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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 880x680, Sad+waiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13793276 No.13793276 [Reply] [Original]

COVID-19 edition. So who all here is out of work?

Completely fucked over here in NY

>> No.13793285

Same in Utah everything is shut down besides McDonald’s and boomer chains

>> No.13793315

Not in the industry, but my sister and brother in law are. Both have applied for unemployment and got some produce from his restaurant.

>> No.13793323

my restaurant closed the day before de blasio made the announcement. broadway shutting down fucked us

>> No.13793329

Own my own business so i dont get shit from the govt have to stay open through the whole thing

>> No.13793330

APPLY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT. It's better than $0 coming in and they've waived the 7-day waiting period.

>> No.13793353
File: 341 KB, 1200x1600, 1584327345124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just moved across country
>left old job voluntarily to move
>just started training at new job
>lmao everything's closed by order of gov
>ineligible for EI

cant wait to be homeless. at least the weathers getting warm

>> No.13793364

yeah the unemployment website has been down all day so no commiebucks for me yet :(

>> No.13793382

in NJ. been a server for two months and was finally making a little money but i guess i am out of work now

>> No.13793395

Can't even suck dick for a living in this market since all the patrons are scared of catching the virus.

>> No.13793398

not in the service industry
not out of work. yet.
as a gulf coast resident, i've noticed a pattern
pre disaster attitude is "every man for himself"
post disaster attitude is "we all need to help each other out"
no theories or conclusions...just an observation

>> No.13793399

We've been slow all week, but unless we go under me and one other guy are pretty much guaranteed jobs at my place. I know a bunch of guys in Vegas just got canned, though.

>> No.13793407

Yeah, people are fucking idiots in the South.

>> No.13793424

they are. i'd suggest this applies to all regions, though.

>> No.13793425

Thankfully, Sacramento hasn't closed restaurants yet so we're still making lots of to-go stuff.

>> No.13793431

unemployment site crashed where I live

>> No.13793441

the good news is that I am getting paid to sit on my ass in the grocery store kitchen. the bad news is I work in a grocery store kitchen jesus christ where did I go wrong

>> No.13793446

Unemployment sucks, I don't know why you guys would want it. I got laid off and didn't apply for it. Apparently to get the money you have to prove you're actively looking for new work. Fuck that.

>> No.13793452

that req has been waived for anyone furloughed by the shutdowns in NYC. also it's not hard to show or pretend you're looking for work anyway

>> No.13793460

My city's just had dining-in shut down for 2 weeks. We're going to have to change shit rapidly to be reliant on pickup and delivery.

>> No.13793463

Im not in that industry any more but its pretty clear how its going for the people I know

>Work 50-60 hours a week
>Get shit pay
>Work every weekend
>Have to bail on plans with family/friends because the restaurant gets busy and they cant leave
>Put their heart and soul in to the restaurant because its 'like a family'
>Suddenly theres no work so they are either not paid or just lose their job

Fuck the hospitality industry. Its bullshit. So many idiots thinking that they owe something to their boss/manager/owner. Working thier lives away, giving up everything. Not realising that their employer doesnt give a shit about them, and they can be replaced within a matter of days or weeks.

If youre over 30 and still doing it, you really fucked up.

>> No.13793611

Just remember the democrats like cuomo that you voted for and keep voting for, time and time again. He's a moron and manipulative scumbag even worse than his father. WHAA! WHAA!
Now shut up, you bitches voted for him, deal with it.

>> No.13793617

Why aren't you supporting the scumbag cuomo that you voted for?

>> No.13793633


I was laid off last year and had to file a petition along with everyone else I was laid off with.
The petition was only accepted today.
It was worth while to get paid to just look and apply for jobs.
Sites like indeed and ziprecruiter allow you to 1 tap apply for stuff so it's not all that time consuming unless you're also writing cover letters.

>> No.13793634


I feel bad for you guys....

>> No.13793661

Had I known they were going to be taking it this far I would not have voted for Trump.

>> No.13793663

I'm fucked, interesting how nobody at work cares about catching the virus and the only thing they were concerned with was how to pay their bills now

we net 400k a year into the bosses pocket, the cash flow is transparent so we all know this
we are expecting them to take care of us and nobody asked for much, just a few hundred bucks to get us through

but they said no. and so everything was looted by the staff tonight, all the food, clothes, everything that wasn't bolted down went out the door
I have 7 days worth of meals here easy. They can have fun looking for a new staff when this is over

>> No.13793673

Why after being laid off did it require you to get some permission to get your own jobs? That seems pretty strange to me and going through some shit like "ziprecruiter" from india makes you look like fools. Why consign yourself to some shit site "ziprecruiter?"
Don't be a moron.

>> No.13793677

I wonder why people like you voted for that in the first place? No one saw this coming, you know that right?

>> No.13793681

is english your second language?

>> No.13793682

>Why after being laid off did it require you to get some permission to get your own jobs?
I'm not sure you understood what I wrote in my original post.

Are you ESL? Because your question doesn't make sense.

>> No.13793686

based looter anon

>> No.13793687

Everyone is a socialist when they need help.

>> No.13793688

It's quite first, but what you wrote made no sense. Why do you need permission to get jobs?

>> No.13793690
File: 478 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2020-02-18-22h46m58s637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they're from India?

>> No.13793692

I'm not the poster you originally responded to, and that's not what his post says.

>> No.13793696

based until some looter scumbucket takes your grandparents out, just to put things into perspecitve.

>> No.13793698

You're bad at pretending to write and read English.

That isn't what I said at all and you're not even replying to me anymore, you're replying to some other anon who is also confused as your sentence structure and question.

Signing a petition is not the same as "permission".

>> No.13793703

What do you do think that it says, mr knowitall?

>> No.13793708
File: 374 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2019-10-11-22h23m24s575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I signed a petition.

