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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 768x1024, dudewed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13773742 No.13773742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just ate a 350mg THC edible. What am I in for?
Also Cannabis edibles thread.

>> No.13773747 [DELETED] 

Most likely jack shit, if you are lucky some placebo. Just smoke it

>> No.13773751

I'm gay

>> No.13773808

Have you not taken edibles before? I had a really good high on 300mg. Rekt all night long

>> No.13773810


>> No.13773811

Honestly your gonna be high for a long time

>> No.13773814

>What am I in for?
Attracting spergs to this thread.

>> No.13774059


>> No.13774066

I ate a "1000" mg edible once. It felt like smoking a couple of good bowls. Just buy flower. Flower is the best value.

>> No.13774184

Edibles are a hoax perpetrated by the government to get people to waste their weed.
If you really want to get high, put that edible up your ass.

>> No.13774265

food will look and taste like that imagination feast scene from hook

>> No.13774299
File: 124 KB, 402x299, stoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What am I in for?

Years back I ate a pot brownie.

Guy just tossed entire buds into the brownie mix and tasted like eating lawn clippings but I choked it down and was sitting there for a while thinking “I don’t feel nothing?!”


Six hours of life just disappeared.

I look around and all the dudes there are just staring at the tv with their mouths hanging open, so I elbow my buddy and he kinda snaps out of his daze and we get up and walk out the door.

Total waste of weed IMO, I felt no buzz we did nothing but sit there in silence with no memory of anybody saying or doing anything for six fucking hours.

>> No.13774317

I did a 10mg edible mint like a week ago and I disassociated and couldn't move for about twenty seconds now I never want to do the stuff again.

>> No.13774342

>only 90's kids

BFTO zoomers

>> No.13774348

Yeah 5 to 10 mg is fine for me. People who require more than that have a serious problem imo

>> No.13774353
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listen to loveless

>> No.13774357

>I elbow my buddy and he kinda snaps out of his daze and we get up and walk out the door.
You touched pp's didn't you.

>> No.13774387

>People who require more than that have a serious problem imo
Well you're not wrong, those high-dose edibles are designed for people with shit like cancer, not recreational use

>> No.13774404

>What am I in for?
A hard case of the Gay

>> No.13774415

did 250 two years ago with a friend, we ended up tribal dancing around a table for an hour then we passed out in the living room. i think youll enjoy it.

>> No.13774436

That's not how weed works, loser.

>> No.13774446

Watch this when it kicks in

>> No.13774466

I feel the same way.

My best friend and I spent a good month in college really perfecting down our cannabutter recipe. We got it super potent without much of that nasty poop flavor. Shit was fucked up.

We ate a quarter of what we thought was a normal dose and fell asleep for 6 hours in the middle of the day. It just wasn't even worth it. Maybe if you have chronic insomnia sure, but it's not what I would declare as "fun."

>> No.13774469

The worst part was waking up with an aching butthole.

>> No.13774483

yeah I took two of these 2.5mg mints and that shit put me on cloud fucking 9. i have taken edibles before too..usually just 10mg gummies or whatever but all of it is so inconsistent. hopefully they ban marijuana again. these retards can't even run their own industry correctly

>> No.13774485

I ate 100mg of distillate once and it made me feel disoriented and shitty for an hour before I ended up throwing all of it up and going to bed early.
Absolutely nothing like smoking a bowl or vaping, it genuinely felt like I consumed something wrong and my body had to expel it.

>> No.13774516

Cannabis is for degenerate losers

>> No.13774574

If you're new to this expect to be out for a long time. We parked a friend on a rock after he took too much and he was there still a few hours later. When he woke up the next day he was still high. You have no idea how annoying he was when he started talking again so don't say anything to your friends.

>> No.13774587

This, my friends, is reddit spacing.

