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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13779610 No.13779610 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with Dasani?

>> No.13779615

It's $1 more and I shop at Aldi because I'm poor.

>> No.13779620

what's wrong with tapwater?

>> No.13779623

The real question is why is there cottonelle toilet paper in the background. That shit should be sold out already.

>> No.13779682

It's poorly filtered and tastes like shit.

>> No.13779740

its not spring water. It is just filtered water which typically has a shitload of microplastics. if you are going to drink bottled tap water most people buy the store brand.

>> No.13779750

>6 bucks for a 24 pack of water
I more convinced this virus was created by Toilet Paper, Water bottle, and Ramen Noodle companies to make bank on retards.

>> No.13779792

Tastes like shit. It's worse than even the worst tap water I've ever had.

>> No.13779799 [DELETED] 

wallahi, dasani was my favorite pornstar of the early 00's

>> No.13779800
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>will need more toilet paper in a few weeks s figured I'd buy a pack while I'm out shopping for groceries
>fuckers bought it all
Fucking idiots hoarding toilet paper for no reason.

>> No.13779820

normies think hoarding toilet paper will help them not get the flu when they literally aren't stockpiling food
I just can't imagine thinking like that how is it so fucking popular?
I'm starting to unironically ree

>> No.13779821

the best part is there are shortages only because they are hoarding it

>> No.13779825

Are you in Australia? This is making international news about Australians, and it's pretty fucking funny.

Hot tip, Australia: ever heard of a shower?

>> No.13779829 [DELETED] 

they'd rather hoard fibre supplements because it allows you to shit out clean logs that don't really require any further wiping.

>> No.13779830


>> No.13779832

Give it 2 weeks and everything will probably be back to normal.
Retards panicking are still retards.
Also toilet is the most worthless thing in these types of situations.

>> No.13779844
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It fucking tastes like stagnant pool water.

It's more expensive and comes in smaller quantities than even CVS or Wal-Greens branded water.

It's the second worst bottled water I've ever had second only to Aquafina - that will always be the worst in my book.

Trust me, I've tried to like Dasani because the bottles are rigid and sturdy as fuck, and it's a Coke product (my last name is pronounced as such), but holy shit, how do you fuck up water that bad.

The local pizzeria near me used to run a Coke fountain, and somehow it produced the very best tasting water I've ever had come out of a tap in the US.

Don't know how it happened, I ended up working a place not 500 feet away that had a Pepsi fountain and that water was nigh undrinkable. Then, years later, I stop by to say what's up and the pizzeria gave up Coca-Cola for bepis, and sure as shit, their water sucks now.

I really miss that water. So crisp, dry, cold, flavorful and still fairly neutral. It made me happy to drink it, and I could easily make myself sick by drinking too much of it - that's how delicious it was.

>> No.13779852

Same here. All the cheap shit is gone from wallmart. But no one will touch Dasani.

>> No.13779864

Did any of you grow up on well water rsther than city/municipal tap water/ I grew up on well water and I like dasani. Something about the added minerals maybe? I don't like Arrowhead usually, Crystal Geyser is ok.

>> No.13779879
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Best water coming through

>> No.13779883
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>> No.13779884
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Yes, and I've lived outside of the US, as well as traveled extensively

Canada has really nice tap water

Dasani tastes heavily of chemicals to me.

>> No.13779885

Yikes, mine is 10 cents a bottle.

>> No.13779887

yet mine is still better, cope harder poorfag. alternatively just use a zerowater.

>> No.13779899

What? I can't hear you from atop my mountain of Kirkland gold bars! Maybe you'd have gold bars too if you didn't waste it all on sparkling ditch runoff!

>> No.13779902

i have cases of members mark water anyway, probably comes from the same bottling plant. still have my electrolytes though, unlike you.

>> No.13779933


>> No.13779936

is that nirvana water still around?
that stuff is good

>> No.13779938

>muh electrolytes
shut the fuck up you sparkling faggot

>> No.13779940

ok mr dehydrated plastic nigger

>> No.13779942
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>> No.13779948

>buying bottled water during a pandemic
>buying toilet paper for a respiratory disease
Honestly, how much would we really lose if the virus killed a few million?

>> No.13779949

The company that owns them wants to tax people on clean tap water so that they're forced to buy bottled. It's also just flavorless distilled water at twice the price of literally any store brand.

>> No.13779953

drastically less than we'd gain

>> No.13779968

That pic reminds me that Walmart stopped carrying King's Kimchi and replaced it with Nasoya, which barely has any flavor.

>> No.13781056

Do people actually not like dasani or is this some meme? Its the best tasting bottled water I've tried.

>> No.13781097

I would have bought the mushrooms to use for risotto

>> No.13781163

My tap water smells like spoiled eggs

>> No.13781171

well water gross. can't you just get a reverse osmosis system for your house or some shit?

>> No.13781177
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>tfw Scottish
>delicious flouride free water whenever I want it, free of charge

>> No.13781192

flat earth 2.0. It's a manufactured craze to study mob thinking and rumor propagation.
Just be grateful they haven't realized you can't eat TP

>> No.13781222

It's mostly niggers, slant eyes, wogs and mudshits. White Australians have common sense.

