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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 177 KB, 1024x768, checkout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13805033 No.13805033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if the item doesn't scan, I get it for free, right?

>> No.13805035


>> No.13805036

you can get anything for free if you just take it pussy

>> No.13805042 [DELETED] 

Based nigger

>> No.13805212

Give it back.

>> No.13805217

if it's the self checkout then of course. they have to pay me, don't they? what happens if I injure myself while working for the self checkout? do I get workers comp?

>> No.13805229

I would love to see you try and do that. Please do that. I will be laughing for days.

>> No.13805238

at the very least I'm a shitty worker so I fuck up often and only scan like half my shit. you get what you pay for

>> No.13805241

I got a repetitive stress injury from working the self checkout

>> No.13805243

WRONG, you criminal

>> No.13805255

Walmart has really cut down on the ability to cheat these things. They put a camera right at your face, and a deceptively cropped version of the camera view appears on a tiny screen. So they can see a close up of your face if you're within 5 feet of a self-checkout. They also put in wider angle camera with facial recognition. It can pick out faces and draws a little green box around your head. If they catch you shop lifting enough they can send your face metrics to other walmarts and just catch you as you stand in line for the self-checkout.

Your best bet these days is just to switch labels when you can and use a cheap lead item to steal more expensive similar items with quantity. but you have to be careful there too because they have ways of sensing when you're doing that.

>> No.13805265

I pretty much always steal a candy bar or something small when i go to the store. It's kinda fun 2bh

>> No.13805268
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1584004575480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually use the check out girl, so she keeps her job. My grandparents didn't escape the gas chambers to have me steal. 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. 6 million.

Say it with me. Six million Jews.


>> No.13805274


>> No.13805276

I'm sorry
The numbers were supposed to be higher

>> No.13805277

it's not stealing if you just make a mistake.

>> No.13805280
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haha great joke mr customer, sir

>> No.13805343

>Six million
Lol fuck off Schlomo

>> No.13805724

>They also put in wider angle camera with facial recognition. It can pick out faces and draws a little green box around your head. If they catch you shop lifting enough they can send your face metrics to other walmarts and just catch you as you stand in line for the self-checkout.
How fucking paranoid are you? The monitors have clearly visible camera lenses and even if the feed was cropped you can still tell they aren't wide angled because the image isn't distorted up close.

>> No.13805733

You can be charged for accidentally shoplifting. I have read NUMEROUS accounts of people being fined and charged, just for going back into Walmart and saying "whoops, I forgot to pay for this, I'd like to buy it please". They just call the cops. If you accidentally steal, never return it, just go to a different store for 6 months.

>> No.13805751

Theft isn't even a crime here in California anymore. Black kids literally just walk out of stores with shit and will assault the security guard and sue the store (and win) if confronted.

>> No.13805763

>Theft isn't even a crime here in California anymore. Black kids literally just walk out of stores with shit and will assault the security guard and sue the store (and win) if confronted.
same here in NYC. sucks to be a small retail business owner here

>> No.13805783

here in Oregon, the police will send an escort for the thugs to shoplift safely.

>> No.13805822


Where's my burger, wagie?

>> No.13805934

>Black kids literally just walk out of stores with shit and will assault the security guard and sue the store (and win) if confronted.
This is true if you're black. Asians still get charged or arrested tho... we don't get that level of black privilege.

>> No.13806056

>oops, everything in my cart rang up as potatoes

>> No.13806388

I actually got a free pint of local raw honey because it wouldn't scan and I made this gay joke. Tried to tell the guy that I was just being obnoxious and silly and he still let me have it for free

>> No.13806741

Only if you can put it on the bagging area and it doesn't tell you to take it off.

>> No.13806744

No you still have to pay for it Jalal.

>> No.13806751
File: 193 KB, 398x376, 1560639579765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For holding a Kosher BBQ?

>> No.13806761

I do prefer to use a proper checkout, but they always have cute young girls working there and I worry that I would look like a creep lining up for longer to have a hotty fifteen years my junior scan three items for me.

>> No.13806764

ITT: bootlickers
While stealing from individuals is definitely nigger-tier,
Corporations are not individuals. So fucking what if Mr. Goldberg doesn't make a profit.

