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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13789454 No.13789454 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any food that makes you wanna vomit instantly after you eat it? Mine is Pizza huts pan pizza.

>> No.13789457

is that the pic of the guy at the feminist rally getting foided en-masse?

>> No.13789459

Oh, and to answer your question, ricotta cheese. I love cheese, I love Italian food, Ricotta cheese makes me want to vomit, in any form it comes in. Weird quirk, I guess.

>> No.13789469


>> No.13789689

A teaspoon of honey. It's not the taste, but I've never figured out the exact reason. I immediately feel nauseous.

>> No.13789699

Spaghetti Carbonara
Any form of cheese except Parmesan

>> No.13789855

Donuts. I am not a picky eater and there are only 2 or 3 foods on the planet that I don't like. That weird heavy, sickly sweet smell of donuts makes me want to vom.

>> No.13789871

Anything that's chewy or rubbery in a food that doesn't typically have that texture. Like when you find a piece of cartilage in your chicken nuggies. God I feel sick just thinking about it.

>> No.13789951

the smell of paper bags and the feel of frosted glass

>> No.13789959

all vegetables especially onions
any bread that isn't sliced
any cheese that isn't american

>> No.13789970

based and shartpilled

>> No.13790058

Fucking white chocolate yuck!

>> No.13790068

We need a picky eater general for you fags

>> No.13790082

raw celery. I fuckin hate raw celery

>> No.13790087

black licorice

>> No.13790089

all seafood

>> No.13790129


>> No.13790142

For me it is unexpected texture. Like biting into, say, a hotdog and there is a piece of griddle or some shit.

>> No.13790158

liver and shredded coconut

>> No.13790392

pearl onions. jarred or frozen.

>> No.13790402

This for me.

I don't get sick, I just immediately lose my appetite.

>> No.13790431

Fucking disgusting piece of shit fucking fruit shit
I can't even stand the smell it's so fucking disgusting I gag

>> No.13790481

Chicken Marsala. I have no idea how anyone could eat this and not kill themselves.

>> No.13791258
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Tonsil stones will make you want to throw up pretty quick.


>> No.13791273


>> No.13791683

Fug newtons, ate a whole pack of them as a kid and puked. The texture is disgusting too

>> No.13791687
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*FIG newtons

>> No.13791699

Buscemi's Steak and Mushroom Calzone. So fatty your pores start secreting grease

>> No.13791759
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Se salmiakki syödään vikisemättä perkele!

>> No.13791764

Innards, sadly
Can't deal with the highly metallic taste of liver, heart, etc

>> No.13791769

Ipecac, for some reason I can't drink it without vomiting

>> No.13791771
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I have an instant vomit reaction to rye. Seeded rye bread will make me throw up just from the smell. I guess there is some chemical in rye that a certain percentage of the population is genetically programmed to find repulsive. It’s been this way since I was a very young child and it’s never gone away.

>> No.13791774

Everything with blue food coloring. Maybe I'm allergic or something.

>> No.13791776


>> No.13791808

corned beef

>> No.13791906

I don't know

>> No.13791911


>> No.13792116

Don't know if you can consider it food but I can't stand looking at or even smelling bubblegum. Just hearing the chewing sound makes me want to puke.

>> No.13792127

Goat cheese. I really wish I liked it since it has so much potential in cooking but to me it just tastes like a fucking goat and I gag everytime

>> No.13792131


I’ve tried it with candy with fruit with honey doesn’t matter, I can’t eat it

>> No.13792212

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.13792217

onion but only sometimes, on pizza or with tuna just makes me gag

>> No.13792239

No, your first post was correct. Fug Newtons is a far more accurate name for those little shits.

>> No.13792425


>> No.13792460

Mayo. I can't even smell it without feeling my stomach turn. I love all the ingredients that are in it, but when combined it's fucking vile. The dried "meat" and shrimp in instant ramen too. The meat is always pure gristle and the shrimp smells and tastes rancid.

>> No.13792482

Baked beans and bell peppers

>> No.13792486

Mine is soy.

>> No.13792921

Stawberry Cheesecake Jell-O

>> No.13792931

We did it, reddit!!!

>> No.13792934

Reddit is based faggot

>> No.13792959


>> No.13792964

Sick burn, bro. Don't be butthurt that Reddit is better than you.

>> No.13792966

mega cringe

>> No.13792973

Beets. I literally can't get them down without gagging.

>> No.13792974

Why are you so obsessed with Reddit? It's like you're gay for it or something but you try really really hard not to come off that way

>> No.13792977

turbo cringe

>> No.13792982

Do you namefag for the sole purpose of obsessing over Reddit? Because 80% of your posts on this board is nothing but you sperging out about it

>> No.13792988

ultra cringe

>> No.13792994
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Any type of fake cheese

>> No.13793014

Hard boiled eggs and bread and butter pickles are the only thing that come to mind.