No where in my post does it say "permission"

Now tell us what language you actually speak. Because it's definitely not English. Or are you just drunk?

>> No.13793709

You never wrote "petition" and a "petition" has no force of authority unless done properly, and that you don't seem to able to realize.

>> No.13793713

So what?
You signed a pizza, hahahahaa!
These idiots have no idea.

>> No.13793718
File: 520 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-12-06-23h36m21s985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-read my post you drunk dumb ass.

>> No.13793720

I suspect that you're stupid and have never gotten out of school.

>> No.13793724

When a customer claims he got covfefe19 at your restaurant he can sue you

>> No.13793725

No, that's not necessary, you've already dug you're own hole. Try again next time.

>> No.13793726
File: 346 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2019-12-05-21h47m29s616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us how many drinks you've had.

>> No.13793734

None, explain why you're so stupid?
I bet that you can't do that.

>> No.13793737
File: 251 KB, 1040x497, SmartSelect_20200316-175004_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels great to not be mentally disabled.
You're just a drunk dumbass.

>> No.13793738

Ahahah oh to your prove your own ignorance, "wont do that."

>> No.13793739

How long till you guys start selling stuff on eBay?

>> No.13793742

Perhaps I just know more than you do and you're a dumbass, have you considered that posibility?

>> No.13793746
File: 392 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-01-09-14h58m00s887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh to your prove your own ignorance
this doesn't even make sense.

>> No.13793758

I know that you don't are you so arrogant as to think that someone else doesn't know more than you? That would make you like a negro, pathetic.

>> No.13793760

I’m in salary and we’re seasonal anyways

>> No.13793762
File: 236 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-12-29-22h02m40s908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it clearly says petition.
I think you're just fucking assblasted cause you got called out by multiple anons. You're probably also a typical /ck/ drunk and you can't even see straight right now.

>> No.13793764

When someone disagrees with you do you often jump around like a chimp?

>> No.13793767
File: 406 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2019-12-12-20h27m58s279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please keep drinking until you die from alcohol poisoning.

>> No.13793768

petition so what? anyone can make a petition for anything, it doesn't make it legally binding.

>> No.13793771

keep being a little being that only votes for clinton types, condolences to you types

>> No.13793772
File: 341 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2020-01-12-18h49m58s823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even about a disagreement.
The post says petition. Clear as day.

Again. Please keep drinking until you fucking die.

>> No.13793781
File: 274 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-12-07-21h35m44s326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know what the petition was for. I left it vague on purpose.

I've never voted for anyone. Did you mean to reply to >>13793677 ?

>> No.13793787 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 232x126, download.jpeg-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You ain't getting rehired in the near future by anyone when we're entering a depression the likes of which will make 1929 look like a schoolgirls picnic. Ironically, you were one of the faggots that enabled this disaster by joining a cult.

>> No.13793799
File: 401 KB, 1200x1600, poodle_head_democrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahhaa, fuckin poodle head democrats!

>> No.13793822

Bread orders are falling at the bakery as restaurants close. I'm giving my employees guaranteed 2 weeks of full pay regardless of hours, and encouraging them to explore Unemployment claims after that if orders keep falling. If they level out I may be able to keep everyone on at reduced rate and hours. If they keep tanking I'm going to need to run everything solo to keep it sustainable.

>> No.13793841
File: 269 KB, 902x1116, 1573163743158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you were one of the faggots that enabled this disaster by joining a cult

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.13793871

shits fucked

>> No.13793876

service industry, always under report tip earnings, pay less taxes while still making a decent living. pls feel bad for me, while I collect benefits I barely paid into.

>> No.13793912
File: 557 KB, 400x400, AHHHHHHHHHH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My state just announced the closure of dine-in restaurants for the next 10 days at least,
although delivery and take-out is still an option.
As a server this fucking blows, but I'm just thankful I'm not in a dire situation,
and can survive for a while without work.

>> No.13793917

try it at a weird time of night

>> No.13793922

Hey dinguses go apply at distribution centers until this blows over

>> No.13793925

If you've got a car, seriously consider joining up with door dash or uber eats or something. I heard Amazon is doing a big hiring wave to keep things rolling, this might also apply to their same-day deliveries for places that aren't near the big distribution centers.

>> No.13793943

Based. I respect you.

>> No.13793945


>> No.13793954

Figures, that's why you joined the cult in the first place.

>> No.13793956

Hey bro learn to drive a truck or become a loader. How are people so dumb right now? If you're out of work go to the place DESPERATE as fuck for workers. Docking bay workers and driver's

>> No.13793991

What a stupid fucking thing to say? Why it weird because you're not accustomed to being up at that time? What other people who work night jobs? Is it still a weird time them? You think the whole world revolves around your dumbass you fucking idiot

>> No.13794038

If you are unemployed and ordered to stay indoors, attempting to access a government website at around 3AM is much more feasible.

>> No.13794042

Plus, in big cities there are frequently different electricity rates for very low-use times. Early as fuck in the morning is a good time to run a dish washer or clothes dryer to save a bit of money.

>> No.13794099

I've never heard this before.
Where did you hear this?

>> No.13794100

Fucking idiot

>> No.13794102
File: 339 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-12-30-01h01m23s784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why it weird
>What other people who work night jobs?
based retard

>> No.13794109

haha you poor saps. I'm sending emails from the comfort of my recliner, sipping a beer and watching Frasier

>> No.13794126
File: 468 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-03-03-22h23m28s065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching Frasier
of all the must see TV shows - that's what you're watching?

>> No.13794145

pleb filtered

>> No.13794151
File: 148 KB, 700x289, CSBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fraiser is a show for awkward Jehovah's Witnesses.

