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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13785570 No.13785570 [Reply] [Original]

What did you stock up on for the impending viral apocalypse and did you have a plan to actually make certain things or just opt for the random shit approach? I bought a metric shit ton of black beans, a few random beans, basmati/jasmine/arrborio rice , coconut milk crushed/peeled tomatoes, and all manner of stocks. Long story short, I got a bunch of other stuff that's too much to list to make a wide variety of stuff. I could live off bean tacos until the middle of June if I wanted.
>Pics related

>> No.13785588
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>Beans and tomatoes
>I ended up with lots of San Marzanos because despite impending apocalypse, God forbid you spend another dollar on tomatoes

>> No.13785591

Man, fuck off. Everywhere this talk about this shit meme virus.
Can't even browse the cooking board in peace anymore without being reminded every 5 minutes of this crap.

>> No.13785594
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>More apocalypse tomatoes and beans
>Also variety of apocalypse nuts

>> No.13785595

Just block the threads, anon. People have the right to talk about things that bother you.

>> No.13785600


>> No.13785604

>tfw Germany has everything in Stock
Just as usual, until the economy collapses and riots happen. Then I'm eating sardines

>> No.13785607 [DELETED] 

this disease is going to define the upcoming decade anon

>> No.13785639

I mean, I could tell you what I'm going to make with all that shit. I tried to buy dairy and cheese that either lasts for a month+ in the fridge or fine not being refrigerated. Same thing basic idea with all the beef. If shit gets real crazy, can just make a cold smoker and smoke that shit. People are starting to lose their shit, so I stocked up to not have to go out unless I need to. If it blows over and I went full retard, all of that is stuff I already would buy. I just wouldn't need to go the store for a few months. I just want to be able to make some tasty shit while I ride out the end of civilization.

>> No.13785651

This is the one of the most crucial component in successful apocalypse menu planning. I have every goddamn spice imaginable. Might make some Tikka Masala tonight.

>> No.13785663
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>Spice arsenal

>> No.13785670

Freeze dried powdered soup and freeze dried instant mashed potatoes
Various beans (dried, not canned)
About 3 kg of oats
About 1 kilo of salami
Canned mackerel in tomato sauces, canned tuna
A jar of mayo and 1kg of non iodised sea salt
about 2 kilo of chocolate
55 litre of bottled water (source, not mineral)
various canned fruits
Some limes
1 kilo of honey

Not including preishables like cheese, milk, eggs.
Probs need more canned fishes, canned fruits and some nuts in there. Also maybe a second slab of butter. I don't have a freezer so vitamins could be a potential problem, thus I grabbed some vitamin pills today, might grab some more next week, no idea. The funny thing is I'm eating healthier thanks to cuckrona.

>> No.13785722

I figure I've got enough for 3, maybe 4 months. I've started seeds already just because I always do around this time, so I should theoretically have veggies by the time my stash runs out. If I need meat, I've for deer and wild turkeys everywhere around my house. The deer and so acclimated to.people that you could hunt them with a hammer. For the record, I didn't buy all this shit because "afraid to go outside because will die from virus". More like "people are retarded and already starting to lose their shit".

>> No.13785768

I've got a 25lb bag of brown rice, 25lb of white rice, 50lbs of flour (I make my own bread), 20lbs of corn meal, 25lbs of white beans and 25lbs of pintos. Luckily I have a 2nd deep freeze packed with meat and chicken. Many quarts of home canned stock, tomatoes and jam. If we get quarantined, I'll miss milk. Have a garden going and we're already collecting dandelion and chickweed as great wild greens to keep off the scurvy.

>> No.13785795

Not sure why you're replying to me specifically but okay.
As far as corona goes, I personally don't care, I probably had it 2 weeks ago. But guns are illegal in my country, and there's no deer and turkeys in the middle of the city I currently reside in, so your advice (or are you just bragging? no idea) is unhelpful even if it was interesting to read your take on the situation.
But what I'm afraid of, isn't the virus but the retarded people losing their shit and disrupting the supply chain. Which is why I begun stocking little by little since 3 weeks ago, instead of panic buying in bulk. None of what I buy is perishable and it's stuff I would have bought anyway; in fact I just bought a little extra.
So yeah, I'm sorry but I can't grow vegetables on concrete and there are no turkeys around here. Turks, on the other hand, I could hunt, but I would rather not risk a taste.