>> No.13774615

You're in for being an incredible faggot just like all other potheads. I have more respect for junkies, crackheads and tweakers than I do for potheads. At least they get hooked on good drugs and not horseshit semi-psychadelics that turn you into a giggling, paranoid brainlet for the duration of it's high. A conversation between 2 potheads is always the same...
"Dude, I smoked so this weed lol" "me too lol i got this super cool northern shiny eskimo fart strain that gets you baked man" "lol dude you know a lot about weed, us potheads are so smart, how can people think drugs make you dumb?" "i dont know man, but yeah, weed is like science and stuff cause it has like chemical formulas and the equations that make weed different from other weed dude, people who don't smoke weed dont know that weed is like this" "yeah man, you really need to be a smart scientist to smoke weed lol"

I smoked pot relatively frequently for 3 years so I witnessed these conversations first hand on many occasions, don't even try to act like it doesn't happen, dudeweeds. That being said, this "le edibles" trend is fucking retarded, weed brownies were always around yet baby zoomies seem to think it's something new and worthy of a new thread on a cooking board every hour. At least post recipes, but I guess that's too much for stoner retards. You don't want to discuss the cooking aspect, instead you wanna have a "dude im so high xD" conversation.

What's it like to just discover the internet?

>> No.13774617

The law of edibles is: eat half of what you think you need. You can always do more, but you can't undo.
Second law: prepare your shit before you eat it. Clean your room, prep some dinner, queue up movies/books/music.

>> No.13774618

thank you for being one of the few people I've seen on this website accurately call someone out on this

>> No.13774625

>Second law: prepare your shit before you eat it. Clean your room, prep some dinner, queue up movies/books/music.
literally this. I pre cook my dinner before smoking on the weekend.

>> No.13774633

Too many people seem to think that any post formatting, at all, is reddit spacing and it pisses me off as well.

>> No.13774636

This anon is right desu

>> No.13774674

>lawn clippings
Marijuana is worse than lawn clippings, its the kind of smell of entering a dank old shed in the back yard that hits your nose and gose straight to the back of your mouth with a thick disgusting smell. Fuck I cannot stand the taste and smell of the stuff and I grew up with some one who grew this shit for a living and ofcorse got busted for it twice, besides the point.

'How dose it feel?' if you ever drank before its akin to drinking too much moonshine and your in a spiral flat on your back of forgetting you frogot and trying to do anything in that state if you dont smoke/eat the shit is near impossible.

Eating regular snacks in that state is the only pleasurable part of it but its funky, like feeling the lump going into your stomach when you haddent noticed before along with a constant twang of your fingers and toes or whatever akes at the moment, dosent hurt, just annoying as shit.

Any edible that dosent taste like dank is a fucking mirical like in a salty cracker, anything thats moist like a brownie or whatever just makes it fucking worse and I will strangle the fucker who thought brownies where the go-to or there taste buds at that point are fucking nuked from orbit.

Only reason people try this shit because it is 'vorbotten/slightly useful for highly situational illness' and the dumb cunts who used bunk science to test this back in the 50tys are the reason we got a bazillion DUDE BREH WEED LMAO shits.

>> No.13774707

Mild to above average high for about 6 to 8 hours.
If you want to get really high, eat two to two and a half 300 mg edibles. I ate three once and I walked around my house like I was using tank controls in a video game.

>> No.13774769

I enjoy the taste and smell of good weed. There's an earthy quality to it that I don't elsewhere besides in certain teas.

>> No.13774775

I haven't taken any cannabis for some time. I am just about to get back into. I've come to understand what an asset it is to me for dealing with PTSD and all that comes with it. It is more than just relief; it is necessary for healing.

I've quit smoking, so I'm not planning on going back to smoking joints. I want to eat it. Like >>13774066 said, flower is the best value. So I am planning on processing it myself. I'm curious if any of you trustworthy anons have experience with an appliance called the Nova. It's a small electric purple cup with a button on it. It is designed to decarboxylate your sinsemilla at an ideal temperature to minimize any loss or destruction of cannabinoids. It also works is an infuser. My plan is to make infused coconut oil and simply take it by the teaspoon. It seems to me that this would be the most efficient and reliable method of dosing edible cannabis.