>> No.13794155

Explain yourself, retard

>> No.13794164

Same here. Going to stay open as long as people keep coming. Have no other choice

>> No.13794174
File: 93 KB, 526x300, 1291368603433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in a republican state with a republican governor and its the same fuckin shit here.

miss me with your political bullshit based on nothing

>> No.13794175

>What other people who work night jobs? Is it still a weird time them?
...Yes? Night work is notoriously hard on people.
Have you never heard the expression "odd hours?"

>> No.13794181

i've been getting takeout pizza nonstop trying to support you bros but i can only do so much.

good luck and know that i love you.

>> No.13794186

Everybody do shit like this
I'm in OH but same deal with the restaurant closures. Plan on trying to spend the same, or more amount on restaurant food during this whole thing at only local places I value and don't want to go under- hopefully they can do right by their employees somehow.

>> No.13794191

Here in Michigan all restaurants and bars are only doing take out now.

>> No.13794198

Copypasting what I said in a lil thread:
Tomorrow, all of the restaurants and bars will be closed. Both of my jobs will be shut down, I'm a cook and a part time brewer. Indefinitely.
I'm filing for unemployment and I topped up my supplies. I was hoping that Montana would stay clear of it but we're infected and going into lockdown. I bought two guns and as much ammo as I could. My landlord is a neo nazi biker who owns the whole damn trailer park and I'm pretty much the only one in the park who isn't in a biker gang. We talked today, and I guess I'm an honorary member as long as I'm ready to help protect the neighborhood from looters. His friend owns a lot of hunting land just outside of town with a lot of game. Also made plans to go raiding ourselves, should it come to that.

I don't know what to do without work, though. I love cooking and I love brewing beer. I can't cook as much as I'd like to at home because I need to make shit last, and I'm not set up to brew at home. My only hobby is cooking though and that's why I love my fucking job. I'm going to cry.

>> No.13794215

Work at LCBO, deal with mouth breathers, mentally ill, addicts, drunks etc. Get sneezed on, coughed on daily. LCBO not closing (as of yet), store policy on COVID is extra cleaning, gloves, not handling customer's reusable bags. Still handle cash, still interact with customers... the virus is airborne so absolutely all these "measures" are pointless, and everybody knows it, anyone can be contagious within 6 feet with no symptoms. Feel fucked over by the company, but also don't wanna close because I need money.

>> No.13794235

>My landlord is a neo nazi biker who owns the whole damn trailer park and I'm pretty much the only one in the park who isn't in a biker gang.
ngl based af

>> No.13794242

The very real possibility of being in a raider posse is kinda cool, except I've never killed anyone yet and I'd really rather be back to my regular way of life.
Supposed to only be a week but this shit never works out like that. The end times are here, brothers. I'll miss you guys.

>> No.13794249

I work in fine dining, we don't have any takeout business, and then the brewery I work at part time is strictly a brewery, and beer delivery isnt a thing as far as I know...but it really should be, now that I think about it.

>> No.13794252

Work for a college kitchen, today was the last day for the few people needed to keep a line running for faculty and students living on-campus. Supposedly we come back on the 6th but I'm not terribly confident of that. Nothing to do but cash those unemployment checks and wait it out.

>> No.13794259

Socialists don't volunteer, and are the least charitable people. They do take a lot of time to complain about other people not doing the work for them. Or take credit for other peoples work and ideas.

In the meantime, get your unemployment started asap. Hopefully within 2-3 months things clear up. People will want to get out and start spending money again.

>> No.13794264


>> No.13794265

Sorry no boo hoo, I can work from anywhere on the planet but most likely in the USA given security shit. I wont cry for your lame ass shit of sucking up to diverisity training.

>> No.13794272

become the camp cook and help organize food rationing

>> No.13794279

>not an argument

>> No.13794290

I wont cry for you.

>> No.13794291


>> No.13794292

Nobody needs to worry. Everybody is losing their income all at the same time. They literally can't evict all of us at once and especially not during this pandemic. The house of cards is falling and it came be reconstructed.

>> No.13794300

>authoritarian attitudes
exactly why your ideas are worthless

>> No.13794301

really if you're over 30 and you work any job someone can learn in a couple shifts then you've failed miserably

>> No.13794303

"us?" Speak for yourself.
Explain youself when you try to speak for people other than yourself directly. I know that you can't. You're like asshole saying "we" when you only speak for yourself.

>> No.13794305

Oh yeah, as opposed to what from you?

>> No.13794308

Why are you mad that I'm poorer than you?

>> No.13794310

Why does this thread make me think of make me think of dressed in black?

>> No.13794311

I'm looking into volunteering at several of the local congregations here as well as putting time in to the food bank. Which is what everyone here who is able bodied should be ready to do. Including you, when you're done seething.

>> No.13794312

Why are you madder at me and that I've worked some and are a bit not poorer than you? It's not personal.

>> No.13794318

Yeah, I know. I can't deny not doing that.

>> No.13794320

I'm not mad though.

>> No.13794322

hahaha yeah

>> No.13794324


>> No.13794326

Not that anon but you can't speak for me either. I'm not rich by any means and I'm gonna be out on the fucking street cause of this shit.

>> No.13794339

There's always something like that.
Johnny Cash sings "Man In Black" for the first time (with intro)

>> No.13794340

Yeah that's what I mean. I don't know how I'm going to pay my rent, but we're all in this same boat. They can't evict a million people across the country all at the same time, especially during the pandemic, when they'll just get sick and die in the street, because the ones that don't die will storm the halls of power.

>> No.13794343

hi rob

>> No.13794356
File: 686 KB, 640x615, 1580782739422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oregon boy here, yep. Fucked. We aren't closed entirely but after this 3 weeks half the crew will be gone and we will be so fucked. If I stick with it I could make buku bucks. We'll see.