>> No.13785835

>hatred of Turks
Athens, Greece?

>> No.13785843
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I've been keeping tabs and buying a little extra since late February.

Pic related is the bulk of long term shelf stable stuff. Planning for two people and a dog. I've stuck with stuff we eat anyway and we'll work through it even if not needed.

I've focused on:

Long term shelf stable:
Oats + Jam
Pasta + pesto
Peanut butter
Fats (olive oil, butter, vegetable oil)

Morale foods:
Chocolate bars

Refrigerated / Frozen
Stuffed pasta
Frozen veggies

Laundry soap
Dish soap for dishes

I also have a job where I can work from home.

People who know how to cook will eat better for longer and for cheaper.

>> No.13785862

Can you list what your top 5/10 most versatile and used spices are?

>> No.13785867 [DELETED] 

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.13785870

Stop copy and pasting this into every thread. I've read this sentence like 15 times today on three boards.

>> No.13785918

food hoarding is still food and cooking related. Besides, will you really ever regret being prepped on food? Even if the happening blows over fast, would you really ever regret having a full pantry and freezer? Saves you money and stocks you on great ingredients in the long term.

>> No.13785928

>freezing fresh meats as a prep


>> No.13785944


>> No.13785953

no actually, it's a good idea. You can keep it for months that way.

>> No.13785973

>French Basil
>Aleppo Pepper
>Roasted Garlic Powder (yes, is real thing)
>Toasted Onion Powder (is also real thing)
>Lemon/Orange peel
>Bay Leaf
Honorable mentions that don't get used often
>Lavender (replace Rosemary in pork or chicken)
>Pink Peppercorns

>> No.13786005

China fucked us.

>> No.13786011

I usually go to Sam's or Costco and buy meat in bulk and portion it and vacuum seal it. The NY strips and filets I season before I pack them. I usually split the portions into 50/50 singles and doubles so I can just thaw what I need based on what I'm making. It sucks spending 45 mins sealing a bunch of meat, but it's definitely the way to go.
>Way cheaper
>No freezer burn
>Lasts way longer in the freezer and fridge
>Vacuum forces seasoning into the meat
>Can stack your meats like Legos in the freezer

>> No.13786039

Beans, rice (barley, wheat berries or other primal grains are also acceptable), salt and cooking oil.

>> No.13786042

I didn't stock up, when you beta panicked shit birds start dying off cause you're weak (which unfortunately probably won't happen), I'll just take your slut wives and raid your pantry. Pussies.

>> No.13786060

I will say I didn't buy anything that will not get used eventually. I use tomatoes and/or stock for something 2-3 times a week. Coconut milk a couple times every few weeks. It will definitely take me a hot minute to exhaust my bean supply, but whatever. Least I got beans before the grocery locusts cleared them out. It will also give me a reason to figure out something else to do with them besides ghetto hummus and tacos.

>> No.13786081

Well, buddy, good luck. Stores can't keep shit in stock now while fully staffed and no appreciable disruptions in the supply chain. It's all downhill from here. I can work from home. So, while your in a fight to the death with some Asian lady over the last can of peaches in syrup, I'll be at home hanging out with my cans of beans, warm and cozy in my toilet paper fort.

>> No.13786087

Just get Allspice.. No need to get what you have in that pic.

>> No.13786106

Anywhere in Europe has too much Turks, it isn't limited to Greece. Any country harboring muslims in fact, is too much.

>> No.13786114

agreed with you until
>Saves you money and stocks you on great ingredients in the long term.
>lelele if you spend money you save money

>> No.13786123

Buying in bulk is cheaper.