>> No.13781225


>> No.13781228

dasani tastes fucking awful

>> No.13781236

i hate the sulphur taste of dasani
its literal doo doo water tier when its room temp

>> No.13781237

Its um, "collected", filtered and sold by Coca Cola

>> No.13781256

why are white australians so racist

>> No.13781269

Just stating facts, poof

>> No.13781277

The only person I've actually seen overbuy toilet paper was a white guy. A fresh load had just been stacked on the shelf and he took about twenty four-packs and carried them to the register with a weird smug look on his face.

>> No.13781281

>there are shortages only because they are hoarding it
Same thing happened with 22lr a few years ago.

>> No.13781284

The best part will be when the hoarders aren't buying toilet paper for a very long time because they already have too much, so the toilet paper starts selling at a heavy discount to keep the product moving. That's when I'M going to stock up big time.

>> No.13781287

That's the problem mentality
>I need to get some before everyone else buys it.
>Said everyone
>I might aswell buy a little more just in case I can't get more later

>> No.13781291

Get a load of this kilt lifting haggis prodder

>> No.13781316

This. People are just panic buying because they're scared and buying stuff feels like a way of doing something, taking back a modicum of control and they're seeing other people doing it, so it must be the smart thing to do.

>> No.13781332
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>drinking tapwater

>> No.13781340

not everywhere is filled with morons panicking.

In my area most stores still have plenty of dry goods, canned goods, frozen goods, toilet paper, and bottled water.

>> No.13781346

>literally aren't stockpiling food
Ive been out of town for the past week and im heading home tomorrow. Last i heard there is no food there(denver)

>> No.13781347

Hairy muff

>> No.13781348

>reverse osmosis system for your house or some shit?
I have city water anon

>> No.13781352

why are you guys stocking up on TP

>> No.13781354

It's owned by coca cola. So it costs more, tastes worse, and probably has poison in it.

>> No.13781355

People are convinced they need a year's supply or they won't make it through the virus.

>> No.13781356
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because they commited a damn near genocide. Because they're mongrels in denial.
They're like America was a century ago. young and insecure.
They're at a different stage of development

>> No.13781359

but why TP?
I mean, food sure, but TP?

>> No.13781368

I think the idea is that if the virus gets bad, they want to be able hunker down in their homes for a non-defined length of time and TP is "essential" for doing that. That and other people are buying it and it's in short supply, so it must be the right thing to buy.

>> No.13781370

Preppers are mentally ill and therefore poor.

>> No.13781376

Don't forget to prep the bull.

>> No.13781403

The Soyrizo and Kimchi are legit, also Tofu if you do something like Mapo Tofu

>> No.13781413

I watched a couple of Fiji faggots on youtube do a water blind taste test and they preferred the Dasani. It's all in your heads, elitists

>> No.13781415

people are stocking food, the canned goods section at my local was massacred all I wanted was some chowdah

>> No.13781435

heavily publicized pictures of asians who were hoarding it to make surgical masks translated into some paranoid WHITE australians buying it. So when dumb white people in the USA saw THOSE pictures I think they got confused and thought there was going to be some kind of shortage, which has thus translated into an actual shortage because of herd mentality
It's just low IQ stuff but it's created an actual real problem

>> No.13781448

I think it's interesting people are stocking up on canned and dry shit when even if this gets bad, we'll still have power, there's no reason to not go for frozen or refrigerated stuff. I'm convinced half of these panic buyers are gonna get tired of eating out of cans and "risk it" to the store to buy normal food in no time.

>> No.13781488

seething fluoride tranny

>> No.13781495

There's a lot more storage space outside the freezer than in it.

>> No.13781520

panic buyers aren't acting rationally, isn't that the idea?

>> No.13781534

I live in Manhattan and, despite all of the reports of crazed New Yorkers damn near murdering each other for scraps of food, I decided to visit the supermarket for some minor items I forgot.

...supermarket around the corner from me was stocked to the ceiling with damn near everything and the place was empty of people. I shopped at my leisure and doubled up on things that would be nice to have. I don’t hoard things I wouldn’t normally eat anyway, so if there is no pandemic I’ll just have groceries for a month or two.

There were only two items that were completely sold out: 1. Clorox Wipes and 2. Free Range Chicken (only the nasty factory farm chicken). Oh well, already have those at home.

Kicking back now watching the Friday the 13th marathon and enjoying the piece and quiet.

>> No.13781587

Staged photo since this whole thing is a hoax

>> No.13781616

Manufactured scarcity. It's the stupidest of all mentalities because these people are creating their own problem when none would ordinarily exist.

>> No.13781622

Yeah, but a lot of these panic buyers are only buying a couple of weeks of food.

>> No.13781674

Honestly even that is probably overkill. It's a short term virus, not World War 3. You get sick for a couple days then feel better and resume a normal life. Most of the people cowering in fear for the next 6 months afraid to go out are just pussies.

