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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13782129 No.13782129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why on redddit there's genuine cooking but on /ck/ there's only fast food and frozen food?

>> No.13782142

because only soyboys and women actually cook
real men eat fastfood

>> No.13782146

Why do people have to compare websites?

>> No.13782227

because only retarded people come here.

>> No.13782229


>> No.13782234

Congratulations on making the most cancer thread on 4chan today

>> No.13782245

lol /ck/ got defensive really quickly.

>> No.13782247

Reddit is children pretending to know how to cook and the first 100 posts on that thread are most likely spelling corrections and rick and morty references.

>> No.13782284

because cooking is a meme

>> No.13782380

you could always go back

>> No.13782390

You've clearly never been to reddit.

>> No.13782400

do you think /ck/ is really much better? Actual cooking threads devolve into retardation almost immediately.

>> No.13782405

Looks like it's babby's first day on /ck/

>> No.13782439

Soypilled as fuck

>> No.13782497

As much as I would like to steer clear of the massive circlejerk that the internets with usernames is, /ck/ and 4chan in general have become even more terrible these last few years. Not that it was anything but a massive puddle of piss before, mind you.

>> No.13782508

Go there, it's calling to you.

>> No.13782509


>> No.13782515

because actual cooking threads are usually the ones started by that catfag

>> No.13782586


>> No.13782626
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Because this is 2020 zoomieland where everybody who is old enough to hold a smartphone is on the internet and 4chan has become mainstream because "lol funnay memes XD. As such, 90% of the population are people who come from reddit so they constantly feel the need to compare this site to it.

In my opinion, the only reddit-tier threads on this site are normalfag topics with major interest in real world events, like /pol/.

>> No.13782634
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>> No.13782638

Cheaper car insurance

>> No.13782664
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>ITT: we shit on our board and praise Reddit reluctantly
And no.
With a side of medium NO.
Reddit gives users street cred for being names recognized from one subreddit to another. Naturally this builds and compounds knowledge as opposed to this amnesiac catalog of short lived easy entry clickbait. You're emotionally blinding yourself to this fact if you're still going to meme some defensive turf talk to strangers. So best we can do is come back to shill for a few heterodox insightful works like how /fit/ shills for Mark Rippetoe Starting Strength. Hey how's bout I shill for Salt Acid Fat Heat? Yeah it won't stick. You're here for a shit post not a legendary amateur culinary education. Redditors can just shill for the same culinary character at no social cost and thus no cook celeb will ever have a 4chan cult following. Cooking doesn't challenge any narrative so no one gets shut down so no one is a special outsider.

>> No.13782679

because we're retarded

>> No.13782909

Reddit likes to pretend they are something in life
Here we come as we are; complete losers

>> No.13782930

>implying the posters here don't pretend to be wealthy

>> No.13782941


>> No.13782994

I actually prefer looking on reddit if I'm trying to learn something specific, but it does have some problems:
1. The nested comment system that makes navigating through a thread a huge pain in the ass.
2. Upvoting. I prefer 4chan's system of scrolling through a thread and looking for posts with lots of responses.
3. mandatory namefagging.
4. I can't post images in response.

>> No.13782999

>dumb soyak poster.

>> No.13783070

reddit is better hands down on both general cooking and niche things
>inb4 go back
i like to shitpost here.

>> No.13783173
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>> No.13783199

>I actually prefer looking on reddit if I'm trying to learn something specific, but it does have some problems:
I always thought it was best for generic things because eventually I end up getting pointed to a real forum that has answers to things outside the basics.

>> No.13783247

because more people want to talk about beer and fried chicken and on reddit they get their own subreddit for that

>> No.13783294

Because Reddit has moderation and here the retards and undesirables are allowed to roam free

>> No.13783333

I'll take a deluxe (You) with triple digits thanks. Totally worth my investment in a soyjak

>> No.13783694

Because 4chan is full of kids and manchildren.

>> No.13783730

lurk more

>> No.13783876

>In my opinion, the only reddit-tier threads on this site are normalfag topics with major interest in real world events, like /pol/.
/pol/ is the least reddit board in all of 4chinz, you fucking retard.