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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13775480 No.13775480 [Reply] [Original]

You know how I like my hamburger? I want it burnt to a fucking crisp. I want it incinerated. Hard as a rock. Like a hockey puck. If you dropped it on the ground, it would shatter. If I pressed it, I'd make a fucking diamond. I dont want a fucking "sear" I want a goddamn shell. I want it rock hard. If there's a hint of pink, raising hell. Why the fuck would I eat that? Pussy is pink and you are what you eat after all.

>> No.13775484

I’m gay btw.

>> No.13775488

Don't mind me. Just posting in a gay thread.

>> No.13775489

I'll give it to you rock hard, kiddo

>> No.13775491

im gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.13775525


>> No.13775698

I just want burger well done, no pink.

>> No.13776969

>Cook Burger to 165 Fahrenheit
>Prep Burger with toppings
>Bite into it
>a fuckton of Juice/blood/hemoglobin/whateverthefuck
How do people enjoy that?

>> No.13776978

Do you like quinky sauce on that too

>> No.13776980

By being heterosexual.

>> No.13777028

Also I'm gay if that matters

>> No.13777033

If you're not gay it's pretty easy.

>> No.13777039

I'm gay.
I enjoy juicy burgers.
Off yourself.

>> No.13777051

>Why the fuck would I eat that? Pussy is pink and you are what you eat after all.
So instead you’d rather eat meat thats completely brown..... In other words you prefer asshole over pussy. You are gay anon! Time to come out.

>> No.13777085

Welcome to the land of epic alpha, gay. You are now an official member.

>> No.13777089

I order burger from a local joint and under the meat option you can pick how cooked you want it and "well done" has a "please don't do this" description
I order well done every time. I bet the owner talks trash behind my back

It's a burger, ground beef, not a fucking top grade steak you fags. It's not refined gourmet food, it's greasy fast food

>> No.13777092

>I ruin my food to piss other people off
cringe but basedpilled.

>> No.13777104

Who the fuck could possibly enjoy slimy, undercooked ground meat?

>> No.13777109

Their is nothing bad about well done on a burger it's just the temperature it's cooked to.
The real problem is that you need a higher fat content to keep it juicy so you need to get 20-30% fat in the mince or it turns into a dry ass puck.

>> No.13777176

We have been over this.
Raw ground beef is neither safe to eat, nor appealing.
If you cook your burger right and use good meat for it, it wont be dry.
There is no excuse. Stop trying to force your raw meat meme on everything, it doesn't apply.

>> No.13777178

retards deluding themselves that they are manly for choking down crumbs of raw meat.
And that their raw meat chunks are "juicy" as opposed to just "raw".

>> No.13777421
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>Hard as a rock. Like a hockey puck. If you dropped it on the ground, it would shatter. If I pressed it, I'd make a fucking diamond.

He doesnt know how to properly cook a well done meat.

>> No.13777429


nobody wants rock hard beef. everyone above this post has been trolled.

>> No.13777447

How can you put your penis where another human shits? I just can’t fathom it, whether you’re gay or into anal “sex”.

>> No.13777511

just came here to experiment with another man

>> No.13777521

I don't trust restaurant or store bought ground beef, so I will always order or cook it well done.

>> No.13777698

Excuse me, but did I just stumble into the based department?

>> No.13777748

A real burger is well done and juicy. There is a technique to making burgers that isnt as simple as throwing a patty in a frying pan and watching all the juices leave it.

>> No.13777753

My daughter hates that stuff

>> No.13777757


>> No.13777762
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>> No.13777771

I don't see the argument that well done is dry and flavorless. I can cook well done meat properly. My well-done steaks are just as juicy, if not juiciER than a medium rare.

>> No.13777773

OP is a faggot
7 get

>> No.13777777


>> No.13777783
File: 2.45 MB, 3024x4032, tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my burger

>> No.13777785


>> No.13777786

I'd eat it if the patty was thicker and there was no tomato

>> No.13777788


>> No.13777801


>> No.13777804

Disgusting trash

>> No.13777809
File: 794 KB, 800x576, pleb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pussy is pink and you are what you eat after all.

>> No.13777810

Recursive get.

>> No.13777818
File: 996 KB, 880x1262, 1566057637378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13777828

this fatass has never made a decent burger in his life

>> No.13777833

hating on well-done is reddit-tier, either sheep that follow other people's opinions mindlessly or those that don't know how to properly cook something

>> No.13777839
File: 853 KB, 762x988, redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on well-done is reddit-tier, either sheep that follow other people's opinions mindlessly or those that don't know how to properly cook something

>> No.13777851

I would post a soijak but I don't have any saved and can't be bothered to look one up

>> No.13777872

Ncie GET! lole!