Does anyone have experience with this device, or does anyone have experience creating/working a method for dosing like the one I have described?

>> No.13774792

Loveless isn't really a stoner album. Would be better on ecstasy if we're talking about drug pairings.

>> No.13774836
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Had some rather dry buds left that I found in my stash jar. I tried to smoke it but it was just like setting dried grass on fire and burned my throat.
I wanted to experiment so I took it all and just tossed it into a pan with some butter, about half a cup or so of melted butter.

I remembered Wea, Weed tea and thought I'd make a cup of green tea, and add some of the butter in. It was probably a good tbs or so.

Long story short, I felt like I was just my eye balls floating around, at first it felt cool then my gf started noticing me just wandering around, and I tripped out a bit and thought I was Dr Manhattan, who didn't know his own strength so I just lied down for about an hour staring at the ceiling... edibles are fucked.

>> No.13774851

It's my favorite album to listen to while high, but shoegaze is my favorite genre anyway. Also I thought this was /mu/ not /ck/ when I posted that

>> No.13774884

I don't get edibles. Every time I've tried them they just made me feel like I have a bad flu.

>> No.13774900

There is no regulation on edibles (or any cannabis products for that matter in most countries), so there could be anywhere from 0 mg to 350 mg (there's never more than whatever the seller promised) of THC in what you ate.

>> No.13774910

>a tim hortons

>> No.13774940

Yeah, it doesn't work like that. Nice placebo/fake story. You can't just eat buds and get high

>> No.13774956

My friend took one and it put him in an induced coma for two weeks. He's brain damaged now all thanks to weed

>> No.13774961

Look up decarboxylation. You need to heat dried cannabis flowers above 220 F and hold that temperature for a while for the non-psychoactive THCA to convert to psychoactive THC.

>> No.13774964


>> No.13774978

good weed tastes and smells good and doesn't feel like that at all, idk what weed is like in flyover land but getting high is usually pretty chill u know

>> No.13775032

being high is just a different headspace like being drunk or tripping, u are the same person on and off the drug. if you are a boring kid and talk about anime and food and rappers u smoke weed and u are still boring kid, now you are high and you think that's cool so you talk about how fucked up you are bro... if this is your experience with weed or weed smokers you are surrounding yourself with dumb children who idolize substance use. weed is just a plant, it's not cool to smoke but it's not uncool u know. what's uncool is being a stoner to cope with not wanting to face your life issues and acting like weed is some kind of medicine. like schizos and old people need medicine, not every single result of failed parenting with 'depression' or 'anxiety.' fucking learn to think on your own

>> No.13775173

how to make edibles? are they any good? i havent got much weed so i hope its not inefficient

>> No.13775191

Here’s the deal: there’s two types of edibles. One type is made by filthy retards, the other type is made by chemists.
The ones made by retards are a total waste of weed and they’re always much less potent than they’re supposedly supposed to be. The chemist made ones are exactly as strong as they’re supposed to be, and they can fuck you up real bad.

>> No.13775196

teach me how to make pls

>> No.13775200

Imagine trying to sound intelligent while using “u” instead of “you” while trying to suggest that injecting a mind altering drug doesn’t at all modify your behavior. I wouldn’t expect a stoner faggot to actually be aware of how much of a a child their drug of choice makes them behave like, so I really haven’t lost any respect for you that I had from the beginning.

>> No.13775202

>recommended dose is 5mg
Time dilation, forgetting who you are, where you are, unable to sleep, feeling like your going to die.
With that dose it will last about 5 to 7 days with the first 48 hours being hell.

>> No.13775206
File: 114 KB, 450x375, A Bad Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13775209

Rereading this I’ve actually begun to hate you more... go back to fucking Facebook. How old are you? 12?
>it’s just a plant dude
>stop letting ur parents tell u wut 2 thnk man b urself
>weed isnt kewl r unkewl itz jus a plant dude
How did you find this board, let alone this website?

>> No.13775216

I'm sick of your fucking posts and I'm filtering "flyover", fuck off.

