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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 1000x636, babish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13803037 No.13803037 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about the popular food youtuber?

>> No.13803047

was better before he caught hubris and revealed his face

>> No.13803050

He would be fine if he didn't talk like such a redditor

>> No.13803056
File: 332 KB, 480x388, 1571480147412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I quite liked babish at one point, but now he tries so hard with the schtick. It's tiring. God his girlfriend episodes are hard to watch too.
I don't know, it's whatever, he is still fun to watch at times. But he has become a bit of the reddit.

>> No.13803058

What, is he supposed to do in your view, say the n word?

>> No.13803062


>> No.13803207

Why would he say the nigger word, racist??

>> No.13803214

Actually competent and pretty decent, but I wish he didn't make such stupid reddit-tier content. It'd be nice if he stuck to his actual cooking videos.

>> No.13803219

I like his cooking. Getting tired of his quips.

>> No.13803252

No just talk like a normal average dude and not force unfunny le epic bacon pun-tier humor

>> No.13803358

>le epic bacon
I've never heard him say anything like that. Perhaps you dreamed it

>> No.13803364

He’s ok but I can’t fucking STAND when he makes alterations to the movie/shows recipe. What the fucks the point of claiming you’re making it accurate if you’re just going to change an ingredient because you’re lazy or don’t like it?

>> No.13803440

You don't have to be a shouting retard like those epic meal time guys to be a le epic bacon cringey faggot

>> No.13803443

I don't even know what that means.

>> No.13803444

Okay Babish

>> No.13803446

doesn't he make a faithful version of the dish before making an offshoot more to his liking?

>> No.13803449

I think he's an annoying faggot.

>> No.13803450

That one he did that made the old Italians seethe was funny though.

>> No.13803467

his talking gets old fast, but otherwise I'd eat basically everything he makes.

>> No.13803470

he's bearable unlike adam "i prep my wife not the bull" cumrag

>> No.13803481

I unironically like him. I enjoy he much drier, quieter sense of humor which contrasts greatly from the highly autistic ADHD youtube humor you normally see.
He's has good recipes, though he's currently stretching thin the premise on his channel.

That long haired faggot that pops up in my recommendations, Joshua Wisserman I guess, he's fucking cancer.

>> No.13803545

Seems like a nice enough guy but I don't really like his format and considering I pretty much only watch chinese cartoons I don't really care about most of his TV/movie food videos.

>> No.13803572

Popular? These fags get promoted by google jews...just because a bunch of people clicked on the front page ad and watched for 5 seconds before realizing it's clickbait bullshit doesn't mean it's anything but cum oozing out of a homo's asshole

>> No.13803575

Huh, more like Cringing with Babish

>> No.13803582

it's like how they push the interracial shit on porn sites...you watch out of curiousity for 5 seconds before you realize you got tricked into watching bestiality

>> No.13803643

he has evil looking eyes

do you think babish is lowkey evil?

>> No.13803685

He's indeed very le funny quip man hee hee look at my gf but at least he's not sam the cooking guy

>> No.13803694

lmao he mentions in the turf and turf video that he bought a house. you guys have done the man good with promotional threads like these.

>> No.13803696

>most of
he has a jjba and a saiki k one for you chliidsh cunts

>> No.13803700
File: 2.76 MB, 428x606, 1584547638355.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one asked me to post it but here you go

>> No.13803707

Ouf no kidding

>> No.13803713

bet it smells vinegary

>> No.13803761
File: 3.65 MB, 600x338, 1583195346441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13803782

that's why he doesn't show his face

>> No.13803794

I was only able to watch a minute of one of his videos.
He's cringe as fuck.

>> No.13803806

What a fucking moron.

>> No.13803850

All the faggots calling him cringe in this thread and not at all explaining why are a good reminder of the fact that this website is mostly inarticulate basement dwelling manchildren. It's fine not to like him, but the fact that none of these people can explain WHY they dislike him except with meme words makes me think that this is just a reddit-tier circlejerk.

