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13768155 No.13768155 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with a good cigar

>> No.13768205

My newest haul:

>Padron 1964 aniversario exclusivo natural
>Macanudo gold crystal robusto connecticut
>Arturo fuente churchill - seleccion d'oro

Pretty excited for warmer weather

>> No.13768204


>> No.13768206

It's been considered honorary /ck/ since forever

>> No.13768208


>> No.13768212

Neither is booze

>> No.13768215 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13768223


>> No.13768227

Bad taste
>all of this
Good taste
Except when the flyover sharia mod bans alcohol discussion too

>> No.13768228

I cannot afford those, now fuck off boomer. quality weed is better

>> No.13768236

>posts about cigars on a cooking and food board
No nigger, kys. This has less legitimacy than a fucking fast food thread.

>> No.13768252
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Are Swisher Sweets as shitty a smoke as I've been told?

>> No.13768257

what is this, 2005?

>> No.13768266

I haven't smoked a cigar since 2003 when I gave it up for health reasons. It still has legitimacy, more so than at least half the threads in the catalog. Go back to arguing about whether sonic or fazolis is better, zoomzoom

>> No.13768282


cigars are pointless. nobody enjoys them. people just smoke them to look cool... which is utterly pathetic. at least cigarettes give you a buzz.

>> No.13768286

now then
what is the best cigarillo and why is it davidoff club?

>> No.13768296

fucking my wife

>> No.13768298

If you've never gotten a buzz from a cigar then you haven't smoked real cigars. Plastic tipped abominations don't count. A double corona from cuba or really any vitola with a large amount of ligero will knock you on your ass.

>> No.13768302


without inhaling? i find that difficult to believe.

>> No.13768304


>> No.13768309

You're supposed to inhale cigars as much as you're supposed to swallow gum

Fucking moron

>> No.13768313

First of all just because you're not smoking it like a joint sucking every precious hit deep into your lungs doesn't mean you're not inhaling any of it. Trust me you'll inhale enough through your nostrils over the course of an hour that you won't have to go out of your way.

Second, as it burns down a lot of nicotine-rich tar collects at the cut end, it will get on your lips, and it will get into your blood. No getting around this.

>> No.13768318

you know what, i still don't care. i don't even want nicotine. smoking is always just a substitute for some other activity. i'll never smoke again unless it's specifically because i'm hanging out with someone and they want to smoke so i'm standing outside with them anyways. cigars are too big anyways. i'd rather have a cigarette the size of a fucking matchstick.

>> No.13768330

Smoking is degenerate and you don't look cool. You smell like shit and you're destroying your body. So with that said why not smoke something that actually tastes good. Smoking cigarettes is like drinking cheap shitty liquor. Are you poor or something?

>> No.13768592

Ok zoomer

>> No.13768608

How long do cigars last? I have one that's a gift from a friend and it's been sitting in my room for 3 months. It's been sitting in a plastic baggy. I'm guessing since it wasn't in a humidor it's just dry and worthless now?

>> No.13768676

If stored properly you can age them for years and they'll get better with time. In your case, get a smaller baggie and put a damp towel in it. Poke a few holes in towel baggie and put it in along with your cigar bag. It will help keep the humidity and you cigar from drying out. If its dry already it will rehumidify it. Keep in a sock drawer away from sunlight

>> No.13768680

theyre for blunts, not cigars lol

>> No.13768681

youre not supposed to swallow gum?

>> No.13768744

Well, I just want to try the Tropical Fusion cigarillos because that sounds mighty tasty

>> No.13769500

Both are nicotine for addicts, if you enjoy cigs but can't enjoy a cigar then you're just trying to make a statement which is pathetic.

>> No.13769517

lmao imagine not wanting to destroy your body to show you respect its craftsmanship

>> No.13769525

I have Santa Clara, Cohiba Siglo, Flor de Selva Robusto and Vegafina Coronas.
What should I get bros?

>> No.13769530

I don’t enjoy cigarettes, moron. I told you I quit before you were born. Thread still has more legitimacy than most
Imagine eating only tendies and never exercising and still feeling smug about your health

>> No.13769540


cigars and cigarettes don't taste good. period. i think people pretend they do to try and make themselves seem mature or cultured or something. they want to look cool.

if anything cigars taste much worse than a regular cigarette. and a cigarette isn't so big. or pretentious.

just because stuff costs more doesn't mean it's better. at all... it just means you're an idiot for paying for it. probably lots of poor people who smoke cigars precisely because they don't want people to think they're poor but buddy... when i look at you i see a confused, immature poser compensating for his sensation of not being cool or rich enough.

i know when someone turns something like a wad of leaves meant to be burnt and inhaled into a symbol for other things, they're doing it to fill some kind of psychological need. guess i don't have any psychological needs that a roll of burning leaves can provide me!


if you smoke cigars you're already trying to make a fashion statement at the expense of your air quality anyways.


this dude is trying to say that 'cigarettes are like chicken nuggets and cigars are like steak' actually they're like burning leaves.