>> No.13794371

New York boy here and I know about Johnny Cash.
I Walk The Line Guess Things Happen That Way Ballad Of A Teenage Queen

>> No.13794381

I'm not even a Christian and I knew what to do man. There are a bunch of groups that serve the elderly which are making calls for help already. Find them and go help.

Especially if you don't have a job. Best way to find shared local resources is to help others.

>> No.13794389

Yes help others but it'll blow off.

>> No.13794402

I think a lot of it to mitigate and make sure that old folk are comformated, a lot of folk have been though WW II, stuff we've never been through.

>> No.13794413

You have way too much faith in the government if you think they won't let thousands of people die in the fucking streets.
This isn't even about getting evicted. My roommates are moving out and I have to find another place to live. That isn't being evicted.

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.13794423

What's you're faith in, freaks with pleather jackets with little a's in circles in shitty jackets?

>> No.13794428

Johnny Cash with the Carter Sisters and Carlene Carter - "Wabash Cannonball" and "Were You There

>> No.13794435
File: 540 KB, 1200x2434, +_e9726497a06eff8cf1b4798658cc25c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you've got your new life in order if the apocalypse has come, Cookie.
If you can make camp food, foraged plants and game meat into something good, your continued membership is assured.

>> No.13794436

Ok sure guy, sure you are.
Pull that shit somewhere and see where it gets you.

>> No.13794446

Based positive poster

>> No.13794447

Why don't you one of those idiots tell me when it wasn't here? You dumb asses, you don't know what you're on about. Now go join your cult in san diego.

>> No.13794452

gove scrivenor and Carter Family gals.. June... Helen and Anita

>> No.13794468
File: 3.26 MB, 638x334, 1569280538894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have to join a nazi biker gang to put food on the table
thanks for the laugh and good luck

>> No.13794475
File: 14 KB, 340x350, Dan_casolaro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being completely aware that the government kills people doesn't make me an anarchist you stupid fuck heads.

>> No.13794477

Here's a sad one...
gove scrivenor and Carter Family gals.. June... Helen and Anita

>> No.13794487

The problem with you people for so long with the you can't do any better, so complain like little girls your anarchy bullshilt falls down like little bullshit shit rocks because nobody wants do deal with your little bullshit shit rocks.

>> No.13794494

In all honesty you "anarchist" types are nothing more than crying little girls that cant get their way so have to wear little A's in circles on jackets.

>> No.13794505

there's nothing in this world that makes me smile more than big cats acting like house cats

>> No.13794506
File: 630 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-12-06-23h38m31s967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an obvious samefag reply.
I don't know why you can't fucking read. I never said anything about anarchy and you keep putting words in my mouth. I'm not an anarchist.


there you go. So you can read it for sure.

say "little bullshit rocks" one more time, you fucking double faggot.

>> No.13794514
File: 2.26 MB, 320x400, what a cool cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon

>> No.13794544

I don't care what you are but you seem to be a pretty useless cunt anarchist type whatever you are. Personally to me you're useless cunts.

>> No.13794547

Stuff like this pisses off the useless anarchist cunts.
Emmylou harris,june carter cash, rodney crowell
Ring of fire
They can't deal with it, but they complain about it like socialist cunts.

>> No.13794550

>you're useless cunts.
>you are useless cunts
I'm only one person. Are you from Australia or something? You sound just like the other inept anon from the other thread I'm in who is definitely from Aussie land and has the same shitty posting type that you do.

Anyway, you should go read up on Danny Casolaro. Pretty clear that people in the government had him killed.

>> No.13794552

Winnipeg, Canada. Jobs fucked. Supposed to be busy af tmr(according to past years). Cancelled everything this afternoon. Went from doing 30+ hours a week to nothing for the foreseeable future.
Financially I'm totally fucked. Was barely making things work before, so having half my income next paycheck will ruin me, to say nothing of having NO income the following.

>> No.13794558
File: 405 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-01-27-23h40m09s577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop samefaggin so hard, jesus christ.
Also, you couldn't be more wrong. I love Johnny Cash. Here he is when he hosted SNL and Elton John was the musical guest so he dressed up like Elton.
Shows how much you know.

>> No.13794572

Restaurant dining areas are sparkling clean considering how much I see workers wiping down now, probably cleaner than most places. And what are they planning on doing about all the people who are totally fucked over by these decisions?

>> No.13794584

I mean, that's the question that everyone is currently asking.
It's pointless that places are being kept overly clean since it's airborne. The public is just full of dumbasses.

>> No.13794595

...my utility bill?

>> No.13794597

Take your meds.

>> No.13794600
File: 713 KB, 614x768, __jbFqS7fk2gtQnhyeWJl_2AiF9KDWuLn8YjSnr9OAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's going to be a lot of volunteer services struggling really quickly, if you are healthy you should consider what you can do. Also good chance you can pick up work and a meal through volunteer work. You're not going to be doing anything with your time anyways, except looking for jobs everyone else is looking for. When everything blows over the people that tend to run volunteer services tend to have a lot of other connections.

>> No.13794602

Pro tip: Brew them beer if supplies get scarce. You'll go up more than just a few notches just because you can provide a steady stream of alcohol.

>> No.13794605

Is it airborne? Could have sworn I remember reading somewhere that it's different from the cold/flu, in that doesn't really hang in the air and is transmitted via contact with droplets (like someone coughing at you, or touching something that was coughed on). But maybe that info was wrong.

>> No.13794611

It is. That's why the nanofiltering masks are sold out everywhere

>> No.13794614

Seize the means of production and keep the restaurant open as a cash business while the Boomer kike owners cough to death.

>> No.13794619
File: 1.79 MB, 640x480, Another_Day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a stable unionized government job
>great pay and considered an essential employee
>can steal food, tp, and soap from work
I'm doing pretty good

>> No.13794670

>work around anaheim convention center
>fucking natural products cancels
>work week went from 60 hours to 12
>next week 0
>banquets for 6 months onward are canceled.