>> No.13775317

u sound angry... did someone hurt u? weed is not good for you or bad for you. it is mind altering and dangerous in the same way any drug is. most people are not able to control their thoughts sober, so of course something like weed will impact their behavior. my point is that as an intelligent adult you can make the decision to take a drug without letting it control your life. weed isn't special. a lot of weed users are deluded into thinking their habit is cool or healthy, but the fact that a lot of people who smoke are obnoxious about it doesn't mean weed is inherently a drug that makes you act like that

>> No.13775387

have 3 tabs of lsd (120 ug each) will a 200mg edible be too much?

>> No.13775408

Once upon a time in Seattle, before they passed the 502 on cannabis, there used to be a guy who made heavily "medicated" brownies called, "Beast Brownies". (Kaptain Kosmos, was the company time.) and I bought one with 250mgs and another with 400mgs. I ate the 250 and didn't feel shit after an hour, so I took a BIG bite out of the 400 and waited.

I was tripping balls so fucking hard later that I honestly couldn't take it and forced myself to sleep it off. The world was spinning with colors and I couldn't fucking function.

I learned respect that night. Respect Mary Jane, or she'll take you on a baaaaaad ride.

>> No.13775412

Don't stack LSD with pot.

>> No.13775416

i always do its no biggie

>> No.13775427

Are you certain what you have is LSD? If it's actually something like 2C-B, you could end up losing your fingers and toes if you take multiple times the recommended dose.

>> No.13775428

yes i'm certain i've sourced it from a reputable vendor

>> No.13775438


>> No.13775441

I like a little weed while tripping but I think a 200mg edible would be too much and be unpleasant

>> No.13775450
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>> No.13775460

funny meme but in all honestly only faggots don't smoke pot.

>> No.13775463

350 is a pretty heavy dose if you don’t smoke much. If you’re a heavy smoker and not some faggot who thinks a bong hit every 3 days makes them a heavy smoker, it’s about an average dose.

>> No.13775468

>only faggots don't smoke pot.
Ok retard enjoy your boiled head, might as well live in a nigger neighborhood or in the fag area in San Francisco so they can surprise rape you in the ass when your high

>> No.13775471

not sure if that matters

>> No.13775474

nigger if someone sold me 2CB as acid i would go back and buy more

>> No.13775478

I’ve smoked damn near daily for the past 25 years. I don’t give a shit if people smoke or not. I hate smokers who think people are losers for not smoking, and I hate non-smokers who think people are losers for smoking. Smoking pot doesn’t make a person who they are. You will like them or hate them based on their personality regardless if they smoked pot or not.

>> No.13775482

Ok man enjoy

>> No.13775492

I haven’t enjoyed it in 15 years. I woulda quit as a teenager if I didn’t need it for medical reasons. ulceric colitis is a bitch.

>> No.13775641

Ended up frozen for about 3 hours and if someone lightly touched me it felt like they were shaking me to death

>> No.13775679
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Long time stoner here
The most I've ever taken in edible form was 30mg and I felt like I entered into another world
It was fun as hell but at the same time I felt like I was so on edge for most of the trip. I mostly just paced around while playing sick jams on my guitar, came up with a bunch of new riffs that I forgot the next day.
I couldn't imagine doing several hundred milligrams, and this is coming from someone who vapes that shit everyday

>> No.13775688

takes about 800mg to get me to the minimum of where I wanna be. more like 1400 to get super stoned.

>> No.13775702
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You do realize 800mg of THC is about 4g of dried bud, right?

>> No.13775736

That don't get you as high.