>> No.13769572

Just because it's your worldview it doesn't mean that it's objectively true senpai. Cigars and cigs are enjoyed, and not because people get high on "muh fashion statement", truth is anyone smoking for more than a month isn't smoking to look cool which you think is the main drive of the habit.
It's addicting, it makes you feel good, and the further you're into it the more your body relies on it, positive and negative side effects start stacking up as you smoke more and more, it ain't magic though.
Some prefer cigars or even pipes purely because they have the right mindset for them, they prefer it, sometimes for reasons unknown, which further enhances their enjoyment of smoking it, you think someone like Tolkien or Mac Arthur smoked their pipes as a fashion statement, for the cool factor? Or Castro smoked cigars to look cool? Come on now, you're projecting your own childishness to smoking.
>probably lots of poor people who smoke cigars precisely because they don't want people to think they're poor
It's the rich and the middle class people, sometimes even the lower middle class if cigars are for some reason very accessible for them, no one beyond their early 20s is pretending to be the Great Gatsby just because they want to feel better about themselves.
You make a big deal out of smoking cigars while the avarage cigar smoker doesn't dwell on it nearly as much as you mate.
>if you smoke cigars you're already trying to make a fashion statement
This is what you think is the case, and it's about as far from reality as it gets.

>> No.13769692

yes, people smoke cigars in private so they can prove how rich they are. that totally makes sense

>> No.13769852

"flavored" cigars are sprayed with artificial chemicals to taste that way, and you shouldn't be smoking them.

>> No.13769878

autistic hands typed this post

>> No.13769935
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No thank you, I vape

>> No.13769953

>Enjoy Liga Privada
>Every cigar-related media keeps hyping them up
>spergs keep buying up every LP cigar as investments
yes i am seething, the only LP that is regularly available now is the T52

>> No.13769954

so it's like the opus x of today? or more like the lars tetens phat cigars of today?

>> No.13769959

not quite Opus X, but its getting there.
afraid im not familiar with Lars Tetens

>> No.13769961

>>smoking just because someone else is doing it

>> No.13770016

Always hated cigars. After a few minutes it's all soggy from where it's in your mouth and disgusting. My neighbor used to have a cigar in his mouth 24/7 and the fucker would chew it like a dog chewing on a bone. Pipes are inherently better in every imaginable way. Smoother smoke. No mess. Just a relaxing smoke. At any point you can tamp it out and set the pipe down and then come back to resume smoking it later.

>> No.13770045
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Coffee, bowl of weed and a nice strong cigarette right before sunrise at 5am is the best way to start the day.

>> No.13770064

Thy're terrible to smoke on their own, meant for rolling blunts because the inside "tobacco" is just reconstituted tobacco i.e. shredded up cardboard sprayed with nicotine. Backwoods are the only decent gas station cigar worth smoking and those are shitty compared to an actual good cigar.

>> No.13770104

stop niggerlipping then

>> No.13770121

>no mess
uh, how the hell do you smoke cigars

>> No.13770143

can anyone recommend me some good and fairly cheap cigars?
I like these btw
>acid candela
>romeo y julieta 1875
>montecristo classic
>undercrown shades
I heard the acid blue Wyoming and kuba kuba are good but I havent tried then yet.

>> No.13770150

With a woman

>> No.13770157

Jose Piedra
Dirt-cheap, but smoke alright, odd gauge size, and dirt fucking cheap.

>> No.13770162
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Breathing in essential oils and nice live plant flowery humid air and then physically assaulting the elderly with COPD

>> No.13770174

>Shariah mod bans alcohol
>Allows smoking
Fucking degenerate scum why do you all need to hold to at least one nagging vice and detriment?

>> No.13770227

I don't think smoking is allowed according to sharia law, it's "tolerated" just like hashish smoking was tolerated as an alternative to alcohol. Religious people are all hypocrites.

>> No.13770251
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A fat blunt packed with dank, two cold beers and a large pizza

>> No.13770338


>> No.13770511

what do people get out of cigars? i don't understand. you dont inhale it ? how do you feel anything from it ?

>> No.13770538

nicotine still gets absorbed in the mouth.
And a cigar can contain as much nicotine as a pack of cigs.

>> No.13770588

If that weed was any good I'd be stoned off 3-4 drags off that blunt and I've been smoking everyday for years. How do people smoke that much without taking a nap?