>> No.13786129
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>haha i'll just rob u

>> No.13786135

I mean, why would I brag about having turkeys and deer everywhere? The deer are fucking annoying. They give zero fucks about people here, so they have no problem coming 10 deep to eat all my flowers and herbs and shit all over my lawn. It also doesn't get cold enough for them to die, so they have way more time than they should to spread their deer butter to make more little assholes. There is no effort to control the population here (Colorado) because it's not a Lyme disease state. If this were southern Indiana, they would pay hunters to murder as many deer as they could. You might think having flocks of wild turkeys around is nifty, until you have 30 of them turkey battling outside your window at 3 AM. The turkeys also give zero fucks about people, but unlike deer, turkeys are too retarded to GTFO of the middle of the road. You can't just now them down either, because their pretty big.

>> No.13786169

It literally does save money. Sure, your spending more upfront because it's a larger quantity. However, the actual unit cost is signifcantly less. I also save money indirectly by less trips to the store. I understand can understand if your financial situation is prohibitive of the higher upfront expense, though. I also don't set a grocery budget either,. I just go to the store and buy what I need/want. I figure not eating out sort of washes all that out.

>> No.13786193

Going to my local independent sushi bar on Monday and splashing out cause I hear they've been struggling since the outbreak even though we're in what is currently still the least affected area of the whole country. This "social distancing" nonsense could last for months on end with no end in sight here in the UK as they've stopped individual testing so there'll be no way of knowing when the threat has passed now... fuck that, just wash your hands you filthy animals.

>> No.13786199

Basics for the next couple weeks. Figure after that people will calm the fuck down and realize we will be okay

>> No.13786216

its really odd, I don't see any toilet paper in any of these photos

>> No.13786220

TP ain't food. This is the food and cooking board, not the plague prep board.

>> No.13786223

>TP ain't food
Oh yee of little faith

>> No.13786225

fuck you.
I've never seen that much panic since 9/11.
Can't you let us have some fun for a few weeks ?

>> No.13786231

I personally give zero fucks about the actual virus. I'm 35 and in good health. I'll be fine. If I'm sick for a couple weeks, cool. Not like I have to "go" into work. What makes me a anxious is that a majority of the population is borderline retarded. These are the tards that think people like me are the idiots for having the common sense to secure at least a minimum stock of basic life shit. I saw some guy at Sam's Thursday with an entire cart filled with just cheese puffs.
>Hurr Durr look that nut job with all the beans. Fuck that Mexican beer flu, I got muh 14 containers of cheese puffs
They think this is all going to.blow over in a couple weeks. I would guess that a solid 70% of people don't have enough food to last them 10 days. Same tards think that it's "idiots" like that created the supply shortage and that the shelves will be fully stocked again soon. I have a co-worker that has literally 5 cans of soup and some mayonnaise. Been telling he needs to get his shit together. His response:
>Bro, I can just eat out

>> No.13786241

Because I wipe my ass with baby wipes like a civilized man. TP is for guests. I've got more coming today actually. Will be able to wipe 5-6 babies a day until August.

>> No.13786258
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>> No.13786263

It's literally is all the panic buying that is /currently/ causing shortages though.

>> No.13786269


>> No.13786274

Also, prime example of how stupid people are.
>At King Soopers
>TP aisle empty
>Woman literally talking out loud about how she can't find any toilet paper and how is she going to wipe her ass
>Woman is standing next to a full half-aisle of paper towels
>Say to her "TP.is gone everywhere, why not get some paper towels"
>She says "Oh, I can't flush those"
>Uhhhhh...."Don't flush them then"
>Tard says "What would I do with the used ones?"
>Uhhhhhhhhh...."Throw them away"
>Tard replies "I can't do that, that's disgusting"
A woman that has nothing to wipe her ass would rather have a shitty asshole than use what is essentially a giant roll of TP because she has to throw her shitty toilet paper into a garbage bag.

>> No.13786289

Wow, I can't you guys still have paper towels.