>> No.13775802

I never saw that movie I had to youtube it just now

>> No.13775991







>> No.13776037
File: 774 KB, 2016x2687, 20200309_075608_copy_2016x2687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went to San Diego and copped these. Tangy, spicy and about 8 of them had me feeling nice

>> No.13776043
File: 756 KB, 2016x1616, 20200309_075407_copy_2016x1616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the casino buffet and fucking slammed

>> No.13776046
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And I mean slammed

>> No.13776055
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You just have boring friends and are boring

>> No.13776083

This sounds like a fake story to me
Whenever I've taken edibles it feels like time slows down if anything
Not that I remember much of it the next day, but while it's happening it feels slow

>> No.13776100

Get a double boiler and some lecithin to emulsify the weed. Use coconut oil and grind the weed as fine as you possibly can. Double boil for 10 hours and strain. Viola.

>> No.13776238

Dude weeds are the only faggots who act like they do. Yes, weed does make people act like retards. Heroin influences people to steal, meth influences people to be delusional and weed influences people to act like pretentious retards. Most times these traits never existed before the use. You wouldn’t know how an intelligent adult thinks because you were never one. Your entire life you’ve been a massively retarded dudeweed.

>> No.13776248

You dare call anyone pretentious after that pitiful attempt at a "truth bomb"?

>> No.13776252

99% of dudeweeds can’t help but make smoking weed a core part of their personality and isolating the faggot stoner bit is impossible. Someone needs to start lacing all the weed with cyanide.

>> No.13776260

Cry more, kiddo. Go get high if you’re that upset.

>> No.13776266


>> No.13776313

I would but I’ve never done it famalam, I suppose I would if I had access to enough weed that I just didn’t give a fuck if I wasted a bunch, but most people don’t

>> No.13776351

Eh, i'm not sure if i really understand the dude weed thing. Maybe its a think out west but around here my coworkers might meed up and smoke a joint every once in a while. Kinda like having an after work beer. I don't really smoke anymore because after highschool i just, didn't care about it i guess? Yeah, i've only ever met one obnoxious weeder, but ive known him most of my life, he was an obnoxious douchebag before the the devils lettuce. Just my 2p though, take it with some salt.

>> No.13776358

God damn phoneposting. I knew this was a mistake.
Im not correcting weeder, i got a chuckle out of it.

>> No.13776359

Or maybe you are just noticing the ones, who make it a big part of their personality. You probably interact with a whole lot of people on a daily basis, who just do not make a deal out of it at all.

>> No.13776489

Why do I get the feeling you're one post away from ranting about the Jews

>> No.13776964

don't tell nobody

>> No.13776974

No problem. I suggest you do even harder drugs that puts you in your grave.

>> No.13776984

>listening to shoegaze on mdma
>advocating mdma usage
yikes hard cringe bro

>> No.13777577

that’s not how thc works

>> No.13777679
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>> No.13777695


>> No.13778041

welcome to hell

>> No.13778516

What this anon said. I've never used lethecin, but it's supposed to be great from what I hear. Don't let the heat go above 245F or thereabouts.

>> No.13778737


>> No.13778788


>> No.13778838

Hey stoner fags, I have a question. I have chronic pain in my shoulder from an accident a few years back and the different prescribed pain killers haven't helped at all, so I'm looking in to taking CBD and such. Can anyone actually confirm that weed is actually good for reliving pain?

>> No.13778857

I just wrap a joints worth in some foil, half an hour in the oven at around 125 celsius then dump it in a shot of vodka and drink.
Gets me high as hell and don't need to mess around with any oil or butter bullshit.

>> No.13778870

Low to moderate doses help my pain, counterintuitively though, high doses can make it worse

>> No.13778874

Pretty good dose my friend.
I took something similar last saturday and got so paranoid that my neighbors were trying to get me evicted and then flushed an ounce of decent bud down the toilet. God fucking damnit lol.

>> No.13778883

decarb your bud, then heat up some of that vitamin D whole milk. Add your bud to the hot milk and let it sit in a thermos for an hour. Gets me fucked everytime.

>> No.13778885

Just go pay a medfag $1000 for a 15 minute consultation to get your prescription and try it out.

>> No.13778938
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> 52 years old
> been smoking weed since I was 16
> teenagers on 4chan trying to teach me how to suck eggs...

