock you!

>> No.13822946
File: 143 KB, 539x317, 3Ucaeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually posting vegan propaganda that was debunked in this thread

>> No.13823190

>Implying they are somehow raising the cattle to maturity without any vegetables of any form.

>> No.13823197

Their udders hurt because they have been forced to lactate for so long. Their hearts still ache for the calves that were stolen from them, but that doesn't mean they don't want the pain in their swollen udders relieved.

>> No.13823493

There are people who have dairy cows and they let the babies nurse and then the farmer gets the rest. These farmers will also breed (no AI) for good health as opposed to productivity.

Those cows produce the best milk :)

>> No.13823796
File: 811 KB, 1280x800, 1575627315220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even vegan REEEEEEE

Not only are you vegan, I suspect you are this actual toothless (but very popular) YouTube vegan.

>> No.13823807
File: 74 KB, 1019x600, 1564888651849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cows eat grass, hay, silage and when they go to the feedlot they get corn and grain feed to fatten them up.

>> No.13823812

Do the rabbits ache for their young when you dump chemical pesticides on them so they die a slow torture death?


>> No.13824325

Because killing the dairy industry, and dairy farmers is the only way man can move forward.

>> No.13824351
File: 721 KB, 1336x1816, 1557004489659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK bro.

>> No.13826023

>what are freezers

>> No.13826830 [DELETED] 
File: 715 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20200325-113530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Vegan news update:

Brilliant 50 year doctor, vegan and health expert Dr Africa dies at 74.

>> No.13826837 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20200325-113328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Don't eat da Huwhite man's food (direct quote)
>>Don't eat hens periods! (Eggs)
>>Died at 74

>> No.13826844
File: 291 KB, 1080x1080, 1584039394847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only a vegan but a doctor and "health expert." Dead at 74.

>> No.13826853

this thread is bait but if the industry cannot survive on it's own, it doesn't deserve to survive. the invisible hand isn't meant to prop you up if you are doomed to fail. the market zeitgeist grows and changes. if you're millions in capital deep on what you thought was a sure thing, and it's not, then that's your risk you chose to shoulder.

>> No.13826856
File: 418 KB, 1280x800, 1585158101641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace vegan, 74 is longer than most vegan cultists.

>> No.13826863
File: 715 KB, 1280x800, 1585158007845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr if he dies, he dies, just like a sickly vegan.

>> No.13826876

>These farmers will also breed (no AI) for good health as opposed to productivity.
as defined by whom? i don't anticipate an answer, but what makes artificial insemination somehow less ethical than random chance breeding, when they both are tools for artificial selection?

>> No.13826885

whether a coal mine or an etsy shop, if it dies it dies. the market is a sword of damocles.

>> No.13826902

The only dairy I don't buy much anymore is milk. Cheese, yogurt, butter, everything else is still crucial

>> No.13826907

A cow gives 80 litres milk/day. A calf drinks like 10.

What are vegans gonna do with those 70 litres leftovers? Throw it away?

>> No.13826920
File: 336 KB, 1280x800, 1584977813821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are promoting your personal "ethics" here. Who cares what you think? Nobody.

>> No.13826927

what kind of faggot buys all the meat and doesnt buy mushrooms to saute and put on their steak?

>> No.13826930
File: 619 KB, 1280x800, JS Normal Vegan Nutjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The veganoids would complain about these non-natural hybrid dairy cows, then they (vegans) would explain why we need to kill off all cows and plow over their grasslands for soy and palm oil plantations.

>> No.13826944

IDK. Yesterday I saw huge empty frozen vegetables sections at the grocery store too. People are buying the healthy veggies etc, they are just avoiding the ultra-processed soy-slop vegan "meat" section.

>> No.13826952

That's because they were selectively bred to produce more milk just like the sheep that were selectively bred to have so much wool they can't move overtime.

A cow in the 1800's only produced ~6.5 gallons a day

>> No.13826958


>> No.13826959

yeah so far i have no problems getting stuff at stores here, i can cook pretty much whatever i want

>> No.13827157

I'm not a vegan so it wouldn't bother me at all for a bunch of cows to be liquidated if it meant more sustainable agriculture.

>> No.13827283
File: 118 KB, 800x800, 1574784463716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sustainable agriculture.

Literally just a vegan/leftist buzzword. The most, the only sustainable agriculture is ruminants on natural pasture ie: grasslands. This lasts for millions of years if man can restrain himself from fucking it up on purpose.

>> No.13827390
File: 43 KB, 545x545, flamethrowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, let's rather fuck up the soil with pesticides and flamethrowers
t. vegan

>> No.13827417

Which would require a bunch of cows to be liquidated, so your response has no value.

>> No.13827505
File: 588 KB, 1280x800, 1578932982737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are evil, stupid or insane, not sure which.

>> No.13827520
File: 37 KB, 540x534, 1574320795669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cutting down all the forests in Mexico for the avocado craze- good.

>Letting cows out onto grasslands that God literally made for cows- OMG HOW DARE YOU!!

>> No.13827530

That's a lot of cavities in his mouth...

>> No.13827575
File: 457 KB, 1280x800, 1574557346243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very common for vegans (mouthful of black rotten teeth) even down to age 9, which is tragic because it's not the child's choice.