>> No.13803914

Shut up

>> No.13803943

I think the premise of Babish's show is fun and he seems to be a genuinely competent chef. I agree with >>13803481 though that his premise is inevitably going to run out of steam in the next couple years, which I guess is why he started to branch out into lifestyle videos (which I'm unsure why anyone would care about. You watch the guy to cook, not to talk about relationship shit)

>> No.13803974

cry harder babbish

>> No.13804014

i lost all respect for him and unsubscribed since i discovered he is a weed smoker

>> No.13804016

I find his voice soothing and his vids easy to follow. it's just that its about meme recipes of american pop culture that i don't really care for.

>> No.13804021

I like his videos, but he can sound pretentious sometimes especially in his being with babish stuff. Just the title of that implies he is some kind of "holier than thou" kind of person.

>> No.13804024

It's not pretentious if he can back it up. And he does and then some.

>> No.13804027

Yeah, that stuff is pretty bad. I don't watch it. Though, the fact that his name isn't Babish is probably how he justifies it. It started as a west wing reference.

>> No.13804033

Haha all he backs up is his ass on a hard nigger cock

>> No.13804039

I didn't ask what you jack off to, keep that shit to yourself.

>> No.13804052

I like him only because I have those same spots on my bald head. I feel we are connected through this. We have both been through the great suffering that is hair loss.

>> No.13804061

I think the people earlier in the thread who explained why he bothers them made valid points. Did you choose not to read them?

>> No.13804076

huh? are you retarded?

>> No.13804095
File: 2.97 MB, 960x720, boar spear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know his whole thing is that he's an amateur? So when you point out his newbies mistakes you're actually helping him.

>> No.13804098

All they did was accuse him of being "reddit" without any explanation or substantiation. A couple people had points, but they didn't say they dislike him, just that he didn't appeal to them.

>> No.13804146

he's not forcing unfunny humor, he's just a normie. Not all celebs are gonna cater to our every taste

>> No.13804183


>> No.13804187

Not always.

>> No.13804554

I mean fair enough I still watch his videos cause he's competent enough and I like his presentation style but his humor will continue to make me cringe but I can overlook it

>> No.13804588

>being with babish

>> No.13804616

Exactly. That bit when he "casually" says the John Fraveau invited him to his cooking show.
>So John Fraveau has this new show were he cooks with some celebs, you know, Robert Downey Jr, Margot Robbie, and... Me!

>> No.13804618

Is that wild boar?

>> No.13804629


>> No.13804820

>I like his cooking.

>> No.13804822

That was a joke, you sperg burgler

>> No.13804878

I see a lot of people complain about him being 'a reddit.' Thing is it's probably mostly redditors who give him the most views, attention and buys his stuff. You could call him a sell out, but he's the one making money from brain dead idiots who just watch his videos because of some references.

>> No.13804979


>> No.13805293

based. incels hate him

>> No.13805313


>> No.13805826

You actually do. Being a lul so randum youtuber requires you to do that type of humor. The worse he's done is bad puns and dick jokes. Just say you don't like the guy.

>> No.13805907


>> No.13805913

why would you want to tense your meat up and pump it full of adrenaline
this hunter is retarded always go for a clean kill

>> No.13805940

i wish normies would get off the internet is what i fucking think

>> No.13806000

That josh dude would be alright of he just dialed it down like 10 notches. Also needs to stop saying "nuggies" and "cwispy". Ironic or not, i hate it

>> No.13806091

Because theirs an entire cottage industry about killing wild boars in novel ways. Shit's crazy. I don't care about most hunting but boar hunters are like 75% sociopaths who want to legally torture animals to death.

>> No.13806097

>moving something from one pot into an identical pot
for what purpose?

>> No.13806104

He's based

>> No.13806361

I dont think Babish is a good cook, but you have to be retarded if you think Italians are anything but Mediterranean niggers with undeserved egos.