>> No.13806801

>Posted from the farmers marker where I only do my shopping from my iPhone

>> No.13806804

>we don't get that level of black privilege.
Uh, because your white now, sorry you didn't get the memo.

>> No.13806808

Remember kids, if you cough on the cashier they run away so you get everything free.

>> No.13806921

Thanx Unca Anon!

>> No.13806932

No. It doesn't work that way you thieving scumbucket, now go hang yourself.

>> No.13806941

It's kind of funny though that so many are wearing plastic gloves, it's downright hilarious.

>> No.13806959 [DELETED] 

Saw a guy yesterday that works as a security guard for a pawn shop taking a smoke break and he was wearing gloves. Laughed a little bit because the gloves are touching his face as he smokes and the gloves aren't some magical thing that repels bacteria and viruses. If the virus gets on the glove and you still touch your face, then you get infected.

>> No.13806990

Not sure if pretending to be retarded or genuine

>> No.13807038

When I had to buy groceries for my ex-gf I would steal from the self checkout rather often.

The trick is to really not steal a lot. You turn a 60 dollar shopping trip into a 40-45 dollar shopping trip. It's easy to not scan smaller things like batteries or bacon for example. You can also act rather flustered at the idea of a self checkout and just haphazardly check yourself out. Like take out all the items and put them on the machine and forget which ones you scanned and which you didn't. Just assume "oh yeah I scanned this bread," when you're really saving 3 dollars, nigger.

>> No.13807045

>shop with fabric bag
>only empty half out my bag onto the scanner and pay for it
>staff never check my bag because I go into well groomed wearing a suit and I am not currently black.

>> No.13807069

I did this as a kid shortly after self checkouts first came to my area Walmart. It started off as an accident when I realized I forgot to scan the paper towels in the bottom of my shopping cart. I copped a free candy bar every time I ran into the store for my parents. My conscious got to me after a year or so.

>> No.13807121

If you don't act like you're doing anything wrong (harder than you may think), don't "accidentally" miss too many dollars worth of scans, and keep aware of your surroundings, you'll never get noticed. Consider how many people are using these per day.
Chances are, no one's looking at you, and if they are, they're not really paying attention.

>> No.13808176
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>> No.13808178
File: 26 KB, 274x237, 1318131034601a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Kosher BBQ?

>> No.13808202

I've worked at walmart. It's not paranoid. Also wide angle isn't fish-eye lens. You can have a wide angle shot and use a zoom to make it seem like a narrower frame of view.

>> No.13808767

>I've worked at walmart


>> No.13808779

I did this once at Walmart, and the greeter thanked me for my honesty.
I also accidentally didn’t get charged for stuff at Target, and still routinely shop there.

>> No.13808783

Machine learning algorithms can be trained to detect anomalous orders, or even orders that are anomalous simply to your face. While it wouldn't just lock itself down if you buy something out of the ordinary, the behaviour you have described could absolutely be detected with a very high accuracy rate. "Anti fraud" ML systems are already in late stages of maturity and are being as cloud services, mostly in the financial sector, but it's only a matter of time before they end up in the retail sector, too. Now feel free to give your layman's hot take about how you can outsmart the AI revolution by giving me an outlier example about how an AI got it wrong a few times.

>> No.13808788


You are playing with fire. They are by far the most harsh company on shoplifters. They also have very obvious plain clothes loss prevention employees who just walk around and stalk you. I saw one standing next to me and made him because he had his walkie talkie sticking out of his back pocket.

>> No.13808793

No, you are wrong and no company is using any sort of such technology.

>> No.13808804

>reality isn't real
As I said, it is not in the retail sector yet, but it is coming.

>> No.13808805

And it was totally worth it

>> No.13808806
File: 1.27 MB, 1909x1201, tiktaalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is true if you're black. Asians still get charged or arrested tho... we don't get that level of black privilege.
Blacks are useful tools for white liberals, while Asians aren't, that's why.
Blacks could never usurp the white intellectual elite, they don't even see them as a threat. The only ones who do are the low IQ gutter whites. Asians on the other hand are a very real threat to high IQ whites, and of course the low IQ ones hate them regardless.