>> No.13781698

If youre poor, why do you want to stay alive?

>> No.13781703

There's also the oil price war and threat of recession.

>> No.13781723
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I'm so sorry you live in the third world anon

>> No.13781749

>muh electrolytes
You do realize that you can just eat food, right anon?

>> No.13781753

Finally a thread on /ck/ about the coronavirus, this is just what I needed.

>> No.13781754

Which would also not be a problem if people would just stop panicking and act normally. Fuck's sake it's a minor virus, not the bubonic plague

>> No.13781758

same, only got like 4 rolls left. fucking stupid hoarders.

>> No.13781772

>tfw ibs so bad doctors have no idea what to do
>tfw I go through an embarrassing amount of paper each poo
>tfw only a few rolls left and even the store brand single ply sand paper rolls are gone

>> No.13781774

Vaseline your rectum before you poop so it's easier to wipe.

>> No.13781824

Overpriced and BPA = Estrogen

>> No.13781829

Niggers drink it

>> No.13781895
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>Go to my store to buy some beans and pasta today because I realized my food stockpile could use some touching up
>MFW it's full to the brim with retards panicking over toilet paper and canned vegetables
Do these retards not know what to actually stockpile in case of an emergency? Do they assume if they did get the kung flu that the National Guard would just weld their doors shut and not give them any food? I mean I'm just as dumb as they are since I was in a crowded store when an easily transmittable disease is going around, but at least I wasn't stabbing a man in the liver over one-ply toilet paper.

>> No.13781919

Just tried this and it didn't work. All it did was mix with the poop and make it slimier. Thanks for fucking nothing.

>> No.13781922

Because the beer won't drink itself newfag

>> No.13781948
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>stopped using toilet paper in 2017
>gravitated to wet wipes
>never looked back since

Is this what its like to be amongst the 1%? Making non pleb tier decisions and repeating much better benefits from it compared to your average American/European citizen?

The world just showed itself as loving the idea of smearing its own shit against its inner butt cheeks using bone dry toilet paper, and expecting to have a clean ass afterwards. The world literally wiped out shelves and shelves of bone dry toilet paper within a 2 or 3 day time span because it loves the idea of using bone dry toilet paper in an attempt to clean the shit from it's own ass and expecting to have clean results.

Am I really the only one in this world who enjoys the idea of having a clean ass whilst using wet wipes? Jesus Christ.

>> No.13781955

>Toilet Paper
its not like toilet paper is going to be used more in a long run

>> No.13782102

Gerolsteiner is unironically the best water I've had

>> No.13782112
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k e k lube butt!!!!!!!!!11

>> No.13782113

Because we wipe our asses after we shit, what don't you understand?

>> No.13782122

When the water stops flowing or becomes contaminated what are you gonna drink?

>> No.13782124

I live in Finland and everyone here drinks tap water. Only times bottled water is bought when people are going for long car trips in a hot weather. The sparkling water sells also fine.

>> No.13782138

This is only true in some places. My parents live in Westchester County NY, which is basically ground zero at this point, and they sent me pictures of their local ShopRite being absolutely wiped out of everything from canned food to produce.
Meanwhile I live in North Carolina and while my Wal-Mart is completely out of water, toilet paper, soap and disinfectant, the food selection is hardly touched. Went today and had free run over the produce area while retards were panicking around me grabbing anything dry. Me? I bought fresh vegetables, meat and some pasta.

>> No.13782140

Was behind a woman in the store this morning telling her husband on the phone
>yeah they have toilet paper here... We usually get two, so maybe four? I don't wanna be one of these nutcases stockpiling but because of them we may not be able to get more.

>> No.13782215

No one thinks it results in a clean ass, just "clean enough" until they can shower at the end of the day and really scrub it. I don't like the feeling of wetness in my ass so even if I used wet wipes I'd still have to follow up with dry TP anyway.

>> No.13782228

Well she's right. Stores need to start enforcing a limit per person but they won't because of greed.

>> No.13782263

Welcome to late stage capitalism!

>> No.13782313

That's human nature. You can't change human nature, you could have bought some extra toilet paper when the hoarding of toilet paper in Japan came into the news.

Lets this be a lesson. Always be first at being part of the problem.

>> No.13782321

>That's human nature
I must be superhuman then, because I'm not stupid enough to panic.

>> No.13782332

Called home to check in. My dumbass boomer dad insisted on going shopping today of all days, right when the stores are most crowded, despite the fact they didn't even need anything. In the background I could hear my mom say "make sure you get toilet paper." Guess I won't have parents in a month.

>> No.13782333

andy is that you??

>> No.13782337

Bidet is better

>> No.13782343

Yeah but the Japanese are crazy. No one takes anything they do seriously.

Joking aside, nobody was hording toilet paper for SARS, bird flu, swine flu, h1n1, etc. Why is this any different?

>> No.13782345

australians are the niggers of whites

>> No.13782346

Mine too, except he's planning on going Sunday for fuck's sake. Just to get some vitamins. Like, fuck your vitamins, what good are they when you're dead? Christ sakes people.

