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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13817587 No.13817587 [Reply] [Original]

whats even the point of salting the pasta water when theres salt in the sauce?

>> No.13817591


Fuck off.

>> No.13817595

No reason. Retards just like to pretend that it makes the pasta taste better, but that may only be true if you eat it induced, and undrained.

>> No.13817596


>> No.13817606

It's the only time you can actually season the pasta itself.

>> No.13817615

Why is that necessary?

>> No.13817616

So that the pasta is seasoned.

>> No.13817617

It raises the boiling point of the water so it doesn't all evaporate

>> No.13817623

For what reason? Seems like a useless step.
>It raises the boiling point of the water so it doesn't all evaporate
By how many degrees fucko.
>Mfw it's insignificant

>> No.13817625

>For what reason?
If you don't season the pasta it's going to be bland. You can coat in the most flavorful sauce after the fact, but it's still going to be flavorless pasta covered in sauce. It makes a difference. Maybe just try it and you'll see.

>> No.13817630

>Maybe just try it and you'll see.
Exactly my reason for not salting pasta.
In fact I'll let you in on a restaurant secret that I found out about in Italy.
>Running hot sink water over a strainer full of pasta until it cooks

>> No.13817632

It's useless step. Only pretentious twat doing it.

>> No.13817636

Oh, I'm kind of drunk. Didn't realize you were just shitposting.

>> No.13817638

Mfw I was being serious

>> No.13817645
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We had baskets similar to image, but with bigger hooks to rest in the sink for pasta.

>> No.13817649

It's kind of like not salting beans when they're cooking. You end up with bland beans that have to be compensated for by oversalting the broth/gravy.

>> No.13817652

Bullshit. Seems like an old wives tale instead of a fact.

>> No.13817723

its not

>> No.13817727

It is. Maybe you should have someone conduct a blind test for you.

>> No.13817758

Tall tales. You season the pasta AFTER youve drained the water.

>> No.13818243


>> No.13818552

What what? Use a colander to drain the water, then salt the pasta. Done.

>> No.13818619

what about after it's out of the water?

>> No.13818654

dried pasta absorbs the flavor of the water it's cooked in, if you cooked it in chicken stock it'd taste like chicken

and the salinity of the water helps it cook faster due to less salt in the pasta

you were supposed to learn osmosis in fucking 8th grade dude

>> No.13818858

>add salt
Would that work?

>> No.13818861

If the pasta is supposed to be saltier there should be more salt in the pasta already. If you need to save time on a three minute process there is something wrong with you.

>> No.13818878

>If chicken is supposed to be eaten cooked then it should be cooked when I slaughter it already.

>> No.13818914

Youre being silly now anon. and im glad you missed out by 1.

>> No.13818916

Pasta comes unsalted so you can season the way you want or eat bland pasta if that’s what you like

>> No.13818926

consider life responsibility

>> No.13819016

Anon, you genuinely might be better off finding the nearest Chinese person and asking them to spit in your mouth. Holy fuck you're so god damn retarded it's amazing.

>> No.13819279

I always do. I sometimes put less salt in water and *everybody* can tell. So the reason you can't are
> You have a clinical problem
> You are shitposting
In any case you should stop visiting /ck/

>> No.13819302

salt has chemical properties that change the dough, if you have to dry it.
It's not just a matter of taste, like putting sugar in cakes.

You should know all this things already if you are above 20 and not retarded

>> No.13819333

Keep the noodles from sticking together cooklets

>> No.13819764

salt is a flavor enhancer that's why you put it literally everywhere including sweets
you salt both the pasta and the dressing their own moderate amount
if you salt the pasta after it will not mix and will just be flavorless with an aftertaste of salty or vice versa

>> No.13819786

Seasons the pasta

>> No.13821121


>> No.13821126

I thought it was for boiling point elevation, so your water can get hotter before evaporating and cook the pasta faster.

>> No.13821154

>For what reason?
white people baka

>> No.13821155

Salted pasta tastes better. And no I'm not going to respond to any brainlet replies I get

>> No.13821256

Weird, I thought it lowered the boiling point so it would boil faster and cook quicker.

>> No.13821264

Yes but italians would rather say that they salt their pasta after cooking than to admit that their mothers are shit cooks.

>> No.13821272

Salt makes the pasta taste better but putting in a pinch does absolute fuck all. Dump in like a teaspoon instead.

>> No.13821358

Literally just a meme for "salt goes on everything" retards

>> No.13821365

that's not how you do it

>> No.13821378

So based that everybody who responds to you sounds like a primal lifeform. I hope to be like this one day.

>> No.13821628

>itt cooklets

Because if you season every element of a dish correctly it comes together better than overseasoning one element.

>> No.13821668

So none of you assholes have studied cooking long enough to learn that the salinity of the ocean is how you're supposed to cook pasta? Jesus Christ. Ferran Adria will pour boiling Kraft Dinner on your balls in hell.

>> No.13822115

>Ferran Adria will pour boiling Kraft Dinner on your balls in hell.
Nope, Nigella Lawson will do that to me in heaven

>> No.13822133
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You mean "salt goes on everything" CHADS.

>> No.13822703
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My uncle used to season his pasta with salt during the cooking process then videotape himself sexually abusing me. Absolutely horrified that he published it online and I'm famous amongst the pedophile community.

Seasoning water for rice with a chicken stock cube is delicious.

>> No.13822735

>the salinity of the ocean is how you're supposed to cook pasta

Human blood has the same salinity as the oceans. Or maybe it's human cells. At any rate, the human body precisely regulates the level of sodium in itself, assuming an adequate supply, which is why we crave salt.

All those morons who tell you to limit your salt intake failed freshman Biology. If your body could not precisely regulate the sodium level you would not live long. If you find the taste of salt to be undesirable then you are getting plenty. If you love to eat salt straight out of the shaker then you need to add more to your diet.

Wait 50 years and the medical/nutritional establishment will own up to this, but overturning religious dogma is always a slow process.

>> No.13822741

Based retards. It lowers the boiling temp

>> No.13822753

Makes it boil faster. Introducing ionic bonds to water, which is mostly hydrogen bonds, lowers the specific heat.

>> No.13822755

lmao. Heat makes water boil faster.

>> No.13822757

It actually raises the boiling temp, but it lowers the amount of energy needed to get to the boiling temperature so the time for water to boil decreases.