>> No.13808811

Please stop acting like you aren't jewish.

>> No.13808884

Fucking around with the self scanners is 100% the wrong way to steal from a store. They are watching the area constantly. The more effective method is to go to big stores like target or walmart and grab whatever SMALL and VALUABLE thing you’re going to steal, bring it to the produce section or the diapers aisle, rip it out of it’s packaging, and stuff it in your coat pocket. Better yet, bring the product to the freezer grocery section. Place it in a freezer, then tear away its packing and stuff it. No way anyone will notice you if you are confident.

>> No.13808899


>> No.13808904
File: 160 KB, 630x354, mongo_impressed-book_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13808906

You're kind of a scumbag aren't you?
Are you some kind of negro that steals from stores? Once you own something for yourself then you wont do that, but then negros don't have any sense of responsibility.

>> No.13808919

Its priced in. These fag stores wanna automate so they can afford to let some things slip through that arent listed on the lookup or barcode doesnt work. Thats what they get for not having employees bag your groceries.

>> No.13809011

haha epic joke may I share it on facebook?

>> No.13809049
File: 57 KB, 1008x420, stock market falls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need for disinfo, schlomo. no kikes here unless you look in the mirror.

>> No.13809087

yes a few times I've scanned an item and placed it in the bagging area but for some reason it wasnt actually added on to the total. It happened with some batteries once and I noticed when I was about to pay that the total wasnt right. I couldn't be bothered rescanning it though so I just pretended I didnt notice and paid as normal

>> No.13809101

>he uses facebook
hi grandma

>> No.13809107

Dubs checked.

When that happens to me, the staffer asks me what the price is (as if I'm supposed to know that). I make up something that sounds plausible, they swipe their magic card, key in the price, and that's that.

>> No.13809163

I don’t do these things. I just have imagination. Sorry if I made you upset.

>> No.13809168

>Theft isn't even a crime here in California anymore. Black kids literally just walk out of stores with shit and will assault the security guard and sue the store (and win) if confronted.
same here in Seattle, but we've always been a crime friendly city

>> No.13809172

It's politically correct to be racist towards Asians but it's political suicide to say anything negative against backs.

you can cry about your double standards but that's the way post-Obama America works. hope this helps

>> No.13809384

>a few times

nigger I do this with literally all my produce every time I use the self checkout

>> No.13809489

Unironically yes. I've been using these bad boys to get a lot of good quarantine goods.

>> No.13809497

I can't imagine being so poor that I don't own part of a corporation

>> No.13809564

I was working the self checkout the other day and I just got poop on my fingers. Maybe you need to slow down or use more lube

>> No.13809582

I wonder how much money they spent implementing something that can be defeated by two square inches of duct tape

>> No.13809665

You're not stealing from the corporation but from the middle class manager of the shop. If anything goes wrong he's getting punished. It's not like you're 'solving' the issues of giant corporations by shoplifting.

>> No.13809672

BASED. I only do this because when I buy alcohol, the Kroger negro takes his sweet time to get over to the counter and approve my purchase. I just keep "scanning" haphazardly because I just don't understand the "high tech"

>> No.13809930
File: 500 KB, 900x850, Albertsons-automated-checkout_1568903559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest anon, you've used this to shoplift.
Especially when it's the afternoon shift and a stoned teenager is pretending to work the main console for them while on his/her phone

>> No.13809977

You have misunderstood. I said this technology is coming.

>> No.13809979

Call everything up as cheap vegs and weight it. Save money = profit. Carrots its all carrots.

>> No.13809989

Wow look at this badass. He saw an employee! He SAW AN EMPLOYEE. Holy fuck.

>> No.13810018

>Be honest anon, you've used this to shoplift.
Not gonna lie. I can easily afford groceries, but it's exciting to steal once in a while. I might have some nigger blood in me.

