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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13805415 No.13805415 [Reply] [Original]

The coronavirus can stay infectious on plastic surfaces like food packaging for up to 72 hours at room temperature, much longer if refrigerated or frozen. Don't forget to disinfect all your groceries.

>> No.13805445

Reminder to report all frog posting faggots for extremely poor quality posts.

>> No.13805477

>getting triggered by frogs
Seethe harder

>> No.13805535

It's more like 48.

>> No.13805538

based disinfectant poster

>> No.13805557

I wiped everything down with a clorox sheet, am I safe?

>> No.13805584

Yes. Alternatively remove food from the packaging and wash your hands before eating it. Don't eat chocolate bars directly from their wraps for example.

>> No.13806386

I had it and it's not that bad. You're all just pussies

>> No.13806471

This. Saw that chad preparer meme the other day and cringed. Chad would have been one of the first to get the virus and purposely spread it

>> No.13806508
File: 28 KB, 863x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to wash your chicken for salmonella aswell anon.

>> No.13806589

Chad would have died of it already. The virgin vs. Chad meme mocks the mindless excesses of the normalfag hedonist, the type of behavior that obliterates immune systems and ensures the contraction of disease. If you have ever considered the Chad archetype admirable, you missed the point.

>> No.13806678

>t. virgin