>> No.13786308

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13786352

It definitely is, but the retards have deluded themselves into thinking that once the panic buying wave is done, shit will be back on the shelves. But that's not going to happen.
>People start getting sick
>Sick people have to quarantine themselves for 2-4 weeks
>Sick people passed it along to friends and co-workers because you don't know your sick for a couple weeks
>Some of those sick people work in places that manufacture things you need
>Some of those sick people drive the trucks that get whatever goods to it's destination
>Some of those sick people work at the retailer of said goods stocking shelves, ordering and managing inventory, and running the retail outlets
>Make things thousands of people need
>Manufacturer employs 500 people to meet the demand
>Now 250 of them are out sick for weeks
>Make less stuff
>It takes 10 truck drivers to get the usual amount of stuff to the retailer
>5 of your drivers are sick
>Less stuff can be sent to retailer
>Retailer employs 50 people to manage and run the business to meet product demand
>25 are sick now
>The stuff that people desperately need doesn't get stocked as fast, ordering and inventory management turn into a shit show, etc.
You get the basic idea. There is a limited window to ramp up the supply chain to bridge the gap between inventory and demand before the virus starts to fuck with their operations. It probably won't happen. The second wave of panic buyers are the worst because now they are ACTUALLY PANICKED. No one even has to die for this to be a total shitshow.

>> No.13786356

Not anymore, people figured out that they are not just the quicker picker upper, but can also be the asshole scrubber upper.

>> No.13786378

What is "ghetto hummus"?

>> No.13786399
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efficient use of your own current supplies is the only effective way to handle the problem, well in addition to not being picky
there are a lot of things that will remain in stock by virtue of people having no idea how to make use of them which were packed over 6 months ago
I already lived my life this way in the first place but I'm kinda worried about how the less thrifty posters on /ck/ will fare when they start eating garbanzo beans fried in chicken grease and peanut butter with onions

op bought fucking lemonade

>> No.13786410

>not subsisting on tack while raiding preppers

>> No.13786411

Hummus with a bean other than garbanzo. I use olive oil, lime instead of lemon, cilantro, red pepper flakes, and little bit of cumin. It's basically a Mexican bean dip, but I call it hummus because I hate bean dip. Those little cans of beans dip can eat all the dicks.

>> No.13786438

Basmati, Jasmine, and arrborio rice hung in there for a while because people are too retarded to realize it's still basically rice. Some poor panicked tard eventually said fuck it and took the leap because that's all that was left.

>> No.13786486
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My friend, you are mistaken. Apparently you don't know about the greatest innovation in perhaps the entire history of the lemon.
>7 lemons already juiced with no seeds for 3 bucks

>> No.13786524

>100% pure from concentrate
so I guess they just didn't give you the sugar then

>> No.13786553

That sounds pretty great, I'll give it a shot. Thanks anon

>> No.13786555

It's pretty damn good though. It doesn't have sweet taste of a fresh lemon though. I use it when I need to add acid and the general lemon flavor to something. I also like lemon drop martinis, and this way I don't have to juice 15 lemons to get drunk

>> No.13786559

Also miles better than whatever is in those weird plastic lemons.

>> No.13787706

Good idea to stock up on food that relies on electrical power to last more than a few days.
If you aren't decked out in MREs by now you won't make it.

>> No.13787802


>> No.13788050

why would you waste space on liquid stock when you could buy bullion cubes

why would you buy bullion cubes when you could've bought whole chickens and boiled the bones after eating the meat

>> No.13788055

>you don't know your sick for a couple weeks
5 days, retard

>> No.13788059

the entire salt section was untouched when i was doing my panic buying. spices too. and most mysteriously both bacon and sausages

>> No.13788065

Will the power go out over the WuFlu though?

>> No.13788094

>not a single portion of meat is from the butcher

I guess buying already frozen isn't bad if you're going to just keep it frozen, though.

>> No.13788095

I got a shitload of pasta, a big bag of rice, a bunch of canned chili, huge bags of discounted beef jerky and a lot of Top Ramen.

