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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13792324 No.13792324 [Reply] [Original]

>go to restaurant
>order Caesar salad
>pronounce "Caesar" properly
>waitress and everyone at the table looks at me like they have no idea what I'm talking about
Why are normies like this?

>> No.13792331
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>pronounce "Caesar" properly
That is going to be different depending on where you live.
Sounds like you made a common mistake by thinking there is only one correct pronunciation and you used to wrong one for your location

>> No.13792335

See 'za

>> No.13792336

of you pronounce it like Kaiser your a dumbass

>> No.13792340

>That is going to be different depending on where you live.
No it isn't, Caesar salad is named after Julius Caesar. There's only one correct way to pronounce his name, the way it's pronounced in Classical Latin.

>> No.13792342

the guy who invented it was a mexican called Cesar
which is the Spanish pronunciation of Caesar.

so you are the wrong one here

>> No.13792343

You do realize it's named after the creator who was an Italian immigrant in Mexico, right? He would have pronounced his name like say-zaar. I seriously doubt anyone would misunderstand you if you asked for a say-zaar salad.
Or did you actually think it was invented by the Romans?

>> No.13792345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13792347

Wrong. see

It's named after Julius Caesar, Caesar enjoyed eating a dressing consisting of anchovies and garum (ancient Roman fish sauce, basically). Quite a bit different from modern Caesar dressing but that's what it's named for.

>> No.13792349

this retard played too much new vegas

>> No.13792351


Wrong link. Both of you are wrong. It's named after Julius Caesar.

>> No.13792352

Caesar Salad is Mexican so the correct way to say it is Ensalada de cesar

>> No.13792354

>educated enough to know the actual origin of things instead of relying on unverified urban legends
>"hurr durr ur retard"
Ok boomer

>> No.13792356

It's named after Caesar Cardini who was an italian who moved to Mexico
Nothing to do with Julius Caesar
You're a dumbo

>> No.13792357

NO it fucking isn't. RTFT idiot

>> No.13792360
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Wrong, wrong, wrong. Stop repeating your bullshit urban legends, you're worse than the idiots who debate the origin of cocktails.

The Caesar salad is named after Julius Caesar because of the fish dressing he used on his. Period. End of story. Read a fucking book nigger.

>> No.13792365

except that there is no record of any roman emperor eating something called caesar salad

yet all evidence points that it was invented in the 1924 in Baja California, Tijuana by a guy called Caesar Cardini

>> No.13792368
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>urban legends
retard frogposter using terms he doesn't understand
the man literally invented the salad

>> No.13792369
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>> No.13792371

The original Caesar dressing didn't even have anchovies, dumbo, it used Worcestershire sauce

>> No.13792375
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>muh frogposter
Dilate, faggot.
Except there fucking is you stupid shit. What evidence points to some Mexican guy inventing it? I majored in history at uni btw, you're not going to bullshit me on this one. I know what I'm talking about

>> No.13792379

romans didn't have Worcestershire sauce

or parmesan cheese

>> No.13792382

This isn't even good bait

>> No.13792384


>> No.13792385

It's called garum, and it makes bong sauce look sad.

This isn't some jug dressing abomination, there's no cheese in dressing.

>> No.13792389

Yeah being a historian doesn't extend you from being wrong
or a faggot.

There is no record of anything called a Cesar Salad until the 20th century

>> No.13792392

>first popularized is the same thing as "invented"
Fucking idiots. It was named after Julius Caesar. You can debate whether Caesar "invented" it because as I said it wasn't the exact same as modern Caesar dressing, but that's WHO IT IS FUCKING NAMED AFTER

>> No.13792398

That's because it isn't bait. OP was trying to make a thread celebrating pronunciation autism and only realized later that he was just retarded.

>> No.13792400

this dumbo doesn't realize caesar is a very common name

>> No.13792401

>there's no cheese in caesar dressing
I've got bad news for you

>> No.13792405

Caesar, or more specifically Cesar, is a very common name among italians, Spanish and latinoamericans.

The guy's name could be Luigi and for all we know the salad would be called Luigi's Salad

>> No.13792406
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>guy named Caesar invents a new salad
>"no this is clearly named after the roman emperor"

>> No.13792408

Cheese goes on top you filthy animal.

>> No.13792410
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>luigi salad

>> No.13792413

The dressing has cheese in it
Sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.13792426

>excuse me, waitress
>while my autistic friends are arguing about that salad, can i have a cobb salad?

>> No.13792429

Then you've been making it wrong.

>> No.13792434
File: 115 KB, 879x627, Lea+&+Perrins+Worcestershire+Sauce+ingredients+and+nutrition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13792656
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Do you have proof? You don't. Educate yourself.