>> No.13777874
File: 241 KB, 890x768, redditor shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have any saved
Here's a good one. You couldn't use it here, since defending well done charred meat is reddit tier, but in the future, maybe you can deploy it against someone acting as scurrilous as you are right now.

>> No.13777894

I always cook my burgers well done. I just make them thin so they can cook through and not dry out. I hate thick burgers that are totally dried out. I have pica and I chew on paper a lot. A thick well-done burger has almost the exact same texture as chewed paper.

>> No.13777920

>website analogy
Imagine being at computers

>> No.13777978

>thing I don't like = reddit

>> No.13778066

i'm pretty sick of hearing people complain about how other people like their meat. it's an opinion, there is no right or wrong way to cook meat. and it's a question that doesn't matter, anyways. there's nothing to make a deal about.

>> No.13778164


>> No.13778173

>there is no right or wrong way to cook meat

Undercooked pork is not debatable.

>> No.13778199

trichinosis is not as much of a problem anymore, especially if you get decent quality pork

>> No.13778312

Looks like you just got debated and LOST, BITCH

>> No.13778479

>gets on a slow board
stupd cross-poster

>> No.13778482
File: 72 KB, 600x808, 1575140792163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute based, witnessed and saved

>> No.13778491

>he doesn't eat his pork medium-rare


>> No.13778504

Patty is kinda thin, and could use some onions, maybe mustard.

>> No.13778523

Overall quality standards for pork in the USA have recently been lowered. It's worth looking into if you care. I don't remember the details, just my butcher mentioning it.

>> No.13778562

why are you eating it out of a dog bowl?

>> No.13778646
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Mmm... now that's a fucking boigah

>> No.13778647

I hate going out to eat with people that like well done meat. It takes an extra 15-20 minutes just to burn that fucking thing to a crisp just to get my food that's been sitting under a heating lamp.

>> No.13779145

speak english esse

>> No.13779156

Rare steak is not the same thing as rare burgers you dumb fags.

>> No.13779810

>cow isn't same as cow
ESL detected

>> No.13779971

i dont your birthday
the because

>> No.13780336

There is only bacteria on the surface of a cut of steak, thus you can eat the middle raw. Mince has the outside turned inside, You have a much higher chance of getting sick if you eat midrare-rare mince.

>> No.13780348

>Noooooo you can't just fully cook your cheap, 70% lean, garbage grease patty that you call beef! You're cooking out all the bacteria and fat flavor!

I'm 99% sure rare meat causes autism now. It's seemingly never people who like well done burgers starting this dumbass discussion.

>> No.13780477

too much bread

>> No.13780523
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holy shit he did it
put me in screen cap

>> No.13780661
File: 53 KB, 905x881, 1451002726827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the meat option you can pick how cooked you want it and "well done" has a "please don't do this"

when the "chef" gonna pay for my food , he can tell me how i eat it

>> No.13780818

Put me in the reddit collage

>> No.13780820


>> No.13780821

please do not leave your own shitty thread

>> No.13780822

put me in the cringe cap

>> No.13780827

He paid to order the meat

>> No.13782525

Get me in the screenshot too!

>> No.13782815

Based. I also eat my steak well done

>> No.13783115
File: 1.26 MB, 1270x674, Screenshot_2020-03-13 Every Way to Cook a Hamburger (42 Methods) Bon Appétit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggots who've never even heard of tartare

>> No.13783155
File: 1.04 MB, 1883x950, 1571607713340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13783164

No one in this thread is defending rare either giuseppe, eww

>> No.13783348

If I ever order a burger when out I ask for it well done. Medium rare burgers are fucking nasty and it's impossible to get a properly cooked burger by default nowdays.

>> No.13783396

yeah im gay

>> No.13783706

prove it

>> No.13783737

I hate going out to eat with people that think running a bic lighter under a steak and calling it done is the thing to get. When I look over and there's a plate of BLOOD... I just about lose it. Good luck with that.

>> No.13783746

What's it to YOU, dumbass?

>> No.13783754

Looking at this, I can understand why. Eww.

>> No.13783886

>burger too thin
>burger too pink even for me
>nasty bitter greens
>bun doesn't look toasted
>served in a bowl?
>a pink one with non-classic-era, annoying, Sesame Street character

4/10 you did try a little

>> No.13783891

>hurr if no pink it bad!
Well done doesn't even taste that bad, stop pushing your dumb meat juice lies.

>> No.13783957

Would eat/10
Good amount of greens, people always skimp on the greens
Patty should have been larger though
And it seams to be lacking cheese
Other then that nothing wrong