>> No.13788098

How long is its shelf life? Most of these things have preservatives in them you obviously won't get from freshly squeezing lemons.

>> No.13788102

Shut up faggot, nobody cares that you're a pretentious fuck who goes to """the butcher""" for meat.

>> No.13788105

It's really more about regulating portion sizes than being pretentious.

>> No.13788108

>0. salt
>1. black pepper
>2. thyme
>3. garlic powder
>4. paprika, preferably smoked
>5. asian: white pepper
>5. normie: rosemary
>5. chili guy: chili powder

>> No.13788110

you can weigh food after it has been defrosted or cooked. I have no idea where you're going with this line of thought.

>> No.13788112

the meat is of a higher quality at a butcher, and in some cases Ive found is cheaper than a super market

>> No.13788120

Realistically how long could I live on my fat reserves? 180lbs here.

>> No.13788131

what relevance does that have to portion sizes

>> No.13788138

Doesn't tell us anything about how fat you are retard. If you have a low body fat percentage then not long, if you're a lardass then you probably have two weeks to a month.

>> No.13788140

Good thing the smart people stocked up over a year supply before the normies started buying it up ;)

>> No.13788143

i'd say you have a lot longer than a month if you're a fatass.

>> No.13788158

>What did you stock up on for the impending viral apocalypse?
Nothing. Unless you count a crate of beer and a box of wine, but I would have bought those anyway.

>> No.13788163

About 2-3 weeks before you start to REALLY feel it
t. former 185 who fasted for weight loss

>> No.13788168

there was a study done on fasting a long time ago where a fat man (300+ lbs.) fasted for over a year. the only thing he ingested was water with the required micronutrients. at the end the guy was about half his weight and healthier than ever. I don't have the link but I'm pretty sure I didn't dream this.

>> No.13788174

Yeah, but after a few weeks he'll start thinking that he'd rather get the virus than keep going

>> No.13788180

yeah, probably. that's why I do 16:8 or 20:4 5x a week then eat regularly on the weekends. easiest routine I've found to stay dedicated to.

>> No.13788196
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>I just want to be able to make some tasty shit while I ride out the end of civilization.

you literally cant comprehend that in a month you'll be tired of eating the same shit everyday and, going by statistics, you'll throw away 25% of your stock because it's old and unappetizing. i bet you wont even last a 48 hours without going to a fast food place, like not even a legit restaurant.

>> No.13788206

protein powder
water purfication tablets

>> No.13788208


>> No.13788218

i sense much projection in this post for whatever reason

>> No.13788221

I actually gave up the fasting in favor of just actually counting calories. It's more sustainable, and as long as I don't eat too much I can still eat all the food I normally would. Plus if I end up overeating one day (like getting invited to a meal I wasn't planning on) I know more or less how much I have to reduce my intake the next.

>> No.13788225

i counted calories for a long time, and while it works better than anything, it takes away a lot of the freedom of choice imo.

I fucking hate calculating the number of calories in an entire pot of chili or soup and then having to weigh every ounce I take out of the pot for the calorie counts to be correct.

>> No.13788244

You don't have to be quite that exact about it unless you're going for minmaxing your weight loss. I eyeball things all the time and I'm still losing weight. 140 next month.

>> No.13788248

are you a woman? why would you want to be under 140?

I figure if I'm counting calories, I want to know macro splits, and if I need 200g of protein, the other 2 are pretty much set in stone, hence the precise counting. putting the work in, may as well get as much as I can out of it, y'know?

>> No.13788252
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guys what is the energy gain from a roll of toilet paper?

>> No.13788253

not him, but I have a lot of spices. Excluding garlic, salt & pepper which are obvious staple spices, if I only had to pick 5 herbs/spices, I would go with:
oregano, smoked paprika, ground cumin, ground coriander as 4 absolute locks.
the 5th I would pick whichever of chilli, rosemary or a curry blend (garam masala, ras el hanout, tikka masala etc), you most prefer. I personally use rosemary all the time so I'd pick that, but other people might prefer a lot of heat so get chilli, or regularly make curry so use a pre-mix blend.