>> No.13782352

Boomers are fucking retarded.

>> No.13782358

Sounds like sulfur.

>> No.13782360

It sounded normal as for as I could tell. Only the smell was weird.

>> No.13782418

maybe i don't want to eat every day??? did you think about that?

>> No.13782431
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>> No.13782444

Tap water in the PNW is S-tier
Kek, the vegan food

>> No.13782458

Bet the coke backers are seething.

>> No.13782463

it's not the fear of going out and getting sick, it's the fear of a government-enforced quarantine, where people are required to stay home

>> No.13782467

That's not gonna happen because COVID-19.

>> No.13782479

There are not enough officials in the country to force 330 million people to stay at home.

>> No.13782481


That's what I'm wondering. The neighboring towns all have good water and aren't likely to shut it down. And I have two water wells -- one with an electric pump and the other is a windmill.

If shut in for a few months, water is the least of my worry.

>> No.13782490

"Greed" doesnt make any sense.
They would make the same amount of money whether it was one person buying everything or 100 people each buying a little bit.
These stores should be required to limit sales during moments like this.
Hell even food lion has a limit of 4 on their normal MVP sales

>> No.13782512

Not the whole country, but you never know if your town will be the next "containment zone" like New Rochelle. It's the fear of the unknown that is driving this.

>> No.13782533

Only works in blue voter territory anyway.

>> No.13782538

Well my town's already been infected for 2 weeks and no one gave a shit so it's too late for a quarantine now.

>> No.13782574

Still white unlike you el mutto

>> No.13782578

Hopefully you live 50 miles from civilization because a lot of wells have contaminants nowadays.

>> No.13782590

Thx trumpity!

>> No.13782599


>> No.13782608

Greed does make sense. The stores don't care who they sell to, if one asshole buys the whole stock, as long as it sells and this is an easy time to move entire shipments of toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

>> No.13782694

I've got 4 55 gal drums in the garage

>> No.13782697
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>They would make the same amount of money whether it was one person buying everything or 100 people each buying a little bit.

im actually surprised stores arent taking advantage of the panic and raising prices even a little

>> No.13782702

literally filtered toilet water
when tested feces were found, it was all over the news

>> No.13782705

if you live in a town/building with decent tasting tap water you should consider yourself lucky

>> No.13782709
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where my PH10 Alkaline Chads at?

>> No.13782738

as someone who works with chemists/toxicologists, let me say that as of 2020 we've gotten very, very good at measuring things, even the tiniest trace amounts. i could find fecal bacteria in virtually any sample you gave me.
then again, idk about that story. maybe they found a non-trivial amount but yeah

>> No.13782861

Price gouging is illegal in first world countries.
And it's defined as raising prices more than 10% your regular retail pice during shtf situations

>> No.13782879

This. It's illegal in most places and all these companies want good PR in the wake of this with all their "we care about your safety, so we're cleaning our stores even more" messages so people don't get too paranoid to go out and shop, they don't want to be painted as that asshole company that price gouged when the plague hit.

>> No.13782887

>Normalfags pretending to be normalfags

>> No.13783026

even the "flushable" wet wipes cause a lot of very expensive damage to sewage systems, both your own and the municipality's, and if you're not flushing them, you're throwing them in the trash, in which case you have a trash can full of poop in your bathroom.

>> No.13783072

So empty it out in the dumpster outside?

>> No.13783102
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>carbonated water

>> No.13783110

Who told you regular Dasani is carbonated?

>> No.13783138
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Grew up in idaho and it's tap water tasted the most normal. Traveled to California and had tap water there and didn't taste the difference between the two, I'm now in Washington and the water tastes like dirt but not dirty.
Water's water. As long as it dont kill me and is clear I dont really care.

>> No.13783161

I'm drinking tap water now. It tastes great. Oregon btw.

>> No.13783166

I bought 6 rolls last weekend just in case this shit happened. pro tip: it did. I'm set for clean shits for the next 6 months

anyone want to see my spreadsheet? I know all the bad shit that's going to happen next. pro tip: you'll reject it because of normalcy bias

>> No.13783172

A food limit right now, would result in martial law. Think about it. These people are panicking over ass-wipes, what do you think is going to happen when you tell them they can't have unlimited quantities of their Chef Boyardee's and chiggin tendies?

>> No.13783200

This. Every year it's something new and more paranoid than the last thing. I've been around since the nukes scare, and acid rain, and this shit just get tiring. I can't even take real tragedies seriously anymore, until I've spent a month of my free time investigating if it's truth first. By then, I usually don't care anymore.

>> No.13783203

What's going to happen next, anon?

>> No.13783206

Social media.

>> No.13783213
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What about social media??

>> No.13783219

Emotional contagion is proliferating more rapidly than ever.

>> No.13783242

This. People are saying some pretty stupid shit on there just for the twitter version of (you)s

>> No.13783251
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This is, by far, the worst-tasting brand of bottled water I've ever had.

>> No.13783275

A lot of dead people

>> No.13783279

Are you in Los Angeles? Because that's really common here.