>> No.13779008

lmao the kind of doctors who write weed prescriptions only charge like a hundred bucks to diagnose you with anything you want to get a note that says you are able to buy unlimited amounts of weed for the next year.
It's such a joke.
Imagine if actual legit pharmacies were run that way, and all the pharmacists and delivery people were using all the drugs and were always loaded on the job.
Plus your "prescription" lets you buy however much you want as often as you want.
It's such a complete joke.

>> No.13779011

>Imagine if actual legit pharmacies were run that way, and all the pharmacists and delivery people were using all the drugs and were always loaded on the job.
sounds awesome

>> No.13779023


Don’t listen to this guy, you don’t want go get yourself on any kinda government database if you can help it.

Ask your friends or maybe co-workers if they know someone who sells weed, (everybody knows someone who knows someone) then just buy it from him.

>> No.13779130
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I have a thing of 30% oil and I was aiming to just get a little taste of it like 10% but I ended up spilling it on my desk and licking it all up and then going whoops

It wasn't the whole bottle it was already like half or a third empty but there was now noticeably less

>> No.13779698

Not them but I do my taxes every year, so I'm already on a government list and on their radar.

But what does it matter if I buy weed with my ID if it's legal where I live?

>> No.13779709


>being a bitch

>> No.13779865

I have crippling paralyzing social anxiety, can I weed?

>> No.13779866

anxiety is something it is given for medically

>> No.13779986

what is the prescribe dose

>> No.13780050
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>small gallery view screenshot
Yikes. Use the full res version.

>> No.13780056
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My friend gave me a toffee edible chocolate bar a while back and I ate too much and it gave me a small panic attack at night. Shit sucked. I ended up giving the edible to my dad

>> No.13780107

irl ddos

>> No.13780112

took about 40mg, just up at 1am playing overwatch. Games are much more intense like this, it feels like I'm inside one of my favorite animes (in my case that's AoT dubbed).

I swear I am much cooler IRL than I sound.

>> No.13780130

To me it tastes like a lawnmower, including the exhaust.

>> No.13780132

Put it in a baggie with some orange peels, then set it in the crisper of your fridge and it'll be ready after a day or two. Plus a nice citrus flavor.

>> No.13780475

A lot of CBD + a little bit of THC is the combo you're looking for, just CBD alone tend not to do the job for pain relief. If you're using concentrates or tinctures for exact dosing, try to find ones that are full spectrum (i.e. has cannabis-derived substances that are inactive on their own but help prolong or counteract side-effects of THC and CBD when taken together). THC, even at low dose, can impair motor skills in some people, so you might want to take just CBD during the day.

It should be also noted that cannabis-derived pain relief is a little bit of pain minimization and a lot of pain dissociation. You still feel a lot of the baseline pain, but it bothers you a lot less so you can move and do things.

>> No.13780742
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> But what does it matter if I buy weed with my ID if it's legal where I live?

Because then you’re on the government’s pothead database and it can come back to haunt you.

I remember reading an article several years back about a guy in Washington state(?) who legitimately had glaucoma and got a doctors prescription for weed but when he went to renew his concealed pistol license a couple of years later, the state denied him as he was now labeled a “drug addict”. He was suing the state of course but I never heard how that worked out for him.

My former neighbor’s daughter has arthritis (at 17) and they mentioned they were going to look into getting her a medical weed card to alleviate the symptoms but I pointed out that this might crop up in her life years later and result in the loss of a job or inability to get one and instead, hooked them up with a legal weed grower who would sell them pot on the side without the need for a medical weed card.

>> No.13780794

The worst part about dudeweedfags is they believe their shitty plant is the cure to all your problems.
Got an enlarged prostate? DUDE just smoke some WEED LMAO

>> No.13781853


>> No.13782409

Paranoia is a common side effect for many strains.It usually subsides but can turn into anxiety attacks for some people. Just remember that all effects of weed are temporary, and fatal, despite what your mind is telling you.

I smoked for about 6 years, but now I can't after my anxiety in other parts of life got worse. Just my story though, for a long time I was fine.