>> No.13794680

Literally wtf are you going to do if it's your only job and you have no savings?

>> No.13794691

To think all this shit is going down cause some idiots just had to eat nasty exotic meat

>> No.13794706

Thats one theory. Another is that lab bats were either sold to the market or dug out a the trash from the Wuhan labs. Another is that the lab assistants were idiots who didnt know how to handle a level 4 clearance disease.

>> No.13794707

>unionized government job
why is this a thing?

>> No.13794738

>tfw stole a brand new vitamix, brand new kitchenaid and a whole stack of tin-lined pots

>not even unemployed, just mad about losing annual leave

>> No.13794767

You do not offer a viable solution.

>> No.13794770

Hey I’m from Winnipeg too, apply for unemployment and you can get money within 2 weeks all you need is a bank login and your social security number

>> No.13794801

amazon hiring like 100k warehouse slaves

>> No.13794859

Why were your grandparents out looting

>> No.13794867

good for you m8
what will you blend first?

>> No.13794876

We haven't had any cases in my town yet but already the McD's aren't allowing anyone to eat-in or sit down.

>> No.13794906

>lab assistants were idiots who didn't know how to handle a level 4 clearance disease.
This is the most believable to me. I have met so many idiotic college graduates. Most professionals don't know anything about what they're doing.

My solution is that we change the US government entirely. I don't have any solutions for other countries that are also being effected by this.
Even with a solution, however, there isn't anything to be done about this because no one is going to buy into it. They all want to panic buy and "social distance"

>> No.13795088

Based anon. Fuck the bosses.

>> No.13795119

I bet you have a "Save the Tappan Zee" bumper sticker.

>> No.13795137

The restaurant I work at is just doing carry out and limited delivery right now. It was pretty nice since yesterday it was just chef and I doing everything (making orders, answering phones, ringing people up, doing dishes, running deliveries ect.) and meant I kept every single tip since he's salaried. Shit was nice.

>> No.13795160
File: 316 KB, 579x957, cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hysterics and virtual signaling surrounding the virus will crash the economy lmao
Government taking authoritarian action to ease the worries of retarded people like this dumb bitch panicking over a 1% mortality rate (under 50yo)

There's 0 foresight or planning involved. A vaccine could take a year or two, a 40-day quarentine will at best slow the spread a bit while all small businesses in the service industry go bankrupt
>we don't want people to panic so let's force them to stay home
>for how long, Mr Mayor?
>lol dude I dont know just do it. It's gonna get a bunch of likes on Twitter

Absolute fucking retards

>> No.13795501

Oregon here.
Work(ed) at Red Lobster in back-of-house.
My schedule has been cleared tonight.
I called in about it and they say I'm not fired and the other managers are going to contact everyone and work something out.
I've already filed a claim for Unemployment.

I live alone, I did prepare a bit, got enough food to last a while, and I've got enough money save up for about two months of rent.

This shutdown is only supposed to be for four weeks.
God fucking help me if it actually lasts longer though....

>> No.13795527

Time for a revolution, wagecucks, now you have LITERALLY nothing to lose.

>> No.13795574
File: 1.08 MB, 600x1045, Communist-manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have LITERALLY nothing to lose
Except your chains

>> No.13795578

lol suck my dick spatula fag

>> No.13795591

>be american
>humanitarian crisis hit
>become homeless
Fucking lmao at you burgers.

>> No.13795595

probably going to be out of work next week. I just had $2k in unexpected expenses over the course of the past 5 weeks that has drained me dry too. I hope the BoomerRemover kills every retard who called this an impeachment hoax.

>> No.13795603

That about sums it up. Bad luck = lol, you're fucked.

>> No.13795609
File: 50 KB, 1024x565, 1583901261480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>home delivery service providing restaurants, grills and food joints now hiring extra hands due to explosive increase in demand

lmao just deliver the burger

>> No.13795615

Are you being sarcastic? Every infectious disease expert saw this coming

>> No.13795618

Time to become a Uber Eats subhuman.

>> No.13795621

They're already testing the vaccine on people

>> No.13795626

Why didn't you try getting real jobs?

>> No.13795629

Fuck Cuomo, and fuck the Stacies who are freaking out and panicking over a Boomer Blaster disease.

>> No.13795640

What's everyone freaking out about?

>> No.13795649

>whole cities quarantined and forced to stay at home
>restaurants closed
>people that would usually eat out start learning to cook
>because of economic uncertainty everyone prefers to save money
>state of emegerncy eventually dissolves and people still have loads of food at home
You retards are doomed.

>> No.13795698

Not really sure what you fags wanted Drumpf to do. Every travel ban gets challenged. Mandatory quarantines and COVID19 tests every time someone comes back from a foreign country would get shot down as government overreach instantly because HURR CHEETO MUSSOLINI. Anything more extensive than those options would have been seen as a heavy handed response. Orange Man can't win for losing.

>> No.13795718

My roommate is a waitress and I think I’m fucked with bills now. I told everyone the billionaire mayor of Illinois was dogshit but they all ate up his ads where we sang Beyoncé songs instead of talking about driving up gas prices

>> No.13795732

He could've not cut the part of the CDC that was started for this exact reason

>> No.13795765

The "cuts" you're referring to have not yet been approved by Congress as they are for the 2021 fiscal year.

>> No.13795770


Don't get your current events from the Democratic debates.

>> No.13795772

He literally fired the response team brah. It's not a budget cut. They were fired and never replaced

>> No.13795775


>> No.13795779

Let's stay on food-related topics, guys.

>> No.13795793

I was working for Walgreens and got a job at a restaurant last month. My training started last week and they took me off the schedule, saying they’d let me know how things are going. As the new guy it’s not surprising they cut me out first.