>> No.13783321

The virus ain't that fatal though.

>> No.13783641
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People who think Dasani is bad haven’t had Aquafina

>> No.13783657

Extend please

>> No.13783658

You're literally the reason this problem exists at all, you fucking retard.

>> No.13783672
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Aquafina is some of the worst shit I've ever drank and I have no idea why. I can barely drink half a bottle before I feel done with it even if I still feel thirsty. Brita filtered tap water is miles better. For me though, it's the 1.5 liter of deer park or 1.5 liter life waters

>> No.13783726

Which supermarket dude?

>> No.13783727

>He can't afford $0.25 for a bottle of water

>> No.13783763

Idk how they do it but Aquafina is horrific. It’s like they put effort into making shitty water

>> No.13783789

>buying water
>when it literally falls out of the sky for free
either you live in a polluted shithole or you're in the US where you'll get arrested for catching rainwater.

>> No.13783817

There' s this thing falling from the sky. Its kinda wet and runny.

>> No.13783826

Home Depot, Lowe's, ACE, etc... all have plenty of it along with paper towels, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer.
The idiot soccer moms who panic bought everything at the grocery stores have no idea hardware stores sell some of the same shit.

>> No.13783835

Dasani and Aquafina are literally filtered tap water. Just get a Brita.

>> No.13783859

Yea but the government owns that.

>> No.13783901
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>tfw my preferred brands aren't being bought up by retards
Just gotta avoid assholes coughing in my direction I guess.

>> No.13783955

I splayd your mom last night

>> No.13783958


>> No.13784234

Just take a shower after

>> No.13784241

Based baby wipes bro
I've been using them for as long as I remember and never looked back

>> No.13784257

My town's tap tastes like shit.

>> No.13784264
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anon, if you stockpile food you will have more food which will make you shit more so you will need more paper

>> No.13784265
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>living in a country where you can't drink tap water

I will never do this

>> No.13784292


>im actually surprised stores arent taking advantage of the panic and raising prices even a little

i remember niggas trying that in GA after hurricane katrina and all those places got fined out the ass.

>> No.13784332
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>buying a six-pack of charmin' ultra soft caused the coronavirus

>> No.13784372
File: 2.00 MB, 3024x4032, heb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>figured I'd go to the store at 7ish like I always do Saturday mornings
>corporate mandated changed hours of 8am-8pm to try and give time for shelf restocking to mitigate sellouts
>there is already a massive line snaking all around the parking lot before the store even opens
>I just want some fucking eggs

>> No.13784395

If I saw that crowd I would immediately walk out and come back another time.

>> No.13784454
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>long-haired qt's giving up their saturday morning to help mom shop during a pandemic

that's nice

>> No.13784487

>drinking bottled water
enjoy your microplastics
>drinking tap water
enjoy your fluoride
>drinking reverse-osmosis filtered water

>> No.13784501


>> No.13784549
File: 99 KB, 341x484, Capt5ure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the best one so far despite the fact that water doesn't have a taste.

>> No.13784560

have you tried psyllium husks? it changed my life. now my poops are hard as a rock and i use very little t paper. much more useful to stockpile that t paper

>> No.13784600

Fuck off, commie. We're in corporatism, not capitalism.

>> No.13784601

dasani is tap water with minerals

>> No.13784629

>my last name is pronounced as such

>> No.13784639

Dasani is made by Coca-Cola
Aquafina is made by PepsiCo
that would explain it, no?

>> No.13784645

That rainwater belongs to almond farmers in California, it's stealing if you set up a cistern to capture it

>> No.13784686
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>> No.13784707


>> No.13784723

It's (poorly) filtered municipal water bottled by Coca-Cola. Aquafina is also just filtered tap water, but Pepsi has better filtering process and consequently it tastes better.

>> No.13784732

amazon is doing it but that's 3rd party sellers being their usual selves

>> No.13784735

proof that veganism is a state-sponsored psyop
no one's buying that shit

>> No.13784891

t. PepsiCo PR

>> No.13785023


>> No.13785154

What part of washington has you getting shit water? Are you sure it's not just your pipes? Water's one of the only things we get right, I thought.

>> No.13785229
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Anon, there won't be another time....

>> No.13785277

I'm on filtered well water

>> No.13785286
File: 42 KB, 456x480, 9E7F64F9-EBC1-4CE1-8CC9-E0CE9CED6F40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live next to a lake
>build homemade gravity filter

Good luck fags

>> No.13785293

Yeah but then you live in fucking Scotland, the ghetto of the UK

>> No.13785319

Water goes through ceramic?

>> No.13785400
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>Yes, mother, we need two more cases of Deja-Blue™

>> No.13785515
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I'm in the tri-cities. It doesnt taste bad it just tastes like it has a lot of minerals in it compared to Idaho water. If anything is wrong it's probably the pipes, yeah.
I have a fridge that has a filter and water dispenser so I just use that 9/10 but in the middle of the night when I get a sip of water from my bathroom sink it just tastes different.