>> No.13793026

It's probably the fact that it's 80% sugar and 20% water

>> No.13793028
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>> No.13793052


Cauliflower and broccoli. Peas used to but somehow I've grown to quite like them - especially mushy pea with a bit of mint as a side to fish and chips.

>> No.13793063


What happened to that guy? Was he torn to pieces by the hands of those feminists like the maenads tore apart King Pentheus?

>> No.13793193

Pretty sure nothing happened aside from a public "shaming" that caused him to nut his pants.

>> No.13793217


>> No.13793333

Definitely this. Kills my appetite instantly.

>> No.13793346

I haven't thrown up in 7 years.

>> No.13793351


>> No.13793456

>getting so frustrated with a namefag that you attempt to pose as him for epic samefag detection on the chons
Holy freaking levels of CRINGE that were previously thought to be physically impossible...

>> No.13793508


>> No.13793619
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>> No.13794025

Just look at this smug motherfucker.

>> No.13794033


>> No.13794052

Apricot. Even the smell triggers gag reflex. I don't know if that is some kind of allergy.

>> No.13794058
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delet this

>> No.13794062

Olives. Everytime I see one I try it in The hopes something will change, but no. Love evoo though

>> No.13794069

the one and only


>> No.13794076

Olives do have a questionable flavor.

>> No.13794241

Spaghetti Bolognaise. I don't know why but it makes me gag just smelling it.

>> No.13794248

I support this. Also felate cottage cheese. I mean seriously.

>> No.13794299

For some reason fried tomato never fails to make me wanna hurl

>> No.13794370
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>> No.13794643


>> No.13794810

I had eel in france once and I wasnt feeling well when I ate. The smell of it would make me gag for sure, its disgusting as it is.

>> No.13794820

even the name puts a bad taste in my mouth

>> No.13794821

I remember in the past cafeteria style nacho cheese will make me gag if I really take a wiff of it. I am not sure it would now. The sight of it, even cheese whiz (I don't eat it) wouldn't make me gag.

That's a reason I dislike celery in chicken salad. I like chicken, I like celery, I do not like the two together. I think if it's soft or a mush it needs to be consistently so. You can have a hard thing with a soft interior, but a soft thing with a hard interior is unsettling.

Weird I loved it as a kid. I think I'd like it now but I just haven't had the impulse to eat it.

The smell is very unappealing. I love it as a marinade, it seems like some secret ingredient to make anything tender as can be. But the idea of regularly eating it is revolting to me.

>> No.13794828


For me it's olives. Vile fucking things

>> No.13794830

Sweet and savory combinations

>> No.13794838

escargot. like octopus but grainy texture along with being unbelievably chewy. tastes like shit and attempts to cover it up with garlic butter are thinly veiled.

>> No.13795031

any kind of cheese except very mild ones like mozzarella, ricotta or melted processed cheese. grated parmesan is tolerable only in small quantities and mixed in recipes.
everything else makes me literally gag just by the smell of it

>> No.13795042

Jello and ripe bananas

>> No.13796563
File: 77 KB, 1200x960, Green_Sorrel_1200x960_909d423c-4f95-4329-b528-4445d069c8c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff. It would be probably fine if I could erase the memories of school cafeteria sorrel soup from my mind.

>> No.13796605

I like oysters, calamari, and most seafood, but the texture and rubberiness of clams, as well as the uderwhelming taste just makes me want to hurl

>> No.13797056

i think you just hate food m8

>> No.13797158

tuna helper. smells like real bad pussy.

>> No.13797251

Hey schizo shut the fuck up

>> No.13797406

Orange chocolate and fried donuts. Baked are good, but fried; I think I ate way to many in my youth.

>> No.13797423
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Yep. Too many bad nites in my early 20s. Just the smell triggers nasty gagging.

>> No.13797427

Kebab is the most fucking disgusting shit I've ever had the misfortune of tasting that is still technically considered food somehow.

>> No.13797448
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What's even funnier is that some anon recognized 2 of the harpies in the crowd from beastporn vids.

>> No.13797456
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>> No.13797461
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Sorry bros but I just can't do sardines.

>> No.13797481
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>any non-dairy version of milk, especially almond "milk".
>coconut water

>> No.13797486

god i wish that were me

>> No.13797696
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Eggs. Any kind, if it's just eggs or a really eggy dish like quiche or some soufflés. Vomiting inside a minute after trying. I hate it, because eggs are so damned good and in damn near any breakfast out.

>> No.13798698

Bread & butter pickles, just the smell alone makes me fight the urge to projectile vomit everywhere.

>> No.13798711

pearl barley

>> No.13798717

Nah, I love a good naw, it's surprisingly runny textures that upset my tummy

>> No.13798719


>> No.13798755

brazil nuts. holy fuck, if i eat more than two i get that tingly sensation in my stomach that comes before an irresistible urge to puke. idk what it is about them but no other food does this
fuck brazil nuts aka nigger toes