>> No.13788273

>frijoles negros
racist much?

>> No.13788282

what do you use coriander in for it to be such a commonly used spice for you?

>> No.13788289


>> No.13788316

>vitamin C
>protein powder
>spices and hot sauces

When everyone is sick of eating white rice for a month I'll have all the spices for trading. When everyone is getting scurvy I'll have the vitamin c for trade. When all the meat is rotten I'll have the protein supplements.

>> No.13788347


Nothing will save your failing firms.

Coronavirus is cute.

>> No.13788419

salt + garlic + pepper + cumin + coriander is a basic middle eastern spice blend, I use it all the time with chicken either directly on the chicken or combined with yogurt as a marinade.
the above plus tumeric + nutmeg + chilli (optional) when used with coconut cream/milk makes a basic curry
using smoked paprika with the first blend makes a really nice european style stew if made with tinned tomato with beef, meatballs etc.

>> No.13788448


>> No.13788503

Not a woman, but a manlet. Also I have no muscle. 140 is a few BMI points above the lower bound of "normal" for my height, so I figure once i hit that I can figure out where I want to go from there. Either maintenance at that level, or start trying to gain weight in the form of muscle rather than body fat.

>> No.13788558

Anons what is the best drink for apocalypse? Something with high alcohol content but also something I can drink of its own without juice or soda? I'm a beer guy myself and I'm struggling to figure out what to buy for the apocalypse, beer isn't very convenient to hoard, I need something stronger

>> No.13788620

Why do you even want to get your body in shape if you're a manlet? No woman is ever going to want or respect you anyway. Either live it up and eat whatever you want or kys.

>> No.13788655

Because in my country women are womanlets so I'm still taller than they are

>> No.13788746

thanks for the info.

>> No.13788778
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most recent store trip
>pizza base box mix (for the yeast, they were sold out)
>2kg sugar
>1kg caster sugar
>1kg apples
>1 lemon
reasons: i wanted to make apple jam and turkish delight
you guys are freaking out over nothing
should've bought eggs desu but its night time here so i can't, i wanna make apple jam doughnuts

>> No.13788791

>turkish delight
can I have some?

>> No.13788794

haven't made it yet but you can when i have :)

>> No.13788801

aww :)

>> No.13788816

Peanut butter, powdered milk (or whey), multi vitamins, beans, flour and sugar, potato’s, large bags of rice, etc. Just emergency stockpile, things will probably be OK but it is sensible to have some goods stored away

>> No.13788840

>be me
>fat ass
>ate all the food i bought that i was meant to save until everything was closed down

shit i think im doomed bros

>> No.13788869

Bullion cubes where all gone and the store, but the place where I buy my spices had some, so I got 5. I have a few whole chickens that I will make some with eventually.
I didn't buy it frozen. I bought it fresh and vacuum sealed it at home.

>> No.13788873

>bullion cubes
Gold or silver?

>> No.13788877

I haven't eaten fast food in two years. I eat out like once a month. Try again.

>> No.13788883


>> No.13788886

>Fucking phone

>> No.13789045

relatable, it takes 2 packs of instant noodles to make me feel full

>> No.13789329


legit question, how fat are you OP

because every coronoa prepper i've seen so far irl has been either fat old or both

>> No.13790117

What happens to uncooked rice if you store it in the freezer, but not inside a sealed/airtight container?

Will the humidity in the freezer cause it to spoil?

>> No.13790131

allspice is itself a spice

>> No.13790138

Well really, fat and old are the two groups most likely to die from it so it makes sense.

>> No.13790471

I'm just going to not eat for the two weeks or so my city is going to be quarantined
I've been storing up my whole life for something like this, and now I get to put it to use

>> No.13790479

Leftists are in overdrive right now, trying to force this shit to affect the election.

>> No.13790842

Even China didn't have utility failures. That was probably helped by industry grinding to a halt.

>> No.13790844

That is something to point out. It'll be miserable but a lot of Americans are fat enough to make without food for a bit.