>> No.13810051

I don't see why you have to not have money for it to not be fun. It just means you have money AND the thing you would have spent it on, so you can put the money towards weed or vidya or something now

>> No.13810121

>I don't see why you have to not have money for it to not be fun.
based triple negative

>> No.13810218

nothing he described was very difficult at all to implement as software
max 10 minutes in python with OpenCV and google open

>> No.13810220

>t. knows literally nothing about ML but suffers from D-K and wants to sound smart

>> No.13810250

>only put vegetables half on the scale when weighing
>jiggle the items around when it says the weight is wrong
>dump a handful of items that input by quantity
>markdown sticker doesn't scan? it's free real estate
>attendants never check your shit, just hand them all the coupons and see which ones still work
If stores are going to subsidize labor costs through these, I'll subsidize my expenses

>> No.13810258

>Arguments: 0
You should be studying, you are still going to have to pass intro to algos & data structures even if it gets pushed back due to the quarantine.

>> No.13810306

>not currently black

Are you going to become black in the future? Get the bubonic plague or frostbite on your face?

>> No.13810655

>Are you going to become black in the future? Get the bubonic plague or frostbite on your face?
Either he's concerned that he will fall into a oil spill, or he's concerned about this happening....

>> No.13810817

pathetic attempt to cope
enjoy undergrad while it lasts

>> No.13810835

Still no argument. I know your type. You rely on your audience knowing nothing so that you can always presume yourself the authority, and insist that you have the definitive answer. It's easier than actually challenging yourself to learn something new, isn't it? And everybody (at least in your head) oohs and ahs at what an intelligent and enlightened mind you have. Then you project your Dunning-Kruger complex onto anyone who challenges you. Even if I listed my credentials, you would just call them fake. Two "rebuttals" in and you have already taken us way off the original topic. Pathetic.

>> No.13810863

weigh it as onions

>> No.13810873

This is 4chan, dude. You sound like you come here expecting to take any post at face value, which makes you stupider than anybody ITT.

>> No.13810892

Is that an avocado or a lime? Did that cheap gravy packet drop over the bar code of that $20 steak? I was never trained to use this machine.

>> No.13811367

>Did that cheap gravy packet drop over the bar code of that $20 steak?
>'Unexpected item in the bagging area'
Do you really think that shit works anymore?

>> No.13811410

>>'Unexpected item in the bagging area'
They did away with that after they put those hand scanners in and banned plastic bags. I open my bag inside my cart, drop items in as I scan them then grab the hand scanner and get the big stuff. I don't have to put anything in the bagging area.

>> No.13811692


>> No.13811915

if you're so smart why do you work at walmart

>> No.13812091

Well then lucky you anon, cuz it's not the case where I live.

>> No.13812245

Actually the most 1000iq way to do it is look for an item you want, then cross check for other items the store sells that are cheaper and weigh the same. Then you just take the barcode from the cheap item and scan it.

>> No.13812754

I thought that if the item isn't scanned, it'll get picked up by the detector on the way out.

>> No.13812765

This is actually true at the public library. If it doesn't scan it usually means it's been withdrawn, so I just let them have it for free.

>> No.13812832

I know this is bait but
>Taking a principled stance against theft/ripping off
Right lol

>> No.13812841

This is the case in most places. I live in a 90% white area in the PNW and at my sister's old job niggers would literally walk in and grab a 300$ area rug and casually saunter out without the slightest hint of tact because they know nobody can do shit and the police aren't going to risk their jobs getting involved in that

>> No.13812854

reminds me off that one time a black guy walked into a store, killed a few employees and costumers, and then just left with over a 1000 dollars wort off stuff. there where armed guards and police officers already present, but nobody dared to do anything. fucking pc cutlure

>> No.13812858

It's not stealing, it's shopping smart

>> No.13812865

just dont scan it retard

>> No.13814302
File: 10 KB, 393x480, e0738f357161a00502ef08b5ce7d00bc8c0a62da64d3bb48240e19f3317c1afe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at self checkout with beer and flu medication
>scan medicine and put in bag
>id check required
>place beer on scale to scan next
>wagie comes over and places my beer in the bag
>overrides scale error
>got a $12 6-pack for free

>> No.13814903

one time i was buying a respirator cartridge, it wouldnt scan, and the only one in the system was a different cartridge count, and the lady told me just to take it for free. it was bretty cool

>> No.13814920

sounds not at all like a made up story

>> No.13815309

>Do you really think that shit works anymore?
Just shuffle the shit around a little until it gives up.

