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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13785380 No.13785380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

been awhile /ck/
what ever happened to the al/ck/ Threads?
whats your favorite drink? what are good spirits to cook with?
Why do you drink?

>> No.13785473

I’m drinking a vodka tonic right now.

>> No.13785478

For me right now it's gin tonic (with lemon and pepper).

>> No.13785490

>what ever happened to the al/ck/ Threads?
banned for being blogs. The ultimate fate of many long-going generals.

>> No.13785493

Stoli and gatorade

>> No.13785502

Why would you put pepper in a g and t?

>> No.13785503

fucking gay, thats basically what a thread is

>> No.13785523


>> No.13785525

I got the recipe from your mum, you should ask her.

>> No.13785532


>> No.13785534

whats the difference between a blog and a thread? really? 4chan is a forum, reddit is too, whats the difference besides edgy fags like you?

>> No.13785535 [DELETED] 
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my first non-pleb whiskey, it tastes fine compared to the cheaper ones I'm used to. any recommendations?

>> No.13785538

bro alcohol is going nowhere, go bake your weed cookies at home no one cares

>> No.13785543

i enjoyed reading those threads. it was morbidly enjoyable, so many incredibly fucked up individuals there. faggot mod cunts ban that in favor of fantastic do americans really, fast food and eceleb threads.

>> No.13785546

yeah I still don’t understand their reasoning

>> No.13785551

btw it's still filled to a quarter, it just looks empty from that angle lol

>> No.13785560
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I picked up a bottle of this last night. Found it during a late night booze run and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to drink and how fucked up it got me. Dangerous and delicious if you enjoy a nice Rose of any kind.

>> No.13785572
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>> No.13785580

Just talk about alcohol you like, the taste of it, cocktail recipes etc. and not about the personal problems alcohol causes you and the thread should be fine

>> No.13785586

>Why do you drink?
It reduces stress, which improves health.

>> No.13785624

I just did. She said you got it wrong, and what she actually said was fucking you was like putting a tiny pecker in a bin.

>> No.13785684 [DELETED] 

I'm learning to drive at the moment and I think i've just realised that i've been over the legal limit for almost all the lessons I've had so far. I had a lesson today even though I drank 4 high strength beers. like 2 litres of 6% beer before my driving lesson

the weird thing is is that I drove the best i've ever driven. my teacher actually commented on how good my driving was. Weird, but i don't think i'll be as careless with my drinking and driving in the future

>> No.13785688

quit, he might make note you constantly smell like an alcky, cause believe it or not, shit reeks off people and the only ones who can smell it are people that havent been drinking

>> No.13785698

No, a /ck/ thread should be about food and cooking, not losers whinging about their shit lives.
That's what r9k is for.

>> No.13785704

what if people just pass it off as how you usually are, if you meet them for the first time hungover? plus after i drank those beers I had a deep clean - shower, brushed my teeth, shaved, everything. and I wore clean clothes

>> No.13785709

that smell mainly comes from your lungs dude, which means that alcohol is still in your system, really doesnt matter how much you clean up

>> No.13785715

look in the catalog and tell me how many threads are up that arent about food and cooking that havent been banned, faggot.

>> No.13785721

Miss my time sheet for my first check so I got a reduced pay advance with all my actually money coming on wednesday

Got a fosters and one of those weird cocktail mixture cans while I wait for my paycheck. Also got a nice little 2 week vacation where I "work from home" which is honestly a joke so I'm excited to get a bottle of whiskey and just play Marvel or something

>> No.13785737


>> No.13785757

My best guess is that it created an environment where people were reinforcing severe alcoholism
>Here's dumb shit I did x50
>Anon goes out for a drinky drink night
>Starts drinking lots
>In drunk state, decides that "eh, if I can make a good thread about it, fuck it"
>Gets worse and worse
>Year of Al/ck/ threads later, the regulars are severe alcoholics and people with passing interests and minor alcoholism (which they don't realize they have)
>Passerby start taking after Al/ck/ "heros", drink more, progress more into their alcoholism, etc

Now even with all this reasoning, all of this is still a bad call from the mods. 4chan is extremely harmful for your mental health and wellness as a human being, and with all the shit that goes on in /r9k/, /b/, /pol/ etc and people being reinforced on really really unhealthy habits. To point at the alcohol Boogeyman is disingenuous.

Alcoholics WILL find depressed spaces and WILL enable each other no matter what the mods do.

>> No.13785761

Drinking some beers. I drink because I am an insecure loser.

>> No.13785796

Ironically, it was one of the most comfy threads. Other than the sturmdrumpfers who believe alcohol is the death of the white race, the real /alc/ posters were very mild and comfy.

>> No.13785811

youre talking to a true alcoholic, ive drank 4 8 percent pints and stopped at 11 pm and still smelled 12 hours later.