>> No.13785536

Tasty Jonsvatnet gang reporting in

>> No.13785550


>> No.13786053

This is dangerouos bullshit. Activated carbon does NOT eliminate bacteria, that water would not be safe to drink without boiling

>> No.13786064

A little chlorine can help in a pinch if you're not able to boil. But it won't kill everything, so drink sparingly.

>> No.13786070
File: 203 KB, 1585x1080, 1584204718410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who didn't start preparing 2 months ago when China QUARANTINED NEARLY HALF ITS POPULATION BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING "FLU"

Just catch it now so you can help with Herd Immunity.

>> No.13786071

ramen, pasta, bread all sold out in the stores i've been to, as well as tp. the funny thing is eating those wheat products actually make you have messy shits that require lots of tp. try eating only protein for 1 day and see how neat your shit comes out.

>> No.13786074

China also eats dogs, should we be emulating everything they do?

>> No.13786079

holy based

>> No.13786088


>> No.13786103

Not him but the ceramic actually filters the water itself. In addition to the carbon it's not a bad system. Though of course the more obvious solution would be to just fucking boil the water and not fuck around.

>> No.13786110

You really should do both if possible. Not all harmful contaminants are biological.

>> No.13786209

correct answer. boiling leaves in the inorganic contaminants like lead and shit, carbon filter removes those but leaves in bacteria

>> No.13786215

I mean

do you have a good reason for not eating dogs?

>> No.13786232

>pandemic spread by being around people
>everyone rushes to shop at once
>seeing everybody there, they stay instead of returning later

Glad I prepped a month ago but geez.

>> No.13786236

I think these people are banking on the virus not being common in their area yet, thinking they beat it to the store so if they stock up now they don't have to go out when it arrives which is stupid, but still.

>> No.13786299

Considering there's only 48 deaths in the US out of 330 million people I'd say it's not common anywhere. I don't know where these people are getting their numbers that 70% of the world is going to succumb to this.

>> No.13786331

>want to stay hydrated so i can keep being alive
>don't want to drink dasani

what do?

>> No.13786348

Drink tap water? If the taste is nasty, try boiling it and/or just get some bulk package of tea bags and make a lot of tea.

How are you living off bottled water in the first place?

>> No.13786400
File: 208 KB, 956x1276, They only left the dasani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local Walmart.

>> No.13786426

Look at all those Snapples on the right. Why are people buying water and not juice and Snapples?

>> No.13786439

All a nigga knows is all a nigga sees.

>> No.13786489


Exact same situation here. Just stacks and stacks of Dasani everywhere. I snagged the very last case of Ozarka. Fuck that filtered tapwater shit, I only put natural spring water in my body.

>> No.13786681

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.13786832

"Hoarding" 100~ rolls because boomers are panicking isn't an absurd thing to do.

>> No.13786894

Its hard and tastes weird. Bottle water is smooth and doesn't have a weird taste.

>> No.13786900

How much toilet paper do you use?

>> No.13786907
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>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Nigger I dont even shit every day this is the dumbest shit I have ever heard, and I have a fucking gash to wipe every time I piss

>> No.13786947
File: 705 KB, 888x960, Coronazombiepocalypse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13786959

wa'a, pu wa'a

>> No.13787003


Reddit's news board had to impose a corona virus general, as all the dumbasses were reposting every news article from every two-bit media website they came across and clogging up the board.

>> No.13787006
File: 32 KB, 503x214, corona virus BOOMER REMOVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13787018

>im actually surprised stores arent taking advantage of the panic and raising prices even a little

Michigan is pouncing on any store that's even remotely accused of gouging. Some grocery store in Dearborn got slapped with a letting from the governor and inspectors were sent there to check prices after only five people complained about the prices.

>> No.13787035
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Why the fuck is this stupid Bong walking along the street while filming this, with cars constantly zooming past making all kinda noise?! Why the fuck wouldn’t he have filmed this in living room or kitchen?

>> No.13787098

Why don't kids these days have respect for their elders?

>> No.13787101

Memes like making fun of boomers all the time doesn't help.

>> No.13787104

based 7th graders

>> No.13787108
File: 24 KB, 288x252, 1556001701939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, only leftist cucks and boomers didn't stock up weeks ago
There's a reason Squirrels hoard acorns for the winter

>> No.13787129

Good for you, you privileged cunt.

>> No.13787140
File: 70 KB, 538x600, corona Meijers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I went grocery shopping Wednesday for regular stuff, not even looking to stock up and the Meijers (12 Mile and Mound in Warren MI) was completely normal but I did buy more canned food then usual and picked up an 18-roll pack of toilet paper even though I already have an unopened 18-roll pack.

Then I see news articles being posted Thursday morning about grocery stores in Grand Rapids and such being cleaned out by panicked shoppers...

Just to be safe, I hit the smoke shop Friday and got two more cartons of smokes.

>> No.13787141

Social media is telling me that it is a nothingburger and that it is just the flu bro. It is also telling me that masks are dangerous to wear, that i should not make my own hand sanitizer, and that washing hands is the miracle cure to the problem.