>> No.13815315

>presses 'do not bag' button
>not person, kee

>> No.13815350

This is how man beats skynet. Just giggle it.

>> No.13815479

And twice over the past three days I got a 'Remove item from the scale' message even though all I did was scan a soda bottle. Had to have a employee clear the error.

>> No.13815711

>Just giggle it
You having a giggle mate?

It's not like they really give a shit unless they're some old lady or autistic faggot. Half the time they just mash in the overwrite code so they can get back to helping boomers who can't figure out how to search for a vegetable.

>> No.13815741

I never steal intentionally, or rather I never start with the intention to steal when using self checkout stuff
But like hell I'm going to waste 5 minutes waiting for the stoner/old lady minding the machines to find the correct price or look up the code or whatever just so I can pay my 5$ for a box of tendies on top of the 50$ I'm already spending.
The entire point of self checkout machines is so they don't have to pay a real person to do the work, so I'm not going to do it for free.
If they eventually make the whole system work perfectly I'd be happy to pay for everything, the convenience would be easily worth it, but if in trying to prevent small errors like this they make it not convenient enough to be worth my time any more I'll just go back to taking up valuable human cashier time and costing them more overall.

>> No.13815764
File: 296 KB, 1500x2246, RUTTE+LACHT+LACHEND+LACHUH+111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Dutch and our grocery stores' self-checkouts don't use scales for every fucking item

>> No.13816438

>buy a cart full of potatoes once a month for six months
>machine learns that you really do just buy a lot of potatoes
>switch to ringing up a cart's worth of other things as potatoes
>machine thinks everything is normal
Easy peasy.

>> No.13816463
File: 674 KB, 960x960, 8eb28ef0c3238a906bf64e68c6….png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Positively seething.

>> No.13816672

why are you describing yourself? not flattering

>> No.13817420

Just like all of the replies to the same post.

>> No.13817426

I can't remember if this was a response to something I wrote or if this was a response I wrote myself. I was pretty drunk, so both are plausible.

>> No.13817428

I make that joke a lot because I know that wagies hate it. Anything to punish them extra. I also force them to tie the bags for me. I also place the money on the counter. It makes some of them so angry but they can't do anything but get huffy. hahahaha

>> No.13817476

I shot myself in the eye with the laser barcodereader once. I bleeped at me mockingly.

>> No.13817543
File: 1.33 MB, 392x400, 1523908009392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to lidl today
>bag full of based pastries
>self checkout
>scan 1
>all in 1 bag and dont wanna take one out and put it on the covid19 smeard surface
>lady comes over and scans here card
>pay and leave
gg ez free pastries

>> No.13817549

>uni installed a new self checkout in the uni store
>retards didn't get one with a scale thing
>get all the shit i want
>scan 1 thing for 50p
>pay and leave
beautiful honestly

>> No.13817551

These things only ever seem to give me grief when I'm buying junk food or otherwise shopping like a 14yo left at home for the weekend for the first time.

>> No.13817559

kek you retard, lidls bakery has people putting their dirty hands all over everything all day.

>> No.13817571

>implying it matters what randoms at the store think of your purchases
I feel smug when I force the Walmart self checkout wagie to call over a manager and wait next to me for several minutes to return my bottle receipts so I can purchase my cart full of liquor. Who gives a fucking shit

>> No.13817583

I'm very sorry for your lose.

>> No.13817692

jokes on you i got in there at 7 in the morning right as they opened

>> No.13817693

White liberals view blacks like dogs
They can shit on the rug and tear up the curtains, but they'll plug their ears and claim they can't help it and they're a product of their circumstances

>> No.13817717

>moving to city west of portland for job after the chinaflu settles
Damn I hope it isn't that bad. I know portland prkper has antifa and cop problems and kooks but I can get away from that, right? How much of the area is pozzed like seattle?

>> No.13817740

I bet you thought that was clever

>> No.13817888

The detector cannot read and detect barcodes in your bag on the way out. The detector works with those plastic knobs on clothes and such that must be removed. They send out a signal that the detector reads. There is nothing contained in a barcode that transmits information without having to physically scan it.