I’m undecided on what to do in case they go under. Even though I had put my 2 weeks in I could keep working at Walgreens, but it’s very likely I’d catch corona from the customers. I also lost 1/2 of my PTO from cashing it into my paychecks when I was getting ready to leave.

>> No.13795796

Apply for loading trucks. The only people you'll see are co workers and maybe driver's

>> No.13795800

That's what you get when you vote for debalisio a crony of bloomburg and suckers for that "gov" cuomo. You peeps were such suckers.

>> No.13795806

I wont miss you, you'll survive.

>> No.13795815

>tfw in the weeks leading up to this my bartender roommate would laugh in my face whenever I mentioned my concerns about the corona-virus and the calamitous effects it would have on society
>tfw he would scoff whenever he saw me bringing bottled water and canned goods I was stocking up on, saying, "you're being paranoid, it's just the flu, bro"

Now, he's out of the job and moping in the living room while I'm at work. It's bittersweet, since he's been humbled, but I could potentially be evicted from my apartment if he can't pay his bills. This all happened so fat. Shit's fucked, brahs.

>> No.13795818

That is really true, not if directly because of this, but because elderly women need a little help from time to time.

>> No.13795824

Instead of having a debate, why don't you post it here? If post any information here then we can all be availed of it instead of it being secret.

>> No.13795826

im one of the only cooks who has a car at my place so i've been delivering. honestly thinking about quitting after this and delivering pizza or some shit. this is chill just driving around.

>> No.13795839

Yeah, this. My roommate literally gloated a couple months ago about making $7k in cash tips, all of which he didn't report to the IRS. Now he's out of the job and freaking out about bills. I fucking hate libtards.

>> No.13795843

Stop being a faggot and realize that islamics are worth than less sacks of dog shit.
Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson - Ring of Fire (live)

>> No.13795851

As opposed to you? a tv bitch that sais nothing but a focus group? no.

>> No.13795853

Ghost Riders (In the Sky) - Willie Nelson & Johnny Cash

>> No.13795854

This poster has a point, a real one.

>> No.13795859

>he thinks cooks make shit in tips
Servers sure, cooks not really.

>> No.13795865

Who gives a shit you little frilly bitches, make your money like anyone else and deal with it instead of being whiny little bitches like you are.

>> No.13795872


>> No.13795874


>> No.13795875

snopes lol

>> No.13795877

You whiny little cunts make me sick to my stomach.

>> No.13795879

The problem people had is that the disease, in and of itself, really isn't that bad. Like, at all. The problems are all caused by a feedback loop of people panicking. I didn't believe at all that it would get this bad, at first. There's no real reason for it to get this bad, except people freaking out.

>> No.13795896

Their are a lot negros involved

>> No.13795898

The government exists by dtealing money from people. Why would it care about efficiency and effectiveness?

>> No.13795900

yo yo yo gimmie gumbent monies, that's thats the negro way

>> No.13795904

Low status wageslaves are going to be low status welfare queens now. This will trickle up to every business

>> No.13795909

Except hes not paying the price of the disease being a big deal. He's suffering because the state is shutting everything down in a panic.

>> No.13795913

Negros were always welfare queens, but now they're gonna sue just like everyone else. Those cumbuckets will get right to the end of the line.

>> No.13795920

Find a source saying he didn't fire the team then

>> No.13795928

I think that it'll be funny suing the Chinese government.

>> No.13795930

It honestly is pretty ridiculous, I get that you don't want to overwhelm hospitals, but at this point that seems like it's going to happen no matter what. It sucks but closing restaurants and making people lose their jobs isn't the answer.

>> No.13795931

Stupid welfare queens suing the Chinese government for ineptitude.

>> No.13795933

The panic is just causing toilet paper to be scarce, it's not a big deal.

The economic damage isn't caused by panic, it's caused by the government imposed shutdown. The economic damage is bad, it is 1930's bad. The only advantage we have is that the world is not on a gold standard so states can go into much deeper deficits. We need many Trillions of stimulus world wide. Fuck Austrian economics, last time the world tried it their way we got 2 world wars.

>> No.13795934

>people are going to get sick anyway, may as well just abandon all precautions and maximize risks

You're retarded.

>> No.13795938

I was talking with some chicks and don't forget tampons and pads and stuff.

>> No.13795940

>bro just wash your hands
>bro just stay home and literally be unable to pay rent and then get evicted
one of these is retarded but it isn't the one you think

>> No.13795942

A lot of you people don't think of the chicks. No wonder you never have had girlfriends.

>> No.13795944

Fashionably retarded

>> No.13795946

Look, I get closing shit like schools, at least kids can still learn via internet and there are programs for poor kids to get meals. But a small restaurant is probably not gonna have tons of people packed into it at once, so long as they place limitations on how many can come in at once and are diligent about cleaning, letting them stay open seems better than putting a lot of people out of their jobs. Unless the government is planning on assisting them during this time.

>> No.13795948

My government has put a ban on evictions for the time being and there are welfare safety nets to make up for lost income in a time of emergency.
Shame you yanks disparage this sort of thing as filthy socialism though. Enjoy your pandemic.

>> No.13795949

Didn't that start with David Bowie, Panic in Detroit?
David Bowie - Panic in Detroit (Live 1976)

>> No.13795953

Shame on us? You're the british faggots that let squatters in your places. FUCK YOU for blaming us for your bullshit.

>> No.13795961

>everyone that calls me a yank is a brit

>> No.13795962

Of course you'll blame Trump when you can blame the EU run by Merkel. That's too much for the likes of you.

>> No.13795966

I've been listening to that Michael Osterholm podcast and he's talking about a vaccine in the works.

I think it's ridiculous to tell people to stay home and not give them any kind of compensation. What's the point of being alive if you are going to end up homeless and dead anyway?