>> No.13792715


>> No.13792743

Every single person above this post fell for the bait.

>> No.13792751
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C'mon, man.

>> No.13792756
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This fucking thread.

>> No.13793025

>See 'za
See 'zaR , you fucking dumb piece of shit

>> No.13793061
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i say seh sarrr

>> No.13793066

I see, I was also forgetting the molasses and dried onion in my tableside caesar too.

>> No.13793108

It's like if you go to some sushi place that's owned by some portuguese guy and you asked the Taiwanese waitress to bring you some "wa-sa-bi" as it's pronounced in Japanese instead of "WUH-SAW-BEE" as it is in English.

If you're speaking in English, speak English. You weren't at some ancient rome LARP cosplay restaurant, you didn't pronounce it properly in your language.

>> No.13793123

>using loanwords
>not just calling it "green horseradish"

>> No.13793137

>>using loanwords
>>not just calling it "green horseradish"
It's not exactly a loanword because wasabi and horseradish are two separate and different things.

Actual wasabi does exist and is used in japan and if you've got the $$$ you can import it as well but because it's hard to produce and comes out in such limited harvests it's of course more expensive than the imitation wasabi that is green food colouring and horseradish. Restaurants still call it wasabi, and people still call it wasabi, even though it's bullshit.

Like how for a while every restaurant in America was serving "kobe beef"

>> No.13793139

Heheh... Caesar... Seizure
Seizure Salad

>> No.13793157

It's not uncommon for two culinarily distinct foods to share a name due to their similarity despite being unrelated plants. Pepper (piperacae) and pepper (capsicum) come to mind.
I'm sticking to my guns on green horseradish.

>> No.13793172

Yeah but in this case it's an issue of marketing, not language.

it's like "champagne". If you produce sparkling wine and you call it champagne and aren't from the champagne region, you're at risk of getting sued by some very angry French people.

>> No.13793180

Yes, but it's not like the Japanese from the Wasabi region are going round up a group of disgraced ronin and hunt me down for calling it what it is: green horseradish.

>> No.13793181

I invented the caesar salad

>> No.13793199
File: 20 KB, 640x591, 1580251095769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to respect other ethnicities and pronounce their names according to their uniquely retarded moonrune system!

>> No.13793205

Oye como va

>> No.13793206

because olive garden only hires valdictorians and rhodes scholars

>> No.13793209

haha man everyone on ck is so funny and grown up this is why its my favorite board

>> No.13793214

Now this is based cringe kino from a SJW simp cuck

>> No.13793228

No, but if anything you would just confuse the Vietnamese waitress that's dressed in a kimono. Wasabi is still called wasabi even if it's not.

>> No.13793230

There wasn't a word in that sentence that I didn't hate.

>> No.13793234

That's the idea. I'd attach a pepe or wojak but the thought of saving it to my hard drive irks me to no end.

>> No.13793248

its named after a mexican waiter guy in LA at the Brown Derby dude.

>> No.13793324


>> No.13793342

What's your name and how do you pronounce it?

>> No.13793345

Pronounced CHE-ZAR-RAY

>> No.13793369

Just say "see zer" you autistic fuck.

>> No.13793385
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>retarded moonrune system
You mean the roman alphabet ? ...

>> No.13793401


>> No.13793402

It's threads like these are confusing to me. I know it sounds autistic.

Is the joke that OP is so snobby he actually did this or is he making fun of people who are? Or is it we aren't supposed to tell so it's "trolling".

>> No.13793413

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.13793417

It's one of those "joke" threads where everyone tries to one up each other in how retarded they can sound.

>> No.13793474

kay - ee- zer

>> No.13793586

No, OP is trying to be the next Irish Stew guy except he's shit at trolling

>> No.13793796
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>> No.13793855
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>> No.13794122
File: 129 KB, 1200x1168, affleck smoking away the pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not named after Julius Caesar, retard, it's named after some spic waiter from California whose name is pronounced 'seezer.' Stop pretending to be retarded on the internet.

>> No.13794232
File: 50 KB, 600x686, 1550649641605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless you, you fucking autist

>> No.13794293


>> No.13794627

ah-weh, true to kai-sar

>> No.13794631

OP is probably joking but I actually do pronounce "Little Caesar's" that way

>> No.13794635

I bet you call the execution device "gill uh teen" and the art museum "the Lov-reh"

>> No.13794644

>im practicing social isolation

>> No.13794660

Its "say-sar" dood

>> No.13795892

... even if you pronounce it like you would in japanese it's wah-sah-bee"? unless "saw" is like "awe"

>> No.13796345

Why would you pronounce it in Latin when you're speaking English? You don't call Germany "Deutschland".

Also nobody knows how to pronounce Latin.