>> No.13806370
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 1570761394828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I am triggered because he fucking humiliates me. I am world class chef, trained at one of the best culinary arts schools on he planet. Cooking has been my whole fucking life for years now. every day I make world class dishes, Italian, Chinese, Thai. I reference the worlds greatest cuisines, and the worlds greatest chefs to bring a culinary experience to delight anyone who tries this. And what doesthis fucking cunt reference?

He references Homer fucking Simpson making some fucking burnt disgusting shit waffles
He references rick and mitchy or whatever the fuck making some fucking 'god is dead garbanzo stew' or whatever they make on that shpw
He references the fucking TV. He has likely NEVER cooked under a world class chef and cannot name the criteria by which a restaurant scores a michelin star. but it doesn't matter because he fucking remembers the banana split from the fucking cannibal episode of bananas in pajamas. prick. prick prick.

I am British too, so I am trying my best to reverse stereotypes about us but this prick is a walking meme stereotype and makes MILLIONS of peoples money every month to put a fucking syrup into a waffle iron and not even finish it. muh clean plate club guys!. fuck off babish you will join my fucking clean fucking grave club when i kill you, dig up your grave then cook your fucking corpse into my bone broth, its oK I THINK THEY DID THAT ON FUCKING AMERICan dad once. cunt

>> No.13806381


>> No.13806413

He insists upon himself.

>> No.13806416

this is lazy hunting, and you ruined the taste

>> No.13806417

imagine working hard your whole life to be shit on by a youtuber haha

>> No.13806430

Nobody kills those pests because they taste good.
It's inefficient pest control, though, I'll give you that.

>> No.13806433

true they are like roaches but i just hate hunting like this

>> No.13806788

He was great before now he just annoys me. I'm still subscribed to his content and watch the majority of his videos though because I have no self respect.

>> No.13806823

Yeah fuck boars. post more webms of them getting fucked up. what about the alligator one?

>> No.13806926

He's a swell fella.
I've watched most of his videos.

>> No.13807336

>boar hunters are like 75% sociopaths who want to legally torture animals to death
This is true. I don't give a fuck about boars or their suffering but the dudes I know that are into it are REALLY into it... it's weird

>> No.13807409

The way that guy did it is really faggy...on the other hand it's a rush to look a boar in the eyes and spear it or plunge a knife into it's heart

>> No.13807410

Seethe harder, Babish

>> No.13807736

Ive been watching some videos now.

So he basically copies recipes and technique? And he dresses like a gay sex club dom?


>> No.13807818


>> No.13807912

feast of fiction is better

>> No.13808039

>reddit the chef

It'd be an effort to sift through his bs shenanigans.

>> No.13808065

You watch his videos.
You learn a few things.
You cringe a few times.
The end.

>> No.13808292
File: 120 KB, 338x220, ironic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this website is mostly inarticulate basement dwelling manchildren
>none of these people can explain WHY they dislike him except with meme words
people who live in glass houses

>> No.13808312

t. Zhang

>> No.13808399

Dude, turn the fucking pot over.
Why are you shitting all over the handle?

>> No.13808409

Those wops got a MacBook.
They shouldn't highroad snobs.

>> No.13808429

I really dig it when he posts pics of his asshole on /b/.

>> No.13808802
File: 43 KB, 147x162, Selection_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw away entire youth and untold amounts of money to "train" in "culinary ""arts""
>get dabbed on by a literal memelord who learned how to use editing software in community college and decided to just start filming cooking foods from TV
>no recourse other than to autistically screech on a laotian finger-painting website
uhhhhhhhhhh i'm thinkin C U C K E D

>> No.13809171

Maybe because he has the soy wojak face and also because he doesnt say the nigger word

>> No.13809475

god I fucking hate italians

>> No.13809770

>Then (You)leave normie.

>> No.13809877

the spaghetti carbonara episode. that and his fried rice one were astonishingly ill-informed.

>> No.13809886

Being that into movies and tv is inherent bugman behavior

>> No.13809922

Culinarycucks absolutley buttblasted.

>> No.13810072
File: 6 KB, 227x222, soyjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely /seething/ coastie