>> No.13795967

It is a brit term for us, we don't take it personally, kind of like we call them limey cunts. We don't think twice about it. Why do you?

>> No.13795971

oh a podcast, so he's really in the works? Yeah right. How much do you get paid to be a shillng faggit?

>> No.13795978

fellow orgonian here
glad to hear you were actually able to get unemployment. Some other people I know were having a hard time getting it because everyone is trying to sign up at once.

>> No.13795980

Why is the state shutting everything down, retard? Riddle me that.

>> No.13795982

>Every infectious disease expert saw this coming
And they did absolutely nothing about it? Sounds like they should be put in the chair.

>> No.13795994

government people have to pretend to "be in charge" that's how they make their money. What are you some kind of doofus?

>> No.13795996

>The economic damage is bad, it is 1930's bad. The only advantage we have is that the world is not on a gold standard so states can go into much deeper deficits. We need many Trillions of stimulus world wide.

Agreed. The government also realizes this will be forced to provide temporary stimulus to its citizens. This is an unprecedented circumstance, and both parties should work together to alleviate the burden that has befallen us so suddenly. As of right now we are in the midst of a global recession, and if policy isn't enacted soon, we'll stumble into a depression. Our best hope is to develop a vaccine or cure, but that will take up to a year and a half, if we're being optimistic. The Chinese insectoids really fucked us.

>> No.13795997

>reflexively launched into an anti-brit screed
>oh, but i don't take it personally

>> No.13795998

I'm willing to believe what you're saying but how is that any better? If anything, that's even more of a stupid move than doing it now. We clearly have a fucking health issue in this country and he's already fucking it up for next year?

That's fucking retarded. You're being fucking retarded.

>> No.13796007


>> No.13796008

wat if you tell them you feel sick?

>> No.13796013

eventhough you twisted it, it was still pretty funny. Fuck the brits and you foreiners would just love that wouldn't you?

>> No.13796019

Someone should kickback in court, no government has the authority to stop companies from running.

>> No.13796025

This is not what the federation of states is about, it's not about taking weird powers.

>> No.13796029
File: 676 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-03-12-21h06m49s536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If post any information here
When ever I see people type like this, I assume they're either really fucking poor at english because they're ESL or because they're a typical /ck/ drunk.

I'm not gonna go into /x/ material on this board. You can just google Danny Casolaro and read about his story and the account from his brother.

Instead of having a debate about non cooking shit on a cooking board, why don't you go read up on stuff before you spout off, typing like a mad man.

>> No.13796033

For restaurants that are closing dining rooms, can you still go in to order take-out? I don't have a car and would rather not pay delivery fees.

>> No.13796034

Keep at it since you're clearly a shillary supporter what's next for you a democrat failure?

>> No.13796035

depends on where you work I think. Last time I worked as a cook, we all pooled tips. They were split evenly.

>> No.13796037

Based bizposter

>> No.13796042
File: 545 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-02-19-12h56m38s557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't vote, you fucking retard.

>> No.13796041

I'll go to the one next door, NY, just to fuck with these stupid government restrictions.

>> No.13796046

what does that have to do with anything that I said?

>> No.13796047

Of course you don't, yet you bother with our elections you foreign sack of shit.
Of course that's OK for you.

>> No.13796053

Nothing since you didn't write anything worthwhile in the first place you fucking nig.

>> No.13796060
File: 433 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2019-12-01-13h38m34s073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the US and I was born here.
Who the fuck said I bother with the government? I don't do anything with the government other than pay my taxes because I literally can't avoid that without going to jail.

What are you even fucking talking about at this point?

>> No.13796062
File: 530 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-11-22-18h33m28s417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, god damn. What kind of fucking bug crawled up your ballsack?

>> No.13796066

What's your foreign major malfunction?
Trump will kill off your stupid foreign dollars, that's why you hate him?
You come across as a selfish cunt to me.

>> No.13796073

You faggits started it, you just don't like an honest response. You can dish it but can't take it. Classic.

>> No.13796076

It can survive for 3 hours in air, but for up to 72 on a surface. That's why surfaces need to be wiped down.

>> No.13796077

Where are you gonna land?

>> No.13796080
File: 392 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2019-12-13-18h37m07s246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't take what? This is text on an image board. nothing more.

Again, I'm from the US and I live here. I have no idea why you keep going on and on about foreign nonsense.
I don't care that he's going to do that. I care that he's shutting down the CDC cause that's actually fucking stupid considering what's happening right now.

>> No.13796081
File: 16 KB, 246x238, 1548589314027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah okay anon

>> No.13796094

Riiiiight, you more than everyone, so you're posting the cure here on 4chan.
That seems legit.

>> No.13796118

I got out of the industry years ago and now in a cushy office job.
Seening past friends on the dole because no jobs.
Restaurants aren't just on hiatus, they are purging staff.

Fast food places shouldn't be closing down.
They should be screening staff and doing drive through only.

Just like Supermarkets should have locked doors a long time ago and prioritiesd delivery so they can actually manage the stock and effectively ration to combat the idiots

>> No.13796119

>I care that he's shutting down the CDC

no one is doing that sweaty.

>> No.13796130

Can't do anything if no one wants to listen

>> No.13796134

He works at the Mayo clinic. I actually got this response from my brother when I brought it up and now that everything is closing he's freaking out

>> No.13796144

wassup mailman
make sure you pivot ;)

>> No.13796148

Working at a Papa Murphys in CA, my place was open yesterday but I'm not sure for how long. Going to call before I go in tomorrow to check.

>> No.13796151

Where did I say more than anyone. What cure? There is no cure. How fucking stupid are you?

It's being halted for next year even though we clearly need it.

