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File: 30 KB, 615x409, Tub-of-lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13804888 No.13804888 [Reply] [Original]

Why do mex people meme lard fat? It smells disgusting and you can tell if food was fried in it. It adds nothing except on very specific dishes (tamales). Refried beans smell awful with lard in it (unless theyre black beans. Those are good with lard).

Coming from a mexican.

>> No.13804894

don’t use it then bitch. you being a Mexican doesn’t mean you aren’t ignorant about Mexican traditions such as lard. you’re so stupid

>> No.13804904

M8 fuck off

I asked why was every authentic recipe calling for lard as if it was this magical ingredient. Ive never met anyone who liked it. And i didnt said i was cultural master stop projecting you retard.

>> No.13804911

Stop being Mexican

>> No.13804915

>hey you guize why do the most poorfag cultures use the most poorfag ingrediants durr hurr

>> No.13804930

Ok :(

I mean most countries did it in the 1900s. Your outback redneck prob uses lard too.

>> No.13804931

>every recipe
Show me literally one recipe that uses lard

>> No.13804936

>durr hurr rednecks use lard too

Re: poorfags

>> No.13804941

Lard rice
>1 bowl very hot rice
>Soy sauce
>Scallion if you a classy ho

>> No.13804952

Do Americans really eat this

>> No.13804983

Fuck of mate, lard is good.

>slice of sourdough
>thin layer of lard
>salt and pepper
>sliced gherkins
>thinly sliced red onion

>> No.13805043

Lard is great

>> No.13805046

Most Mexicans don’t cook with lard you stupid CHI

>> No.13805171

This. Why did lard become so unpopular? I blame low-fat diets

>> No.13805173

wtf you just spread pure fat onto bread? Do americans REALLY?

>> No.13805186
File: 91 KB, 512x437, 076FEAD6-1435-4618-8CFD-BE2836157535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it’s delicious especially when there are greaves in the lard. Also I am not american, I am from europe.

>> No.13805195

My abuela used so much lard in her rice it started tasting like soap. Her cooking was ass.

>> No.13805207

That's pretty much it, I think. Pigs started being bred to be leaner because people didn't want to eat as much fat, so lard started falling out of favor too. And now the only lard I can find is Armour brand that sits on shelves unrefrigerated because it's hydrogenated, and I'm wary of eating that.

Lard is good when it's fresh but once it goes rancid it's horrible and that might be why people hate it because they've only had rancid lard.

>> No.13805210

pig fat / schmaltz is the superior fat for cooking

>> No.13805215

my grandma used to bake pies with lard. this is truly something to behold

>> No.13805224

Based german neighbour.

>> No.13805230

I can still find premade pie crusts with lard in some stores but it's always rancid

>> No.13805246

that's how each and every of her pies tasted like tbqh

>> No.13805248

Lard is grand.

>> No.13805283
File: 105 KB, 1000x563, DmbRvy9XoAEnh5x-1000x563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about Lardy cakes

>> No.13805590

It's better for you than all those poisonous "vegetable oils." Lard is the best.

>> No.13805597

This. Pie crust made with lard is delicious.

>> No.13805655

That is not pure lard, anon

>> No.13805677

just dont buy the cheap shit

>> No.13805744

Picking a good grease is a very subjective thing! Recently I've been cooking almost solely in rendered beef fat and I feel like I'm gonna have a stroke!

Point is, eat what you like, silly :^)

>> No.13805846
File: 130 KB, 480x640, DFC4B130-A23B-4452-AA63-EB715E620B3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its cheap. You can render it from very cheap cuts of pork (jowls, back fat, belly). It has a high smoke point. It can be reused over and over. And it doesnt go bad easily.

>> No.13806068

Lard is just as poisonous too
Its from pigs fed shit, high levels of oxidation and omega 6

>> No.13806362


>> No.13806429

Yes, it’s lard with greaves in it which makes it even better.

>> No.13806454

>what is butter

>> No.13806459

What's so shocking about lard with rice compared to butter with rice?

>> No.13807442

This purified garbage is horrid. I got a tub straight from the melting pot and it smells and tastes amazing.

>> No.13807699
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine not being the ultimate patrician and not cooking with duck fat.

>> No.13808397

But anon im poor :(

>> No.13808402

>Why do mex people
>Coming from a mexican


>> No.13808404

Get redpilled; the rise of obesity tracks 1:1 with the rise of vegetable oils. They're not healthy for us.

>> No.13808406

that sounds amazing

>> No.13808781

cause y'all didn't get memed into using shortening instead.

>> No.13808786

Ahh figures why belgium uses it in every fry shack.

>> No.13808799

why are white boys obsessed with veganism?
literally no other race does it, even pajeets are just lacto-vegetarians at worst

>> No.13808812


>> No.13808814

they have more hunter gatherer ancestry so they favor unsaturated fat. since most prey was pig or fowl.

whites (and pajeets, and probably arabs) have more pastoral ancestry so favor saturated fat.

you can see this in china too, they're obsessed with egg yolks and chicken fat/fish fat and crap.

>> No.13808842
File: 54 KB, 300x450, lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think purchased lard as pictured is pretty neutral in taste. I'll tell you why it fell out of fashion, the food police.
Somewhere in the 70s, 80s, 90s, the media started to get healthy minded and vegetarian, and started calling out very common items as unhealthy. OMGPOPCORN butter is partially hydrogenated coconut oil, and that means you will have the arteries and obesity of a Samoan if you eat pork fat or coconut oil. There were literal pictures of arteries filled with solid-a-room-temperature pictures of that white fat adhering to walls of arteries of porkfat lard or coconut oil eaters. This is before we knew about triglyceride medication, or understood that your body makes cholesterol even if you dine on zero cholesterol in your food, before we knew the balance of omega fatty acids in ratio was most important and so forth.
If anything right now, fat free is more understood to lead to obesity, and that fats can be good fats, lead to satiety, and so froth.
The cost of all this evolution in nutrition and medically sound diets? Lard, buh bye. But, chemically and for culinary reasons, it's a great item, and when not hydrogenated in a factory, it's utterly safe to consume and pretty ideal, such as the softness and tenderness, and crisp nature it imparts to a corn tortilla freshly made.
When you include pork fat like salt pork in a bean dish, it adds flavor and a richness in mouthfeel, and not much is needed.

If you are from an old school German family, grandpa remembers this during the great depression in the US, or during war rationing, or if you dine in a traditional Czech/Bohemian restaurant on vacation for example, you'd know it is as delicious as any pate, when homemade rendered pork fat is scooped from a jar, spread on sour rye bread with thinly shaved onions, cracklins,aka "pork greaves" and maybe some sliced apple or maybe some thyme or dill or green onion herbs to lay on top.

>> No.13808849

>One of the earliest known vegans was the Arab poet al-Maʿarri