>> No.13770610

because theyre wasteful faggots who light it and take mouth-hits to "hotbox" their Saturn

>> No.13770619


>> No.13770620

I've noticed nigs don't hold in huge hits like white potheads do. They don't use bongs.

>> No.13770628
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>Not eating the stub of your cigar after a smoke
>Not eating the ash in the ashtray
>Not making cigar ash bbq sauce with the boys
Complete plebian.

>> No.13770686

Fuck off gay boy

>> No.13770706


Literally anything is better than slobbering on you pathetic bac-bac cancer penis.

Even posting worthless, off-topic threads on this very board.

>> No.13770742

Having sex

>> No.13771241


i don't deny the addictive and pleasurable effects of smoking tobacco. i just can't see cigars vs cigarettes, as an addict. or former addict. i smoked 3-4 a day for a year or two, then quit for a year or two, then smoked for a year or two, and quit again about six months ago.

>no one beyond their early 20s is pretending to be the Great Gatsby just because they want to feel better about themselves.

there are tons of people doing stuff exactly like this, and worse, well into old age and senility.


yes, people do do things like that.


when in rome i guess

>> No.13771258

I'm a fan of cigarillos and small vitols I rarely enjoy a cigar for more than 20-30 mins

>> No.13771277

I find that the taste of cigars is something I enjoy, kind of like a beer or some liquor. I don't like the buzz it gives me, same with alcohol, but once in a while, I'll want to smoke a cigar.

>> No.13771286

Why aren't you supposed to inhale? I smoked my first cigar the other day after smoking cigarettes my whole life, and I inhaled out of habit, and it was fine.

>> No.13771642

Saying you don't like cigars is like saying you don't like beer. There's so many different kinds there's no way you've tried them all and can still say you don't like any.

However, I'll let you know a pipe has always been more enjoyable for me, though I've smoked very few nicer cigars. Mostly a backwoods guy. Don't smoke it in public though people will think you're wierd and you are. Pipes are for closing the day down after work.

>> No.13771672

Obviously hasn't had a long term relationship. When the bitch is around, my Sunday is empty.
>don't work on your truck, it's Sunday just relax with me!
>what do you mean your friend could use your help with a project?
>I'm so sick from drinking last night, we should just watch Netflix and cuddle
Yeah, totally best way to spend a Sunday retard

>> No.13771691

Hard to explain. As you exhale you transfer the smoke from your mouth threw your nose, gaining more notes of taste and also getting high just like how snorting coke would. Obviously a different high but same way into your system

>> No.13771713

It's about the flavor mostly. You'll catch more if you simply exhale what you've got in your mouth through your nose. But also because some cigars are far to strong to inhale without coughing, and even if you don't cough because you're used to it, refer back to point one. Try it. You'll sometimes want a stogie. Not always I don't. My main nicotine source is cheapest vape juice from the internet for convenience

>> No.13771783

I only have 1-2 per year, but when I do I get a Macanudo Maduro, quality liquor, and watch Dr Strangelove. It's been a yearly tradition of mine for at least 7 years.

>> No.13771929

What's a good cigar to buy for someone who doesn't know shit about them? A good, relatively inexpensive beginner cigar? I visit my parents in San Diego often, and usually make a trip to Tijuana to buy cigarettes and could probably get Cuban cigars really cheap, but I don't want to have to deal with smuggling them back into the States.

>> No.13771994

Honestly probably not the best guy to talk to but I've had success recommending a blondie acid. I'm not an experienced guy that knows shit is the thing. Just a regular dude that'll smoke a stogie now and again.

>> No.13772005

Hey, say I have a few cigars, but I want to only smoke 'em on special ocasions and don't want to fork out for a humidor. How do I keep them fresh and nice?

>> No.13772013

They're not Cuban though. Never tried a real Cuban. You could probably find it any cigar place for less than 5 bucks

>> No.13772025

Read the thread b4 posting for one.
Zip lock bag with a slightly damp paper towel or orange, lime, lemon peels.google it honestly. I know very little desu

>> No.13772042

I read through it, but I was hoping for less trashy options.

>> No.13772058

I have yet to have a bad Arturo Fuente
You can bring Cubans back into the US without issue. Can't go wrong with brick house or rocky patel, they're cheap and reliable for the most part

>> No.13772085


I simply do not understand how you faggots are allowed to have a thread.

>> No.13772091

Because it's about the taste and experience of the product.
If you dumb alkies would stick to talking about alcohols as a beverage rather than blogposting about your crippling addictions then maybe your threads wouldn't get deleted.

>> No.13772125

fast """"food"""" isnt food either, but you faggots still have 10 threads about it at all times of the day

>> No.13772133
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Ban Amerimutts and there would no longer be a problem