Were they in a lab or not?
Sorry but I'm a firm believer that there were labe assistants that graduated the bottom of their class and were just being fucking idiotic about this and now people are dropping like flies.

>> No.13796170

Because if even 1% of the population requires simultaneous ICU, the hospital systdm overloads and lots of boomers die.

Contrary to the memes, there are lots of good boomers who don't deserve to die.

>> No.13796172

Me too..I own a small cafe in one..the university closed originally for 2-3 weeks..
I recieved the email last night..the entire semester will be closed..until April 24th..
This is nation wide in (US) I'm in Los Angeles..globally
I'm beyond fucked, zero income..might just pull out all the equipment and move to a better state, I was planning on Nashville (but was gonna take a year to save) now I might just load up all the keep able stuff (fridges, marzocco, prep tables, ovens) sell the rest (chairs, tables, etc for nothing - to get rid of) and bounce..
No one thinks of it, complete industry is killed, food wholesalers, drivers, office staff, cleaning crews, small craft food companies, wholesale everything companies, loaders, security, all gone)
Beyond fucked doesn't even come close to the proper description..

>> No.13796173

Then, the disease is a big deal after all, huh, you fucking retard?

>> No.13796179

Do you understand how infectious disease research happens? They monitor population trends and virus trends. They can't predict the strain of what it will be that does something like this, but they can orchestrate proper protocol for containing this stuff which they weren't allowed to do since there was no task force to advise anyone on it

>> No.13796183

Jesus. I don’t even know what to say. I’m so sorry, man.

>> No.13796185

I'm a different poster. I agree that this is a rather big deal.

>> No.13796196
File: 75 KB, 360x640, B2FEA9C8-12C0-4B83-B570-769F50B70670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don’t get why a fucking vaccine would take so long. Literally: can send people to moon, but can’t to deal with some cunt bat bug.

>> No.13796198

You'll be alright man. Everyone faces set backs like this in life. Clearly you have the ability to run a successful cafe which is rare. Just get through this and you'll be alright

>> No.13796201

>Thinks we sent someone to the moon
Oh boy

>> No.13796210

I bet you don’t know that we haven’t actually put someone in actual outer space since then, huh, retard?

>> No.13796216

>Implying space exists

>> No.13796225

>can't understand why two unrelated things are unrelated
I'm baffled as well

>> No.13796247

You all laughed at us, US wagies and now this is retribution for years of torment. "WAGIE WAGIE IN THEIR CAGIES", look who's stuck now

>> No.13796254

Based. NEET funds about to be btfo

>> No.13796270

I bet your mother is proud of you.

>> No.13796272

I bet your mother wishes she had my dick again!

>> No.13796288

Rather my family and myself are happy that I even still have a job to go to, even if it is retail. I lucked out and don't work in a place that dicks their employees too much. In all seriousness, my condolences to all of you currently unemployed tho

>> No.13796300

Not ‘condolences’, you fucking retard. You extend your ‘commiserations’.

Thick, ill-educated twat.

>> No.13796304

Yes. I am agreeing with you. Other anons are disagreeing with you which is what I was arguing.

>> No.13796308

lol seethe more neet

>> No.13796318

>have 6months of sick leave banked
>oh boy am i ready for this.jpg
>sorry anon, we are a essential service you have to come into work for the same pay while everyone stays at home.


>> No.13796321

It took life on Earth billions of years to reach the moon.

>> No.13796326

What? How does that work? If you have sick pay and they're not letting you use it during this, maybe it's time to threaten legal action.
Unless they had you sign one of those documents that doesn't let you take stuff to court.

>> No.13796473

Is it even possible to get a new job right now?
I've been a restaurant worker my whole life, its really the only thing I know how to do. I doubt Im getting hired anywhere right now.

>> No.13796478

The stores that are staying open want to hire new wagecucks pretty bad because of the demand. Amazon in particular wants a bunch of new warehouse slaves.

>> No.13796486
File: 17 KB, 214x315, 175720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been working on a vaccine since month 1, it doesn't mean it'll become accessible any time soon

>> No.13796491

No, you're fucked
Apply for welfare if you can

>> No.13796502

>Why aren't you supporting the scumbag cuomo that you voted for?
"You guys all stay home, while I go to the gym and then eat out."

>> No.13796542

I bet you wish you still had your dick rather than cutting it off to be a """real girl"""

>> No.13796574

It takes up to a year to properly test it. First test was done today, second in a couple months and 3rd months after that. Given if the test went well then it will be January at best till it becomes available. Testing isn't just meant for the short term effects but also the long term effects on the human body; reproduction etc.

>> No.13796954

A lot of restaurants may never open again after this.

>> No.13796959

Emergency powers etc.

>> No.13796968

That's very unusual, and in many places attempting that causes a mass exodus of FoH staff. Where I work many servers make more in tips in one busy night than most cooks make in 2 weeks. Technically yes it does vary but very rarely are cooks not tipped drastically less than FoH staff.

>> No.13796982

Even if we developed it right now it'd take a year to get approved for human use.

>> No.13796985

Nope, no restaurant jobs for sure until this blows over, probably a couple months at least.

>> No.13797006

My bad I misinterpreted

>> No.13797046
File: 644 KB, 881x801, 1524110014317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legit worried some of my favorite places will go out of business, keeping a restaurant running is hard enough at the best of times

>> No.13797168


I am so glad I left 4 months ago and got into IT. I was getting fucked over for 5 years, and when I swapped to other restaurants I was getting fucked harder

Now I''m getting "paid" to work at home during the shutdown where I just play video games and jerk off.

The hospitality industry got me friends, a girl, and some great memories but holy fuck do they brainwash people into accepting shitty conditions for shitty pay

>> No.13797978

Dine in only pizza shop i work at has switch to only Delivery and the server girls are now delivery drivers, got a feeling they gonna bail soon.