>> No.13787144

>not having a water filter
>not having a bidet
North Americans truly are degenerates who hate themselves and the planet they live on

>> No.13787169

There’s so many stores and eateries in Mound Rd. open at all hours, surrounded by nice neighborhoods. These people probably already have a surplus of food in their homes and know they have vast grocery stores.

>> No.13787187


One roll a day for an average person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's unbelievable.

I might use a roll a week, but I've never tried to measure it.

>> No.13787192


I stocked up on Indian curry sauces.

Also, an extra bottle of Hibiclens.

>> No.13787200

Its a copypasta.

>> No.13787361

Squirrels are also dumb fucks that get run over by cars.

>> No.13787998

A roll a day per person? nigga wat

>> No.13788037

They didnt leave ALL that dasani. A Coke sales rep ordered more of it in to fill the empty spots since walmart cant keep up with their own stock and dont want it to look empty.

>> No.13788081

5 coco cola cans have been deposited to your account.

>> No.13788096

They literally made a water treatment plant, water towers and miles of piping to bring water directly to your house without you lifting a finger.

>> No.13788099

Here’s what I’ve been thinking: what would be a way to understand if your meme magic is working? Cause a rush on something completely unnecessary (just rinse your ass for 30sec in the shower that’s probably a few feet away). Measure traction, measure demand, resupply, measure every measurable thing about your meme. We will never be privy to that data, but (assuming for the sake of argument it exists) if we had fine-grained data it would be enormously informative and potentially predictive about how people across a wide geography react. Like that faggot in TN that bought 13,000+ bottles of hand sanitizer and who now is in huge fucking trouble from the state AG, knowing the percentage by region of profiteers may be useful too. Or maybe areas of the country are hyper-sensitive to memery and some are zero or even anti-memery. How can resupply be modeled? Random or lined up at 6am? I doubt anyone is smart enough to collect this data, but if they were, boy, you could get some useful models from it.

>> No.13788352

Don't they realize that makes it look like noone wants Dasani and thus will make people not buy it?

>> No.13788361

enjoy your fluoride and local pollutants water treatment cant filter

>> No.13788373

it's actually toxic if you drink it directly without purifying it somehow

>> No.13788379

I always thought that it tasted like cheaply flavored watermelon candy. it has a weird flavor.

>> No.13788400

If water treatment plant cant filter it what do the bottled water companies do about it?

>> No.13788497

that image makes me want to start dramatically coughing and then start kissing boys. im not gay but this pic disgust me

>> No.13788498
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1554435166721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans have been drinking water from natural sources for millennia
>B-but it's toxic!
What level of retardation are we on?

>> No.13788513

Weird thing is that where I live the non perishable stuff is staying on the shelf and the perishable shit is out of stock. Things like milk and juice and shit. Still lots of canned goods and stuff. I went to 4 grocers yesterday. At the two which are located in middle class areas there were huge lines and some empty shelves. At the Upper middle class location it was some what normal. At the high end store it was business as usual. The one common theme from all the stores is that TP is sold out. I guess my fellow 'Murricans are more concerned with taking a shit than having a secure food supply.

>> No.13788538

that was before industrialization and pollution was a thing
nowadays true pure water is usually only at around mountains and similar mostly untouched wilderness, in most other places you have to at least boil the rain water to be sure that it hasn't picked up stuff from the air on it's way down

>> No.13788574

ima bout to take a shit then shower!

>> No.13788576

More like 'My stock photo'.

>> No.13788635

i work for coke, so whatever
people will buy it though, in my local area the wharehouse just completely ran out of backstocked dasani because so much was sent out. So regardless of what it looks like, people are still buying it.

>> No.13788640

>t. knows nothing about filtration membranes or particle size distributions and is likely an inbred trailer park hick from West Virginia

>> No.13788652

is this in america

>> No.13788725

Even before industrial pollution springs and aquifers could be high in heavy metals, with fluoride having the most obvious effects.

>> No.13788766

You can LITERALLY taste the plastic that seeps into bottled water. Its unavoidable yes but please don't drink from the plastic menace, get a glass bottle

>> No.13789023

Here in my first world country
bottled water is called mineral water and comes from very deep wells that have no contact with groundwater. the water is several hundreds if not thousands of years old and contains no pollutants.

>> No.13789034

If you're not from America then your country isn't first world

>> No.13789047

Boil tap water. If you don't got several ways of doing this, you're retarded.

>> No.13789076
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If it's only fired to the bisque stage it will be finely porous and water can slowly soak through it, yeah.

>> No.13789269

"There's a pandemic on, so lets all crowd together in a heated rooms so we can sweat, spit, sneeze and cough on as many stranger as possible"

>> No.13789339

I like that they still have all the balloons out

>> No.13789361

All the chicken breasts were sold out at my local store this past Sunday, so people must have it in mind that they will freeze stuff and go through that first, I assume

>> No.13789551

We probably have a four month supply of toilet paper.

