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13787165 No.13787165 [Reply] [Original]

what if alcohol is actually good for you? (Nikola Tesla believed this)

>> No.13787189

If it was good for you why is /ck/ so sad?

>> No.13787217

If you drink a glass of red wine with dinner it might be good for you. Drinking gallons of vodka on the weekends is probably not good for you no matter what anyone says.

>> No.13787316

i miss alc threads on /ck/.

>> No.13787321

What if it was really 4chan that was bad for you?

>> No.13787322

Everything can be good for you in moderation
Everything is bad for you in excess

>> No.13787327

I have too much money and i take a moderate about of heroin.

>> No.13787328

But Tesla was a virgin and died a virgin he was a loser

>> No.13787330

I cannot drink without drinking to excess and blacking out.
anything like that is auto not good for you

>> No.13787340

all i did was drink a bunch of vodka and wine all night and i felt fine as i went to sleep but woke up with the worst vomiting i have ever experienced in my fucking life and stomach pains that lasted 5 hours and made me wish i had a fucking gun so i could end my suffering.

>> No.13787371

and? you know you can do heroin your entire life and function right

>> No.13787380

>your entire life
See, that's the thing about heroin...

>> No.13787404

I guarantee you it's not.

>> No.13787405

The shits I take tell me that it is absolutely terrible for you. Also if you're really deep into alcoholism it kills your appetite.

>> No.13787408

are you telling me the more i drink the more i save on food? why the hell isn't everyone doing this!

>> No.13787430

alcoholics permanently damage their brains not because of the alcohol but because they deplete themselves from nutrients by not eating.


>> No.13787763

Does that mean i can drink whatever i want and however much i want as long as i eat too?

>> No.13787774

No, he’s right. Heroin itself is actually pretty harmless. It’s the shit it’s cut with that’s the problem because you can’t establish your tolerance levels from shot to shot. Lot of very famous recreational heroin users. Kate Moss is one. Bobby Gillespie from Primal Scream. Well known that Anjelina Jolie is a habitual user, too. Good, clean supplies so they can just go on the nod for the weekend. No problem at all.

>> No.13787785

Pretty well documented that a glass of wine or even a beer a day is good for you. Similar how a cup of coffee a day is good for you.

However, drinking in excess is obviously bad, and drinking ANY amount of cheap garbage like malt liquor or strong zero or cheap vodka in plastic bottles is obviously bad for you.

Having said that, I personally love getting drunk so fuck it.

>> No.13787824

You can't prove that.

>> No.13787835

Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable molecules by decreasing secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas (2). Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of some nutrients into the blood (3). In addition, nutritional deficiencies themselves may lead to further absorption problems. For example, folate deficiency alters the cells lining the small intestine, which in turn impairs absorption of water and nutrients including glucose, sodium, and additional folate (3).

Even if nutrients are digested and absorbed, alcohol can prevent them from being fully utilized by altering their transport, storage, and excretion (4). Decreased liver stores of vitamins such as vitamin A (5), and increased excretion of nutrients such as fat, indicate impaired utilization of nutrients by alcoholics (3).

>> No.13787839

If it is good why do you feel bad the next day? Or why does alcoholics destroy their livers?

>> No.13787842

Insofar as humans and human-like ancestors had no choice but to take what they could get in terms of fruits and vegetation I think its possible that ethyl alcohol in small quantities is a part of normal healthy biological chemistry. A small amount of wine or beer might be good for you

>> No.13787847

I think you mean Wernicke Korsakoff

>> No.13787848


>> No.13787849

You probably shouldn't take your medical advance from a random retard on the internet's most retarded fast food forum. And no, by the way, it does not fucking mean that you stupid faggot.

>> No.13787854

alcohol is actually good for your brain on its own, the problem is all of this shit that it causes

>> No.13787876

I take it you've never heard of "wet brain".

>> No.13787886

Wild fruits and vegetables don't have ethyl alcohol. As far as I know you have to turn those into alcohol through fermentation.

>> No.13787887

alcohol is insanely beneficial if you're stressed

>> No.13787888

someone typed this

>> No.13787890

Someone typed this. Feel sorry for them. Fucking faggot retarded bitch.

>> No.13787911

To my knowledge, there's no substantial benefits to drinking, and as a matter of fact the general consensus is that NO amount of alcohol is safe, period. There's the odd study or two (e.g. https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003022)) that show small advantages, but they're incredibly ambiguous and outweighed by the significant ill effects observed even in small doses. However, it is interesting to note that strong alcohol does decrease your risk of developing food poisoning after eating contaminated food, so there is that.

>> No.13787916

>glass of wine or beer a day
Doubtful. Again, much of the research conducted on this is very shaky with no clear benefit seen, and the ill effects are incredibly severe. I mean, a possible reduction in heart disease/stroke from 'moderate' drinking is more than offset by regular drinking increasing those risks anyway, alongside other effects like liver failure, elevated diabetes risk, brain injury, etc.

>> No.13787919

True, as long as you're having the drink with friends, not AS a friend.

>> No.13788024
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For wine it's only true of red wine which makes sense as it's still grape juice with the same antioxidants as grapes (yeast eats sugar and produces alcohol so the vitamins of the fruit juice are relatively unaffected as your enzymes can still get to them and use them) beer is actually hydrating for you better than water as it's practically liquid carbs and has aome electrolytes like sports drinks but that only works and is only really good at 1 glass a day so 8 oz. Or so for the average person. More than that and the tax on your liver catalyzing the alcohol dehydrates you and the antioxidants are offset by the low grade poison that your liver has to deal with now. Most fermented foods have some beneficial effects though saurkraut juice gross as it is happens to be mad healthy for you

>> No.13788713

Responsible heroin use or cocaine use is possible, but the line to cross to irresponsible is very, very thin.

>> No.13788740

He was from kosovo of course he would say that.

>> No.13788743

It ferments when it fall to the ground. Have you never seen drunk monkeys?

>> No.13788784

I’m gonna need a source for alcohol being good for your brain.

>> No.13788909

>muh functioning cog