>> No.13785822

honestly, i used those threads so not only i didnt feel alone with battling alcoholism, but also talking to people who did beat it, kinda like an online AA

>> No.13785854

how can you tell you smell

>> No.13785875

you yourself cant smell it, it radiates off your breath (lungs) and the biggest organ in your body: your pores from your skin, i remember when i was really bad i could stand 10 feet away from my buddy talking to him and hed ask if i drank the night before cause i reeked
even though it was the night before id shower the next morning really good, brush my teeth, smoke a cig, and chew gum at work, all of it still failed

>> No.13785881

Every 3rd thread is some faggoty beer or whiskey thread made by a newfag. You dumbshits don't need more alcohol threads.

>> No.13785894

my guess would be that vomiting and pooping themselves isn't food or cooking related
though neither is tobacco, but those threads are more in line with the /alc/ threads that don't get deleted like brewing threads

have you tried other boards like /adv/ or /r9k/ ?
there are actual online AA meetings though that exist but they require a bit more commitment than posting on 4chan does

>> No.13785900

/adv/ is dead everytime i went there and /r9k/ is always a bunch of spergs

>> No.13785902

whom are you calling a newfag? how long have you been on 4chan? i'd be shocked if it was more than a couple of years.

>> No.13785971
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>that first shot of the day

>> No.13785989


>> No.13786335

Fake af, that's not how an /alc/ in withdrawal shakes, not even close.

>> No.13786351

its a joke you autistic retard

>> No.13786386

wow anon, do you really think it's fake?

>> No.13786412


>> No.13786440

I read in one of James Bond book the that back in soviet times spirits were sometimes made poorly and putting pepper in them soaked up any oils or adulterants and then sank to the bottom. probably not based in any form of reality.

>> No.13786505

al/ck/ were nice to visit and not feel bad that i drink 2 bottles of wine every day

>> No.13786536

I stopped drinking. I kind of miss the fun times, but I don't miss how it was ruining my life.

>> No.13786544

>favorite drink
St Bernardus Abt 12

But mostly the free shit from work is what I drink.

>> No.13786552

I am drinking vodka and water.

>> No.13786557

You should eat the bullet she gave you the recipe for

>> No.13786572

Mods banned those a few months ago.

Glad to see they are back!

>> No.13786577

who here BOWAD (bottle of whiskey a day)

>> No.13786586

Glad you did.

I woke up feeling like shit two days straight

>> No.13786588

Actually, speaking to the people there, if you were only "new" to being alcoholic, they'd encourage against it. They'd only really talk about their shit lives, to dissuade you from becoming like them.

>> No.13786596


If I take another one down
I'ma drown in some poison, abusin' my limit

I think that I'm feelin' the vibe, I see the love in her eyes

I see the feelin', the freedom is granted
As soon as the damage of vodka arrived

We are all going to make it

>> No.13786602

Nice, I’ll keep an eye out for it

>> No.13786631

Any preppers?
Have a few bottles of scotch and 36 beers, won't last long.

>> No.13786636
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Just picked up pic related, it's absolutely an amazing whisky, it's my second time buying it, and I forgot how good it was.

For cooking booze, I always either put rye or bourbon in chili, I make beer-braised onions with liver using an english ale,

>> No.13786781
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>> No.13786824

Caveat being that hey only happen on Weekends.

Good enough for me. My drinking days are Friday and Sunday.

>> No.13786828

Been drinking but the bottom left side of my stomach is starting to hurt

What does that mean

>> No.13786831
File: 25 KB, 560x1000, martell-vsop-cognac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a whim I picked up a bottle of martell vsop, much more fragrant than I recalled, I'm tempted to start exploring cognac and armangac a little more

>> No.13786879

I want to get into brandy but I like my liquor on the rocks and I get this idea that brandy shouldn't be drunk that way.

Or I'm just being a huge faggot IDK.

>> No.13786909

Brandy and whisky are *supposed* to be drank neat, but you can do whatever you want. Also I think it's more acceptable to drink cognac on the rocks as opposed to brandy.

>> No.13787458


You're not a loser man. I'm having a Double Chocolate Stout right now. It's low abv at 5.2% but's really easy drinking and a nice closer for the night. It's really good. It's from England and has that ball in it. haha. It's really good though. I like it a lot.

>> No.13787489

Gin gimlet, but with regular lime and simple syrup. Every bar around here uses roses and it's terrible

>> No.13787499
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>> No.13787509

I quit drinking. I hope my body and mind recover. Two werks now. No more blackouts, no more shaking, no more panic. Enough.

>> No.13787518

Amazingly true, and I ain't even an alckie degenerate.

>> No.13787534


If you don't think about Alcohol and don't savor the taste or appreciated well made alcohol why do you post. Go back to /adv/ or /b/. People don't need to hear about your sob sobriety story. Good luck to ya but BORING!

>> No.13787541


-I cook with beer and wine
-the pain is too real

>> No.13787738

turning 21 next month, should I start drinking? used to drink some cheap gin and beer my dad bought but never drank anything else. Is it worth it?

>> No.13787747
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I want all al/ck/ies to die
I hope every state you're in to ban all tobacco/alcohol sales

>> No.13787749

I drank .5 liters of vodka the other night. Most I've drunk I think. I just drank out the bottle.