We get it at a Sam's Club. Living 100 miles from the nearest Sam's Club and not making very many trips there in the course of a year means buying plenty when we go.

>> No.13789641
File: 66 KB, 1024x1024, WB_July_2016_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't have a well
>He doesn't have water bricks
>He doesn't have a way to purify water
None of you are going to make it.

>> No.13789682
File: 53 KB, 425x343, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the wells here tested positive for mucho lead contamination

>> No.13789687

Same here. A month ago, long before the panic hit when our dear leader was still portraying it as a hoax, I bought 2 cases just as a matter of course. I have room to store it so why not.

>> No.13789697


How the fuck do you exist without using an Intermediate Bulk Container? Did you just graduate?

>> No.13789702

Well it IS a hoax in the sense that's not a species ending plague like CNN is making it out to be.

>> No.13789705

Everything is always a hoax to you retarded binary thinkers.

>> No.13789706

This. It's bad, but not that bad.

>> No.13789938

>There's a reason Squirrels hoard acorns for the winter
it's not to wipe their ass with

>> No.13789980


He's not wrong, and as other people have pointed out, a """"""""world ending virus"""""""""" seems to happen every time a major US election happens.

Not calling aliens....but aliens

>> No.13789987

>a species ending plague
>a """"""""world ending virus""""""""""
literally who are you quoting

>> No.13790003


Do you read anything? Literally every article does the absolute best to scaremonger people into thinking this virus is going to kill you and everyone you love if you aren't washing your hands every 10 seconds

>> No.13790019

Do you have dyslexia

It's not 10 seconds it's 20 seconds, and 20 seconds is the amount of time you're supposed to spend scrubbing your hands with soap

and again, there isn't a single articles or news reports on CNN or anywhere that says it's a species/world end plague/virus

I know you hate liberals and whatever, but maybe don't get upset at stuff that you just make up in your own head.

>> No.13790022

And even if normies aren't following the news, just having all this shit cancelled and closed is a new thing, same with the level of panic buying. We've had pandemics before but never a reaction like this. It's easy to fall for the whole "the end times are nigh upon us" angle at the moment.

>> No.13790026

I have connections to people that work with public water. Your water will not stop running. They are being staffed right now. I heard one treatment plant planned to quarantine its staff in the plant with enough food. another is rotating staff having different people come in different days. not sure what everyone's plans are but you wont run out of water.

>> No.13790032


You're right, we're willing to close down entire schools, restaurants, public gatherings and have even whales panic sell in the stock market because of this harmless pandemic.

That's totally normal of a pandemic, because we did the same thing for ebola, sars, avain flu, and all the others


>> No.13790035

It's Atlanta tap water, might as well just drink out of the hose nigga

>> No.13790047

okay so what, is the transmission rate supposed to be a SJW ploy or what.

One one hand, CNN bad because they create panic because you think they said it was a world ending apocalypse or whatever

and now you come at me with "well if it's NOT the end of the world, why are they closing down schools and restaurants?????"

pick a lane and stick to it.

>we did the same thing for ebola, sars, avain flu, and all the others

You wanna have a look at their transmission rate compared to corona? or should I do the homework for you

>> No.13790055


Being obtuse is an art and you have fucking mastered it, although that may be a side effect of having zero reading comprehension holy shit u r dum

>> No.13790060

That's nice to know but plenty of folk live in places where the tap water ain't fit to drink in the first place.

>> No.13790071

>Being obtuse
Literally nothing I said was obtuse. You're the one who's coming at this issue from completely different angles and you're making your own head spin to trigger the libtards instead of looking at reality.

The rate of transmission of this shits all over anything we've dealth with before

>HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

>Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

>> No.13790075

Saying "it's very contagious" is not the same as "world ending plague", anon. And the news outlets haven't just been saying it's super contagious.

>> No.13790091

Boiling it does not get rid of chemical contamination, which is present in all tap water

>> No.13790101

Again, who are you quoting

>> No.13790176

>my town
Town's 10 miles away faggot, 'slongs the electricity's on i'm safe

>> No.13790239

Which news article said this is a world ending plague ass clown?

>> No.13790257

no one cares psycho

>> No.13790274

>two months ago made thread asking what to prep, because I was watching this shit when it was in China and knew it would spread
>Got instantly banned and thread deleted due to a bunch of people here spamming the thread saying it was "/pol/ shitposting"
>Now two months later those same whores are going "What the fuck do we do, we should have prepared"
>For some reason the mods are no longer banning talk about virus prep on sight anymore, almost like they're no longer able to write it off as "shitposting"

We all could have prepared together when there was still time. Lets see how far those those survival cooking skills go when you don't have much to work with.

>> No.13790276

Probably Breitbart or Hannity screamed CNN stated it, so these cultist bootlickers glommed onto it as fact.

>> No.13790283


>> No.13790296



>> No.13790381

You need TP for your bunghole?

>> No.13790720
File: 1.43 MB, 320x177, mPIGWp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down Limmy

>> No.13791387

so then filter it, then boil it dipshit retard

>> No.13792095

That's what he said. What's your argument?